A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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6erou 538 eiiclenche Scrou de blocage, locking nut, clamping nut; - borqnc, screw cap; - h chapeau, screw cover; -fendu, split nut, safety nut (will not unscrew); - de -fixation, holding down nut; - presse-cuir, (art., mach., etc.) leather-washer jam nut; - de retenue, check nut; - de tension, tightening nut, adjusting nut, set ting nut; h touriUons, (in gen.) trunnion-nut. 6cuage, m., v. ecuanteur. ecuanteur, f., dish of a wheel. ecurie-baraque, f., (mil.) hut stable, field stable. ecurie-dock, f., box-stall stable. efiacer, v. t., to rub out; - les epaules, to hold the shoulders square and back. effectif, m., (mil.) strength, total strength; - budgetaire, the strength as appearing in parliamentary estimates; - mobilisable, the men available for purely military duty (thered, diminished by men on non-military duty, service auxiliaire); - reel, all the men on the rolls at a siren instant. effet, m., effect; - destructif, (mil.) destructive value; - meurtrier, v.destructif; -s publics, (com.) Government stocks and bonds; -s & la faille de . . ., clothes, etc., fitting effiler, v. t., to taper. cffleurS, m., (man.) graze (in a jump). 6gailler, v. r., to spread, distribute. 6Jectenr, m., (steam) ejector. 61argisseur, m., (art.) extension piece, extension (platform) . electrisation, f., (elec.) electrification. eiectriser, v. t., (elec.) to electrify. eiectrobus, m., (auto.) electric bus. glectrogene, a., (elec.) generating. element, m., element; -s non endivisionnes, (mil.) (in a corps, all the elements not organically parts of the divisions, e. g., battalion of engineers, medical units, etc.)nondivisional elements, corps troops. eiGvateur, m., (mach. gun) carrier. Clfcve, m., pupil, student; - marechal, (Fr. a.) lance farrier; - sortant, (mil.) cadet about to be graduated. eifcve-officer, m., (mil.) pupil or student who is to become an officer. eiingue, f., sling; - de portage, sling. , m. . official residence, in Paris, of the President or the French,Republic; palais de I'-, the Elysee Palace. Gmailler, v. t., to enamel. embacle, m., ice jam, ice pack. emballage, m., packing case. emballement, m., (mach.) racing; (man.) runaway, running away. embalier, v. t. r., (mach.) to race; (man.) to run away, bolt. embarcation, f., small boat; - & moteurd, petrole, petroleum motor - boat; a, au, petrole, petroleum motor - boat; b, vapeur, steam launch. embardee, f., (aero.) yaw, yawing; (nav.) yaw (auto.) front skid; faire une- , (auto.) to skid; (aero., nav.) to yaw. embarder, v. n., (auto.) to skid; (aero., nav.) to yaw. embase, f., (mach.) flange. einbochS, a., (tainted with bochisme, or subjected, whether voluntarily or not, to the influence of bochisme) "prussianized." embocher, v. t., (mil. slang) to turn boche. emboitement, m., interlocking; & , interlocking. embouchoir, m., (sm. a.) upper band; porte-guidon, (mach. gun) front right bracket. embout, m.. ferrule, tip. embouteillage, m., bottling. embouteiller, v. t., to bottle. embrayage, m.. (mach.) engagement (of a clutch, etc.) clutch; & cone(s), cone clutch; a cone(s) direct, droit, cone clutch (the cone moving toward the motor); & cone(s) inverse, inverted cone clutch; & disques, friction disk clutch (multiple disks); & enroulement, v. -ftspirale; extensible, expanding clutch; hydraulique, hydraulic clutch; metallique, metal on metal clutch; & plateaux, plate clutch; & ruban, band clutch; & segments (extensible^), expanding clutch (spreading or extension of segments); to, spirale, spiral clutch, coil clutch. embrayer, v. t., (auto.) to put on, use, such and such a speed. embrun, m., mist, foggy weather. embuscade, f., (mil. slang) situation or state of being a shirker, a slacker; evasion of military duty or service. embusqufi, m., (mil. slang) shirker, slacker. embusquer, v. r., (mil. slang) to shirk, to bo a slacker; to evade military duty or service. femetteur, a., sending: m., (elec., etc.) sender, sending apparatus, emission device. emettre, v. t., (telegraphy, etc.) to send. emission, f., teleyrapJiy, etc.) sending; (elec., etc.) sending, emission; directe, (wireless) direct coupled transmission; direct coupled transmitting station or set; indirecte (par induction) (wireless) inductively coupled transmission; inductively coupled transmitting set or station. emmanchement, m., helving; carre, (mach.) square shank; & tournevis, (mach.) sort of tongue-and-groove clutch. emmancher, v. t., to fit on a handle; en carre, (mach.) to mount on a square shaft. empattement, m., (auto., etc.) wheel base; (aero.) width. empennage, m., (aero.) fin, empennage; fin placed at the stern of a dirigible to kill pitching; sta- bility plane; stabilizer; (art.) fin of a projectile; pneumatique, (aero.) pneumatic empennage, stability ballonet. empenner, v. t., (aero.) to equip a dirigible with fins; (mil.) to equip bombs, grenades, etc., with fins. emplanture, f., step (of a mast); des ailes (aero.) wing socket. emplatre, m., (auto.) repairing strip. empreinte, f., impression; digitale, finger print. encadrer, v. t., (art.) to bracket. encagement, m., imprisonment; (mil.) inclusion (of a portion of the front, as by grenade fire). encager, v. t., to imprison; (mil.) to include (a portion of the front, as by grenade fire). en-cas, m., (any) emergency provision; mobile, (mil. r. r.) emergency train (supplies, ammunition, etc., ready to start at a moment's notice). encasernement, m., (mil.) barracking, quartering of troops in barracks. encaserner, v. t., (mil.) to quarter in barracks. enclanchement, m., (mach.) coupling gear or device, (also spelled enclenchement). enclenche, f., (mach.) (eccentric) gab, (also spelled cnclanche).

encoche 539 escadrille encoche, f., notch; fi ba'ionncMe, bayonet point. encombrement, m., (art.) cubic space (occupied, e. g., by a mortar in battery, measurement over encrassement, m., fouling. encrasser, v. a. r., to foul, to become foul. cncuivrage, m., (art., sm. a.") metal fouling. endaubage, m., preserved (canned) meat. endauber, v. t., to preserve meat. enduire, v. t., to dope. enduit, m., (aero.) dope. enionee-portes, m., fireman's pickax. enfourchemeiit, m., fork (in many techincal relations). engagement, m., (aero.), nose dive; special, ait du devcncemeri d'appcl (Fr. a.) (enlistmenl; or entry into service before date on which service is due), anticipated enlistment. engin, m., gear, device; d'arrSt, (aero.) device for stopping a balloon from dragging when landing (rip-strip, anchor, guide rope and valve); a de lancement, (artif.) projecting apparatus; de sauvetage, life-saving device. s de tranchee, (generic term for trench guns, mortars, etc.) trench gear; engrenage, m., (modi.) gear, gearing; mesh; dc direction, steering gear; de distribution, feed-gear. enroulement, m., (elec.) winding; inducteur, winding of the primary coil, primary winding; induit, winding of secondary coil; primaire, v. inducteur; secondaire, (elec.) winding of the secondary coil, secondary winding. ensable, a., sand bound; port , sand bound port. entartragc, m., (mach.) scale, furring (of tubes, radiators, etc.). entartre, a., (mach.) scaled, furred (of a boiler, pipe, etc.). entartrer, v. r., (mach.) to scale, (become covered with scale). entassement, m.. (mil.) the (hurtful) concentration of men on the battle line, or in action, in an assault. entente, f., understanding; I' , the Entente (France and England). enterrer, v. t., to bury; Us morts, to bury the dead; 8' , (mil.) to dig in, to dig one's self in. entoilage, m. , (aero. ) (covering of canvas placed over the fuselage, frames, etc., to diminish air resistance); fabric; wing covering; covered body (air plane). entoiler, v. t., (aero.) to cover fuselage, frames, etc., with canvas. entonnoir, m., funnel; & grille, a screened funnel. entrainement, m., (mach.) driving; par cane, square shaft drive; par pignon, gear dri\ ing. entrainer, v. t., to drag, carry on; (mach.) to drive. entree, f., entrance; (mach., etc.) inlet, intake, admission, introduction; Us s, (com.) receipts, income; par I'arriere (auto.) rear entrance; de caisse, (auto. ) body entrance; de dent, (mach.) beveling, chamfer of a gear tooth; laterale (auto. ) side entrance. entrefllet, m., paragraph (in a newspaper). entre-jambes, m., (unif.) crotch of a pair of trousers. entrer, v. n., to enter; deforcement, to go on or in with a press fit. entre-rail, m., (r. r.) gauge. entrctolse, f., distance piece; cross brace; avant porte-fourche, (mach. gun) bipod block; mediane, (mach. gun) handle block; porte-vofct, (mach. gun) barrel catch block. enucleation, enucleation. enveloppe, f., shoe (pneumatic tire); (mach.) waterjacket; (aero.) gas-bag; (mach. gun) barrolcasing. envergure, f., (aero.) spread; wing span; relative (aero. ) aspect ratio; totale, (aero.) spread (from tip to tip). envoi, in., (aero.) start. envolce, f., (aero.) trip, journey, flight. epanouir. v. t., (mach.) to splay. epaulement, m., (aero.), ferule. 6pec, f.. sword; de combat, dueling sword; faire de I' , (fenc.) to fence with the svrord. Gpeiste, m., (fenc.) skillful sword fencer, swordsman. eperon, m., spur; & Ixnle, box spur; & la cavaliere, jack spurs; ft courroies, ordinary spur; mobile, detachable spur. epi, m.. (mil. top.) small salient, point or tongue; (mil. r. r.) spur track; courbe, (mil. r. r.) fan-shaped combination of spur trades (some railway guns can fire only in the direction of the axis of the truck; to allow them to fire in directions other than that of tha main line the epi courbe is constructed). epingle, f.,pin; ttchapeau, hat pin; (mil. slang) rifle grenade; ft cheveux, hair pin; hair phi curve; de nourrice, safety pin; de surete, safety pin. epouvantail, m., scaro crow. epreuve, f., test; de conductibilUe (elec.) conductibility test; defond, (man.) endurance test; d'isolement, (elec.) insulation test; d'obstacles, (man.) lumping test; de roulcment, (art.) road test, marching test (of field artillery materiel). 6purateur, m., purifier, in general. equerre, f., corner, angle plate; deretenue, (trench art) corner iron (for holding platform, 240 C. T., on wagon). de socle, trusset. equilibrage, m., (mach.) balancing. equllibre, m., (aero.) balance. equllibrer, v. t., (mach.) to balance; (aero.) to stabilize. eqtulibreur, m., (aero.) stabilizer, stabilizing rudder, stabilizing fin; (art.) muzzle counterpoise (155 C. T. R.). equipe, f., (mil.) detachment, squad; (sport) team. de liaison, (mil.) connecting squad, liaison squad ; de salubrite, (mil.) police squad in barracks. equitation, f., (man.) equitation; exterieure, out-door riding (as distinguished from hall work). eraille, a., (in gen.) raveled, frayed. erosion, (art.) blast (ground in front of a gun, torn up, burnt, etc., by the blast). erreur.f., error; de bande, (aero. ) error due to vertical magnetic influence of earth combined with that of magneto; quadrantale, (aero.) quadrancal compass error (alternating east and west in the four quadrants); semi-circulaire (aero.) semi-circular error (constant direction error). escadre, f., (aero.) squadron (unit, above escadrille). escadrille, f., ( Fr. a., aero.) unit of aviation troops or personnel; escadrilie; d'artillerie, (aero.) artillery escadrille, spotting squadron; de bombardement, (aero.) bombing group or escadrille;

encoche 539 escadrille<br />

encoche, f., notch;<br />

fi ba'ionncMe, bayonet point.<br />

en<strong>com</strong>brement, m., (art.) cubic space (occupied,<br />

e. g., by a mortar in battery, measurement over<br />

encrassement, m., fouling.<br />

encrasser, v. a. r., to foul, to be<strong>com</strong>e foul.<br />

cncuivrage, m., (art., sm. a.") metal fouling.<br />

endaubage, m., preserved (canned) meat.<br />

endauber, v. t., to preserve meat.<br />

enduire, v. t., to dope.<br />

enduit, m., (aero.) dope.<br />

enionee-portes, m., fireman's pickax.<br />

enfourchemeiit, m., fork (in many techincal relations).<br />

engagement, m., (aero.), nose dive;<br />

special, ait du devcncemeri d'appcl (Fr. a.)<br />

(enlistmenl; or entry into service before date on<br />

which service is due), anticipated enlistment.<br />

engin, m., gear, device;<br />

d'arrSt, (aero.) device for stopping a balloon<br />

from dragging when landing (rip-strip, anchor,<br />

guide rope and valve);<br />

a de lancement, (artif.) projecting apparatus;<br />

de sauvetage, life-saving device.<br />

s de tranchee, (generic term for trench guns,<br />

mortars, etc.) trench gear;<br />

engrenage, m., (modi.) gear, gearing; mesh;<br />

dc direction, steering gear;<br />

de distribution, feed-gear.<br />

enroulement, m., (elec.) winding;<br />

inducteur, winding of the primary coil,<br />

primary winding;<br />

induit, winding of secondary coil;<br />

primaire, v. inducteur;<br />

secondaire, (elec.) winding of the secondary<br />

coil, secondary winding.<br />

ensable, a., sand bound;<br />

port , sand bound port.<br />

entartragc, m., (mach.) scale, furring (of tubes,<br />

radiators, etc.).<br />

entartre, a., (mach.) scaled, furred (of a boiler, pipe,<br />

etc.).<br />

entartrer, v. r., (mach.) to scale, (be<strong>com</strong>e covered<br />

with scale).<br />

entassement, m.. (mil.) the (hurtful) concentration<br />

of men on the battle line, or in action, in an<br />

assault.<br />

entente, f., understanding;<br />

I' , the Entente (France and England).<br />

enterrer, v. t., to bury;<br />

Us morts, to bury the dead;<br />

8' , (mil.) to dig in, to dig one's self in.<br />

entoilage, m. , (aero. ) (covering of canvas placed over<br />

the fuselage, frames, etc., to diminish air resistance);<br />

fabric; wing covering; covered body (air<br />

plane).<br />

entoiler, v. t., (aero.) to cover fuselage, frames, etc.,<br />

with canvas.<br />

entonnoir, m., funnel;<br />

& grille, a screened funnel.<br />

entrainement, m., (mach.) driving;<br />

par cane, square shaft drive;<br />

par pignon, gear dri\ ing.<br />

entrainer, v. t., to drag, carry on; (mach.) to drive.<br />

entree, f., entrance; (mach., etc.) inlet, intake, admission,<br />

introduction;<br />

Us s, (<strong>com</strong>.) receipts, in<strong>com</strong>e;<br />

par I'arriere (auto.) rear entrance;<br />

de caisse, (auto. ) body entrance;<br />

de dent, (mach.) beveling, chamfer of a gear<br />

tooth;<br />

laterale (auto. ) side entrance.<br />

entrefllet, m., paragraph (in a newspaper).<br />

entre-jambes, m., (unif.) crotch of a pair of<br />

trousers.<br />

entrer, v. n., to enter;<br />

deforcement, to go on or in with a press fit.<br />

entre-rail, m., (r. r.) gauge.<br />

entrctolse, f., distance piece; cross brace;<br />

avant porte-fourche, (mach. gun) bipod block;<br />

mediane, (mach. gun) handle block;<br />

porte-vofct, (mach. gun) barrel catch block.<br />

enucleation, enucleation.<br />

enveloppe, f., shoe (pneumatic tire); (mach.) waterjacket;<br />

(aero.) gas-bag; (mach. gun) barrolcasing.<br />

envergure, f., (aero.) spread; wing span;<br />

relative (aero. ) aspect ratio;<br />

totale, (aero.) spread (from tip to tip).<br />

envoi, in., (aero.) start.<br />

envolce, f., (aero.) trip, journey, flight.<br />

epanouir. v. t., (mach.) to splay.<br />

epaulement, m., (aero.), ferule.<br />

6pec, f.. sword;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>bat, dueling sword;<br />

faire de I'<br />

, (fenc.) to fence with the svrord.<br />

Gpeiste, m., (fenc.) skillful sword fencer, swordsman.<br />

eperon, m., spur;<br />

& Ixnle, box spur;<br />

& la cavaliere, jack spurs;<br />

ft courroies, ordinary spur;<br />

mobile, detachable spur.<br />

epi, m.. (mil. top.) small salient, point or tongue;<br />

(mil. r. r.) spur track;<br />

courbe, (mil. r. r.) fan-shaped <strong>com</strong>bination of<br />

spur trades (some railway guns can fire only in<br />

the direction of the axis of the truck; to allow<br />

them to fire in directions other than that of tha<br />

main line the epi courbe is constructed).<br />

epingle, f.,pin;<br />

ttchapeau, hat pin; (mil. slang) rifle grenade;<br />

ft cheveux, hair pin; hair phi curve;<br />

de nourrice, safety pin;<br />

de surete, safety pin.<br />

epouvantail, m., scaro crow.<br />

epreuve, f., test;<br />

de conductibilUe (elec.) conductibility test;<br />

defond, (man.) endurance test;<br />

d'isolement, (elec.) insulation test;<br />

d'obstacles, (man.) lumping test;<br />

de roulcment, (art.) road test, marching test<br />

(of field artillery materiel).<br />

6purateur, m., purifier, in general.<br />

equerre, f., corner, angle plate;<br />

deretenue, (trench art) corner iron (for holding<br />

platform, 240 C. T., on wagon).<br />

de socle, trusset.<br />

equilibrage, m., (mach.) balancing.<br />

equllibre, m., (aero.) balance.<br />

equllibrer, v. t., (mach.) to balance; (aero.) to<br />

stabilize.<br />

eqtulibreur, m., (aero.) stabilizer, stabilizing<br />

rudder, stabilizing fin; (art.) muzzle counterpoise<br />

(155 C. T. R.).<br />

equipe, f., (mil.) detachment, squad; (sport) team.<br />

de liaison, (mil.) connecting squad, liaison<br />

squad ;<br />

de salubrite, (mil.) police squad in barracks.<br />

equitation, f., (man.) equitation;<br />

exterieure, out-door riding (as distinguished<br />

from hall work).<br />

eraille, a., (in gen.) raveled, frayed.<br />

erosion, (art.) blast (ground in front of a gun, torn<br />

up, burnt, etc., by the blast).<br />

erreur.f., error;<br />

de bande, (aero. ) error due to vertical magnetic<br />

influence of earth <strong>com</strong>bined with that of magneto;<br />

quadrantale, (aero.) quadrancal <strong>com</strong>pass<br />

error (alternating east and west in the four<br />

quadrants);<br />

semi-circulaire (aero.) semi-circular error (constant<br />

direction error).<br />

escadre, f., (aero.) squadron (unit, above escadrille).<br />

escadrille, f., ( Fr. a., aero.) unit of aviation troops or<br />

personnel; escadrilie;<br />

d'artillerie, (aero.) artillery escadrille, spotting<br />

squadron;<br />

de bombardement, (aero.) bombing group or<br />


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