A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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igadier 520 cage<br />

brigadier de lir. (Fr. art.) (corporal who notes<br />

down data of fire, battery in action); recording<br />

corporal (corresponds to instrument sergeant,<br />

U.S. Art.).<br />

brillant, m., polish (of metal surfaces, etc.); bright<br />

work.<br />

brindille, f., twig.<br />

briscard, m., (mil, slang) old soldier.<br />

brisque, f., (mil. $lang)}ong service stripes.<br />

bristol, m., card, cardboard.<br />

brisure,f., (mil.) jog; break in a parapet, to permit<br />

flank fire.<br />

brochc, f., pin;<br />

dc manoeuvre, (mach. gun) maneuvering bar.<br />

brochet, m., pike, (fish); (mil. slang) (German)<br />

trench mortar bomb, (so called from its shape).<br />

brodequin, m., shoe, (U. S.); boot (British);<br />

de marche (unif.) <strong>French</strong> infantry shoe;<br />

napolitain, v. dc marche.<br />

brossage, m., brushing;<br />

de decors, (Jam.) bluff, play to the gallery.<br />

brosse,f., brush;<br />

& chaine, chain brush;<br />

a dents, tooth brush; (mil. slang) moustache.<br />

brouette, f., barrow, wheelbarrow;<br />

porte-brancards, (mil. med.) litter-barrow,<br />

wheeled litter.<br />

brouette-caisson, f., (trench art.) ammunition<br />

barrow.<br />

brouillage, m., (elec.) interference (as in a wireless).<br />

brouiller, v. t., (elec.) to interfere (as in wireless).<br />

brousse, f., the "brush," "bosque" (Spanish),<br />

guerre de , (mil.) bushwhacking;<br />

prendrc, reprendre, la , to take to the bush, to<br />

the woods, to go into the "bosque."<br />

brule-gueule, m., (slang) short pipe (tobacco).<br />

brulcur, m., burner, heater;<br />

electriquc, electric burner, heater;<br />

dpetrolc, petroleum burner (of an oilengine).<br />

brume, f . , fog;<br />

aerienne, aerial fog (extends above storm<br />

clouds).<br />

cabane, f., (aero.) cabane.<br />

cabine, f . , cabin;<br />

d'isolement, (mil.) private room in barracks,<br />

for private toilet ;<br />

ielephonique, telephone booth.<br />

cabinet, m., cabinet, w. c.;<br />

de service, (mil.) office, orderly room.<br />

cable, m.. (cord.) cable;<br />

d'amarrage, (cord.) mooring cable;<br />

arme, (elec.) armored cable;<br />

d'armement (trench art.) cocking lanyard;<br />

de campagne, (mil. telephone) field cable;<br />

cuirasse, (elec., telephone, etc.) armored cable;<br />

a deux conducteurs, (elec.) double-conductor<br />

wire;<br />

double, double conductor cable;<br />

leger (mil. elec.) light cable;<br />

de mise de feu, (trench art.) firing cable, lanyard;<br />

sous plomb (elec.) leaded cable, cable sheathed<br />

in lead;<br />

de tirage, tension rope, brake rope.<br />

cablogramme, m., cablegram.<br />

cabosser, v. t., to bruise, knock in.<br />

cabot, m., (mil. slang) corporal.<br />

cabotage, m., coasting trade;<br />

franc.ais, coasting trade between <strong>French</strong><br />

ports, (including those of Algiers);<br />

international, coasting trade between foreign<br />

ports, or between <strong>French</strong> and foreign ports<br />

not so far off as to constitute navigation on<br />

the high seas.<br />

cabrage, m., (aero.) nose-lift.<br />

cabrfe, m., (aero) tail down, nose-lift.<br />

cabrer, v. r., (aero.) of an airplane, to rear.<br />

cache-flamme, m., (art., mach. gun) flash concealer,<br />

flash cut-out, flash protector.<br />

brun-mat, a., dull brown (i. e., not shiny).<br />

brut, a., raw, gross;<br />

revenus s, gross receipts.<br />

O.<br />

Brution, m., (Fr. a.) graduate of the Trytanee<br />

Militaire.<br />

budget, m., budget;<br />

bonder le , to make both ends meet.<br />

buisson, m., (top) thicket.<br />

bulletin, m., bulletin;<br />

de correspondance, (Fr. a.) (official or administrative<br />

note, sent by one staff to another, or to<br />

an officer); staff pad.<br />

buraliste, m., (Fr. adm.) collector or receiver of<br />

certain taxes.<br />

bureau, m., office; (Fr. a.) bureau or division of<br />

the staff of an army or corps (four in all); the<br />

first bureau has charge of personnel and mate-<br />

riel; the second, of information and political<br />

affairs; the third, of operations and movements<br />

of troops; the fourth, of transport (exists only<br />

in armies and groups of armies);<br />

ambulant, (adm.) railway post office;<br />

central meteorologique, central or national<br />

weather bureau (at Paris);<br />

de douane, custom house;<br />

de police, police headquarters, police station;<br />

sedcntaire, (Fr. adm.) stationary, i. e., usual,<br />

post office as distinguished from railway post<br />

office.<br />

burin, m., cold chisel.<br />

but, m., (art., sm. a.) target;<br />

& battre, (mil.) target;<br />

temoin, (art.) auxiliary target, reference target;<br />

flottant, (art., nav.) floating target.<br />

butee, f., Ing: thrust collar;<br />

it , "home";<br />

dc detente, (art.) trigger stop.<br />

de renversement, (art.) tilting stop (<strong>French</strong><br />

75).<br />

butteur, m., (mach.) tappet, striker.<br />

caclie-Iucur, m., (art., mach. gun) flash cut-out<br />

flash protector; flash screen.<br />

cache-nez, m., muffler.<br />

cache-soupapes, m., (mach.) valve casing (dust<br />

guard).<br />

cachet, m., seal, stamp;<br />

de verification, inspection stamp, inspector's<br />

stamp,<br />

cacliou, m., catechu, cutch;<br />

couleur , dark buff.<br />

cadence, t., cadence;<br />

du tir, (art.) cadence of fire.<br />

cadre, m., frame: (aero) running gear.<br />

bleu, (Fr. a.) at Saumur, all the instructing<br />

staff not included in the noir, q. v.; (blue<br />

uniform) ;<br />

hors , (mil.) on detached officers' list, D. O. L.<br />

(U.S.A.);<br />

loi des s. (Fr. a.) the annual law making<br />

appropriations for the support of the army,<br />

appropriation act (U. S.), mutiny act, (Great<br />

Britain);<br />

noir, (Fr. a.) at Saumur, the instructing<br />

equitation staff (so-called from their black<br />

uniforms) ;<br />

rajeunir les s, (mil.) to reduce the age of retirement;<br />

rajeunisscment des s, (mil.) reduction of retiring<br />

age, (so as to get younger officers in each<br />

stabilisateur, (aero.) suspension frame, (Lebandy,<br />

acted as a stabilizer).<br />

de suspension, (trench art.) hanging frame<br />

(construction of 340 mortar platform);<br />

cafard, m., cockroach; (mil. slang) the blues,<br />

cage, f., cage;<br />

d'entree, entrance cage (of a pigeon loft).

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