A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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droit 537 Scroll<br />

droit penal, (tow) penal law;<br />

politique, v. constitutionnel;<br />

prive, (law) private law, the municipal law;<br />

public, (law) public law (i. e., international,<br />

political, penal, etc.);<br />

de requisition, (mil.) right of requisition;<br />

de saisie, (nav. int. law) right of seizure, of<br />

capture.<br />

droitier, a. m., right handed; right-handed man.<br />

dualitc, f., duality;<br />

d'origine, (Fr. a.) duality of origin (of officers,<br />

some <strong>com</strong>ing from the great schools, the<br />

remainder from the ranks).<br />

eau,f., water;<br />

de boisson, drinking water;<br />

croupie. stagnant water;<br />

laver & grande , (diem.) to wash in an excess of<br />

water;<br />

menageres, slops, waste water;<br />

x me.tropolitaines, home waters;<br />

point d' , any point for the supply of water;<br />

water hole;<br />

de refroidissement,(mach.) cooling water;<br />

rctenir de I'<br />

, (pont, etc.) to hold water (row-<br />

de son, bran water.<br />

ebouillanter, v. t., to scald, scald out (a vessel,<br />

dish, etc.).<br />

Ccart, m., (<strong>com</strong>.) margin (as, between receipts and<br />

expenses);<br />

probable pratique, (art.) the probable error of<br />

the field of battle (1.5 times that of the proving<br />

ground), field probable error.<br />

Ccartement, m., spacing, separation;<br />

des plans, (aero.) gap.<br />

C-carteur, m., separator.<br />

Cchancrure, f., (art.) cut, recess, in a breech plug;<br />

de visee, (mach. gun) aiming aperture (shield).<br />

(jchappement, m., (steam, etc.) exhaust, escape,<br />

exhaust stroke;<br />

libre, silencer by-pass, relief valve; exhaust<br />

into the air (motors) ;<br />

regulateur d' , (mach. gun) pressure regulator,<br />

gas vent ring.<br />

Cchaudoir, m., slaughterhouse.<br />

6chelle,f., ladder;<br />

defranchissement, (mil.)<br />

trench ladder;<br />

de relevage, (trench, art.) lighting gear.<br />

Echelon, m., (mil.) echelon, (used alone, frequently<br />

means) ammunition column, supply, unit;<br />

de batterie, (art.) battery echelon (ammunition<br />

supply);<br />

de <strong>com</strong>bat, v. s. v. batterie de <strong>com</strong>bat;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>pagnie, (mil.) ammunition detachment;<br />

de station-magasin, ( Fr. a.) ammunition supply<br />

kept in one of the S. M. assigned to a given<br />

army;<br />

volant, (mil., aero.) the flying section proper<br />

otanescadrille.<br />

Cchelonnement, m., (mil. and in gen.) echeloning;<br />

des apvrovisionnements (mil.) supply depots<br />

on the line of <strong>com</strong>munications;<br />

de convergence, (art.) convergence difference;<br />

de repartition, (art.) distribution difference;<br />

total, (art.) deflection difference.<br />

gclairage, m., illumination; (mil.) enlightenment<br />

(rare).<br />

eclairement, m., intensity of illumination.<br />

gclaireur, m., (mil., etc.) scout; boy scout; (more<br />

particularly to-day) man whoexploresacleaned-<br />

out trench, (Fr.a.) synonym of aide-grenadier ,<br />

q. v.; (aero.) a dirigible of from 6 000 to<br />

? 7,000<br />

cubic meters; (auto.) automobile light;<br />

d'artillerie, v. officer orienteur;<br />

monte, (mil.) mounted scout.<br />

ficlat, m., splinter;<br />

en retour, (art.) splinter or fragment that flies<br />

back, throv.--back.<br />

duite, f., (cord.) warp; rope yarn.<br />

duplicate ur, m., duplicator (sort of copying machine).<br />

duplice, f., double alliance (France and Russia).<br />

duralumin, f., (met.) an alloy of aluminum, nonoxidizable.<br />

durit, m., india-rubber pipe.<br />

dynamite, f., (expl.) dynamite;<br />

ft base incrte, inert base dynamite;<br />

gelee, frozen dynamite.<br />

dynamode, m., (expl) unit of potential (work divided<br />

by 1,000).<br />

eclatement, m., bursting (of a tire); (elec.) sparking;<br />

premature, (art.) premature burst;<br />

en surface, (art.) surface burst (on surface of<br />

the ground).<br />

ficlater, v. n., to burst;<br />

en surface (art.) to burst on the surface (i. e.,<br />

of the ground).<br />

fcclateur, m., (elec.) gap, spark-gap;<br />

& boules, ball spark-gap;<br />

fixe, (quenched) spark-gap;<br />

b, lame de mica, earth arrester;<br />

multiple, multiple spark-gap;<br />

tournant, rotary spark-gap.<br />

6clop, a., (mil.) footsore.<br />

gclosion, f., hatching out.<br />

Ccole, f., school;<br />

de dressage, (man.)'m France, school or establishment<br />

furnishing horsemen opportunities to<br />

train their horses;<br />

de guerre, v. superieure de guerre;<br />

nationale des haras, ( Fr. adm. t hipp.) school<br />

for the development of hippology and the training<br />

of the personnel of the government studs;<br />

de palefrenters, ( Fr. adm.) school for grooms<br />

(forms part of the ecole des haras) ;<br />

Ccole, des signaleurs d'armte, (Fr. a.) signal school<br />

(for the training of instructors);<br />

de signalisation et de liaison d'infanterie avec<br />

avion et ballon, ( Fr. a.) corps signal school (instruction<br />

of officers and signal men);<br />

de tir, (art.) target practice, target season.<br />

economat, m., stewardship, treasurer ship;<br />

<strong>com</strong>mis d' , treasurer's clerk.<br />

(Sconome, m., steward, treasurer.<br />

e'coulement, m., outlet, (as of a lake).<br />

ficoute, f., (mil. min.) listening, listening service;<br />

(wireless) receiving station;<br />

came d' , (mil.) (so-called) "listening box" of<br />

a listening post, (contains the receiving trumpets,<br />

and angle measuring device);<br />

chef d' , n. c. o. in charge of a listening squad;<br />

lunette d' , sound direction detector;<br />

telephonique, telephonic listening post.<br />

Ccouteur, m., (mil. min.) listener; listening device<br />

or apparatus, mine stethoscope.<br />

Ccoutoir, m., (mil, min.) listening device, mine<br />

stethoscope; ear piece of a geophonc;<br />

double & ressort, double listener (two ear<br />

pieces).<br />

fecouvillon-curette, m., (art.) sponge and scraper.<br />

Scran, m., (mach.) baffle plate;<br />

dtti nlesses, (art.) velocity disk (155 C. S.).<br />

Scran-silhouette, m., (mil.) silhouette screen.<br />

Scriteau, m., signboard.<br />

ficrasement, m., collapsing (of a pneumatic tire at<br />

point of contact).<br />

ecretement, m., (art.) (of fire) grazing, (top of a<br />

parapet or cover, etc.);<br />

indicateur, (siege) trench sign, signboard.<br />

gcrou, m., nut;<br />

amortisseur, buffer nut;<br />

d'arret, locking nut;<br />

d'attelage, (art.) locking nut;

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