A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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deflecteur 534 derivation deflecteur, m., (mack.) baffle plate. degauchir, v. t., (aero.) to unwarp, to reverse a warp. degauehlsseinent, m., (aero.) unwarping, reversal of a warp. degommer, v. t., (mach,) to remove old lubricant, grease, etc. degoupiller, v. t., to unpeg, unpin. degraisseur, m., cleaner, scourer, grease remover; d'eau d'alimentation, (steam) feed water pu- rifier, dSgripper, v. t., (mach.) to free, release. degrossir, v. t., to rough hew; (arf.)to set approximately (elevations, deflections, etc.). les reglages, (art.) to make an approximation to the range. degrossissage, m., rough hwing; du tir, (art.) approximate correction of fire. deguinder, v. t., (pont.) to unlash, unrack. dejeaugeage, m., (of a boat) lifting (of th bow, in motion) lift forward. dejeauger, v. n.. (of a boat) to lift (at th bow, in motion), to lift forward. deiai, m., delay; dc route, ( Fr. a.) travel time, not counted in a leave of absence (officers, etc. far from , home) delegation, f., (mil.) allotment. deleguer, T. t., to allot, ileiestage, m., (aero.) throwing out of ballast, un - ballasting. delester, T. t., (aero.) to throw out ballast, to un" ballast. delit, m., misdemeanor. demander, v. t., (law) to be a plaintiff. demurrage, m., (auto) starting. demarrer, v. n., (auto) to start. demettre, r. t., to dislocate; se I'tpaule, to dislocate one's shoulder. dcmeure, f., delay; mettre en , (law) to summons. mise en , (law) summons. demi-arbre, m., (mach.) half-axle or shaft (of a divided axle). demi-axe, m., (art.) half-axle, semi-axle. demi-botte, f., (unifj Wellington boot, demi-fleche, f., (art.) trail half (split trail). demi-lourcliette, f., (art.) half-bracket. demi-gorge, f., semi-circular channel, recess, groove, socket. demi-masse, f., (mil.) half-mass. demi-pincette, f., half-elliptic spring. demi-repos, m., (mil.) half-rest. demi-sang, m., (hipp.) (defined as any horse not English, Arab, or Anglo-Arab thoroughbred.) half-bred horse. demissionner, v. t., to resign. demi-vitesse, f., (mach.) half-speed. demontable, a., dismountable; m., (auto., etc.) pneumatic tire (with respect to the ease with which it can be put on or taken off); pneu , pneumatic tire. demonte-pneu, m., (auto.) tire lever. demonter, v. t., to dismount, take down; desoncommandement, (mil.) to relieve of one's command. demonte-soupape, m., (mach.) valve extractor. demultiplicateur, a., (mach.) reducing; reduction gearing; engrenage , reducing gear. demultiplication, f., (mach.) reduction ratio. tit-multiplier, v. t., (mach.) to reduce (as speed, in a given ratio); to gear down. flenier, m., penny; (in pi.) funds, money; s publics, public funds. dent, f., tooth; de chien, pawl, catch. d6panner, v. r., (auto., etc.) to overcome, got out of, "trouble." deparier, v. t., to cross match a team. depart, m., departure; arrete, (sport, auto.) standing start; start from scratch; d'assaut, (mil.) start, origin, of an assault; d'un coup, (art., sm. a.) discharge; & froid, (auto.) start, without preliminary heating; lance, (auto.) flying start; miiltiple, (mach.) multiple-feed lubricator (for graissaged, depart multiple); au petrole, (auto.) start T>y the use of petroleum (i. e., without the recourse to gasoline and similarly of other combustibles) direct start; zone de d'assaut, (mil.) the zone of trenches from which an assault is made. dCpartement, m., (France) department, political unit composed of several arrondissements, is the jurisdiction of a prefet, (has civil personality and is the bond between the state as a whole and the various centers and interests of the people); ministeriel, department, ministry. depeche, f . , dispatch; porter une , porter des s, & tout le monde, (mil. slang) to have one's horse run away. depens, m., pi., (law) costs. depeiise, f., expense, expenditure; kilometrique, consumption per kilometer. depente, a., sloped, inclined. deplacement, m., ment. (phys., mach., etc.) displace- deplacer, v. t., to displace; se , to travel; (mil.) to change station. depointage, m., (art.) loss of aim, after fire. depointev, v. t., (art.) to lose aim (after each round); (mil.) to disturb the aim of, to lose aim. deporter, v. t., to remove; (aero.) to drift. deposer, v. t., to submit; un projet de loi, to propose, introduce a bill (in Congress, Chamber of Deputies, etc.). un rapport, to make or submit a report. depot, m., (r. r.) parcel room; (mil.) dump. avance, (mil.) advanced depot; de charbon (nav.) coaling station; de chevaux. v. s. v. cheval; d'etalons, (Fr. adm.) government stud; intermediate, service dump; petit , ( Fr. a.) regimental horse depot (in the field ; accompanies regiment in the field) ; d'un projet de loi, introduction of a bill (Congress, etc.); d'un rapport, submission of a report. depoter, v. t., to decant; to take out of a pot; (artif.) to release. dgpouillement, m., examination, inspection (of reports, etc.); opening of the mail; skinning (of a carcass); working up of observations. depouiller, v. t., to open the mail; to skin (a carcass); to examine, go over (as reports, returns); to work up (observations). depression, f., (mach.) vacuum (in a cylinder). depute, m., deputy (member of the lower house, France); deputy in general. side slip. derapage, m., (auto) skidding, slipping, deraper, v. n., (auto) to skid, side slip. deratisation, f., extermination of rats and mice. deratiser,, v. t. to exterminate rats and mice. dereglage, m., disadjustment; ment (of fire); (art.) maladjust- der6gler, v. r., to get out of order; (art.) to lose aim, to get off the target. derivation, f., (mach.) small tube tapped on a large one.

derive 535 direction dCrive, f., (auto) slipping backward down hill; leeway; (aero.) fin, tail fin; drift; leeway; angle de , (aero.) (angle between the axis of an aerial vessel and the direction of its proper speed) drift angle; echelonner la , (art.) to distribute, spread, the fire; horizontal, (aero.) stabilizer; plan de , (aero.) stabilizing fin, tail fin. deriver, v. t.; n., to turn, deflect; (of an auto), to slip (backward down hill); (aero.) to drift; lefeu, (mil.) to give deflection. derma tine, f., packing composition (copal dissolved in turpeatine forms the base). derobade, f., (man.) swerving (as before a jump). dCroSie, m., (man.) (of the horse) swerve (before a jump). derober, v. r., (man.) to swerve. d6rouleur, m., (mil.) reel man (telephone, etc.); aide assistant reel man. , desactiver, v. t., (min.) to disarm a mine. desactivation, f., (min.) disarming of a mine, desaxage, m., (in auto construction) the system in which the cylinder and crankshaft axes do not lie in the same plane. descendre, v. n.. to descend, come down; (aero.) to nose down; & plat, (aero.) to pancake; de voiture, (r. T., etc.) to leave, get out of, a carriage, car. descente, f., descent, fall; (mil. fort.) descent into a ditch, shelter, bombproof, eLc.; de main, (man.) (of the horse), fall, dropping, of his quarters; de voiture, leaving, getting out of, a carriage, a car. desen graver, v. t., to run off. push off (a boat that has gone aground). dGsenrayage, m., (r./. art., sm.a.) unjamming, d6senrayer, v. t., (r./. art., sm. a.) to unjam. desequilibre, m.. loss of equilibrium. desequJlibrer, v. t., to cause loss of equilibrium. desimmobilisation, f., (mach.) unlocking. desimmobiliser, v. t., (mach.) to unlock. desorienter, v. t., (inst.) to unseat. desserrage, m., loosening (as of a screw, bolt, etc.). desserrement, m., loosening, release; des casernes, ( Fr. a.) removal from barracks of people having no rights to quarters therein. desserrer, v. t., to unloose, release; les casernes, (Fr. a.) to remove from barracks ; all persons having no right to quarters therein. dCsyntonisation, f., (wireless) desyntonization. dCsyntoniser, v. t., (wireless) to desyntonize. detachement, m., detachment; party; de decouverte, (cav.) reconnaissance detachment thrown out by the army cavalry; de liaison et d' observation, (mil.) connecting and observation detachment (between infantry and artillery). detail, m., (com.) retail, detart rage, m., (steam, etc.) scaling, furring, of a boiler, pipe, etc. detartrer, v. t., (steam, etc.) to scale, to fur (a boiler, water pipe, etc.). dtecteur,m., (elec.) detector; d'amplitude, amplitude detector; & contact imparfait, crystal rectifier; electrolytiquc , electrolytic detector; d'energie, generic term for thermal, etc., detector; d'ondes, wave detector; a gaz ionise, (Fleming's) vacuum detector; magnetiquc, magnetic detector; thcrmique, thermal detector; avec tube & soupape, valve-tube detector. dCtendeur, m., (mach.) reducing valve. dCtendu, a., (steam) completely expanded. detente, f., (mach.) the working travel of a piston, power str9ke; (sm. a., mach. gun) trigger; adiabalique, (phys.) adiabalic expansion; hchulcur constante, v. adiabalique; equilibree, expansion in a closed vessel; fixe, (mach. gun) fixed trigger (for intermittent firing, Mod. 1907 T ) ; isothcrmiquc, (pA.ys.)isothermic expansion; hbre, free expansion; mobile, (mach. gun) movable trigger (for automatic firing, Mod. 1907 T). detention, f., imprisonment; perpetuelle, (law) life imprisonment. detonateur, m., (expl., etc.) detonator; chimique, chemical detonator; mecanique, mechanical detonator; d percussion, percussion detonator; detonation, f., (expl.) detonation; franche, complete detonation. detournement, m., (adm.) application of funds, stores, etc., to one's own usef (hence) embezzlement, theft. detourner, v. a., (adm.) to take from public stores, to apply funds, stores, to one's own use; (hence) to embezzle, to steal. detroit, m., (sometimes, when used alone) the English Channel. deuil, m., mourning; conduire le , to head the mourners; mettre en .to put into mourning; porter le de, to be in mourning for. developpement, m., length, development; n. Km. de , n kilometers long. deverronillage, m., unbolting; (mach. gun) bolt deverrouiller, T. t., to unbolt, (mach. gun) to release (the bolt). deversement, m., (aero.) inclination (dip, lift) (of a dirigible); critique, critical inclination (beyond which it increases very rapidly). deviation, f., (elec., etc.) deflection (of a needle). diable, m., devil; s Ileus, (mil. slang) chasseurs (wear blue, renowned for valor). dSvorer, v. t., (auto., fam.) to eat up (distances). Ueu, m.,god; (the Deity is written with a capital, Dieu;; les 1, ( Fr. a.) at Saumur the cadre noir, q. v. (so called from their horsemanship); les demi x, ( Fr. a.) at Saumur, the cadre bleu, q.v. difference, f., difference; en moins, reduction, decrease; en plus, increase. differentiel, m., (mach., etc.) differential gear, equalising gear; dpignons coniques, bevel gear differential; dpignons droits, spur gear differential. difluseur, m., (mach.) mixer, mixing cone, spray cone; difluser; Venturi tube. diligence, f., diligence. & la de, by the action, effort, of; & vapeur, steam stage coach. diner, m., dinner; d'adieu, farewell dinner. diner-promotion, m., (mil.) class dinner, direct, a., direct; / mettre en, to , give direct communication (by telephone). directeur, m., director; de Varriere, (Fr. a.) chief or director of transportation; de depot, (Fr. adm.) manager of government stud; des etapes et services, ( Fr. a.) director of supplies; v. s. v. direction; desforets, ( Fr. adm.) chief forester. direction, f., (auto., mach.) steering gear; & bane, bar steering gear, tiller steering gear; bcame conique, cone cam steering gear; & cremailtere, rack and pinion steering gear; b, deux pivots, two-pivot steering gear;

deflecteur 534 derivation<br />

deflecteur, m., (mack.) baffle plate.<br />

degauchir, v. t., (aero.) to unwarp, to reverse a<br />

warp.<br />

degauehlsseinent, m., (aero.) unwarping, reversal<br />

of a warp.<br />

degommer, v. t., (mach,) to remove old lubricant,<br />

grease, etc.<br />

degoupiller, v. t., to unpeg, unpin.<br />

degraisseur, m., cleaner, scourer, grease remover;<br />

d'eau d'alimentation, (steam) feed water pu-<br />

rifier,<br />

dSgripper, v. t., (mach.) to free, release.<br />

degrossir, v. t., to rough hew; (arf.)to set approximately<br />

(elevations, deflections, etc.).<br />

les reglages, (art.) to make an approximation<br />

to the range.<br />

degrossissage, m., rough hwing;<br />

du tir, (art.) approximate correction of fire.<br />

deguinder, v. t., (pont.) to unlash, unrack.<br />

dejeaugeage, m., (of a boat) lifting (of th bow,<br />

in motion) lift forward.<br />

dejeauger, v. n.. (of a boat) to lift (at th bow, in<br />

motion), to lift forward.<br />

deiai, m., delay;<br />

dc route, ( Fr. a.) travel time, not counted in<br />

a leave of absence (officers, etc. far from , home)<br />

delegation, f., (mil.) allotment.<br />

deleguer, T. t., to allot,<br />

ileiestage, m., (aero.) throwing out of ballast, un<br />

-<br />

ballasting.<br />

delester, T. t., (aero.) to throw out ballast, to un"<br />

ballast.<br />

delit, m., misdemeanor.<br />

demander, v. t., (law) to be a plaintiff.<br />

demurrage, m., (auto) starting.<br />

demarrer, v. n., (auto) to start.<br />

demettre, r. t., to dislocate;<br />

se I'tpaule, to dislocate one's shoulder.<br />

dcmeure, f., delay;<br />

mettre en , (law) to summons.<br />

mise en , (law) summons.<br />

demi-arbre, m., (mach.) half-axle or shaft (of a<br />

divided axle).<br />

demi-axe, m., (art.) half-axle, semi-axle.<br />

demi-botte, f., (unifj Wellington boot,<br />

demi-fleche, f., (art.) trail half (split trail).<br />

demi-lourcliette, f., (art.) half-bracket.<br />

demi-gorge, f., semi-circular channel, recess,<br />

groove, socket.<br />

demi-masse, f., (mil.) half-mass.<br />

demi-pincette, f., half-elliptic spring.<br />

demi-repos, m., (mil.) half-rest.<br />

demi-sang, m., (hipp.) (defined as any horse not<br />

<strong>English</strong>, Arab, or Anglo-Arab thoroughbred.)<br />

half-bred horse.<br />

demissionner, v. t., to resign.<br />

demi-vitesse, f., (mach.) half-speed.<br />

demontable, a., dismountable; m., (auto., etc.)<br />

pneumatic tire (with respect to the ease with<br />

which it can be put on or taken off);<br />

pneu , pneumatic tire.<br />

demonte-pneu, m., (auto.) tire lever.<br />

demonter, v. t., to dismount, take down;<br />

deson<strong>com</strong>mandement, (mil.) to relieve of one's<br />

<strong>com</strong>mand.<br />

demonte-soupape, m., (mach.) valve extractor.<br />

demultiplicateur, a., (mach.) reducing; reduction<br />

gearing;<br />

engrenage , reducing gear.<br />

demultiplication, f., (mach.) reduction ratio.<br />

tit-multiplier, v. t., (mach.) to reduce (as speed,<br />

in a given ratio); to gear down.<br />

flenier, m., penny; (in pi.) funds, money;<br />

s publics, public funds.<br />

dent, f., tooth;<br />

de chien, pawl, catch.<br />

d6panner, v. r., (auto., etc.) to over<strong>com</strong>e, got out of,<br />

"trouble."<br />

deparier, v. t., to cross match a team.<br />

depart, m., departure;<br />

arrete, (sport, auto.) standing start; start<br />

from scratch;<br />

d'assaut, (mil.) start, origin, of an assault;<br />

d'un coup, (art., sm. a.) discharge;<br />

& froid, (auto.) start, without preliminary<br />

heating;<br />

lance, (auto.) flying start;<br />

miiltiple, (mach.) multiple-feed lubricator<br />

(for graissaged, depart multiple);<br />

au petrole, (auto.) start T>y the use of petroleum<br />

(i. e., without the recourse to gasoline<br />

and similarly of other <strong>com</strong>bustibles) direct<br />

start;<br />

zone de d'assaut, (mil.) the zone of trenches<br />

from which an assault is made.<br />

dCpartement, m., (France) department, political<br />

unit <strong>com</strong>posed of several arrondissements, is<br />

the jurisdiction of a prefet, (has civil personality<br />

and is the bond between the state as a whole<br />

and the various centers and interests of the<br />

people);<br />

ministeriel, department, ministry.<br />

depeche, f . , dispatch;<br />

porter une , porter des s, & tout le monde,<br />

(mil. slang) to have one's horse run away.<br />

depens, m., pi., (law) costs.<br />

depeiise, f., expense, expenditure;<br />

kilometrique, consumption per kilometer.<br />

depente, a., sloped, inclined.<br />

deplacement, m.,<br />

ment.<br />

(phys., mach., etc.) displace-<br />

deplacer, v. t., to displace;<br />

se , to travel; (mil.) to change station.<br />

depointage, m., (art.) loss of aim, after fire.<br />

depointev, v. t., (art.) to lose aim (after each<br />

round); (mil.) to disturb the aim of, to lose aim.<br />

deporter, v. t., to remove; (aero.) to drift.<br />

deposer, v. t., to submit;<br />

un projet de loi, to propose, introduce a bill<br />

(in Congress, Chamber of Deputies, etc.).<br />

un rapport, to make or submit a report.<br />

depot, m., (r. r.) parcel room; (mil.) dump.<br />

avance, (mil.) advanced depot;<br />

de charbon (nav.) coaling station;<br />

de chevaux. v. s. v. cheval;<br />

d'etalons, (Fr. adm.) government stud;<br />

intermediate, service dump;<br />

petit , ( Fr. a.) regimental horse depot (in the<br />

field ; ac<strong>com</strong>panies regiment in the field) ;<br />

d'un projet de loi, introduction of a bill<br />

(Congress, etc.);<br />

d'un rapport, submission of a report.<br />

depoter, v. t., to decant; to take out of a pot;<br />

(artif.) to release.<br />

dgpouillement, m., examination, inspection (of<br />

reports, etc.); opening of the mail; skinning<br />

(of a carcass); working up of observations.<br />

depouiller, v. t., to open the mail; to skin (a carcass);<br />

to examine, go over (as reports, returns);<br />

to work up (observations).<br />

depression, f., (mach.) vacuum (in a cylinder).<br />

depute, m., deputy (member of the lower house,<br />

France); deputy in general.<br />

side slip.<br />

derapage, m., (auto) skidding, slipping,<br />

deraper, v. n., (auto) to skid, side slip.<br />

deratisation, f., extermination of rats and mice.<br />

deratiser,, v. t. to exterminate rats and mice.<br />

dereglage, m., disadjustment;<br />

ment (of fire);<br />

(art.) maladjust-<br />

der6gler, v. r., to get out of order; (art.) to lose aim,<br />

to get off the target.<br />

derivation, f., (mach.) small tube tapped on a<br />

large one.

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