A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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cartouche 523 chambre<br />

cartouche de stand (t. p.) sort of gallery-practice<br />

cartridge (to be used, Fr. a., when a range is<br />

not available);<br />

de s Arete, (so called) riot cartridge (fragmentation<br />

bullet).<br />

carton che-indicattf, f., (mil.} indentineation cartridge<br />

(giving the call letter, signal number, or<br />

private signal of an airplane).<br />

cartouche-relais, f., (trench art.) relay cartridge<br />

(German 18cm. projectile).<br />

cartouche-signal, f., (mil.) signal cartridge.<br />

case, f., hut; <strong>com</strong>partment;<br />

d'armon, (art.) side-rail box;<br />

& nids, nest case, nest <strong>com</strong>partment (pigeons).<br />

casematage, m., (art., fort.) casemating, protection.<br />

easier, m., case (box or chest divided into <strong>com</strong>partments);<br />

& bombes, (trench art.) bomb case;<br />

porte-bombes, (trench art.) shell rack (transportation);<br />

telephoniquc, head set.<br />

caso, m., (mil. slang) casoar or plume (worn by St.<br />

Cyrions on their shakos).<br />

casoar, m., (unif.) plume (worn by cadets of St.<br />

Cyr on their shakos).<br />

casque, m., (telephone) head set; (mil.) steel helmet<br />

(casque Adrian);<br />

colonial, (unif., Fr. a.) the helmet worn by<br />

<strong>French</strong> colonial troops;<br />

ft pointe (mil. slang) bomb of the Erhardt<br />

trench mortar.<br />

casse-pierre, m., (rain.) rock crusher (drill).<br />

casser, v. t., (mil. law) to disapprove the verdict<br />

of a court-martial;<br />

un arret, (law) to reverse a verdict and send<br />

the case back.<br />

cassis, m., water-bar.<br />

catapulte, f., catapult.<br />

cat^gorie, 1, category;<br />

speciale, ( Fr. a.) special class of list of horses<br />

for staff or detached officers.<br />

cause, f., case, cause;<br />

hors de , (mil.) out of action<br />

caution, f., guarantee; (adm.) deposit; guarantee;<br />

se porter pour quelqu'un, to guarantee a<br />

person.<br />

cautioimement, m., (adm.) bonding.<br />

cautionner, v. t., (adm.) to bond.<br />

cavaleric, f.. cavalry;<br />

d'armee, army cavalry (charged with exploration<br />

at a distance);<br />

de corps, corps cavalry;<br />

divisionnaire, divisional cavalry.<br />

cavalier, a., (drawing) cavalier; m., horseman;<br />

staple (nail); (mil.) trooper, cavalryman;<br />

colombophile, (mil.) cavalry pigeon man;<br />

projection e, (drawing) cavalier projection;<br />

We f, (drawing) view in cavalier projection.<br />

cavltation, f., (aero.) cavitation.<br />

cecite, f., blindness;<br />

nonoculaire, blindness in one eye.<br />

ceinturage, m., (mil.) belting of crossroads in<br />

trenches, by a passage.<br />

ceinture, f., belt;<br />

(pont) wale (metallic boat);<br />

de roue, caterpillar chain.<br />

de surcti, (aero., etc.) safety belt;<br />

ceinturer, v. t., to belt.<br />

un carrefour (mil.) to belt a crossroads by a<br />

passage.<br />

ceinturon, m., (mil.) waistbelt;<br />

porte-grenades, grenade belt.<br />

cellule, f., cell; (aero.) the "box" formed, e. g., by<br />

the upper and lower wings of a biplane as<br />

joined by stanchions and braces; the aeroplane<br />

minus the engine set; cell.<br />

centrage, in., (aero.) question of centers of an airplane.<br />

central, m., (mil, nig., etc.) central, central post,<br />

central station (o. g., central observing station;<br />

no reference to post of <strong>com</strong>manding offl-<br />

aero, central aeronautic station;<br />

b, 5, etc., directions, 6-, etc., wire central;<br />

aerostier, (mil. telephone) balloon central station;<br />

de groupement, ,(mil telephone) the central<br />

of a groupement, q. y., of artillery;<br />

d' observation, (mil. telephone) station at terminus<br />

of an extension line (original transmitting<br />

station for observations);<br />

de reglage, (mil. telephone) transmitting station<br />

(junction of branches with main line).<br />

central-arrifcre, m., (mil telephone) central in rear<br />

of the front (artillery system) for the higher<br />

<strong>com</strong>mand, and balloons.<br />

central-avant, m., (mil telephone) front central<br />

(near the front; artillery system).<br />

centre, m., center; in general, central point (in<br />

many relations); (aero., etc.) aviation center, or<br />

establishment, for instruction, research, etc.<br />

(may be established on battle field);<br />

de <strong>com</strong>positions et d'examen oral, place where<br />

examinations are held; examining point;<br />

& 5 confondus, (aero.) with coinciding centers;<br />

d'examen oral, place where an oral examination<br />

is held;<br />

de fabrication de pain, ( Fr. a.) central bakery;<br />

hospitaller, (mil med.) any permanent or<br />

temporary hospital in rear of an army in the<br />

field, and in the occupied region;<br />

d' instruction, (Fr. a.) officer's school (behind<br />

the lines);<br />

d' observation, (aero.) (captive) balloon center<br />

(in sieges);<br />

oral, v. d'examen oral;<br />

-de renseignements, (mil) collection station,<br />

(of information, etc., respecting the enemy,<br />

the terrain, etc.; receives airplane observations<br />

for large units in march, and is established<br />

on the line of march);<br />

de resistance, (mil.) to-day, the <strong>com</strong>bination<br />

of points d'appui, q. v.;<br />

[1 centre=3 (for example) points d'appui;<br />

1 point d'appui=4 (for example) segments<br />

actifs;<br />

1 segment actif= line or points actively held.]<br />

centre-6cole, m., (aero.) aviation school.<br />

cercle, m., circle, cask;<br />

& calculer. circular calculation machine;<br />

de charge, (aero.) ring or circle carrying the<br />

car; suspension ring;<br />

de suspension, y.<br />

de charge;<br />

de visee, (art.) aiming circle.<br />

cercle-entretoise, m., (art.) circular transom.<br />

cerf-volant, m., kite;<br />

cellulaire, box-kite.<br />

cerf-voliste, m., (aero.) kite man.<br />

chaine, f., chain, (mil) chain, line, (of markers,<br />

of runners, may serve to establish a liaison);<br />

d'agrafage, securing chain;<br />

de relevage, (art.) lifting chain;<br />

& rouleaux, roller chain;<br />

semi-rigide, sprocket chain.<br />

silenciense, silent chair;<br />

chalnette, f., small chain;<br />

arrachc-clous, v. arrache-clous;<br />

d'epaule, (unif.) shoulder chains.<br />

chalneur, m., (mil) sand-bag passer.<br />

chaise, f., chair;<br />

& bascule, rocking chair.<br />

chaleur, f., heat;<br />

craint la , keep cool, keep away from boilers<br />

(on cases, etc., for shipment).<br />

chalumcau, m., blowpipe;<br />

oxyhydrique, oxhydrogen blowpipe, <strong>com</strong>pound<br />

blowpipe;<br />

oxyacelilenique, oxyacetyline blowpipe (used<br />

for cutting steel).<br />

chambre, f., chamber, room; space;<br />

& air, inner tube, air tube (of a tire);

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