A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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commissaire 528 conductance commissaire, in. member of a , commission; militaire, (mil.) military member of a mixed commission; (sport) military representative on a sporting, race, or athletic committee; de surveillance administrative, (r. r. adm.) local manager (official in each important station, who looks after the police of the railway, and the local exploitation). commission, f., board, commission; de Varmee, committee on military affairs, (House, Chamber of Deputies); du budget, appropriation committee of the House of Deputies; de contrite, (Fr. a.) control board; d'enquete, court of inquiry, investigating board; des finances, the appropriation committee of the Senate (France); de gare, (Fr. a. r. station r.) commission; d'habillement, (mil.) clothing or uniform board; regulatrice, (Fr. a. r. r.). (commission in charge of the supply of an army by rail, and of troop transportation within the army's zone of action) supply commission; rogatoirc, (Fr. law) requisition by one judge or court on another to proceed or act in the case referred; de salubrit^ (Fr. a.) sanitary board (of a cantonment). commissionnaire, m., porter, messenger. commotionne, m., (mil. med.) man shocked by proximity to H. E. burst, but not directly wounded or hit. commune, f., (France) municipality, political unit under a maire; is a person at law; commune. communication, f., communication; (mil.) trench; en cremaillere, (siege) cremaillere trench; ft traverses, (siege) traversed trench; ft traverses tournantes, (siege) cube traverse trench. eommutatur, m., (elec.) commutator; d'antenne, (wireless) aerial switch. ft plots, (elec.) shifting contact switch. commutateur-interrupteur, in., (elec.) contactshifter. compagnie, f., company; automobiliste, (mil.) traction company; cycliste, (mil.) cyclist company; de corps, (Fr. eng.) company of army corps engineers; divisionnairc, (Fr. eng.) company of division engineers (part of corps establishment); du drapeau, color company; du genie de pare, (Fr. eng.) company of the engineer park; legere de cavaleric, light traction company (for 25 to 30 the supply of cavalry, can transport tons); lourde, heavy traction company (can transport 125 tons of rations supply for a corps); Schilt, (Fr. a.) flame projector company; volante, (mil.) flying company. compagnie-squelette, f., (mil.) skeleton company. compartiment, m., compartment; (r. r.) compartment; ft couchette, (r. r.) sleeping compartment. compartimentage, m., subdivision into compartments; (mil.) in a military sense, the division of the terrain into first line, support, redoubts, intermediate trenches; of a center of resistance into active segments, works, etc. compartimenter, v. t., to divide into compartments; (mil.) to divide the terrain in a military sense, v. compartimentage. compas, m., compass; bows, frame, of a carriage hood; (mach. gun) crossbar (tripod mount, joins legs); ft coulisse, sliding rule; d'embarcation, boat compass; ft liquidc, liquid compass; compas mattre ft danser, interior compasses (for inside measurements); porte-crayon, drawing compasses. complet, m., suit of clothes (all parts of same cloth). composer, v. t., to take a written examination. composition, f., composition; (in a written examination) subject: (artif.) composition; amenerd , to bring to terms; fusanie porte-retard, (artif.) delay composition. compresseur, m., (mach.) grease cup; ft air, d'air, (mach.) air-compressing engine; ft gaz, (mach.) gas compressor. compression, f., (mach.) compression, compression stroke; voluractriquc, (ratio oi volume of cylinder to that of chamber of explosion) volumetric compression. comprimS, m., compressed tablet. ccmptabnite', f., (adm.) accountability; apurcr la to , audit accounts. comptable, a. m., (adm.) accountable; accountant des deniers publics, official accountable for public moneys; en deniers, official having a money responsibility; expediteur, (mil.) administrative shipping officer; en matieres, official having property responsibility. comptant, a., cash; au , (com.) cash down, for cash. compte, m., account; d'annee, (Fr. adm.) account or report for the year current, made by the Minister of Finance; annual account or report (calendar year); de ft demi, each paying one-half; s d'exercice, (adm.) accounts of the fiscal year; en deniers, money account; en matieres, property account. eompte-cartouche, n., (sm. a.) cartridge counter, (to tell the soldier how many cartridges he has fired). compte-lHs, m., thread counter. compte-gouttes, m., (mach.) drip feed lubricator; dropping tube. compte-rendu, m., ( Fr. a.) brief report (made on the spot, and at the time of the occurrence of the event involved. May be oral). compte-tours, m., (mach.) counter (of revolutions). compteur, in., counter; de cartouches, v. comptc-cartouche; de gaz, gas meter; Mometrique, mileage recorder. concentration, f., concentration; (art.) the simul- taneous or successive fire of several batteries on the same target or zone. conciliation, f., (law) settling of cases out of court. concours, m., competition; de consummation, (auto.) consumption test or competition; hippique, horse show. concurrence, f., concurrence; ft de, until such and such conditions are satisfied, until such and such a member is reached. condamnation, f., condemnation; aux depens, (law) condemnation in costs. condamner, v. t., to condemn; aux depens, (law) to be found in costs. ft morl (law, mil.) to condemn to death. condensateur, m., (elec.) condenser; ft air, air condenser; ft plaques, plate condenser; ft plateaux, plate condenser; ft la resonance, (wireless) tuned condenser; ft verre, glass condenser; conductance, f., (elec.) conductance.

eoiiducteur 529 coqullle coiiducteur, rn., foreman; driver; wire, lead; en guides, driver (reins, from seat). simple, (mil. min.~) main wire, (wire to detonator); conductibllite, f., (elec.) conductivity; unilateral, unilateral conductivity. condulre, v. t., (mach.) to control (a valve). conduite, f., channel (in many relations); d' aspiration, (mach.) suction pipe, admission pipe; d'eau, (mach., etc.) water pipe; dufeu, (art.) conduct of fire. cOne, m., cone; anterieur, (sm. a., art.) shoulder of a cartridge case; de commande, (mach.) driving cone; cuir, (mach.) leather cone clutch: droit, right cone; (mach.) ordinary cone clutch; inverse, (mach.) inverted cone clutch. conflit, m., conflict; negatif, (adm.) conflict in which both authorities disclaim jurisdiction; positif, (adm.) conflict in which both authorities claim jurisdiction. eong6, (mach.) inside beveling (as at the mouth of a cylinder); illimite, (mil.) indefinite leave of absence. congrSs, m., in France, the Senate and Chamber of Deputies united, or sitting as a national assembly. coiiseil, m., council, counsel; d'etat, (France) a council composed of consettlers d'etat, maltres des requetes, and auditeurs q. v., assisting the Government, i. e., the President, the chambers and the ministers, and acting as a supreme court in all administrative litigation; faire passer en de guerre, (mil.) to bring before a court-martial; de rordre de la Legion d'honneur, council of the Legion of Honor charged with the maintenance of the statutes and regulations of the order, and of its establishments; sanitaire,(Fr. adm.) board of health; supeneur des haras, (Fr.) horse breeding board, assists Minister of Agriculture and passes on all questions of breeding, etc. conseiller, m., councilor; d'etat, (France) a member of the council of state. conserver, v. t., to preserve; sa vitesse, (art.) of a projectile, to holdup well. consigne, f., (r. r.) parcel room. prendre le terrain en , (mil.) to "spot" the terrain. console, f., (mach. gun) trail-carriage bracket; de queue d'affut. (art.) trail extension (280 Schneider). consolidation, f., consolidation; (mil.) consolidation of a position, (i, e., repair, strengthening, equipping, said especially of a captured position). consolider, v. t., to consolidate; une position, (mil.) to organize, strengthen, repair, equip, and man a position (said especially of a captured position). consommable, a., (mil.) expendable; non , unexpendable. consommation, f ., consumption; kilomi'trique, consumption per kilometer (oil, water, coal, etc.). contact, m., (elec.) contact, switch; oouper le , to switch off; mettre le , to switch on; plaline, (dec.) platinum point. contacteur, m., (trench art.) contact plate (V. D. mortar). , contentieux, m.,(adm.) controversy, difficulty of governmental or administrative nature between individuals, corporations, between individuals and the state, etc. 3877 17 34 con trainte, f., (law) act or document authorizing legal measures in certain cases; porteur de , (law) (sort of process or writ server) bailiff. contrarler, v. t., to oppose; Us joints, to break joints. contrat, m., contract; d'assurances, (com.) insurance policy. contre-arbre, m., (mach.) countershaft. contre-attaque, f., (mil.) counter attack (i. e.. attack made upon an enemy attack). contre-batterie, f., (art.) (battery engaging the artillery of an attack, or during the attack), counter-battery. contre-enveloppe, f., protective cover (pneumatic tire). contre-6paulette, f., (unif.) shoulder knot (worn on one shoulder, with epaulet on the other (French army), to indicate certain grades; on left shoulder by adjudant, sous-lieutenant and major; on right shoulder by lieutenant and chef d'escadron and chef de bataillon). contre-espion, m., counter-spy. contre-espionnage, m., counter-spying. contre-feu, m., counter-fire, back-fire; de barrage, (mil.) counter-fire to neutralize a gas attack. contre-pente, f., reverse slope. coutre-plaque, f., cheek plate, guard plate. contreplaque", a., -ply (in composition); veneered, laminated; en trois epaisseurs, three-ply. contrepoids, m., (wireless) counterpoise, artificial ground. contre-pointe, f., (elec.) second point or end of a jump-spark (end of wire to metallic housing). contre-prtparation, f., (mil.) counter preparation (to meet an attack in preparation); offensive, (art.) violent shelling of enemy trenches in which assaulting troops are forming. contre-rampe, f., (art.) lower ramp (fuse). contretenir, v. t., (cord.) to lower handsomely. contre-torpllleur, a., torpedo-boatresisting (v.s. v. artiller ie, canon). contre-vis, f ., check screw, stop screw. cOntribuable, m., (adm.) taxpayer. contrdle, m., (adm.) control, check (in many relations and departments) ; administratif, administrative check on accounts, expenditures, etc.judiciaire, judicial check on accounts, maintained by the Cour des Comptes; Ugislatif, parliamentary check, applied by auditing on the operations of each fiscal year. contrOleur, m., (adm.) inspector (in many relations, departments, etc.); motor-man, conductor, of an electric tramcar; comptable, (r. r. adm.) inspector of railway accounts; de prcssion, air pressure gauge (pneumatic tire); de route (r. r.) inspector, ticket taker; du travail, (r. r. adm.) (official who watches over train operations and the execution of regulations) traffic manager. convalo, m., (mil. slang) a convalescent soldier. convoi, m., train; train of boats (made up of small trains or rafts); automobile, (mil.) motor train; de ravitaillement, (mil.) supply train. convoyer, v. t., to accompany, go with (pigeons in transport). convoyeur,m., keeper (accompanies pigeons when transported in baskets). copaln, m., (mil. slang) chum; " bunkie," U. S. A. coque-fuselage,m., (aero.) hull (of a flying boat). coqullle, f., shell; (mach.) casing, housing; (typographique), printer's error.

<strong>com</strong>missaire 528 conductance<br />

<strong>com</strong>missaire, in. member of a , <strong>com</strong>mission;<br />

militaire, (mil.) military member of a mixed<br />

<strong>com</strong>mission; (sport) military representative on a<br />

sporting, race, or athletic <strong>com</strong>mittee;<br />

de surveillance administrative, (r. r. adm.)<br />

local manager (official in each important station,<br />

who looks after the police of the railway,<br />

and the local exploitation).<br />

<strong>com</strong>mission, f., board, <strong>com</strong>mission;<br />

de Varmee, <strong>com</strong>mittee on military affairs,<br />

(House, Chamber of Deputies);<br />

du budget, appropriation <strong>com</strong>mittee of the<br />

House of Deputies;<br />

de contrite, (Fr. a.) control board;<br />

d'enquete, court of inquiry, investigating<br />

board;<br />

des finances, the appropriation <strong>com</strong>mittee<br />

of the Senate (France);<br />

de gare, (Fr. a. r. station<br />

r.) <strong>com</strong>mission;<br />

d'habillement, (mil.) clothing or uniform<br />

board;<br />

regulatrice, (Fr. a. r. r.). (<strong>com</strong>mission in<br />

charge of the supply of an army by rail, and of<br />

troop transportation within the army's zone of<br />

action) supply <strong>com</strong>mission;<br />

rogatoirc, (Fr. law) requisition by one judge<br />

or court on another to proceed or act in the case<br />

referred;<br />

de salubrit^ (Fr. a.) sanitary board (of a cantonment).<br />

<strong>com</strong>missionnaire, m., porter, messenger.<br />

<strong>com</strong>motionne, m., (mil. med.) man shocked by<br />

proximity to H. E. burst, but not directly<br />

wounded or hit.<br />

<strong>com</strong>mune, f., (France) municipality, political<br />

unit under a maire; is a person at law; <strong>com</strong>mune.<br />

<strong>com</strong>munication, f., <strong>com</strong>munication; (mil.)<br />

trench;<br />

en cremaillere, (siege) cremaillere trench;<br />

ft traverses, (siege) traversed trench;<br />

ft traverses tournantes, (siege) cube traverse<br />

trench.<br />

eommutatur, m., (elec.) <strong>com</strong>mutator;<br />

d'antenne, (wireless) aerial switch.<br />

ft plots, (elec.) shifting contact switch.<br />

<strong>com</strong>mutateur-interrupteur, in., (elec.) contactshifter.<br />

<strong>com</strong>pagnie, f., <strong>com</strong>pany;<br />

automobiliste, (mil.) traction <strong>com</strong>pany;<br />

cycliste, (mil.) cyclist <strong>com</strong>pany;<br />

de corps, (Fr. eng.) <strong>com</strong>pany of army corps<br />

engineers;<br />

divisionnairc, (Fr. eng.) <strong>com</strong>pany of division<br />

engineers (part of corps establishment);<br />

du drapeau, color <strong>com</strong>pany;<br />

du genie de pare, (Fr. eng.) <strong>com</strong>pany of the<br />

engineer park;<br />

legere de cavaleric, light traction <strong>com</strong>pany (for<br />

25 to 30<br />

the supply of cavalry, can transport<br />

tons);<br />

lourde, heavy traction <strong>com</strong>pany (can transport<br />

125 tons of rations supply for a corps);<br />

Schilt, (Fr. a.) flame projector <strong>com</strong>pany;<br />

volante, (mil.) flying <strong>com</strong>pany.<br />

<strong>com</strong>pagnie-squelette, f., (mil.) skeleton <strong>com</strong>pany.<br />

<strong>com</strong>partiment, m., <strong>com</strong>partment; (r. r.) <strong>com</strong>partment;<br />

ft couchette, (r. r.) sleeping <strong>com</strong>partment.<br />

<strong>com</strong>partimentage, m., subdivision into <strong>com</strong>partments;<br />

(mil.) in a military sense, the division<br />

of the terrain into first line, support,<br />

redoubts, intermediate trenches; of a center of<br />

resistance into active segments, works, etc.<br />

<strong>com</strong>partimenter, v. t., to divide into <strong>com</strong>partments;<br />

(mil.) to divide the terrain in a military<br />

sense, v. <strong>com</strong>partimentage.<br />

<strong>com</strong>pas, m., <strong>com</strong>pass; bows, frame, of a carriage<br />

hood; (mach. gun) crossbar (tripod mount, joins<br />

legs);<br />

ft coulisse, sliding rule;<br />

d'embarcation, boat <strong>com</strong>pass;<br />

ft liquidc, liquid <strong>com</strong>pass;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pas mattre ft danser, interior <strong>com</strong>passes (for<br />

inside measurements);<br />

porte-crayon, drawing <strong>com</strong>passes.<br />

<strong>com</strong>plet, m., suit of clothes (all parts of same<br />

cloth).<br />

<strong>com</strong>poser, v. t., to take a written examination.<br />

<strong>com</strong>position, f., <strong>com</strong>position; (in a written examination)<br />

subject: (artif.) <strong>com</strong>position;<br />

amenerd , to bring to terms;<br />

fusanie porte-retard, (artif.) delay <strong>com</strong>position.<br />

<strong>com</strong>presseur, m., (mach.) grease cup;<br />

ft air, d'air, (mach.) air-<strong>com</strong>pressing engine;<br />

ft gaz, (mach.) gas <strong>com</strong>pressor.<br />

<strong>com</strong>pression, f., (mach.) <strong>com</strong>pression, <strong>com</strong>pression<br />

stroke;<br />

voluractriquc, (ratio oi volume of cylinder to<br />

that of chamber of explosion) volumetric <strong>com</strong>pression.<br />

<strong>com</strong>primS, m., <strong>com</strong>pressed tablet.<br />

ccmptabnite', f., (adm.) accountability;<br />

apurcr la to , audit accounts.<br />

<strong>com</strong>ptable, a. m., (adm.) accountable; accountant<br />

des deniers publics, official accountable for<br />

public moneys;<br />

en deniers, official having a money responsibility;<br />

expediteur, (mil.) administrative shipping<br />

officer;<br />

en matieres, official having property responsibility.<br />

<strong>com</strong>ptant, a., cash;<br />

au , (<strong>com</strong>.) cash down, for cash.<br />

<strong>com</strong>pte, m., account;<br />

d'annee, (Fr. adm.) account or report for the<br />

year current, made by the Minister of Finance;<br />

annual account or report (calendar year);<br />

de ft demi, each paying one-half;<br />

s d'exercice, (adm.) accounts of the fiscal year;<br />

en deniers, money account;<br />

en matieres, property account.<br />

eompte-cartouche, n., (sm. a.) cartridge counter,<br />

(to tell the soldier how many cartridges he has<br />

fired).<br />

<strong>com</strong>pte-lHs, m., thread counter.<br />

<strong>com</strong>pte-gouttes, m., (mach.) drip feed lubricator;<br />

dropping tube.<br />

<strong>com</strong>pte-rendu, m., ( Fr. a.) brief report (made on<br />

the spot, and at the time of the occurrence of<br />

the event involved. May be oral).<br />

<strong>com</strong>pte-tours, m., (mach.) counter (of revolutions).<br />

<strong>com</strong>pteur, in., counter;<br />

de cartouches, v. <strong>com</strong>ptc-cartouche;<br />

de gaz, gas meter;<br />

Mometrique, mileage recorder.<br />

concentration, f., concentration; (art.) the simul-<br />

taneous or successive fire of several batteries on<br />

the same target or zone.<br />

conciliation, f., (law) settling of cases out of court.<br />

concours, m., <strong>com</strong>petition;<br />

de consummation, (auto.) consumption test<br />

or <strong>com</strong>petition;<br />

hippique, horse show.<br />

concurrence, f., concurrence;<br />

ft de, until such and such conditions are satisfied,<br />

until such and such a member is reached.<br />

condamnation, f., condemnation;<br />

aux depens, (law) condemnation in costs.<br />

condamner, v. t., to condemn;<br />

aux depens, (law) to be found in costs.<br />

ft morl (law, mil.) to condemn to death.<br />

condensateur, m., (elec.) condenser;<br />

ft air, air condenser;<br />

ft plaques, plate condenser;<br />

ft plateaux, plate condenser;<br />

ft la resonance, (wireless) tuned condenser;<br />

ft verre, glass condenser;<br />

conductance, f., (elec.) conductance.

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