A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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poignge, f., handle; de maintien, (mach. gun) handle; de portage, (trench art.) carrying handle. poignge-eontact, f., (mack.) contact lever, contact handle. poll, m., hair, coat; ft ras. smooth-haired; a rude, wire-haired; sans avoir un retourne, without turning a hair. poilu, m., (mil. slang) French soldier, with connotation of virile qualities (v. bonhomme). polnjon, m., stamp (punched in, as on a gasoline tank); de V octroi, official municipal stamp (on tanks, etc., of motor cars). point, m., dot; stop (punctuation); (mil. sig.) dot (of a code); d'appui, (mil.) combination of active seg- 562 porte-eanon pollcier, m., policeman, police agent. politique, f., politics, policy; defermeture, v. d' interdiction; d' interdiction, policy of exclusion (of foreigners, etc.). polochon, m., (mil. slang) bolster (of a hospital bed). polyconique, a., polyconic. polycylindre, m., poly cylinder motor car. 1 polylobe, a., (aero.) polylobed. polyphase, a., (elec.) polyphase. polyplace, m., (aero.) "many seater." Polytechnicienne, f., (Fr. a.) mutual benefit society made up of graduates of the Polytechnique. pompe, f., pump; (mil. slang) shoe; theoretical instruction; ft cylindres independants, double-cylinder pump, duplex pump; ft engrcnages, gear pump; sfunebres, funeral; ft gonfler, bicycle pump; ft graisse, grease pump (lubricating); ft huile, oil pump (lubricating); oscillante ft piston, oscillating piston pump; ft palettes, vane pump; ft pneu, tire pump, bicycle pump; ft pression. pressure pump; ft purin, farmer's pump, (purin, liquid manure); pondre, v. t., to lay (eggs). pont, m., bridge; (cwio.)axle (and related parts; e. g., housing); (r. r. art.) girder (transmits weight of gun to two trucks); (trench art.) traversing cross piece; ayueduc, aqueduct bridge; arrierc, (auto.) rear live axle (of a cardauic transmission); arriere ft cardan transversal, (auto.) roar axle (wheel shafts directly controlled by cardanic transmission); canal, aqueduct bridge; ft cinquenelle, (pont.) (bridge held by sheer lines) sheer-line bridge; de fortune, (pont.) temporary bridge, bridge built on the spot from local resources; non oscillant, (auto.) dead axle; ments, (hence) work, i. e., intrenched position; d'attache, (aero.) station of a balloon ("home port," as it were); de'iix s, colon; de direction, (mil.) (in an attack, point situated behind the last assigned objective) direction point; d'eau, (mil.) water (well, tank); d' exclamation, exclamation point; d' interrogation, interrogation point; mettre an to "tune , up"; moyen d'eclatement, (art.) mean point of burst; de pointage, (art.) aiming point; de reperage (art.) auxiliary aiming point; de repere, (art.) registration point; repere, (art.) registered point; de suspenses, suspension, row of dots (.punctuation); et virgule. semicolon; de visee, (art., sm.a.) point aimed at; de vitesse, (t. p.) allowance or marks for rapidity of fire. pointage, m., (art.) aim; degrossir le , (art.) to take approximate aim; au miroir, (art.) laying by reflection; miroir de . (art.) laying mirror; plan de , (art.) plane of aim; rcciproque, (art.) reciprocal laying. pointe, m., (mil.) dash; de mineur, (mil. min.) drill. pointeau, m., (mach.) needle valve; needle of a float-feed carbureter; de rcglage, (mach.) needle valve; ft ressort (mach.) spring needle valve; ft vis, (mach.) screw needle (to regulate the spray of an atomizer). pointer, v. t., (mach., etc.) to mark relative positions of adjacent parts; (art.) to lay a gun; au miroir, (art.) to lay by reflection. pointeur-tireur, m., (trench art.) gunner. poire, f., bulb. poireau, m.,leek; ordre du , (fam.) the ordre du mente agricole, q. v. poirot, m., (mil. slang) the commanding officer. pois, m., pea*, jarras, vetch (usually spelled jarosse or jarousse). police, f., police station; in general, all measures taken to insure public order; administrative, (all measures looking to the maintenance of order, tho well-being and security of the citizens) administrative police; corps de , (mil.) constabulary; generate, (mil.) the general police, (good order, safety, arrest of spies, etc., carried on by the gendarmerie); judiciaire, (measures taken to look up violations of order and law, get proofs, and deliver the accused to the courts) criminal police; (mil) duties of gendarmerie (in searching out crime and criminals, and in assisting the regular courts-martial, by holding special courts); de roulage, (auto.) road regulations; de surete, police to maintain oscillant, (auto.) floating live axle; ft peage, (pont.) toll bridge; de portieres, (pont.) bridge of rafts; rigide, (auto.) (system in which the rear axle and springs form one rigid system) rigid axle; transbordeur. (pont.) transfer bridge; volant, (r. r.) any portable bridge for loading and unloading; (mil.) small portable bridge for crossing trenches; volant d'equipage, (pont. Fr. a.) flying bridge (of the bridge train; two supports, public order; measures of public safety. each of three pontoons); ponton-grue, m., floating derrick. popote, f., (mil. slang) officers' field mess. poquette, f., pigeon pox (pigeons); port, m., port; d'aiterrissage, (aero.) landing station; d'attache, (aero.) home station, home port; double, (adm.) double postage; d'escale, (nav.) port of call; (aero.) stopping place; fluvial, river port; de ravitaillement, (Fr. a.) supply station in a river or canal port ; simple, (adm.) single postage; ft traite, treaty port (o. g., Chinese). porte, f., closing plug; de visite, (aero.) inspection door. portc-affut, m., (mach. gun) tripod support (gun cart). porte-bagages, m., luggage rack. porte-bec, m., burner holder (of a lamp). porte-brancard, m., (trench art.) carrying bar sleeve or socket. porte bretelle, m., (mach. gun) sling swivel. porte-caiion, m., (art.) gun truck (i. e., transports gun proper).

Dorte-cartcs 563 poste porte-cartes ra., (aero.) map holder. porte-cartouches, m., (sm. a.) short cartridge belt or holder. porte-charge, m., (sm. a.) cartridge belt. porte-contact, m., (elec.) contact holder. porte-depfiche, m., (mil.) message tube (carrier pigeon). porte-dfttonateur, m., (tr. art.) detonator cylinder, tube. portee, f., reach, stretch; (mach.) bearing length (of a trunnion or journal, length of the bearing itself); (fond.) core holder, or support; (telephone, etc.) span; acnenne, air span; pouter d, grande , (pont.) to bridge with extended bays. porte-galons, a., (mil.) chevron wearing. porte-grenades, a., (mil.) grenade carrying; ceinturon , grenade belt; panier , grenade basket. porte-lance, m., (mil.) nozzle man (of a flame projector); sapeur , nozzle man. porte-lanterne, m., lamp bracket, holder. porte-manteaux, m., clothes hook. porte-matfcriel, m., (art.) carrying bar. porte-materiels, m., (art.) equipment cart. porte-mines, m., (torp.) torpedo planter. porte-mitrailleuse, m., (mach. gun) gun support (of a gun cart). porte-objet, m., slide (of a projection lantern). porte-parole, m., spokesman. porte-pliare, m., lamp fork or bracket. porte-plume, m., penholder; a reservoir, fountain pen. porter, v. t., to carry; une depeche, (mil. slang) to have one's horse run away. porte-relais, m., (art.) relay-carrier. porte-savon, m., soap dish, soap holder. porte-tourillons, m. , (mach.gun) trunnion bracket. porteur, m., bearer, holder; (mil.) gabion, sandbag, carrier; de billet, (r. r.) holder of a ticket. porte-vetre, m., (inst.) lens-holder (any rim or border holding a lens or glass). porte-vcix, m., speaking trumpet; megaphone, megaphone. portier-consigne, m., (Fr. a.) (formerly, gatekeeper of a fortress, usually a retired n. c. o.); foreman (in certain construction shops or offices); clerk or representative of the engineer department (in places annexes, q. v.). portifcre, f., door curtain, coach door; (pont.) raft; d coulisse, sliding door; double, double raft; double double, two double rafts side by side; de navigation, (mil.) pontoon raft (part of a bridge); d rabattement, folding down door; de transport, (mil.) pontoon raft, (forms no part of a bridge). portique, (siege) covered portion of a sape debout, to protect against enfilade. port-magasin, in., (Fr. a.) depot in a river or canal port. pose, f., laying; aerienne, (mil. tel., etc.) laying above ground; & terre, (mil. tel., etc.) surface laying. poseur, in., fitter; (siege) sandbag layer; de mines, (art., nav.) mine planter. position, f., position; d'attente, (art.) waiting position (pieces limbered); de demi-route, (art.) short travel position (transport to short distances); de deplacement, (art.) change position, (to deceive the enemy); fausse , (mil.) dummy position; position, de surveillance, (art.) waiting position (pieces unlimbered, against enemy expected at a certain point) ; position of expectation; de vol, (aero.) flying position. poste, f., post office: petite, (in newspapers) questions and answers, answers to correspondents. poste, in., post; (art., sm. a.) "home" or seat of a projectile or cartridge; d'armee, (mil. teleg.) (station between lines to the front and corps and division headquarters); army transit station; d'arrivec, (mil. sig., etc.) receiving station: avance, (mil. telephone) advanced telephone station; de commandement. (mil.) commanding officer's station (especially in trench warfare); command post; de contrdle, ( Fr. art.) checking or comparing station (name given to wireless station of a groupement; follows the work of airplanes serving groups and the batteries of a groupemcnt, as well as the infantry planes in the zone of the groupement); de depart, (mil. sig., etc.) sending station; d'eau filtrec, (mil.) drinking fountain in barracks; d'ecoute, (mil.) listening post; d'ecoute telephonique, telephonic listening post (has telephonic communication with the rear); emetteur, (tel., etc.) sending station; d'entretien, (mil.) repair post (of a bridge; engineers); & I'epreuve, (mil.) shell-proof post or station; d'eiamen, (mil.) examining post (outpost duty); & fixe, (mil.) stationary; grand , (mil.) main, central, listening post; de guetteur, (mil.) lookout post, sentry post (trenches); intermediate en derivation (embrochc), (telephone) shunt (series) way-station; de jonction, (mil. teleg.) connecting station (between lines to the front and those to the rear ) ; d'observateur, (mil.) observing-post; d''observation, (mil.) observing station or post; optique, (mil.) searchlight station; de pansement, (mil. med.) dressing station; petit , (mil. ) sort of outpost in front of the first trenches; small listening post; photo-elcctrique, (mil.) searchlight station (dynamo wagon and projector); de pigeons, (mil.) carrier pigeon station. de police, police station, police headquarters; {mil.) (infantry) post guarding a bridge; (mil. in gen.) any guard post; . du portatifde T.S. F., portable wireless set; de protection, (mil.) (in bridge guarding an upstream) post on the lookout for floating objects (may be downstream occasionally); quartier general, (mil. teleg.) headquarters telegraph station; de raccordement, (mil. teleg.) connecting station (between army lines and army group lines) ; de rasscmblement, (mil.) alarm post (of a camp): recepteur, (telegraphy, etc.) receiving station; de reglage, (Fr. art.) ranging station (name given to wireless receiving station of a battery or group of batteries in communication with an artillery plane) ; de secours, (mil. med.) popularly, first-aid station (v. refuge de blesses;) dressing station; (mil. min.) rescue station; de secours regimentaire, (mil. med.) dressing station (behind regiment); de surveillance, (mil.) lookout post; ( Fr. art.) general receiving station (at P. C. of the artil- lery and of the heavy artillery; makes an effort to take all messages of the corps planes, or at least those on general duty, artillery observation, infantry planes, commanding general's planes); telephonique, (mil.) telephone station; de torpillcurs, (art.) torpedo station, mining casemate: de transit, (mil. tel., etc.) transmitting station;

poignge, f., handle;<br />

de maintien, (mach. gun) handle;<br />

de portage, (trench art.) carrying handle.<br />

poignge-eontact, f., (mack.) contact lever, contact<br />

handle.<br />

poll, m., hair, coat;<br />

ft ras. smooth-haired;<br />

a rude, wire-haired;<br />

sans avoir un retourne, without turning a<br />

hair.<br />

poilu, m., (mil. slang) <strong>French</strong> soldier, with connotation<br />

of virile qualities (v. bonhomme).<br />

polnjon, m., stamp (punched in, as on a gasoline<br />

tank);<br />

de V octroi, official municipal stamp (on<br />

tanks, etc., of motor cars).<br />

point, m., dot; stop (punctuation); (mil. sig.) dot<br />

(of a code);<br />

d'appui, (mil.) <strong>com</strong>bination of active seg-<br />

562 porte-eanon<br />

pollcier, m., policeman, police agent.<br />

politique, f., politics, policy;<br />

defermeture, v. d' interdiction;<br />

d' interdiction, policy of exclusion (of foreigners,<br />

etc.).<br />

polochon, m., (mil. slang) bolster (of a hospital<br />

bed).<br />

polyconique, a., polyconic.<br />

polycylindre, m., poly cylinder motor car.<br />

1<br />

polylobe,<br />

a., (aero.) polylobed.<br />

polyphase, a., (elec.) polyphase.<br />

polyplace, m., (aero.) "many seater."<br />

Polytechnicienne, f., (Fr. a.) mutual benefit<br />

society made up of graduates of the Polytechnique.<br />

pompe, f., pump; (mil. slang) shoe; theoretical instruction;<br />

ft cylindres independants, double-cylinder<br />

pump, duplex pump;<br />

ft engrcnages, gear pump;<br />

sfunebres, funeral;<br />

ft<br />

gonfler, bicycle pump;<br />

ft graisse, grease pump (lubricating);<br />

ft huile, oil pump (lubricating);<br />

oscillante ft piston, oscillating piston pump;<br />

ft palettes, vane pump;<br />

ft pneu, tire pump, bicycle pump;<br />

ft pression. pressure pump;<br />

ft purin, farmer's pump, (purin, liquid manure);<br />

pondre, v. t., to lay (eggs).<br />

pont, m., bridge; (cwio.)axle (and related parts;<br />

e. g., housing); (r. r. art.) girder (transmits<br />

weight of gun to two trucks); (trench art.) traversing<br />

cross piece;<br />

ayueduc, aqueduct bridge;<br />

arrierc, (auto.) rear live axle (of a cardauic<br />

transmission);<br />

arriere ft cardan transversal, (auto.) roar axle<br />

(wheel shafts directly controlled by cardanic<br />

transmission);<br />

canal, aqueduct bridge;<br />

ft cinquenelle, (pont.) (bridge held by sheer<br />

lines) sheer-line bridge;<br />

de fortune, (pont.) temporary bridge, bridge<br />

built on the spot from local resources;<br />

non oscillant, (auto.) dead axle;<br />

ments, (hence) work, i. e., intrenched position;<br />

d'attache, (aero.) station of a balloon ("home<br />

port," as it were);<br />

de'iix s, colon;<br />

de direction, (mil.) (in an attack, point situated<br />

behind the last assigned objective) direction<br />

point;<br />

d'eau, (mil.) water (well, tank);<br />

d' exclamation, exclamation point;<br />

d' interrogation, interrogation point;<br />

mettre an to "tune , up";<br />

moyen d'eclatement, (art.) mean point of<br />

burst;<br />

de pointage, (art.) aiming point;<br />

de reperage (art.) auxiliary aiming point;<br />

de repere, (art.) registration point;<br />

repere, (art.) registered point;<br />

de<br />

suspenses,<br />

suspension, row of dots<br />

(.punctuation);<br />

et virgule. semicolon;<br />

de visee, (art., sm.a.) point aimed at;<br />

de vitesse, (t. p.) allowance or marks for<br />

rapidity of fire.<br />

pointage, m., (art.) aim;<br />

degrossir le , (art.) to take approximate aim;<br />

au miroir, (art.) laying by reflection;<br />

miroir de . (art.) laying mirror;<br />

plan de , (art.) plane of aim;<br />

rcciproque, (art.) reciprocal laying.<br />

pointe, m., (mil.) dash;<br />

de mineur, (mil. min.) drill.<br />

pointeau, m., (mach.) needle valve; needle of a<br />

float-feed carbureter;<br />

de rcglage, (mach.) needle valve;<br />

ft ressort (mach.) spring needle valve;<br />

ft vis, (mach.) screw needle (to regulate the<br />

spray of an atomizer).<br />

pointer, v. t., (mach., etc.) to mark relative positions<br />

of adjacent parts; (art.) to lay a gun;<br />

au miroir, (art.) to lay by reflection.<br />

pointeur-tireur, m., (trench art.) gunner.<br />

poire, f., bulb.<br />

poireau, m.,leek;<br />

ordre du , (fam.) the ordre du mente agricole,<br />

q. v.<br />

poirot, m., (mil. slang) the <strong>com</strong>manding officer.<br />

pois, m., pea*,<br />

jarras, vetch (usually spelled jarosse or<br />

jarousse).<br />

police, f., police station; in general, all measures<br />

taken to insure public order;<br />

administrative, (all measures looking to the<br />

maintenance of order, tho well-being and<br />

security of the citizens) administrative police;<br />

corps de , (mil.) constabulary;<br />

generate, (mil.) the general police, (good<br />

order, safety, arrest of spies, etc., carried on by<br />

the gendarmerie);<br />

judiciaire, (measures taken to look up violations<br />

of order and law, get proofs, and deliver<br />

the accused to the courts) criminal police;<br />

(mil) duties of gendarmerie (in searching out<br />

crime and criminals, and in assisting the regular<br />

courts-martial, by holding special courts);<br />

de roulage, (auto.) road regulations;<br />

de surete, police to maintain oscillant, (auto.) floating live axle;<br />

ft peage, (pont.) toll bridge;<br />

de portieres, (pont.) bridge of rafts;<br />

rigide, (auto.) (system in which the rear axle<br />

and springs form one rigid system) rigid axle;<br />

transbordeur. (pont.) transfer bridge;<br />

volant, (r. r.) any portable bridge for loading<br />

and unloading; (mil.) small portable bridge for<br />

crossing trenches;<br />

volant d'equipage, (pont. Fr. a.) flying<br />

bridge (of the bridge train; two supports,<br />

public order;<br />

measures of public safety.<br />

each<br />

of three pontoons);<br />

ponton-grue, m., floating derrick.<br />

popote, f., (mil. slang) officers' field mess.<br />

poquette, f., pigeon pox (pigeons);<br />

port, m., port;<br />

d'aiterrissage, (aero.) landing station;<br />

d'attache, (aero.) home station, home port;<br />

double, (adm.) double postage;<br />

d'escale, (nav.) port of call; (aero.) stopping<br />

place;<br />

fluvial, river port;<br />

de ravitaillement, (Fr. a.) supply station in a<br />

river or canal port ;<br />

simple, (adm.) single postage;<br />

ft traite, treaty port (o. g., Chinese).<br />

porte, f., closing plug;<br />

de visite, (aero.) inspection door.<br />

portc-affut, m., (mach. gun) tripod support (gun<br />

cart).<br />

porte-bagages, m., luggage rack.<br />

porte-bec, m., burner holder (of a lamp).<br />

porte-brancard, m., (trench art.) carrying bar<br />

sleeve or socket.<br />

porte bretelle, m., (mach. gun) sling swivel.<br />

porte-caiion, m., (art.) gun truck (i. e., transports<br />

gun proper).

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