A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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mettre 554 moteur mettre au point, to "tune up "; ft paste, (art.) to seat a projectile; ft terre, (mil) to disbark (troops vessel). microphone, m., (elec.) microphone; from a ft crayons, pencil-microphone; ft grenaille, (elec.) granular microphone. microt16phone, m., (elec.) microtelephon*. mldl, m., noon; the south of France. ml-enterre, a., half sunken. mil, m., millet. milieu, m., middle, center; x officiels, official circles. mffle-pattes, m., pi., (mil, slang) infantry. millicme, m., (art.) mil; dc I'artilleur, mil; geometrique, angle subtended by an arc of 1 meter, at a radius of 1,000 meters. mine, f., (mil., etc.) mine; de blocus, (nav.) a synonym of mine automatique in view of its use in blockade. minute, f., minute; notes; (the original) drawing (of a survey). miroir, m.. mirror; parabolise, (opt.) parabolic mirror; de pointage, (trench art.) laying mirror. , : defeu ' en 1 mise, f., setting, placing, putting; double defeu, (mil. min.) duplicateignition; double du feu par le procede des relais, (mil. min.) double relayed ignition; defeu chimique, (min., etc.) chemical ignition; mecanique, (min., etc.) mechanical ignition; feu, (expl.) firing, discharge; en marche, (auto) starting handle; en marche automatique, (auto) self-starter; ft poste, (art.) seating (of a projectile in the _ ft tare' (elec.) grounding; (mil.) disbarMng (of troops from a transport or vessel). mission, f., mission; (mil.) duty, object, purpose, task, instructions, mission; de renseignements, (mil. aero.) observation having for its purpose the determination of objectives; de surveillance, (mil. aero.) duty of observing a sector, so as to mark batteries in action, troops that may be taken under fire; de tir, (art. aero.) duty of fire observation. mitaine, f., wristlet. mitrailler, v. t., (mil.) to use machine-gun fire. mitrailleur, m., (mil.) machine-gun soldier, machine gunner. mitrailleuse, f., (mil.) machine gun; de chasse (aero.) airplane machine gun; de montagne, mountain machine gun; ft moteur, motor machine gun; type mixte-type alpin, (Fr. a.) (so-called) mixed type mountain machine gun, (v. type). mitrailleuse-automobile, f., (mil.) machine gun on an automobile carriage; auto machine gun. modSrateur, m., (mach.) speed reducing device; de compression, (mach.) compression relief (device); de vitesse, (mach.) speed regulator. moineau, m., sparrow; (mil. slang) shell. molette, f., knurled screw head, nut, etc. monobloc, m., (mach.) solid forged. monocoque, m., (aero.) monocoque. monocylindre, m., (auto.) single cylinder auto. monocylindrique, a. & m., (mach., etc.) single cylinder; (auto) single cylinder car. monoplace, m., (aero.) single seater. monoplan, m., (aero.) monoplane; a., single planed. monosac, m., (mil.) single sack (as distinguished from bissac). mon otelgphone, m., wireless telephone, monotelepboriie, f., wireless telephony. montage, m., fitting, (elec.) wiring; en circuit-oscillant, (wireless) condenser wiring; direct, (wireless) t direct coupled wiring; en derivation, (wireless) shunt coupled wiring; par induction, (wireless) inductively coupled wiring. montagne, f., mountain; prendre la , (fig.) to take to the hills, i. e., to. become a bandit, to take to the road. montant, m., (aero.) strut. mont-de-pi6t, m., pawnbroker's shop. mont^e, f., (aero.) climb. monte-plats, m., dumb-waiter. monter, v. t., to mount: (aero.) to nose up; en balance, to mount on a balanced test bed; un ballon, (aero.) to operate, manage, a balloon ; ft la cardan, (mach.) to mount on a universal joint; en chandelle, (aero.) to zuhm; ft rotulc, (mach.) to mount, assemble, in, or as, a ball-and-socket joint; se en dame, (man.) may be ridden under a sidesaddle. mou t re, f., watch; show case, show window; ft trotteuse compte-secondes, split-second stopwatch. montre-bracelet, f., wrist-watch. montre-chronographe, f., chronograph-watch (second hand centrally mounted, and travels around the face; for computation of small in- tervals of time). monture, f., fitting, mounting; de fixation, (am/.) rocket-stick fixture. moraillon, m., hasp, clasp; ft ressort, spring clasp. mordant, m., spirit, energy. mortier, m., (art.) mortar; de tranchee, (mil.) trench mortar. morve, f., pigeon glanders. moteur, m., (mach.) motor, engine; ft ailettes, flange cooled motor; atmospherique, air motor; carre. any motor in which the piston-stroke and cylinder-bore are of the same length; & combustion (interne), (internal) combustion motor; ft culasse ft eau et ft cylindre ft ailettes, waterand air-cooled motor; desaxe, motor whose cylinder and crank shaft axes do not intersect; ft deux cylindres opposes, double-opposed twocylinder motor; ft double aUsage, double-bore motor, (each cylinder is double, has an annular cylinder in addition to the one of ordinary type); ft essence, gasoline motor; -: en etoile, radial motor; ft explosion(s) , explosive motor, engine; internal explosion engine; fixe, stationary motor; ft/om, (/am.) horse; horizontal horizontal , motor; d'industrie, any motor used in the arts, manufacturer's motor, industrial motor; industriel, v., d'industrie; mecanique, mechanical motor; ft melange tonnant, explosion motor; monocylindrique, single cylinder motor; ft n cylindres, n-eylinder motor; ft n temps, n-phase cycle motor, n-stroke motor; polycylindrique, multicylinder motor; arefroidissement d'air, air-cooled motor; ft refroidissement d'eau, water-cooled motor; rotatif, rotary motor; sans soupapes, silent sleeve valve engine (Knight); ft soupapes commandees , a motor whose valves are mechanically operated ; thermique, any heat engine; tonnant, explosive motor or engine; tournant ft droite (gauche), right (left) hand engine.

10ten r 555 non-percussion jnoteur en V, V -motor; vertical , vertical motor. fi volant exterieur, motor with exterior flywheel; - fi volant inter ieur, motor with interior flywheol. motocycle, m., (auto.) any automobile vehicle not exceeding 200 kg. in weight (a tricycle). motocyclette, L, (auto.) motorcycle. motocyclisme, m., (auto.) motorcycling. xnotoeycliste, m., motorcyclist. motodrome, m., (auto.) motor race track. motopropulseur, in., (aero., etc.), (propelling) motor. motoristc, m., (auto.) chauffeur. mototricycle, m., (auto.) tricar. mou, a., soft; (aero.) logy, sluggish. mouchard, m., spy. moufle, f., muffle (thick glove). mouiilage, m., anchoring, anchorage; (mach.) priming (as of a piston-rod, of a pump) ; ligne de , (pont.) anchoring line, line of anchors. mouUler, v. t., (mach.) to wet, prime (a pistonrod, a pump). nacelle, f., skiff; (aero.) car, basket, (dirigibles, sphericals, and sometimes, but seldom, airplanes); de reconnaissance, (aero.) (in Zeppelins, car that may be let down for observation purposes) x observation car. nappe, f., sheet; de fils, sheet of telephone wires. navet,m., turnip. navire, m., ship; aerien, (aero.) airship, balloon; brise-glace, (nav.) ice breaker; renfloueur, (nav.) wrecking vessel, wrecker; de plongee, (nav.) generic term for submarine; poseur de mines, (art., nav.) mine planter. navire-gigogne, m., (nav. aero.) mother ship, hangar ship. nervure, f., rib; (aero.) rib (of a wing). de guidage, (mach. gun.) guide-rib. nettoyage, m., cleaning, cleansing; (mil.) cleaning up, "mopping" up, of trenches (comprising: (a) destruction of parties of the enemy that continue the defense; (b) cleaning up properly so called, steps to make sure that no enemy are left in the trenches); des tranchees, (mil.) neutralization or removal of remanent gases in the trenches after a gas ? " " attack ; mopping up of a trench (i. e., making , sure than no enemy is left); par le vide, vacuum cleaning. nettoyer, v. t., to clean; (mil.) (to-day) to clean a trench (of its hostile occupants, make sure that none are left); une trancMe, (mil.) to "mop up" a trench; par le vide, to clean by the vacuum process. nettoyeur, m., (mil.) trench cleaner; de tranchee, (mil.) trench-" mopper." neutralite, f., neutrality; (in some relations) free from personal comment. neutre, a., neuter; neutral; (in some relations) free from personal opinion, unvarnished. nez, m., nose, lug of a key (clavette); & , at the closest possible quarters. niche, f., niche, recess; a charge, (trench art.) powder recess; h grenades, (mil.) grenade recess (in a trench); de guetteur, v. poste de guetteur; de tireur, (mil?) rifleman's pit (recess in a trench); 1ST. mouilleur, TO.., de mines, (art., nav.) mine planter. moulln, m.,mill; (aero, slang) motor engine. & cafe, (mil. slang) machine gun. moulinet, m., reel; air fan ; JRenard, (aero.) apparatus for testing the power of a motor. moustiquaire, m., mosquito bar, net. mouvemente, a., (top.) broken, accidented; pays , (top.) broken country. moyeu, m., hub; artillerie, artillery hub (typo of wheel); & Miles, ball-bearing hub; patent, (auto.) patent hub (motor). multiplication, f., gear-ratio. multiplier, v. t., (mach.) to multiply, to gear up to. munition, f., (mil.) in pi., ammunition; supplies, stores; s de salut, (art.) saluting ammunition. musfie, m., museum; de Varmee, the army maseum at Paris. musette, f., bag, pouch; & cartouches, (sm. a.) cartridge pouch; & vivres, (mil.) ration pouch. mutuality, f., mutuality (esp. of insurance); la militaire, (mil.) army mutual relief or other benevolent association. nid, m.. nest; - d'abeilles, (mach.) honeycomb radiator; d'abeilles acoustique, ''honeycomb" m phone; d'artillerie, artillery "nest;" de batteries, (mil.) group of batteries, close together; de bombes, (mil.) bomb catcher; de mitrailleuses, (mil.) group of machine guns; d'obus, (mil.) shell catcher; de resistance, (mil.) focus of resistance. nifflette, f., head cold (pigeons). niolo, f., (mil. slang) brandy (the same as gniole, gndle, but a better spelling). niveau, m., (inst. and in gen.) & buue, spirit level; de hausse, (art.) cross level; d'inclinaison, (art.) cross level; de reperage, (mil.) registration clinometer, or level; de site, (art.) angle of site level; de tir, (art.) firing level (for setting the angle of site); & totalisation automatique, (art.) integrating level (155 C.T.R.). nocif, a., hurtful, noxious. noeud, m., knot; double fixe, double bowline; d'intensite de courant, (elec.) current node; dejoiiction, generic term for any knot joining two ropes end to end; de votes fences, (r. r.) railway junction. noir, a., black; m., black (substance, color); de rafflnerie, bone black. noix, f., nut; (mach., etc.) stud. nombre, m., quorum; ne pas &tre en not to have a , quorum; se trouver en , to have a quorum. nomenclature, f . nomenclature , ; list ol H I, (Fr. a.) nomenclature and price clothing and camp equipage. non-ecretement, m., (art.) (of fire) close passage over a mask or cover. non-entree, f., en batterie, (art.) failure of gun ta return to battery; non-observatioiij f., failure to observe, (art.) the iall of a shot. non-percussion, f., (ins. a., mach. gun.) nonpercussion.

10ten r 555 non-percussion<br />

jnoteur en V, V -motor;<br />

vertical , vertical motor.<br />

fi volant exterieur, motor with exterior flywheel;<br />

- fi volant inter ieur, motor with interior flywheol.<br />

motocycle, m., (auto.) any automobile vehicle not<br />

exceeding 200 kg. in weight (a tricycle).<br />

motocyclette, L, (auto.) motorcycle.<br />

motocyclisme, m., (auto.) motorcycling.<br />

xnotoeycliste, m., motorcyclist.<br />

motodrome, m., (auto.) motor race track.<br />

motopropulseur, in., (aero., etc.), (propelling)<br />

motor.<br />

motoristc, m., (auto.) chauffeur.<br />

mototricycle, m., (auto.) tricar.<br />

mou, a., soft; (aero.) logy, sluggish.<br />

mouchard, m., spy.<br />

moufle, f., muffle (thick glove).<br />

mouiilage, m., anchoring, anchorage; (mach.)<br />

priming (as of a piston-rod, of a pump) ;<br />

ligne de , (pont.) anchoring line, line of<br />

anchors.<br />

mouUler, v. t., (mach.) to wet, prime (a pistonrod,<br />

a pump).<br />

nacelle, f., skiff; (aero.) car, basket, (dirigibles,<br />

sphericals, and sometimes, but seldom, airplanes);<br />

de reconnaissance, (aero.) (in Zeppelins, car<br />

that may be let down for observation purposes)<br />

x observation car.<br />

nappe, f., sheet;<br />

de fils, sheet of telephone wires.<br />

navet,m., turnip.<br />

navire, m., ship;<br />

aerien, (aero.) airship, balloon;<br />

brise-glace, (nav.) ice breaker;<br />

renfloueur, (nav.) wrecking vessel, wrecker;<br />

de plongee, (nav.) generic term for submarine;<br />

poseur de mines, (art., nav.) mine planter.<br />

navire-gigogne, m., (nav. aero.) mother ship,<br />

hangar ship.<br />

nervure, f., rib; (aero.) rib (of a wing).<br />

de guidage, (mach. gun.) guide-rib.<br />

nettoyage, m., cleaning, cleansing; (mil.) cleaning<br />

up, "mopping" up, of trenches (<strong>com</strong>prising:<br />

(a) destruction of parties of the enemy that continue<br />

the defense; (b) cleaning up properly so<br />

called, steps to make sure that no enemy are<br />

left in the trenches);<br />

des tranchees, (mil.) neutralization or removal<br />

of remanent gases in the trenches after a gas<br />

? " "<br />

attack ; mopping up of a trench (i. e., making<br />

, sure than no enemy is left);<br />

par le vide, vacuum cleaning.<br />

nettoyer, v. t., to clean; (mil.) (to-day) to clean<br />

a trench (of its hostile occupants, make sure<br />

that none are left);<br />

une trancMe, (mil.) to "mop up" a trench;<br />

par le vide, to clean by the vacuum process.<br />

nettoyeur, m., (mil.) trench cleaner;<br />

de tranchee, (mil.) trench-" mopper."<br />

neutralite, f., neutrality; (in some relations) free<br />

from personal <strong>com</strong>ment.<br />

neutre, a., neuter; neutral; (in some relations) free<br />

from personal opinion, unvarnished.<br />

nez, m., nose, lug of a key (clavette);<br />

& , at the closest possible quarters.<br />

niche, f., niche, recess;<br />

a charge, (trench art.) powder recess;<br />

h grenades, (mil.) grenade recess (in a trench);<br />

de guetteur, v. poste de guetteur;<br />

de tireur, (mil?) rifleman's pit (recess in a<br />

trench);<br />

1ST.<br />

mouilleur, TO.., de mines, (art., nav.) mine<br />

planter.<br />

moulln, m.,mill; (aero, slang) motor engine.<br />

& cafe, (mil. slang) machine gun.<br />

moulinet, m., reel; air fan ;<br />

JRenard, (aero.) apparatus for testing the<br />

power of a motor.<br />

moustiquaire, m., mosquito bar, net.<br />

mouvemente, a., (top.) broken, accidented;<br />

pays , (top.) broken country.<br />

moyeu, m., hub;<br />

artillerie, artillery hub (typo of wheel);<br />

& Miles, ball-bearing hub;<br />

patent, (auto.) patent hub (motor).<br />

multiplication, f., gear-ratio.<br />

multiplier, v. t., (mach.) to multiply, to gear up to.<br />

munition, f., (mil.) in pi., ammunition; supplies,<br />

stores;<br />

s de salut, (art.) saluting ammunition.<br />

musfie, m., museum;<br />

de Varmee, the army maseum at Paris.<br />

musette, f., bag, pouch;<br />

& cartouches, (sm. a.) cartridge pouch;<br />

& vivres, (mil.) ration pouch.<br />

mutuality, f., mutuality (esp. of insurance);<br />

la militaire, (mil.) army mutual relief or other<br />

benevolent association.<br />

nid, m.. nest;<br />

-<br />

d'abeilles, (mach.) honey<strong>com</strong>b radiator;<br />

d'abeilles acoustique, ''honey<strong>com</strong>b" m<br />

phone;<br />

d'artillerie, artillery "nest;"<br />

de batteries, (mil.) group of batteries, close<br />

together;<br />

de bombes, (mil.) bomb catcher;<br />

de mitrailleuses, (mil.) group of machine guns;<br />

d'obus, (mil.) shell catcher;<br />

de resistance, (mil.) focus of resistance.<br />

nifflette, f., head cold (pigeons).<br />

niolo, f., (mil. slang) brandy (the same as gniole,<br />

gndle, but a better spelling).<br />

niveau, m., (inst. and in gen.)<br />

& buue, spirit level;<br />

de hausse, (art.) cross level;<br />

d'inclinaison, (art.)<br />

cross level;<br />

de reperage, (mil.) registration clinometer,<br />

or level;<br />

de site, (art.) angle of site level;<br />

de tir, (art.) firing level (for setting the angle<br />

of site);<br />

& totalisation automatique, (art.) integrating<br />

level (155 C.T.R.).<br />

nocif, a., hurtful, noxious.<br />

noeud, m., knot;<br />

double fixe, double bowline;<br />

d'intensite de courant, (elec.) current node;<br />

dejoiiction, generic term for any knot joining<br />

two ropes end to end;<br />

de votes fences, (r. r.) railway junction.<br />

noir, a., black; m., black (substance, color);<br />

de rafflnerie, bone black.<br />

noix, f., nut; (mach., etc.) stud.<br />

nombre, m., quorum;<br />

ne pas &tre en not to have a , quorum;<br />

se trouver en , to have a quorum.<br />

nomenclature, f . nomenclature , ;<br />

list ol<br />

H I, (Fr. a.) nomenclature and price<br />

clothing and camp equipage.<br />

non-ecretement, m., (art.) (of fire) close passage<br />

over a mask or cover.<br />

non-entree, f., en batterie, (art.) failure of gun ta<br />

return to battery;<br />

non-observatioiij f., failure to observe, (art.) the<br />

iall of a shot.<br />

non-percussion, f., (ins. a., mach. gun.) nonpercussion.

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