A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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croiser 532 debat croiser, v. t., to cross; lesfeux, (mil.) to cross fire. croiseur, m., (nav.) cruiser; amen, (aero.) a dirigible of over 9,000 cubic meters. croiseur-atelier, m., (nav. aero.) mother ship. croisillon, m., (aero.) bracing wire; d'un cardan, cardan cross-bar. croissant, m., tread (of a rubber or pneumatic tire). croix, cross; the Legion of Honor (which is not a cross, but a five-pointed star); dite de consolation, (Fr. a.) Legion of Honor given to officers upon retirement; de bois, (mil. slang) to be killed; gagner la de guerre, (Fr. a.) cross of war (decoration); la , (used alone) the cross of the Legion of Honor; verte, (mil.) green cross (mark on German gas shells). Croix-Rouge, f., the Red Cross, Red Cross Society. croquis, m., sketch; d'objectifs, (art.) large scale plan of the terrain on which targets are found (trench artillery); panoramique, a detailed perspective sketch on large scale; pcrspectif, (mil.) perspective (landscape) sketch; planimetrique, sketch plan. crosse, f., sort of half C-spring; de queue, (aero.) tail skid; tubulaire, (art.) tubular trail. crosser, v. t., to strike with the butt of the rifle. croupe, f., (hipp.) croup; en dedans, (man.) (of the horse) croup toward center of hall; en dehors, (man.) (of the horse) croup away from center of hall. croupion, m., rump. cruchon, m., jug. cube, m., cube; aplati, (mil.) obstacle of barbed wire (diagonals and sides of a parallelepiped); d'eau, (steam) volume of water of a boiler. cuir, m., leather; d'embraijage, (macli.) clutch leather; les s, (mil. slang) cuirassiers; nourrir les s, to keep leather in good condition by rubbing hi grease, oil, etc. cuirasse, f., casing, i. e., auto frame made in one piece. cuirasse, m., (nav.) armored ship; de course, armored cruiser. cuirasser, v. t., (nav.) to armor; a n mm., to put on n mm. armor. cuisine, f., kitchen; roulante, (mil.) traveling, roiling, kitchen. cuisiniere, f., cook; militaire, range for military kitchens. cuistance, f., (mil. slang) food. cuistancier, m., (mil. slang) cook. cuistot, m. (mil. slang) cook (sometimes spelt cuistau). cuivre, m., (met.) copper; rouge, copper. cuivrerie, f., brass work, brasses. dactylo, m., (/am.) typewriter (person). dactylographe, m., typewriter (person), typist. dalle, f., (cons.) plate, (of glass, etc.); brute coulee, rough (glass) plate; moulee, molded (glass) plate; polie, polished (glass) plate; quadrillee, checkered (glass) plate. dam, m., damage. dais, m., rigid top, roof, of a (an open) carriage, automobile, etc. D. culasse, f., (mach.) top of a cylinder (steam, motor, etc.), cylinder head, cap (more esp.) explosion chamber or space; (art.) breech block; d bloc, hemispherical breech plug (Canet); & coin, (art.) wedge breech closure; & eau, (macJi.) water cooled cylinder top; tt manoeuvre rapide, (art.) quick-motion screw; mobile de rechange, (mach. gun) spare breechblock; tige de , (art.) breech-screw guide rod (155 C.); & vis (art.) screw breech closure. culbute, f., (sm. a., art.) tumbling (of a projectile). culbuter, v. n., (art., sm. a.) to tumble (of a projectile). culbuteur, m., (mach.) rocking lever, tappet lever; rocker; arbre de , rocker shaft. culot, m., (elec.) housing or casing of a spark plug, screw plug. culotte, f., (mach.) Y joining two pipes to one, Y-j oint , fork ;(art.) breech-mass ( trench mortar) ; d'echappement, (mach.) bridge piece of a muffler or silencer; hfond double, (unif.) reenforced breeches. cure-dents, m., tooth-pick; (mil. slang) bayonet. cure-pipe, m., pipe cleaner. cursoir, m., slide. cursometre, m., speedometer. cuve, f., vat, tank; h lavage, (phot.) washing tray; de niveau constant, (mach.) float chamber. cuvette, f., small cup or cup-shaped vessel (in many relations); (in some relations) female cone; (lop.) circular depression in the ground, sink hole; abreuvoir, horse trough (hi a stable); d'un canal, wetted cross section of a canal; defriction, (mach.) female friction cone; d photographic, (phot.) photographic tray, developing tray. cycle, m., cycle; bicycle; of a moteur complet, (mach.) complete cycle motor; d n temps, n-period cycle. cycliste, m., cyclist; bataillon , (mil.) cyclist battalion; compagnie , (mil.) cyclist company. cyclomfctre, m., cyclometer. cylindre, m., cylinder; s accoles, (mach.) group of cylinders cast in one piece; & ailettes, (mach.) ribbed cylinder; ft eau chaude, (mach.) hot-water tank; & gaz, (mil.) gas cylinder; incendiaire, (mil.) incendiary cylinder. sjumeles, (mach.) twin cylinders (cast in sets of twos); de n millimetres d'alesage, (mach.) an n-millemeter cylinder; pliant, (mil. sig.) collapsible cylinder (black cloth, 15 cm. long at rest 1.15 m. long when pulled out mounted on cable of a balloon and used for signaling): d refroidiftsement par ailettes, (mach.) flangecooled cylinder; ssepares, (mach.) cylinders cast separately. cylindree, f., cylinder-full. cylindre-lrein, m., (art.) cylinder brake. dame, f., lady; employee, (Fr. adm.) title of women employed in the services of posts and telegraphs. dame-jeanne, f., demijohn. de, m., thimble; a- coudre, thimble. dCbarquer, v. t., to disembark; to detrain. debat, m., debate, discussion; s d'un proces, (lau~) argument of a cause or case.

debattre 533 dtfiler dbattre, v. t., to debate; to argue (law) a case. debit, m., delivery, output, outflow; en amperes, (elec.) intensity; de tabac, (Fr. adm.) tobacco shop (is a Government monopoly); visible, (mach.) sight feed, sight feed lubricator (abbreviation of graissaged, debit visible). debloquer, v. t., (mach. guns, etc.) to release, unclamp. debolter, v. t., (art.) (of carriages) to wheel out of column, to get on one side. debouche, in., opening, outset (as, mil. of an attack). deboticher, v. t., (art.) to set a fuse; & la main, to set a fuse by hand. deboucbeur, m., (art.) fuse setter (cannoneer). debouchoir, m., (art.) fuse-setter; automatique, automatic fuse setter. debout, adv., straight ahead, (as, siege, straight toward the enemy). debraille, a., (unif.) sloppy, illfitting. debrayage, m., (mach. etc.) uncoupling, disengaging; douille de , (mach. gun) feed drum clutch; manette de . releasing handle. dfcbrayer, v. t., (mach.) to disengage, to throw out; (auto.) to change or throw out the speed gear. debrouillard, a., resourceful, knowing; officier , wide awake, resourceful, officer. debronille, f., v. Systeme Z>. decalage, m., (aero.) stagger (of the wings); (elec.) displacement; [dlcaJage as defined in Report No. 9, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, should not be confused with the decalage translated above.] decale, a., staggered; en arriere (aero.) antistaggered; en avant, (aero.) staggered. decalement, m., v. decalage, (aero.) dccaler, v. t., to set, stagger (in a number of relations). dCcalotter, v. t., (art.) to uncap (a projectile). decametre, m., decameter; (surv.) 10-meter tape; en ruban, (surv.) (ordinary linen) tape. deceinturage, m., removal of a tire; (art.) stripping of a rotating band. deceinturer, v. t.. to strip off, remove, a tire; (art.) to strip oft the rotating band. decentrement, m., (mach. etc.) eccentricity. decharge, f., (adm.) receipt, release; (elec.) discharge; aperiodique, (elec.) dead-beat discharge; courant de , (elec.) discharging current; oscillante, oscillatoire, (elec.) oscillating discharge. decharger, v. t., to unload; se , (elec.) (of a storage battery) to run down. decfaeance, ;., (adm.) limitation, statute of limitation. dechet, m., waste; de pctrole, waste oil. decmrure, f., tear; (aero.) rip; corde de , v. s. v. corde; panneau de , v. s. v. panneau; triangle de , (aero.) rip triangle; volet de , (areo.) ripping panel. decigrade, m., decigrade (tenth of a degree in the centesimal division of the circumference). decimetre, m., decimeter; double , double 10-centimeter scale (drawing). decision, f., decision; presidentielle, (in France) executive approval of a ministerial proposition (no special decree being issued). declanchement, m., v. declenchement. declancher, v. t., v. deckncher. declenchement, m., unlatching, unloosing; (mach.) release (act, and gear for act); appareil de , (mach.) releasing gear, release; declenchement d'une attaquc, (mil.) loosing, launching of an attack; d'un tir, (art.) opening of fire (connotation of suddenness). dCclencher, v. t., to unlatch; unc altaque, (mil.) to let go, launch, an attack; le tir, (art.) to open fire, (connotation of suddenness). decoloration, f., (wireless) decoherence. decoherer, v. n., (wireless) to decohere. dCcohesion, f., (wireless) decoherence; (aero.) act of leaving the ground (of an airplane, in starting), getting off. decollage, m., (mach.) starting, releasing. decollement, m., (fam., mil.) act of decoller, q. v. decoller, v. n., (mach.) to start; (aero.) to leave the ground (aeroplane in starting), to get off; (fam. mil.) (of cavalry officers of high, grade) to cut loose from their troops, ride out in front to see for one's self, to show some independence. decombres, f. pi., rubbish (of a demolished building). dCcommaiider, v. t., to countermand. decompresses, m., (mach.) relief valve; robinet relief , cock. decompression, f., (mach.) compression relief (of a motor cylinder); half-compression device; reduction (as of pressure); came de , relief cam; robinet de relief cock. decoration, f., decoration; coloniale, (Fr. a.) decoration for colonial sendee. decouyert, m., (adm.) deficiency, (amount by which receipts fail to come up to budgetary expenditures). decouvrir, v. t., (pont.) to take up chess. decret, m., in France, any acte of the President; presidential decree; en la forme des reglements d'administration publique, a special administrative decree; general v. reglcmentaire; indimduel, v. special; portant reglement, (mil.) a decree having the force of a regulation, or constituting a regulation; portant reglement d 7 administration publique, a decree haying the effect of law in the public administration, (must have been passed upon by the Conseil d'Etat in general assembly); reglementaire, presidential decree, having the character of law, and treating of general inter- ests; special, presidential decree, administrative in character, and affecting private or individual interests. d6cret-loi, m., decree having the force of law. decrocher, v. a., to unhook; to disengage, tear loose (e. g., (mil.) the enemy); son troisieme galon au choix, (mil. slang) to get one's captaincy by selection (said of a lieutenant). se , (mil.) to withdraw (from the combat). deculasser, v. t. or n., (mil. slang) to fall from a horse, or to cause to fall from a horse. detloublement, m., duplication (e. g., of images in certain field glasses, etc.). defaut, m., defect, default; faire , (law) to default, fail to appear. d&endable, a., defensible. defendre, v. t., (law) to be a defendant. defense,/., defense; (law) defense; cotiere, (art.) coast defense; s maritimes, (fort.) works on the sea front; s terrestrcs, (fort.) works on the land front. defilement, m., (mil.) defilade; complet, complete defilade, flash defilade. defiler, v. t., to cover; aux vues, to keep (a company, etc.), frcia being seen, to protect from view.

croiser 532 debat<br />

croiser, v. t., to cross;<br />

lesfeux, (mil.) to cross fire.<br />

croiseur, m., (nav.) cruiser;<br />

amen, (aero.) a dirigible of over 9,000 cubic<br />

meters.<br />

croiseur-atelier, m., (nav. aero.) mother ship.<br />

croisillon, m., (aero.) bracing wire;<br />

d'un cardan, cardan cross-bar.<br />

croissant, m., tread (of a rubber or pneumatic<br />

tire).<br />

croix, cross; the Legion of Honor (which is not a<br />

cross, but a five-pointed star);<br />

dite de consolation, (Fr. a.) Legion of Honor<br />

given to officers upon retirement;<br />

de bois, (mil. slang) to be killed;<br />

gagner la<br />

de guerre, (Fr. a.) cross of war (decoration);<br />

la , (used alone) the cross of the Legion of<br />

Honor;<br />

verte, (mil.) green cross (mark on German gas<br />

shells).<br />

Croix-Rouge, f., the Red Cross, Red Cross Society.<br />

croquis, m., sketch;<br />

d'objectifs, (art.) large scale plan of the terrain<br />

on which targets are found (trench artillery);<br />

panoramique, a detailed perspective sketch on<br />

large scale;<br />

pcrspectif, (mil.) perspective (landscape)<br />

sketch;<br />

planimetrique, sketch plan.<br />

crosse, f., sort of half C-spring;<br />

de queue, (aero.) tail skid;<br />

tubulaire, (art.) tubular trail.<br />

crosser, v. t., to strike with the butt of the rifle.<br />

croupe, f., (hipp.) croup;<br />

en dedans, (man.) (of the horse) croup toward<br />

center of hall;<br />

en dehors, (man.) (of the horse) croup away<br />

from center of hall.<br />

croupion, m., rump.<br />

cruchon, m., jug.<br />

cube, m., cube;<br />

aplati, (mil.) obstacle of barbed wire (diagonals<br />

and sides of a parallelepiped);<br />

d'eau, (steam) volume of water of a boiler.<br />

cuir, m., leather;<br />

d'embraijage, (macli.) clutch leather;<br />

les s, (mil. slang) cuirassiers;<br />

nourrir les s, to keep leather in good condition<br />

by rubbing hi grease, oil, etc.<br />

cuirasse, f., casing, i. e., auto frame made in one<br />

piece.<br />

cuirasse, m., (nav.) armored ship;<br />

de course, armored cruiser.<br />

cuirasser, v. t., (nav.) to armor;<br />

a n mm., to put on n mm. armor.<br />

cuisine, f., kitchen;<br />

roulante, (mil.) traveling, roiling, kitchen.<br />

cuisiniere, f., cook;<br />

militaire, range for military kitchens.<br />

cuistance, f., (mil. slang) food.<br />

cuistancier, m., (mil. slang) cook.<br />

cuistot, m. (mil. slang) cook (sometimes spelt<br />

cuistau).<br />

cuivre, m., (met.) copper;<br />

rouge, copper.<br />

cuivrerie, f., brass work, brasses.<br />

dactylo, m., (/am.) typewriter (person).<br />

dactylographe, m., typewriter (person), typist.<br />

dalle, f., (cons.) plate, (of glass, etc.);<br />

brute coulee, rough (glass) plate;<br />

moulee, molded (glass) plate;<br />

polie, polished (glass) plate;<br />

quadrillee, checkered (glass) plate.<br />

dam, m., damage.<br />

dais, m., rigid top, roof, of a (an open) carriage,<br />

automobile, etc.<br />

D.<br />

culasse, f., (mach.) top of a cylinder (steam, motor,<br />

etc.), cylinder head, cap (more esp.) explosion<br />

chamber or space; (art.) breech block;<br />

d bloc, hemispherical breech plug (Canet);<br />

& coin, (art.) wedge breech closure;<br />

& eau, (macJi.) water cooled cylinder top;<br />

tt manoeuvre rapide, (art.) quick-motion<br />

screw;<br />

mobile de rechange, (mach. gun) spare breechblock;<br />

tige de , (art.) breech-screw guide rod (155 C.);<br />

& vis (art.) screw breech closure.<br />

culbute, f., (sm. a., art.) tumbling (of a projectile).<br />

culbuter, v. n., (art., sm. a.) to tumble (of a projectile).<br />

culbuteur, m., (mach.) rocking lever, tappet lever;<br />

rocker;<br />

arbre de , rocker shaft.<br />

culot, m., (elec.) housing or casing of a spark plug,<br />

screw plug.<br />

culotte, f., (mach.) Y joining two pipes to one,<br />

Y-j oint , fork ;(art.) breech-mass ( trench mortar) ;<br />

d'echappement, (mach.) bridge piece of a<br />

muffler or silencer;<br />

hfond double, (unif.) reenforced breeches.<br />

cure-dents, m., tooth-pick; (mil. slang) bayonet.<br />

cure-pipe, m., pipe cleaner.<br />

cursoir, m., slide.<br />

cursometre, m., speedometer.<br />

cuve, f., vat, tank;<br />

h lavage, (phot.) washing tray;<br />

de niveau constant, (mach.) float chamber.<br />

cuvette, f., small cup or cup-shaped vessel (in<br />

many relations); (in some relations) female<br />

cone; (lop.) circular depression in the ground,<br />

sink hole;<br />

abreuvoir, horse trough (hi a stable);<br />

d'un canal, wetted cross section of a canal;<br />

defriction, (mach.) female friction cone;<br />

d photographic, (phot.) photographic tray,<br />

developing tray.<br />

cycle, m., cycle; bicycle;<br />

of a<br />

moteur <strong>com</strong>plet, (mach.) <strong>com</strong>plete cycle<br />

motor;<br />

d n temps, n-period cycle.<br />

cycliste, m., cyclist;<br />

bataillon , (mil.) cyclist battalion;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pagnie , (mil.) cyclist <strong>com</strong>pany.<br />

cyclomfctre, m., cyclometer.<br />

cylindre, m., cylinder;<br />

s accoles, (mach.) group of cylinders cast in<br />

one piece;<br />

& ailettes, (mach.) ribbed cylinder;<br />

ft eau chaude, (mach.) hot-water tank;<br />

& gaz, (mil.) gas cylinder;<br />

incendiaire, (mil.) incendiary cylinder.<br />

sjumeles, (mach.) twin cylinders (cast in sets<br />

of twos);<br />

de n millimetres d'alesage, (mach.) an n-millemeter<br />

cylinder;<br />

pliant, (mil. sig.) collapsible cylinder (black<br />

cloth, 15 cm. long at rest 1.15 m. long when<br />

pulled out mounted on cable of a balloon and<br />

used for signaling):<br />

d refroidiftsement par ailettes, (mach.) flangecooled<br />

cylinder;<br />

ssepares, (mach.) cylinders cast separately.<br />

cylindree, f., cylinder-full.<br />

cylindre-lrein, m., (art.) cylinder brake.<br />

dame, f., lady;<br />

employee, (Fr. adm.) title of women employed<br />

in the services of posts and telegraphs.<br />

dame-jeanne, f., demijohn.<br />

de, m., thimble;<br />

a- coudre, thimble.<br />

dCbarquer, v. t., to disembark; to detrain.<br />

debat, m., debate, discussion;<br />

s d'un proces, (lau~) argument of a cause or<br />


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