A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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egulation 568 rSseau<br />

regulation, f. , regulation;<br />

sur I'allumage par avance (retard), (mack.)<br />

regulation on advance (delay) ignition;<br />

sur I'avance & I'allumage, regulation on advance<br />

ignition;<br />

sur I'echappement, regulation on exhaust<br />

(preventing exhaust);<br />

par etranglement des gaz, throttle control or<br />

regulation, throttling;<br />

sur le retard a I'allumage, regulation on delay<br />

of ignition.<br />

rfegulier, a., (auto., etc.) regular and steady performance<br />

in all respects.<br />

relntSgration, f., reinstatement; (more especially,<br />

mil), passage of an officer from duty without,<br />

to duty with, troops (from hors cadre to cadres);<br />

(mil.) return to one's own lines.<br />

rinte>rer, v. t., to reinstate; (more especially,<br />

mil.) to transfer an officer frorruthe status hors<br />

cadre to that of duty with troops; to return to;<br />

get back to;<br />

les lignes, (mil.) to reach, return to, one'r<br />

own lines, to such and such lines.<br />

relache, f., (at theaters) no play, no production.<br />

relais, m., relay;<br />

adme, (art.) cored relay;<br />

de detonation, (mil. min.) relayed detonation;<br />

d' essence, (auto.) relay of gasoline.<br />

reievS, m., abstract, statement, report (in general);<br />

faire le de, to plot (upon a map).<br />

relevement, m., (mil.) collecting (of the wounded,<br />

after a battle).<br />

rclever, v. t., (mil.) to pick up, collect (the<br />

wounded, after a battle).<br />

relier, v. t., to bind (books); to join;<br />

se , (mil., etc.) to get in touch with.<br />

reliquat, m., (adm.) unexpended balance.<br />

remercicr, v. t., to discharge (from a position,<br />

office, etc.).<br />

remettre, v. t., to remit, hand over, deliver;<br />

une decoration, to deliver a decoration.<br />

rfimige, f., remex, whig feather;<br />

s bdtardes, alula, bastard wing;<br />

* primaires, primaries;<br />

s secondaires, secondaries.<br />

remise, f., delivery;<br />

d'une decoration, delivery of a decoration.<br />

remonte, f., (mil.) remount station;<br />

annexe de , ( FT. a.) annex of a remount depot.<br />

remontoir, m., (mil. slang) soldier of the remount<br />

troops.<br />

remorque, f., (auto.) trailer;<br />

aux ogres, (Fr. a. aero.) kite equipment<br />

trailer;<br />

cuisine, kitchen trailer;<br />

a havresacs, (mil. aero.) knapsack trailer;<br />

d tubes, (Fr.a. aero.) gas trailer.<br />

remorqueur, m., (auto.) tractor.<br />

rcmous, m., (aero.) aerial eddy; rocking;<br />

de I'helice, (aero.) race.<br />

rendement, m., performance, duty; (of vehicles)<br />

ratio of useful to total load;<br />

d' appropriation, (of a propeller, etc.) performance,<br />

duty, under sen ice conditions; e. g.,<br />

when mounted on an airplane.<br />

de construction, (of a propeller, etc.) shop<br />

duty, fixed-test duty.<br />

rendre, v. t . to turn in , (as tolls, etc.).<br />

renflouement, m., (aero.) inflation; replenishment<br />

(of the gas of a balloon after ascension), partial<br />

inflation.<br />

renflouer, v. t., (aero.) to inflate;<br />

un ballon, (aero.) to replenish (the gas of a<br />

balloon, after each ascension), to inflate partially.<br />

reniflard, m., (mach.) relief valve.<br />

rentree, f., return; return of Congress, deputies,<br />

etc., after holidays; (of schools) opening;<br />

a' air, ^aero.) penetration of air into balloon.<br />

renversable, a., reversible (as a telescope in its<br />

bearings).<br />

renversement, m., upsetting; (aero.) overturn on<br />

the wing;<br />

ft j letting down.<br />

renverser, v. t., to upset;<br />

se , (art.) (of a projectile) to tumble.<br />

renvoi, m., return, dismissal;<br />

a, de, sonnette, (mach.) bell crank, bell-crank<br />

transmission.<br />

renvoyer, v. t.. to send back;<br />

des fins d'une plainte, (law) to acquit.<br />

repas, m., meal;<br />

administratif, (mil.) meal (of fixed type) given<br />

in a railway infirmary;<br />

de corps, (mil.) regimental dinner.<br />

repassage, m., razor stropping, stropping.<br />

repasser, v. t., to strop a razor.<br />

repasseur, m., razor strop.<br />

repgchage, m-, (Fr. a.) inscription of a name on<br />

a tableau d'avancement, q. \., hi year preceding<br />

retirement for age.<br />

repfirage, m., (mach.) adjustment (of gear, etc.);<br />

(art.) registering;<br />

& la ficelle, (art.) plumb-line registration;<br />

au canon, (art.) registration fire;<br />

par les lueurs, (art.) laying, determination of<br />

the range of a target, by the flash of discharge;<br />

flash registration;<br />

par le son. (art.) laying, determination of the<br />

range, of a target, by the sound of discharge;<br />

sound registration;<br />

section de , (art.) registration detachment.<br />

repere, f., bench-mark;<br />

de pointage, (art.) point, mark, used in laying;<br />

registration point.<br />

repe'rer, y. t., (mach.) to adjust (gear, etc.); (art.)<br />

to register;<br />

au canon, (art.) to fire for registration;<br />

a la ficelle, (art.) to register by plumb-line.<br />

repei-eur-stadia, m., (art.) range finder.<br />

rtpertoire, m., repertory;<br />

de concentration, (art.) table showing for<br />

each square of a plan directcur the batteries<br />

that can play upon it; battery reference table.<br />

repetition, f., (mus.) practice.<br />

replier, v. t., (tel.) to take up a line.<br />

repointage, m., (art.) reaiming.<br />

repointer, v. a., (art.) to reaim.<br />

report, m., (<strong>com</strong>.) "brought forward," in an<br />

account, bill, statement, etc.<br />

reporter, v. t., (<strong>com</strong>.) to bring forward.<br />

reprise, f., resumption of a play (at a theater);<br />

mending, repairing;<br />

d'un moteur, pick up;<br />

de tir, (art.) period of fire.<br />

repriser, v. t., to mend (clothes).<br />

rtiquisitioimer, v. t., to requisition;<br />

des troupes, (mil.) to call out troops.<br />

re'seau, m., network of telegraph and telephone<br />

lines; (mil.) wire entanglement;<br />

d'armee, (mil. telephone) telephone system<br />

of an army ;<br />

des armees, (Fr. a., r. r.) all railroads under<br />

the orders of the <strong>com</strong>mander in chief (this<br />

reseau is separated from that of the interior<br />

by the ligne de demarcation); army system.<br />

d'artillerie, (mil. telephone) artillery telephone<br />

system of an army corps (connects the artillery<br />

<strong>com</strong>mander with groups, and thence with<br />

infantry units supported by the groups);<br />

bas, (mil.) low wire entanglement (30 cm.<br />

high);<br />

Brun, (Fr. a.) portable wire entanglements,<br />

in coils;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>mandement, (mil. telephone) army<br />

corps telephone system (from <strong>com</strong>manding<br />

general down to the battalions; connects infantry<br />

units with supporting artillery);

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