A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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lechage 550 lighc lechage, m., licking; surface de , (mach.) posed to the air. (in radiators) surface ex- leger, a., light; la e, (Fr. cav.) the light cavalry; plus que I'air, (aero.) lighter-than-air (i. e., balloons). lentille, f.. (opt.) lens; b, echelons, Fresnel lens. lest-eaii, m., water ballast. lettre,!., letter; collective, (France) circular issued by a minister of the Government de creance et de pouvoirs, minister's, ambassador's credentials; double, double weight letter; morte, dead letter; -ordinaire, any personal letter or note (excludes post cards and registered letters); s de rapvel, letter of recall of an ambassador; s scmaphoriques, semaphore signal letters; simple, single-weight letter. leve-auto, m., motor jack. levfce, f., lift of a valve; d'un corps, (at a funeral) removal of the body for burial; (in some cases exposure of, for purposes of identification). lever, m., survey; de batiment, (surv.) building survey; des travaux souterrains, (surv.) mine surveying; d vue, (top.) place sketch. leve-roue, m., jack, carriage jack. levier, m., lever; [Except where otherwise indicated, the following terms relate to machinery:] d'accrochage, (art.) securing bolt; d''admission (des gaz), throttle lever, gas cutoff, gas lever; d'armement, (much, gun) cocking lever (mod. 1907-T and others); arrttoir, (mach. gun) barrel catch; d'avance & I'allumage, sparking lever, timing lever; bascule, rocking lever, rocking arm; de braquage, steering rod; & chaine, (trench art.) traversing lever and chain; & charniere, hinged lever; & cloche, gear shift lever; de commande (aero., etc.) control lever; (auto.) steering arm; de debrayage, clutch throw-out lever; (mach. gun) clutch lever; de declenchement, (mil.) releasing lever (of some forms of grenades); priming device; de demontage, (auto.) tire lever; . de , demonte-pneu (auto.) tire lever; de direction, (auto.) steering lever; droit, crowbar; d'equilibre, compensating lever, reaction rod; fourchu, forked lever, forked bell-crank; defrein, brake lever; de gdchette, (mach. gun) sear lever; de gauchissement, (aero.) warping lever, warp control; de manoeuvre, hand lever; percuteur, (mach. gun) striker arm; & pince, pinch bar; de portage, (trench art.) carrying bar; porte-galet, roller lever; a poussette, spring lever (i. e., controlled or released by a spring); de prise d'air, air-admission lever; de rcglage, (mach. gun) speed-regulating lever (of the mod. 1907-T); & renvoi, bell-crank lever; & ressort, (art.) spring lever; b rotule, rock shaft, rocking lever; steering lever; de rupture, swinging arm, hammer break; de s&rete, securing lever, locking lever; de tir et de surete, (mach. gun) regulator bolt arm; de vitesses, (mach.) change speed lever. liaison, f., (mil.) liaison. [Wehave no one word in English that exactly and conveniently translates liaison in its military relations. It is recommenced that the word be adopted into the language.] acoustique, liaison by sound signals, sound liaison; agent de , (should be an) officer (sometimes, but exceptionally, a noncommissioned officer) to transmit orders and get information; (by popular usage includes any private or n. c. o. that carries orders or goes on simple errands); connecting file, liaison agent; chefde la , (officer charged with the direction of liaison duties) connecting officer, liaison officer; double , duplicate connection, liaison: escadron de , (cav.) connecting squadron; laterale, lateral liaison, side connections (e. g., with an observation point to the right or left); pcrpendiculaire, liaison in depth. liberation, f., (mil.) discharge; acheter sa to , buy one's discharge; definitive, final discharge. libre, a. , (in matters of education) not given or supported by the State (France); lcve , pupil in a government school, but not intending to go into government service (France). licence, f., patent. lieutenant-aerostier, m., (aero.) balloon-lieutenant. ligne, f., line; (mil.) line; [Except where otherwise indicated, the following terms are military:] d'dbonnement, (mil. telephone) line always open (as distinguished from others that are opened only when needed, e. g., commanding general's line) ; bloquee, (r. r.) blocked line; brisee, broken line (gives flanking fire); de centres de resistance, (the first position, the one nearest the enemy) line of centers of resistance; hchevaux, (mil., pont.) picket line; de combat, (Fr. a., m/-) (the first line of a colonne double, q. v.) combat line; de correspondance, (mil.) (carrier-pigeon) line of correspondence; de demarcation, (Fr. a.) (the line separating the railways of the reseau des arme.es, from those of the reseau de I'interieur, qq. v.) line of demarcation; de demi-sections (escouades) par quatre (deux, un), line of half sections (squads) in columns of fours (twos, single file); directe. (mil. telephone) direct telephone line; enterree, (mil. telephone) buried line, underground line; d' escouades par un accolees, (Fr. a.) line of squads in single file; d'etapes, ( Fr. a.) line of supply from railway station to the troops (exists when station is not sufficiently near the troops); de I'interieur, (r. r.) railway line not in the theater of operations; libre, (r. r.) clear line; de mire du correcteur, (art.) corrector line of sight; de mire independante, (art.) independent line of sight; de navigation, (com.) steamship line; neutre, (elec.) in a magnetic field, the line separating the lines of force of opposite polarity; neutral line; la premiere , first line of fire trenches; prendre to de mire, (t. p.) to sight, to look along the line of sight; protegee, (mil. telephone) protected lino (lies in a trench or conduit ) ; des reduits, line of works, redoubts; de renforcement, ( Fr. a., inf.) (the second line of a colonne double, q. v.) supporting line; du rtscau des armees, (mil. r. r.) line in the zone of operations;

ligne 551 maison ligne reservee (mil. telephone) line reserved for special purpose ; deresistaixe, line of trenches of the first line. lino of resistance; de resistance des avant-postes, line of supports; de retenue, (ponL, etc.) holdfast; de sections par guatre (dcur, un), line of sections in columns of fours (squads, U. S. A.) of twos, of single files; de separation, (inst.) line of separation (range finder); dc soutien, line of support, of supporting trenches; de surveillance, outer line nearest the enemy, lookout line; de surveillance des avant-postes, toe of observation. de vol, (aero.) line of flight. limousine, f., (auto.) limousine. llngue, m., (mil. slang) knife. linguet, m., catch; de dHente, (macJi.) spring catch; d'entrainemem, (mach.) driving pawl; de retenue, (mach.) catch. liquide, m., liquid; excitateur, (elec.) active or exciting liquid of a cell. lisser, v. t., to smooth, smooth down. Hste, f., list; generate de classement. general standing, (schools). Bstel, m., (art.) fillet (of the mushroom head). lit, m., bed; & rabattement, folding bed. lit-canape, m., sofa bed; ft rabattement, folding sofa bed. lit-cantine, m., sort of box bed. lit-salon, m., (r. r.) parlor sleeping-car. ttvrable, a., (adm.) to be delivered (of goods, etc., under a contract). Hvre, m., book; bleu, Blue Book (and so of other colors). Hvret-guide-horaire, m., (r. r.) railway guide and time-table. inacavoue, m., (mil. slang) shell. machine, f., bicycle; (mach.) machine; ft conacnseur ft surface, (steam) surface condensing engine; ft decoudre, (mil. slang) machine gun; heprouver, testing machine; ft explosions, explosion engine; ft piston, generic term for piston, as distinguished from turbine, engines: simple, (r. r.) locomotive without cars; & turbines, turbine engine. machoire, f., jaw; (mach., etc.) clamp; de blocage, (trench art.) clamp. madrier, m., thick plank; - de retenue (trench art.), retaining timber. magasin, m., (expl.) priming charge seat; central automobile, (Fr. a.) mechanical transport repair shop. magistral, m., (law) magistrate; instructeur, committing magistrate; du siege, (Fr. law) judge. magistrature, f., (law) magistracy, the bench; assise, (Fr. law) judges proper, as distinguished from debout; debout, (Fr. law) the parquet, court officials. magneto, f., (elec.) magneto; ft avance automatique, automatic lead magneto; ft avance fixe, fixed lead magneto; ft avance variable, adjustable lead magneto; iibasse tension, low-tension magneto; blindee, cased magneto; ft bougies, high-tension magneto; livrct-horaire, m., (r. r.) timetable. lobe, f., lobe. longeron, m., side piece, stringer; (aero.) longeron (of the fuselage), spar (of a wing); d'aile, (aero.) wing spar; de queue, (aero.) tailpiece. longue-vue, f., telescope; binocufaire (monoculaire) It prismes, binocular (monocular) prismatic telescope. louche, f., ladle. loup, m., mask; (mil.) face mask (of a gas mask.) loupe, f., magnifying glass; d'horloger, jeweler's magnifying glass. lourd, a., heavy; du nez, (aero.) head heavy, heavy at the ndse (airplane); - de la queue, (aero.) tail heavy (air plane); plus quc I'air, (aero.) heavier-than-air (i. o. air planes). lovage, m., (cord.) coil of rope, act of coiling. laver, v. t., (cord.) to coil a rope. lubrefler, v. t., to lubricate. lueur, f., gleam; flash; de depart, (art.) flash of discharge. lumiere, f., light; aveuglante (auto., etc.) blinding light. lunette, f., telescope; (in pi.) goggles, spectacles; (mil.) lunette; acoustique, (mil.) acoustic telescope (listening apparatus, sound liaison), ear trumpet; aplatie, (mil.) half-redoubt (open in rear); d'aviateur, (aero.) goggles; de batterie, (art.) battery commander's telescope; caoutchouc, (mil.) eyepiece, rubber mounted, in certain gas masks; panoramique. (art. ) panoramic sight ; de pointage, (art.) telescopic sight; sportives, automobile spectacles, goggles; devisee, (art.) battery commander's telescope. Luxembourg, (a palace in Paris; by metonymy) the Senate. lyddite, f., (expl.) lyddite. lyre, f., lyre; stirrup (of a rowlock). M. magneto ft haute fcnszora, high-tension magneto; ft inducteur tournant, stationary armature magneto; ft induit oscillant, oscillating, rocking armature, magneto; ft induit tournant, revolving armature magneto (usual type); ft rupteurs, low-tension magneto; ft rupture, make-and-break magneto; ft volet, ft volet(s) tournant(s) stationary armature magneto. mahomet, m., (fam.) hair of the head left long in front. main, f., hand; courante, handrail; en , (man.) in hand (i. e., led, not ridden); djumelles, (mach.) link spring hanger or carrier; se mettre en s, (mil.) to get, come, to grips; mise en s, (mil.) getting to grips; remettre en , (mil.) to collect, get, all one's men, troops, together; de ressort, (mach.) spring hanger; dumb-iron; simple, (mach.) spring hanger; dumb-iron. main-d'qeuvre. f.. labor; militaire, (mil.) enlisted workmen. mainmorte, f., (law) mortmain. maison, f., house; de compagnie, (mil. fam.) company barracks, (i. e., special or separate barracks, and so of other units). de detention, prison; deforce, prison;

ligne 551 maison<br />

ligne reservee (mil. telephone) line reserved for<br />

special purpose ;<br />

deresistaixe, line of trenches of the first line.<br />

lino of resistance;<br />

de resistance des avant-postes, line of supports;<br />

de retenue, (ponL, etc.) holdfast;<br />

de sections par guatre (dcur, un), line of sections<br />

in columns of fours (squads, U. S. A.) of<br />

twos, of single files;<br />

de separation, (inst.) line of separation (range<br />

finder);<br />

dc soutien, line of support, of supporting<br />

trenches;<br />

de surveillance, outer line nearest the enemy,<br />

lookout line;<br />

de surveillance des avant-postes, toe of observation.<br />

de vol, (aero.) line of flight.<br />

limousine, f., (auto.) limousine.<br />

llngue, m., (mil. slang) knife.<br />

linguet, m., catch;<br />

de dHente, (macJi.) spring catch;<br />

d'entrainemem, (mach.) driving pawl;<br />

de retenue, (mach.) catch.<br />

liquide, m., liquid;<br />

excitateur, (elec.) active or exciting liquid of a<br />

cell.<br />

lisser, v. t., to smooth, smooth down.<br />

Hste, f., list;<br />

generate de classement. general standing,<br />

(schools).<br />

Bstel, m., (art.) fillet (of the mushroom head).<br />

lit, m., bed;<br />

& rabattement, folding bed.<br />

lit-canape, m., sofa bed;<br />

ft rabattement, folding sofa bed.<br />

lit-cantine, m., sort of box bed.<br />

lit-salon, m., (r. r.) parlor sleeping-car.<br />

ttvrable, a., (adm.) to be delivered (of goods, etc.,<br />

under a contract).<br />

Hvre, m., book;<br />

bleu, Blue Book (and so of other colors).<br />

Hvret-guide-horaire, m., (r. r.) railway guide and<br />

time-table.<br />

inacavoue, m., (mil. slang) shell.<br />

machine, f., bicycle; (mach.) machine;<br />

ft conacnseur ft surface, (steam) surface condensing<br />

engine;<br />

ft decoudre, (mil. slang) machine gun;<br />

heprouver, testing machine;<br />

ft explosions, explosion engine;<br />

ft piston, generic term for piston, as distinguished<br />

from turbine, engines:<br />

simple, (r. r.) lo<strong>com</strong>otive without cars;<br />

& turbines, turbine engine.<br />

machoire, f., jaw; (mach., etc.) clamp;<br />

de blocage, (trench art.) clamp.<br />

madrier, m., thick plank;<br />

- de retenue (trench art.), retaining timber.<br />

magasin, m., (expl.) priming charge seat;<br />

central automobile, (Fr. a.) mechanical transport<br />

repair shop.<br />

magistral, m., (law) magistrate;<br />

instructeur, <strong>com</strong>mitting magistrate;<br />

du siege, (Fr. law) judge.<br />

magistrature, f., (law) magistracy, the bench;<br />

assise, (Fr. law) judges proper, as distinguished<br />

from debout;<br />

debout, (Fr. law) the parquet, court officials.<br />

magneto, f., (elec.) magneto;<br />

ft avance automatique, automatic lead magneto;<br />

ft avance fixe, fixed lead magneto;<br />

ft avance variable, adjustable lead magneto;<br />

iibasse tension, low-tension magneto;<br />

blindee, cased magneto;<br />

ft bougies, high-tension magneto;<br />

livrct-horaire, m., (r. r.) timetable.<br />

lobe, f., lobe.<br />

longeron, m., side piece, stringer; (aero.) longeron<br />

(of the fuselage), spar (of a wing);<br />

d'aile, (aero.) wing spar;<br />

de queue, (aero.) tailpiece.<br />

longue-vue, f., telescope;<br />

binocufaire (monoculaire) It prismes, binocular<br />

(monocular) prismatic telescope.<br />

louche, f., ladle.<br />

loup, m., mask; (mil.) face mask (of a gas mask.)<br />

loupe, f., magnifying glass;<br />

d'horloger, jeweler's magnifying glass.<br />

lourd, a., heavy;<br />

du nez, (aero.) head heavy, heavy at the ndse<br />

(airplane);<br />

- de la queue, (aero.) tail heavy (air plane);<br />

plus quc I'air, (aero.) heavier-than-air (i. o.<br />

air planes).<br />

lovage, m., (cord.) coil of rope, act of coiling.<br />

laver, v. t., (cord.) to coil a rope.<br />

lubrefler, v. t., to lubricate.<br />

lueur, f., gleam; flash;<br />

de depart, (art.) flash of discharge.<br />

lumiere, f., light;<br />

aveuglante (auto., etc.) blinding light.<br />

lunette, f., telescope; (in pi.) goggles, spectacles;<br />

(mil.) lunette;<br />

acoustique, (mil.) acoustic telescope (listening<br />

apparatus, sound liaison), ear trumpet;<br />

aplatie, (mil.) half-redoubt (open in rear);<br />

d'aviateur, (aero.) goggles;<br />

de batterie, (art.) battery <strong>com</strong>mander's telescope;<br />

caoutchouc, (mil.) eyepiece, rubber mounted,<br />

in certain gas masks;<br />

panoramique. (art. ) panoramic sight ;<br />

de pointage, (art.) telescopic sight;<br />

sportives, automobile spectacles, goggles;<br />

devisee, (art.) battery <strong>com</strong>mander's telescope.<br />

Luxembourg, (a palace in Paris; by metonymy)<br />

the Senate.<br />

lyddite, f., (expl.) lyddite.<br />

lyre, f., lyre; stirrup (of a rowlock).<br />

M.<br />

magneto ft haute fcnszora, high-tension magneto;<br />

ft inducteur tournant, stationary armature<br />

magneto;<br />

ft induit oscillant, oscillating, rocking armature,<br />

magneto;<br />

ft induit tournant, revolving armature magneto<br />

(usual type);<br />

ft rupteurs, low-tension magneto;<br />

ft rupture, make-and-break magneto;<br />

ft volet, ft volet(s) tournant(s) stationary<br />

armature magneto.<br />

mahomet, m., (fam.) hair of the head left long in<br />

front.<br />

main, f., hand;<br />

courante, handrail;<br />

en , (man.) in hand (i. e., led, not ridden);<br />

djumelles, (mach.) link spring hanger or carrier;<br />

se mettre en s, (mil.) to get, <strong>com</strong>e, to grips;<br />

mise en s, (mil.) getting to grips;<br />

remettre en , (mil.) to collect, get, all one's<br />

men, troops, together;<br />

de ressort, (mach.) spring hanger; dumb-iron;<br />

simple, (mach.) spring hanger; dumb-iron.<br />

main-d'qeuvre. f.. labor;<br />

militaire, (mil.) enlisted workmen.<br />

mainmorte, f., (law) mortmain.<br />

maison, f., house;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>pagnie, (mil. fam.) <strong>com</strong>pany barracks,<br />

(i. e., special or separate barracks, and so of<br />

other units).<br />

de detention, prison;<br />

deforce, prison;

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