A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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grade 546 gyroplane grade de veille, noncommissioned officer on watch in a trench. gradient, m., (in meteorology) gradient. gradin, m., step; s appui-coude, (mil.) elbow rest; s de franchissement, (mil.) trench steps (for egress upon assaulting); de sortie, (mil.) exit steps of a boyau. gradometre, m., v. indicateur de pentc. of West Point, of gradue, m., graduate (e. g., Annapolis). grain, m., grain, (mach.) bush, bushing; d'appui, (mach. gun) thrust block; d'orge, small turner's gouge. graissage, m., lubrication; par barbotage, (mach.) splash lubrication; par circulation, (mach.) lubrication by circulation; ordinary lubrication; (in some cases) gravity lubrication; ft, sous, pression, (mach.) forced lubrication. graisse, f., grease, lubricant; anti-rouille, rust preventer; de bras, (fam.) elbow grease; consistante, stiff lubricant. graisser, v. t., to oil. graisseur, m., grease cup, oil cup; oiler (person). [The following terms are mechanical:] ft bague, ring oiler; central, central oil feed; ft compte-gouttes, drip-feed lubricator; ft coup de poing, hand-pump lubricator; ft debit visible, sight-feed lubricator; ft depart multiple, spray oiler; distributee, lubricating-feed mechanism; par gravite, gravity-feed lubricator; mecanique, mechanical-feed lubricator, force feed oiler; ft percussion, hand oiler; ft piston, v. ft coup de poing; ft pompe, pump-feed lubricator; ft pression de gaz, pressure-feed lubricator. grand'garde, f., (mil.) support (of the line of outposts). grand'route, f., highway. graphique, m., graph. gratte-papier, m., (slang) pen-pusher, quill-driver, grattoir, m., scraper; en demi-lune, semicircular scraper. graver, v. t., to grave, engrave; se , (sm. a., etc.) to be eaten, corroded (rifle barrel, etc.). gravillon, m., coarse gravel. graviter, v. n., (mil. slang, St. Cyr), to go to the hospital. grenade, f., (mil.) grenade; automatique, automatic grenade; defensive, defensive grenade; D. R., type of rifle grenade, joined to rifle by a mandrel; d'exercice, dummy grenade; fumigene, smoke-producing grenade; fusante, time grenade; &fusil , rifle grenade; incendiaire, incendiary grenade; ft main, hand grenade; offensive, offensive (used when attacking, synonym of petard d'assaut); de parapet, defensive grenade (with special reference to its use in trenches); suffocante, asphyxiating grenade; ft nge, ri;le grenade, stick grenade; V.B., the Viven Bessieres grenade. grenadier, m., (mil.) grenadier; (to-day) bomber, grenade thrower; d' elite, (soldier specially skilled and bold in the use of grenade) expert grenadier; (is a formal designation in the French Army); eltve , lance grenadier (man qualifying to become a grenadier thrower) ; officicr , officer on grenade duty, grenadier oflicer. grenadier V B, V B grenadier (throws the V B grenade). grenai-le, f., (elec.) granular carbon, gres, m., glazed earthenware. griffc, f., claw; clip, clamp; d agrafaje, (r. r. art.) holding-down clamp; de chirgcment, (art.) shell hooks; d'entrainement, (trench art.) cocking catch. gril, m., frame (as, for boats hauled out). grille, f., (eZec.)grid; ft , ( mach.) said of a gear set having both lateral and longitudinal motion (e. g., in change speed gears). d' entree d'eaux, strainer. grippage, m., (mach.) gripping, jamming (of adjacent running parts, not sufficiently oiled). grippement, m., v. grippage. gripper, v. t., to grip. grisouteux, a., (of a coal mine) liable to fire damp. griveton, m., (mil. slang) a private. grolles, f., pi., (mil. slang) shoes. gros,a.,large; en , (com.) wholesale; un noir, (mil. slang) large shell. grotipe, m., (mach., elec.) set; decanevasdetir, (roiZ.) (group of officers, etc., whose duty it is to prepare the canevas de tir, q. v., one at each army headquarters); fire triangulation group; electrogene, (elec.) generator set; moteur, (mach.) motor set; moto-propulseur , (mach.) engine set. groupement, m., (art.) group of heavy batteries (corps and army), gruc, f., (mach.) crane; mobile ft fleche, mobile, transportable, crrane. guerite, f., (mil.) sentry box; mctallique, armored sentry box. guerite-observatoire, f., (mil.) lookout shelter. guerre, f., (sometimes, alone) Franco-Prussian War, the war (before 1914); de brousse, v. s. v. brousse; de mouvement, open warfare, war in the open field, as distinguished from trench warfare; de positions, position warfare; sainte, holy war (Mussulman); de taupe, (mil. slang) trench warfare; (taupe*= mole); de tranchle, siege operations; (to-day) trench warfare. guetre, f., (auto.) sleeve or laced wrapping (for punctured tires). guetteur,m., (mil.) (in the trenches) lookout, man constantly on the watch. gueule, f., (art.,sm. a.) muzzle; d'enfer, (hipp.) very hard mouth. guidage, m., (mach.) valve guide. guide, m., guide-book; debielle, (mach. gun) cartridge guide cam cover. guide-beche, m., (trench art.) anchor guide (platform). guide-poche, m., pocket-guide. guide-ropage, m., (aero.), (use of the guide rope) dragging. guide-soupape, m., (mach.) valve guide. guidon, m., (auto.) handle bar; (sm. a.) foresight; fin, (t. p.) coarse sight; grps, (t. p.) coarse sight; pince ft droite (gauche), (t. p.) foresight to right (left). guignol,m., (aero.), king post. guillemets, m. pi., quotation marks. guitoune, f., (mil. slang) tent, shelter. gutta, f., guttapercha. gyroplane, m., (aero.) sort of helicopter.

habillage 547 imperiale habillage, m., fitting; des roues, (auto.) equipment of wheels (with rubber tires). hale-a-bord, m., (nav.) inhaul. haleur, m.. hauler. halte-repas, f., (mil} the same as station , q. v. hangar, m., (aero.) hangar, shelter; fixe, stationary hangar; de toile, canvas hangar. tournant, revolving hangar. haras, m., stud farm. hauban, m., (aero.) wire, bracing wire; guy wire haubannage, m., (aero.) bracing, rigging, stays generic terra for the haubans, q. Y. hausse, f., (art., sm. a.) roar-sight, elevation; angle de -, v. s. v. angle; arc dc , (art.) elevation arc; . de combat, (sm. a., inf.) battle sight; goniometrique, (art.) goniometric sight; independante, (art.) independent sight; du moment, (art.) elevation of the moment (as fixed by local conditions at the time); optique, (sm. a.) telescopic sight. hauteur, f., height; couvrante, (mil.) height of cover; prendre de la , (aero.) to rise. hauturier, a. , on the high seas, high sea; service , (aero.) high sea aviation service. hecto, m., hectolitre. hoctometrique, a., hectometric. hence, i.,(mach. . etc.) screw, propeller; (aero.) screw tractor); propeller (pusher): ascensionnelle, (aero.) lifting propeller (of a helicopter e); enoois, wood propeller; & deux branches, two bladed propeller; & droite, (gauche), right (left) handed propeller; metallique, metal propeller; & pales souples, (aero.) flexible propeller; pas det' , pitch of the propeller; & pas constant, true screw propeller; propulsive, (aero.) driving propeller; reversible, reversible screw, screw with reversible blades; souffle de I' , (aero.) propeller wash; souple, v. & pales souples. sustentatrice, (aero.) supporting propeller; tractive (aero.) tractor. hfilicoptere, m., (aero.) helicopter. heliographe, m., (mil. fig.) heliograph. h6risson,m., hedgehog; (mil.) (polyhedral obstacle of barbed wire nailed to the ends of three stakes at right angles to one another), wire hedgehog, hedgehog. heterodyne, m., (elec.) heterodyne. heure, f., hour; time; legale, (in France) Greenwich time. heurt, m., shock, collision; d'armes, shock of arms. hierarchiser, v. t., to arrange in order of seniority, or of rank. hippodrome, m., (man) riding field, ground (e. g., Verrie near Saumur). hippomobile, a., horse-drawn. hippomobilisme, m., hippomobilism (horse, distinguished frfrom motor, traction). idee f idea* 'he manoeuvre, (mil.) fundamental idea of the plan d' ensemble, q. v. ignifuge, a., fireproof, t ignifuger, v. t., to make fireproof. Hot, m., islet; de resistance, (mil. ) (any point, or portion of a position, prepared to resist capture, to oner resistance, e. g., segment actif, q. v.); (isolated) point of resistance. hoi iime, m. , man; s 32-40, (mil., r. r.) legend on railway car, meaning that 32 men with, 40 without, their equipment, may be taken on board; de chambre, (mil.) room orderly; de communication (mil.) agent of communication (more especially) runner. homme-bafonnette, in., (mil.) man who explores a cleaned out trench, bayonet-man. hOpital, m., hospital (ourable cases); de Vinterieur, (mil. med.) base hospital; militaire, (mil. med.) military, army, hospital. hdpital-annexe, m., hospital annex. horaire, m., (r. r.) schedule; (any) schedule, time table. horlogerie, f., clock work; mouvement d' , clock work. hospice, m., ables). hospital (aged persons, and incur- hospitaliser, v. t., (TntZ. med.)tosendtoahospital. hostau, m., (mil. slang) hospital. hostcau, m., (mil. slang) hospital. hotte, f., scuttle; porte-bombes, (trench art.), (fort of) bomb scuttle. houille, f., coal; blanche, water power. houppelande, f., great-coat, long coat (e. g., Cossack coat). houppette, f., tassel; (unif.) tuft (as of a helmet). hourd, m., (sawyer's) trestle. houseaux, m. pi., leggings. housse, f., cover; (auto.) spare tire cover. huile, f., oil; les s, (mil. slang) staff officers; & cylindre, (mach.) cylinder oil; de graissage, (mach.) lubricating oil; lampante, mineral oil; petroleum; legere, light oil; lourde, heavy oil; h mecanisme, (mach.) machine oil; h mouvement, v. to, mecanisme. huileux, a., oily. huis, m., door (obs. except in the following expression). & clos, behind closed doors (courts, etc.); '- demander le clos, (courts, etc.) to ask that the court be cleared and closed. luimide, a., humid, damp; & n o/o, (expl.) of gun cotton, containing n o/o of moisture. hutte, f., hut; en clayonnage, wattle hut. hydravion, m., (aero.) seaplane. hydroaeroplane, m., (aero.) hydroairplane. hydro-avion, m., (aero.) seaplane. hydrocarbure, f., (chcm.) hydrocarbon. hydroplanant, a., (aero.) water floating. hydroplane, m., (aero.) hydroplane. I. Immatriculation, f., (auto.) registering. immeuble, a., real (of estate); m., real property, real estate, house. immobilisation, f., (mach.) locking. immobiliser, v. t., (mach.) to lock; to hold in place. impedance, f., (elec.) impedance. imperiale, f., roof, top of a carriage.

habillage 547 imperiale<br />

habillage, m., fitting;<br />

des roues, (auto.) equipment of wheels (with<br />

rubber tires).<br />

hale-a-bord, m., (nav.) inhaul.<br />

haleur, m.. hauler.<br />

halte-repas, f., (mil} the same as station , q. v.<br />

hangar, m., (aero.) hangar, shelter;<br />

fixe, stationary hangar;<br />

de toile, canvas hangar.<br />

tournant, revolving hangar.<br />

haras, m., stud farm.<br />

hauban, m., (aero.) wire, bracing wire; guy wire<br />

haubannage, m., (aero.) bracing, rigging, stays<br />

generic terra for the haubans, q. Y.<br />

hausse, f., (art., sm. a.) roar-sight, elevation;<br />

angle de -, v. s. v. angle;<br />

arc dc , (art.) elevation arc;<br />

. de <strong>com</strong>bat, (sm. a., inf.) battle sight;<br />

goniometrique, (art.) goniometric sight;<br />

independante, (art.) independent sight;<br />

du moment, (art.) elevation of the moment<br />

(as fixed by local conditions at the time);<br />

optique, (sm. a.) telescopic sight.<br />

hauteur, f., height;<br />

couvrante, (mil.) height of cover;<br />

prendre de la , (aero.) to rise.<br />

hauturier, a. , on the high seas, high sea;<br />

service , (aero.) high sea aviation service.<br />

hecto, m., hectolitre.<br />

hoctometrique, a., hectometric.<br />

hence, i.,(mach. . etc.) screw, propeller; (aero.) screw<br />

tractor); propeller (pusher):<br />

ascensionnelle, (aero.) lifting propeller (of a<br />

helicopter e);<br />

enoois, wood propeller;<br />

& deux branches, two bladed propeller;<br />

& droite, (gauche), right (left) handed propeller;<br />

metallique, metal propeller;<br />

& pales souples, (aero.) flexible propeller;<br />

pas det' , pitch of the propeller;<br />

& pas constant, true screw propeller;<br />

propulsive, (aero.) driving propeller;<br />

reversible, reversible screw, screw with reversible<br />

blades;<br />

souffle de I' , (aero.) propeller wash;<br />

souple, v. & pales souples.<br />

sustentatrice, (aero.) supporting propeller;<br />

tractive (aero.) tractor.<br />

hfilicoptere, m., (aero.) helicopter.<br />

heliographe, m., (mil. fig.) heliograph.<br />

h6risson,m., hedgehog; (mil.) (polyhedral obstacle<br />

of barbed wire nailed to the ends of three stakes<br />

at right angles to one another), wire hedgehog,<br />

hedgehog.<br />

heterodyne, m., (elec.) heterodyne.<br />

heure, f., hour; time;<br />

legale, (in France) Greenwich time.<br />

heurt, m., shock, collision;<br />

d'armes, shock of arms.<br />

hierarchiser, v. t., to arrange in order of seniority,<br />

or of rank.<br />

hippodrome, m., (man) riding field, ground (e. g.,<br />

Verrie near Saumur).<br />

hippomobile, a., horse-drawn.<br />

hippomobilisme, m., hippomobilism (horse,<br />

distinguished frfrom motor, traction).<br />

idee f idea*<br />

'he manoeuvre, (mil.) fundamental idea of the<br />

plan d' ensemble, q. v.<br />

ignifuge, a., fireproof, t<br />

ignifuger, v. t., to make fireproof.<br />

Hot, m., islet;<br />

de resistance, (mil. ) (any point, or portion of a<br />

position, prepared to resist capture, to oner<br />

resistance, e. g., segment actif, q. v.); (isolated)<br />

point of resistance.<br />

hoi iime, m. , man;<br />

s 32-40, (mil., r. r.) legend on railway car,<br />

meaning that 32 men with, 40 without, their<br />

equipment, may be taken on board;<br />

de chambre, (mil.) room orderly;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>munication (mil.) agent of <strong>com</strong>munication<br />

(more especially) runner.<br />

homme-bafonnette, in., (mil.) man who explores<br />

a cleaned out trench, bayonet-man.<br />

hOpital, m., hospital (ourable cases);<br />

de Vinterieur, (mil. med.) base hospital;<br />

militaire, (mil. med.) military, army, hospital.<br />

hdpital-annexe, m., hospital annex.<br />

horaire, m., (r. r.) schedule; (any) schedule, time<br />

table.<br />

horlogerie, f., clock work;<br />

mouvement d' , clock work.<br />

hospice, m.,<br />

ables).<br />

hospital (aged persons, and incur-<br />

hospitaliser, v. t., (TntZ. med.)tosendtoahospital.<br />

hostau, m., (mil. slang) hospital.<br />

hostcau, m., (mil. slang) hospital.<br />

hotte, f., scuttle;<br />

porte-bombes, (trench art.), (fort of) bomb<br />

scuttle.<br />

houille, f., coal;<br />

blanche, water power.<br />

houppelande, f., great-coat, long coat (e. g., Cossack<br />

coat).<br />

houppette, f., tassel; (unif.) tuft (as of a helmet).<br />

hourd, m., (sawyer's) trestle.<br />

houseaux, m. pi., leggings.<br />

housse, f., cover; (auto.) spare tire cover.<br />

huile, f., oil;<br />

les s, (mil. slang) staff officers;<br />

& cylindre, (mach.) cylinder oil;<br />

de graissage, (mach.) lubricating oil;<br />

lampante, mineral oil; petroleum;<br />

legere, light oil;<br />

lourde, heavy oil;<br />

h mecanisme, (mach.) machine oil;<br />

h mouvement, v. to, mecanisme.<br />

huileux, a., oily.<br />

huis, m., door (obs. except in the following expression).<br />

& clos, behind closed doors (courts, etc.);<br />

'-<br />

demander le clos, (courts, etc.) to ask that the<br />

court be cleared and closed.<br />

luimide, a., humid, damp;<br />

& n o/o, (expl.) of gun cotton, containing n<br />

o/o of moisture.<br />

hutte, f., hut;<br />

en clayonnage, wattle hut.<br />

hydravion, m., (aero.) seaplane.<br />

hydroaeroplane, m., (aero.) hydroairplane.<br />

hydro-avion, m., (aero.) seaplane.<br />

hydrocarbure, f., (chcm.) hydrocarbon.<br />

hydroplanant, a., (aero.) water floating.<br />

hydroplane, m., (aero.) hydroplane.<br />

I.<br />

Immatriculation, f., (auto.) registering.<br />

immeuble, a., real (of estate); m., real property,<br />

real estate, house.<br />

immobilisation, f., (mach.) locking.<br />

immobiliser, v. t., (mach.) to lock; to hold in<br />

place.<br />

impedance, f., (elec.) impedance.<br />

imperiale, f., roof, top of a carriage.

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