A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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adeau-masque 566 rearmer radeau-masque, m.,, (siege) raft-cover (passage of a wet ditch). radeau-sac, m., (mil.) raft float. radiateur, ra., (mach.) radiator; (in various relations); (mach. gun.) radiator, cooling jacket; & ailcltcs, flanged radiator; cellulaire, cellular radiator; multi-cellulaire, v. cellulaire', nid d'abeilles, to, nid d'abeilles, honeycomb radiator; souffle, fan radiator; tubulaire, tubular radiator. radio, f., radio (telegraphy), wireless telegraphy. ratllo-aerien, a., (dec.) radio-aerial. radio-conducteur, m., (wireless) coherer. radiogonometre, m., (wireless) radio^onometer (for controlling the direction of sending). radiogramme, m., wireless telegram. radioteiegramme, m., wireless dispatch. radiotelegraphic, f., radio telegraphy, wireless telegraphy. radloteiephonie, f ., (dec.) wireless telephony. rafale, f., gust; (art.) sudden sweep of shrapnel (sometimes shell) fire; rafale (may consist of only two shots); (mach. gun, inf.) gust of fire: tir par s, (art., mach. gun) fire by gusts, by bursts. rafia, m., raffia, raffia fiber (Raphia Raphia palm; used for withes in farming; also written raphia). rafflnerie, f., sugar refinery. rafralchir, v. t., to' cool; les cheveux, to trim the hair. raid, m., (auto.) trip. raide, a., (hipp.) stiff, sore, as, from overwork. rail, m., rail; d'atterissage, (aero.) landing skid, skid; cccur de , (r. r.) frog. de raccord, (r. r.) junction rail (switches); de roulement, (art.) roller way. rainure, f., guide slot. rainure-guide, f., guide slot. raison, f., reason; commcrciale, (com.) name, firm name. rajeunir, v. t. to rejuvenate; les cadres, v. s. v. cadre. i-ajeunissement, m., rejuvenation; des cadres, v. s. v. cadre. ralenti, p. p. ofralentir. an , (auto.) at low speed. ralentir, v. t. n. r., to slow down. ralentisseur, m., (mach.) speed-reducing device, regulator. ralingue, f., (cord.) bolt rope; (aero.) strips (of strong sail cloth along the sides of a dirigible, to which the suspending cords are attached). rallonge, f., (art.) extension piece (Schneider Canet, allowing aiming above shield); mobile de pivot, (mach. gun) pivot extension, (device to increase range of elevation and depression, mod. 1907 T). ramassc-miettes, m., (mil. slang) litter-bearer. ramasser, v. t., to pick up; une pelle, (mil. slang) to fall, or be thrown, from a horse. rame, f., oar; border les s, to unship the oars; couchcr les s, to stow the oars (lay them in the bottom of the boat); dresser les s, to up oars; haut les s, oars! way enough! rameau, m., branch; (mil. min.) branch gallery; changement de , (mil. min.) passage to a small branch (from a larger); a chassis coffrants, (mil. min.) sheathed branch. ramer, v. n., to row; se preparer & , to ship the oars; preparez-vousti , let fall! rairr>e, f., slope; ramp; bank of lights; border of the stage; d'attcrrissage, (aero.) landing lights; feux de la , footlights; de graissage, (mach.) oil distributor; lumineuse, (aero.) row of lights (on an airplane); de service, (pont., etc.) gangplank. rancio, m., (mil. slang) meal, same as soupe, q. v. rand011116 e, f., trip. rang, m., (mil.) file (from the point of view of promotion); de , (mil.) belonging to, or serving in the ranks; & serre, (mil.) in close order. ranger, v. t., to put on one side, to get out of the way; se , of a vehicle, etc., to get out of the way of a following vehicle. rapace, m., bird of prey. rape, f., "scraper" (said, auto, of certain very rough roads). rappel, m., recall, return; de soupape, (mach.) return of a valve (to its seat). rappeler, v. t., (mach.) to bring back, (as to a former or initial position); to cause to bear. rapport, m., (Fr. a.) formal, detailed, written report; general, general report consolidating the various ministerial budgets (France); special, the report made on the budget of each ministry (France, v. s. v., rapporteur). rapporteur, m., (France) the member of the appropriations committee of the Chamber of Deputies, reporting on the budget of each department (ministry) of the Government; in the Senate, the member reporting the general budget (only one is appointed); general, the member consolidating the reports of the ministerial budgets into one general report. ras, a., close, smooth; au du sol, along the surface of the ground (and very lit tie above it). rase-in ottes, m., (aero, slang) grass-cutting, rata, m., (mil. slang) stew. rate, m. , (mach.) misfire; (art. ,sm.a.) misfire, failure; de, failure to, failure of, (e. g., d'eclatement, failure to burst). d'allumage, de moleur, misfire. ration, f., (mil.) allowance (of food, forage, fuel, etc.) de chauffage, fuel allowance; defer, emergency ration ; de vert, allowance of green fodder. rattrapage, m., (mach.) take up, (as of the wear of a mechanism); dejeu, take up (of wear). rattraper, y. t., (mach.) to take up (as wear of a mechanism); rave, f., rape (sort of turnip). ravitaillement, m., (auto.) repair and supply station; (mil.) refilling, replenishment; par echange^de voitures (art.) refilling by exchange of vehicles (loaded for empty); exercice de , (mil.) maneuvers to tram farmers and merchants of locality hi the business of supplying armies from local resources; par transbordement, (art.) refilling by transfer (of ammunition from the supply train to empty vehicles). ravttailleur, m., (mil.) man who brings up ammunition ; server. rayer, v. t., to strike off; des controlcs, (mil.) to take or remove a name from the army list (not necessarily to dismiss). razzier, v. a., to make a razzia, a raid. reactance, L, (dec.) reactance; bobine de , (dec.) choice coil. rearmer, v. t., (mil.) to rearm, to reset, (as a fuse, a firing mechanism).

ebroussement 567 rggulateur rebroussement, m., turning back; (in roads) Y. rebut, m., rejection; (mach. gun) breech gauge; tomber en , (of a letter) to go to the dead-letter office. recalage, m., (mach., etc.) reseating, wedging, keying anow. recaler, v. t., (mach.) to reseat, key, wedge anew; un candidat, (fam.) to reject a candidate, to "flnd"(U.S.M.A.). rCcepteur, a., m., (elec.) receiving; receiver; telephonique, (wireless, etc.) telephone receiver. reception, f., reception, "at home"; (wireless) receiving, receiving set; d'adieux, (mil.) farewell reception; directc, (wireless) direct connected, direct coupled, receiving; direct-connected receiving set; indirecte (par derivation) (wireless) shuntcoupled receiving; shunt-coupled receiving sot; indirecte, (par induction) (wireless), inductively connected, coupled, receiving; inductively connected receiving set. r6ceptrice, f., (elec.) driven dynamo, motor. receveur, m., (adm.) receiver, collector; des Domaines, (Fr. adm.) receiver of public moneys. recevoir, v. t., to receive (company), to be at home. rechapage, m., (auto.) reshoeing a tire. rechaud, m., heater; & gaz, gas heater. rechauffeur, m., heater, feed heater. recidiviste, m., (mil.) repeater, (as, a repeated deserter). recoupement, m., (mil. mm.) intersection (in sound detection). rectifieateur, m., (elec.) rectifier. rectificatif, m., correction sheet (as, mil., to regulations, drill books, etc.). rectification, f., (elec.) rectification. rectifier, v. t., (elec.) to rectify. recul, m., slip of the screw; absolu, the linear slip, true slip; sur I'affiit, (art.) carriage recoil; relitif, ratio of linear slip to the theoretical advance of the screw. recuperateur, m., (art.) recuperator; & air, air recuperator; dressorts metaUiques, return springs. redaction, f., preparation, composition; convenue, (mil.) cipher agreed upon; adopted cipher. redan, m., (aero.) step (in under surface of a hydroairplane float). rediger, v. t., to draw up, prepare (as, mil., orders). redoubler, v. t., to repeat a course of study (after a failure to pass); to become a ' "turn-back," (U. S. M. A.) redressement, m., (aero.) straightening up, recovery; manoeuvre du au pied, (aero.) reversal of the rudder (banking). redresser, v. fc., to lino up (as an engine); (aero.) to straighten up. redresseur, m., (eke.) rectifier. reducteur, m., (elec.) reducer; & plots, contact reducer; de sensibilite, (cxpl.) desensitizer. referrer, v. a., to re-shoo a horse. refouloir, m., (art.) rammer; a chalne semi-rigide, (art.) chain rammer. refroidl, a., cooled; a /'our, air-cooled; & I'eau, water-cooled. refroidissement, m., cooling; d'air, air-cooling; d'eau, water-cooling. refroidlsseur, m., (mach.) cooling apparatus, device, a synonym of radiatcur, q. v.; cloisonne, (mach.) sectional cooler. refuge, m., refuge; de Meases, (mil. med.) first aid station (immediately behind the troops; sometimes inaccurately called poste de secours). refus, m., (man.) refusal (of a jump; horse). refuser, v. t., (man.) to refuse (a jump; horse), regagner, v. a., to return to (a place); to rejoin. regard, m., manhole, inspection hole; (mach.) a synonym of comptc-gouttcs, q. v.; d'egout, manhole (in a street). regime, m., rule, system; normal performance; du tir, (urt.) management, regulation of fire, (e. g.,ina&arro0e); zone du regulier, (aero.) stream-line flow. rtgiment, m., regiment; attele, (art.) regiment serving horsed piecesde France, (Fr. a.) home regiment (as distinguished from colonial or African)to tracteurs, (art.) regiment of tractor artillery; squelette, skeleton regiment. registre, m., damper; de batterie, (art.) battery firing record. de prise de vapeur, (steam) intake. reliable, a., adjustable. rfiglage, m., adjustment; (mach., aero., etc ) alignment; acrien, (art., aero.) ranging by aerial observation; d'un appareil, (aero.) lining up; coefficient de , (art.) I 6 the ratio of the ranging to the topographic distance (of an auxiliary target, before opening on the real target); 2 ratio of the ranging distance, corrected for atmospheric conditions, to the topographic distance; range-correction factor; distance de , (art.) observed range: defrein, (mach.) brake adjustment (take up of wear); dcs hauteurs d'eclatement, (art.) adjustment, determination of the height of burst; horizontal, (art.) horizontal adjustment (range finder); de I'incidence, (aero.) wash in, wash out; percutant en portee, (art.) ranging by percussion; terrestre, (art.) ranging by terrestrial observation (usual case, before advent of aeronautics); vertical, vertical adjustment (range finder). regie, f., rule; ficaicuis, slide rule; dc reperage, (trench art.) registration scale. reglementer, v. t., (mil.) to make regulations for. rCgler, v. t., (mach., aero., etc.) to align, reglctte, f., small rule; scale; but, (aero.) enemy speed bar; de contre pente, (Fr. art. ) counterslope scale (for fire on reverse slope); de derive, (aero.) drift bar; de direction, (art.) direction scale; de hausse, (art.) elevation scale; de mire, (trench art.) sighting alidade. regloir, m., (art.) fuze setter; mecanique des fusees, (art.) mechanical fuzo setter. rSgularite, f., (auto.) excellence in all respects, regularity of performance. rfigulateur, m., (mach.) governor; (auto.) speed regulator; d'air, air regulator (of automatic carbureters); d' alimentation, feed control; ft boules, ball governor (not necessarily limited to steam); centrifuge, centrifugal governor, regulator; de pression, reducing valve; de vitesse, speed regulator.

adeau-masque 566 rearmer<br />

radeau-masque, m.,, (siege) raft-cover (passage of<br />

a wet ditch).<br />

radeau-sac, m., (mil.) raft float.<br />

radiateur, ra., (mach.) radiator; (in various relations);<br />

(mach. gun.) radiator, cooling jacket;<br />

& ailcltcs, flanged radiator;<br />

cellulaire, cellular radiator;<br />

multi-cellulaire, v. cellulaire',<br />

nid d'abeilles, to, nid d'abeilles, honey<strong>com</strong>b<br />

radiator;<br />

souffle, fan radiator;<br />

tubulaire, tubular radiator.<br />

radio, f., radio (telegraphy), wireless telegraphy.<br />

ratllo-aerien, a., (dec.) radio-aerial.<br />

radio-conducteur, m., (wireless) coherer.<br />

radiogonometre, m., (wireless) radio^onometer<br />

(for controlling the direction of sending).<br />

radiogramme, m., wireless telegram.<br />

radioteiegramme, m., wireless dispatch.<br />

radiotelegraphic, f., radio telegraphy, wireless<br />

telegraphy.<br />

radloteiephonie, f ., (dec.) wireless telephony.<br />

rafale, f., gust; (art.) sudden sweep of shrapnel<br />

(sometimes shell) fire; rafale (may consist of<br />

only two shots); (mach. gun, inf.) gust of fire:<br />

tir par s, (art., mach. gun) fire by gusts, by<br />

bursts.<br />

rafia, m., raffia, raffia fiber (Raphia Raphia palm;<br />

used for withes in farming; also written raphia).<br />

rafflnerie, f., sugar refinery.<br />

rafralchir, v. t., to' cool;<br />

les cheveux, to trim the hair.<br />

raid, m., (auto.) trip.<br />

raide, a., (hipp.) stiff, sore, as, from overwork.<br />

rail, m., rail;<br />

d'atterissage, (aero.) landing skid, skid;<br />

cccur de , (r. r.) frog.<br />

de raccord, (r. r.) junction rail (switches);<br />

de roulement, (art.) roller way.<br />

rainure, f., guide slot.<br />

rainure-guide, f., guide slot.<br />

raison, f., reason;<br />

<strong>com</strong>mcrciale, (<strong>com</strong>.) name, firm name.<br />

rajeunir, v. t. to rejuvenate;<br />

les cadres, v. s. v. cadre.<br />

i-ajeunissement, m., rejuvenation;<br />

des cadres, v. s. v. cadre.<br />

ralenti, p. p. ofralentir.<br />

an , (auto.) at low speed.<br />

ralentir, v. t. n. r., to slow down.<br />

ralentisseur, m., (mach.) speed-reducing device,<br />

regulator.<br />

ralingue, f., (cord.) bolt rope; (aero.) strips (of<br />

strong sail cloth along the sides of a dirigible,<br />

to which the suspending cords are attached).<br />

rallonge, f., (art.) extension piece (Schneider<br />

Canet, allowing aiming above shield);<br />

mobile de<br />

pivot, (mach. gun) pivot extension,<br />

(device to increase range of elevation and depression,<br />

mod. 1907 T).<br />

ramassc-miettes, m., (mil. slang) litter-bearer.<br />

ramasser, v. t., to<br />

pick up;<br />

une pelle, (mil. slang) to fall, or be thrown,<br />

from a horse.<br />

rame, f., oar;<br />

border les s, to unship the oars;<br />

couchcr les s, to stow the oars (lay them in<br />

the bottom of the boat);<br />

dresser les s, to up oars;<br />

haut les s, oars! way enough!<br />

rameau, m., branch; (mil. min.) branch gallery;<br />

changement de , (mil. min.) passage to a small<br />

branch (from a larger);<br />

a chassis coffrants, (mil. min.) sheathed<br />

branch.<br />

ramer, v. n., to row;<br />

se preparer & , to ship the oars;<br />

preparez-vousti , let fall!<br />

rairr>e, f., slope; ramp; bank of lights; border of<br />

the stage;<br />

d'attcrrissage, (aero.) landing lights;<br />

feux de la , footlights;<br />

de graissage, (mach.) oil distributor;<br />

lumineuse, (aero.) row of lights (on an airplane);<br />

de service, (pont., etc.) gangplank.<br />

rancio, m., (mil. slang) meal, same as soupe, q. v.<br />

rand011116 e, f., trip.<br />

rang, m., (mil.) file (from the point of view of<br />

promotion);<br />

de , (mil.) belonging to, or serving in the<br />

ranks;<br />

& serre, (mil.) in close order.<br />

ranger, v. t., to put on one side, to get out of the<br />

way;<br />

se , of a vehicle, etc., to get out of the way<br />

of a following vehicle.<br />

rapace, m., bird of prey.<br />

rape, f., "scraper" (said, auto, of certain very<br />

rough roads).<br />

rappel, m., recall, return;<br />

de soupape, (mach.) return of a valve (to<br />

its seat).<br />

rappeler, v. t., (mach.) to bring back, (as to a<br />

former or initial position); to cause to bear.<br />

rapport, m., (Fr. a.) formal, detailed, written<br />

report;<br />

general, general report consolidating the<br />

various ministerial budgets (France);<br />

special, the report made on the budget of<br />

each ministry (France, v. s. v., rapporteur).<br />

rapporteur, m., (France) the member of the appropriations<br />

<strong>com</strong>mittee of the Chamber of<br />

Deputies, reporting on the budget of each department<br />

(ministry) of the Government; in the<br />

Senate, the member reporting the general<br />

budget (only one is appointed);<br />

general, the member consolidating the reports<br />

of the ministerial budgets into one general<br />

report.<br />

ras, a., close, smooth;<br />

au du sol, along the surface of the ground (and<br />

very lit tie above it).<br />

rase-in ottes, m., (aero, slang) grass-cutting,<br />

rata, m., (mil. slang) stew.<br />

rate, m. , (mach.) misfire; (art. ,sm.a.) misfire, failure;<br />

de, failure to, failure of, (e. g., d'eclatement,<br />

failure to burst).<br />

d'allumage, de moleur, misfire.<br />

ration, f., (mil.) allowance (of food, forage, fuel, etc.)<br />

de chauffage, fuel allowance;<br />

defer, emergency ration ;<br />

de vert, allowance of green fodder.<br />

rattrapage, m., (mach.) take up, (as of the wear of<br />

a mechanism);<br />

dejeu, take up (of wear).<br />

rattraper, y. t., (mach.) to take up (as wear of a<br />

mechanism);<br />

rave, f., rape (sort of turnip).<br />

ravitaillement, m., (auto.) repair and supply station;<br />

(mil.) refilling, replenishment;<br />

par echange^de voitures (art.) refilling by<br />

exchange of vehicles (loaded for empty);<br />

exercice de , (mil.) maneuvers to tram farmers<br />

and merchants of locality hi the business of supplying<br />

armies from local resources;<br />

par transbordement, (art.) refilling by transfer<br />

(of ammunition from the supply train to empty<br />

vehicles).<br />

ravttailleur, m., (mil.) man who brings up ammunition<br />

; server.<br />

rayer, v. t., to strike off;<br />

des controlcs, (mil.) to take or remove a name<br />

from the army list (not necessarily to dismiss).<br />

razzier, v. a., to make a razzia, a raid.<br />

reactance, L, (dec.) reactance;<br />

bobine de , (dec.) choice coil.<br />

rearmer, v. t., (mil.) to rearm, to reset, (as a fuse,<br />

a firing mechanism).

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