A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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allon 516 bailment ballon ramener un , to bring down a balloon; de siege, (Fr. a.) siege balloon (750 cub. m., captive ascensions); souple, (aero.) flexible balloon (as distinguished from one that has a frame); spherique, (aero.) spherical balloon. ballon-ecole, m., (aero.) instruction balloon. ballonet, m., (aero.) air bag; a air, ballonet; d' empennage, stabilizing ballonet. ballonner, v. n., to bulge. ballon-sonde, m., exploring balloon to get atmospheric records, ballon-sonde. ballonnet, m., (areo.) ballonet; compensateur, ballonet. ballot, in., bale; (mil. slang) heavy, dull man. baluchon, m., (eng.) dredge-bucket, excavatorbucket or shovel; (mil. min.) miner's bucket, (sometimes spelled balluchon). bandage, m., band; (auto.) tire, shoe; caoutchouc plein, solid rubber tire; creux, pneumatic tire; , plcin, solid tire. bande, f , band, newspaper wrapper (usually a narrow strip of paper in France); (mil.) cartridge belt (for machine gun); (auto.) tire, shoe; (med.) bandage; h alveole, (mil.) sort of bandoleer; de conlrole (Fr. adm.) internal revenue stamp (U.S.); crcuse, (auto.) pneumatic tire; erreur de v. s. , v., erreur; s lunettes, (auto.) double tires; ti maillons metalliques, (mach. gun) metal belt or band; mctallique, (mach. gun) metallic feed strip; de mitrailleuse en toile, (mach. gun) cam feed belt or band; moUetiere, (unif.) puttee; plcine, (auto.) solid tire; porte-cartouches, (mach. gun) cartridge belt; retour de , (mach. gun) back feed, reverse feed; de roulement, (auto.) shoe, tread (of a tire); rigide, (mach. gun) feed strip; simple, (auto.) smele tire. en toile, (mack, gun) canvas ammunition belt. bandeau, m., (unif.) band of a forage cap. bande-chargeur,f., (mil.) cartridge bolt (machine gun). bande, m., compression (of a spring). bander, v. t., (med.) to bandage. banquette, f., seat, carriage seat (no intermediate arms); (art.) gunner's seat; de pointeur, (r. r. art.) gunner's platform; de relais, (siege} relay bank; de tir, (mil.) firing step (in trenches). bapteTne, m., baptism; de promotion, {mil.) graduation dinner or festival. baquet, m., bucket seat (motor car); pit. baraque, f., wooden hut. (aero.) cock- baraquement, m., (mil.) hut (i. e., small wooden house). barbaque, m., (mil. slang) poor meat. barbe, f., beard; a shave. vieilles s, (/am.) old soldiers. barbotage, m., dipping, splash, part (as mach., of a in oil). barbotine, f., sort of paste or cement (will pour). barda, m., (mil slang) pack. bardage, m . , moving, loading (with a barrow, bard); pince de , sluing bar. barillet, m., (mach. gun) feed drum; doigts de feed drum , fingers; & ressort, spring drum. barographe, m., (aero., inst.) barograph. baro-thermoinfctre, mometer; m., barometer and ther- baro-thermomStre, entcgistrcur, (aero.) self-recording baro-thermometer. barrage, m., line of men forming a "hedge" in a street (e. g., gendarmes); line of men (to stop an entrance, block a road, etc.); (fort.) covering or restraining works, e. g., to allow mobilization, to cover an advance, etc.; (mil.) curtain of fire (artillery, grenades); ae.rien, (aero.) airplane barrage (constituted by airplanes themselves); d'ag'ents, line of police; defeu, (mil.) line of fires lighted to neutralize a gas attack; . fixe, (art.) stationary barrage or curtain fire; mobile, (art.) moving barrage or curl am fire (used to assist attacks by infantry); normal, (art.) normal "barrage (battery per target); - ouvrage de, (fort.) covering work or fort (e. g., during mobilization); r enforce, (art. ) reenforced barrage (two or more batteries on same target); toile de, (mil.) specially prepared cloth to exclude gases from shelters, bombproofs, etc. in a gas attack. barre, f., bar; tidal bore; d'accouplement, (mach.) drag link; (auto.), tiebar, crossbar (front axle); d' attelage, (r. r.) drawbar; -de connexion, (auto.) v. d'accouplement! de direction, (mack.) drag link; (motor car); d'enlcvage, (trench art.) lifting bar; franche, (nav.) tiller; (mach.) steering bar; (motorcar); de portage, (trench art.) carrying bar (240 C. T. mortar); de tirage, (mach.) tension rod, pull bar, (motorcar); de tension, v. dc tirage. barreau, m., grate bar; de manoeuvre, (trench art.) hand spike. barre-entretoise, f., (trench art.) bar-transom (240 C. T. truck). barrette, f.. oar; de mcntonnet, (mach. gun) trigger bar. barretter, m., (wireless) barretter. barreur, m., (nav.) helmsman. barricade, f., (mil. min.) tamping mask. basane, f., sheepskin; (mil. slang) cavalry. bascule, f., (art., mach.) rocking piece. basculeur, m., (mach.) rocking lever, tappet lever. base, f., base (in many relations); de depart, (top) primary base. bassaing,m., plank 65mm. thick, and 22-25 cm. wide. bat, m., pack, pack saddle; de mitrailleuse, (mach. gun) gun pack; de munitions (mach. gun) ammunition pack. bat d'Af, (mil. slang) an abbreviation of bataillon d'Afrique, q. v. bataillon, m., (mil.) battalion; d'Afrique. v.; d'infanttne legere d'A frique; associi, linked battalion (British Army) ; formant corps, independent battalion. bataillonneux, m., (mil.) soldier belonging to a bataillon d'Afrique, q. v. bateau, m., boat; & tubes, side wheeler ; dmoteur, motor boat; omnibus, Seine passenger boat; poseur de cables, (nav.) cable ship; sousmarin, (nav.) submarine; submersible, (nav.) submersible boat. bateau-glisseur, m., (aero. ) hydroplane. bati, m., (aero.) supporting frame of an airplane (for weight of pilot, motor, etc.). bailment, m. , building, (nav.) ship; amiral, (nav.) flagship; hydrographe, (hydr.) coast-survey ship; ravitailleur , (nav.) tender, storeship: de servitude, (nav.) generic term for harbor boats, such as ice, mail, water, etc., boats.

aton 517 bleu baton, m., stick; ferre, iron-shod stick; porte-geophone , (mil. min.) geophone-rod; de remorgue, (mack, gun) traction bar (man traction of machine-gun cart). batterie, f., (mil., elec.) battery; A , horsed battery; d'accoinpagnemcnt, (mil.)in general, any battery accompanying troops of a different arm, more especially infantry; accompanying battery; d'aUumage,(elec.) ignition battery of a motor; alpine, (Fr. art.) Alpine battery, mountain battery; anii-aericnne , antiaircraft battery; d'attaquc, battery of the at tack, infantry battery ; en altenle, battery in readiness ; avancee, advancing battery (moves forward with infantry, if necessary by sections); dc barrage normal, any battery executing normal barrage tire (i. e./has its own separate target); & handier, field battery with shielded guns; de breche, breaching battery (opens passages in enemy lines); cadre, skeleton battery; de combat, ( Fr. art.) the whole of a field battery, except the train regimentaire (consists of the batterie de tir, 4 guns and limbers, 6 caissons, and of the echelon de combat, 6 caissons, 1 forage and 1 battery wagon); de contre-attaquc, counter-attack battery (held in readiness to resist a counter attack); cdiiere, coast battery ; conrte, howitzer battery; en , of fire hose, ready; faufise- ,(mil.) dummy battery, Quaker battery; fausse, (mil.) dummy battery, Quaker battery: de fusils, (mil.) battery of small arm rifles; longue, battery of long guns; montee de 75 (Fr. art.) 75 mm. battery (4 guns); moyenne, (nai\) secondary battery; neutral/see, neutralized battery (suspends fire, not necessarily out of action); 6 pifd de position, (heavy) position battery; "portcc," (art.) motor battery; de poursuite, pursuit battery (usually horse artillery); de preparation, battery of preparation (fires on infantry); de renforcement, a battery belonging to the artiller ie de reinforcement q. v. en retraite, battery covering a retreat; de superposition, any battery that adds its fire to that of another battery on the same target; en surveillance, battery in position to open fire immediately (assists s d'attaque); T,tnictor battery; de tir, v. s. v. de combat; firing battery; dtracteurs, (art.) tractor battery; de tranchee, (mil.) trench battery (of trench artillery); V.B. (Fr. a.) battery of V. B. grenade throwers; volante, horse battery (not an official expression). batterie-amorce, f., (art.) decoy battery. battre, v. t., to beat; (art.) to batter; par lefeu, (art.) to take under fire; son plein, to be in full blast, to be at its height. bee, m , burner; tip (in general); bruleur, burner, tip; & incandescence, incandescent gas burner. becquctance, f., (mil. slang) food. bengale, m., (artif.) Bengal light. benzine, f., benzine; de la houille, benzol. bequille, f., crutch, sprag; (aero. ) landing prop or support of an airplane, tail skid; d' alter rissaije, (aero. ) sort of inverted pyramid to assist a dirigible in landing (Lebaudy typo;, landing prop; crosse d'aniere, (ae.ro.} roar support tail skid ; d ressort, (mach. gun) spring link. berceau, m., (auto) cradle, false frame (so-called if formed of pieces more or less curved); (art ) rocker, of the 75 mm.; cradle, chassis; reco'lsleeve, (240 T. R.); du moteur, (aero.) engine bed; - de pointage, (art.) elevating carriage. berne, f., blanket, bed cover; en , (of a flag) at half staff (distressand mourning both, in France; "union down" may be translated en berne. but more accurately would be pavilion renverse). Bertha, f., (proper name) (mil. slang) heavy shell (42 cm.)/ bessonneau, m., (aero.fam.) canvas hangar. bestiau, m., (mil. slang) horse. bfcton, m., (cons.) concrete; armc, reenforced concrete, ferroconcrete. betonner, v. t., (cons.) to build of concrete: betterave, f., beet. beuglant, m., (mil. slang) concert hall, (Saumr.r, slang). Bicot, m., (mil. slang) the Arabs, Berbers, of North Africa; sometimes the Senegalese. blcyclette, f., bicycle; automobile, motorcycle; & cadre riaide, ordinary bicycle; & petrole, motorcycle; pliantc, folding bicycle; a vapeur, steam bicycle. bidoche, f., (mil. sfang) meat. bielle, f., (macJi.) connecting rod; (mach. gun) cartridge guide cam; d'accouplement, y. barre d'accouplement; de commandc, driving rod; de connexion, v. barre de connexion; de direction, v. barre de direction; afourche, forked connecting rod; pied de. , piston end of a connecting rod; de poussee, radius rod; de reaction, reaction rod; tete de , crank end of a connecting rod. biellette, f., (mach.) link. biffin, m., (mil. slang) infantryman. bigorre, f., (mil. slang) colonial artillery (French Army). bilateral, a., bilateral; (telephone, etc.) both sending and receh ing. billard, m., billiards, billiard operating table (medical). bille, f., marble; table; (mil. slar.z) de securite, (trench art.) safety ball. billet, m., (com.) bill; (r. r.) ticket; d'entree, (mil.med.) admission order; defamille, (r. r.) family ticket; individvel, (r. r.) single ticket; au porteur, (com.) promissory note; de sortie, (mil. med.) discharge order; d'urgcnce, (mil. med.) emergency order. biphase, a., (elec.) two-phase. biplace, m., (aero) two seater. biplan, m., (aero) biplane. bique, f., (mil. slang) old horse. bi-relringent, a., double refracting. bissecter, v. t., to bisect. bistro, m., (mil. slang) bar keeper. bizut, m., (mil. slang) a "piebe" at the Polytet'.:nique; (also used by other great schools). blessfe, a., wounded; (mil.) grand , severely wounded man. bleu, a,, blue; m., blue sky; (mil slang) "rookie" : horizon, (Fr. a.) horizon blue, (color of field uniform);

allon 516 bailment<br />

ballon ramener un , to bring down a balloon;<br />

de siege, (Fr. a.) siege balloon (750 cub. m.,<br />

captive ascensions);<br />

souple, (aero.) flexible balloon (as distinguished<br />

from one that has a frame);<br />

spherique, (aero.) spherical balloon.<br />

ballon-ecole, m., (aero.) instruction balloon.<br />

ballonet, m., (aero.) air bag;<br />

a air, ballonet;<br />

d' empennage, stabilizing ballonet.<br />

ballonner, v. n., to bulge.<br />

ballon-sonde, m., exploring balloon to get atmospheric<br />

records, ballon-sonde.<br />

ballonnet, m., (areo.) ballonet;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pensateur, ballonet.<br />

ballot, in., bale; (mil. slang) heavy, dull man.<br />

baluchon, m., (eng.) dredge-bucket, excavatorbucket<br />

or shovel; (mil. min.) miner's bucket,<br />

(sometimes spelled balluchon).<br />

bandage, m., band; (auto.) tire, shoe;<br />

caoutchouc plein, solid rubber tire;<br />

creux, pneumatic tire;<br />

,<br />

plcin, solid tire.<br />

bande, f , band, newspaper wrapper (usually a narrow<br />

strip of paper in France); (mil.) cartridge<br />

belt (for machine gun); (auto.) tire, shoe; (med.)<br />

bandage;<br />

h alveole, (mil.) sort of bandoleer;<br />

de conlrole (Fr. adm.) internal revenue stamp<br />

(U.S.);<br />

crcuse, (auto.) pneumatic tire;<br />

erreur de v. s. , v., erreur;<br />

s lunettes, (auto.) double tires;<br />

ti maillons metalliques, (mach. gun) metal belt<br />

or band;<br />

mctallique, (mach. gun) metallic feed strip;<br />

de mitrailleuse en toile, (mach. gun) cam<br />

feed belt or band;<br />

moUetiere, (unif.) puttee;<br />

plcine, (auto.) solid tire;<br />

porte-cartouches, (mach. gun) cartridge belt;<br />

retour de , (mach. gun) back feed, reverse feed;<br />

de roulement, (auto.) shoe, tread (of a tire);<br />

rigide, (mach. gun) feed strip;<br />

simple, (auto.) smele tire.<br />

en toile, (mack, gun) canvas ammunition belt.<br />

bandeau, m., (unif.) band of a forage cap.<br />

bande-chargeur,f., (mil.) cartridge bolt (machine<br />

gun).<br />

bande, m., <strong>com</strong>pression (of a spring).<br />

bander, v. t., (med.) to bandage.<br />

banquette, f., seat, carriage seat (no intermediate<br />

arms); (art.) gunner's seat;<br />

de pointeur, (r. r. art.) gunner's platform;<br />

de relais, (siege} relay bank;<br />

de tir, (mil.) firing step (in trenches).<br />

bapteTne, m., baptism;<br />

de promotion, {mil.) graduation dinner or<br />

festival.<br />

baquet, m., bucket seat (motor car);<br />

pit.<br />

baraque, f., wooden hut.<br />

(aero.) cock-<br />

baraquement, m., (mil.) hut (i. e., small wooden<br />

house).<br />

barbaque, m., (mil. slang) poor meat.<br />

barbe, f., beard; a shave.<br />

vieilles s, (/am.) old soldiers.<br />

barbotage, m., dipping, splash,<br />

part<br />

(as mach., of a<br />

in oil).<br />

barbotine, f., sort of paste or cement (will pour).<br />

barda, m., (mil slang) pack.<br />

bardage, m .<br />

, moving, loading (with a barrow, bard);<br />

pince de , sluing bar.<br />

barillet, m., (mach. gun) feed drum;<br />

doigts de feed drum , fingers;<br />

& ressort, spring drum.<br />

barographe, m., (aero., inst.) barograph.<br />

baro-thermoinfctre,<br />

mometer;<br />

m., barometer and ther-<br />

baro-thermomStre, entcgistrcur, (aero.) self-recording<br />

baro-thermometer.<br />

barrage, m., line of men forming a "hedge" in a<br />

street (e. g., gendarmes); line of men (to stop an<br />

entrance, block a road, etc.); (fort.) covering or<br />

restraining works, e. g., to allow mobilization,<br />

to cover an advance, etc.; (mil.) curtain of fire<br />

(artillery, grenades);<br />

ae.rien, (aero.) airplane barrage (constituted<br />

by airplanes themselves);<br />

d'ag'ents, line of police;<br />

defeu, (mil.) line of fires lighted to neutralize<br />

a gas attack;<br />

.<br />

fixe, (art.) stationary barrage or curtain fire;<br />

mobile, (art.) moving barrage or curl am fire<br />

(used to assist attacks by infantry);<br />

normal, (art.) normal "barrage (battery per<br />

target);<br />

-<br />

ouvrage de, (fort.) covering work or fort (e. g.,<br />

during mobilization);<br />

r enforce, (art. ) reenforced barrage (two or more<br />

batteries on same target);<br />

toile de, (mil.) specially prepared cloth to exclude<br />

gases from shelters, bombproofs, etc.<br />

in a gas attack.<br />

barre, f., bar; tidal bore;<br />

d'accouplement, (mach.) drag link; (auto.),<br />

tiebar, crossbar (front axle);<br />

d' attelage, (r. r.) drawbar;<br />

-de connexion, (auto.) v. d'accouplement!<br />

de direction, (mack.) drag link; (motor car);<br />

d'enlcvage, (trench art.) lifting bar;<br />

franche, (nav.) tiller; (mach.) steering bar;<br />

(motorcar);<br />

de portage, (trench art.) carrying bar (240<br />

C. T. mortar);<br />

de tirage, (mach.) tension rod, pull bar,<br />

(motorcar);<br />

de tension, v. dc tirage.<br />

barreau, m., grate bar;<br />

de manoeuvre, (trench art.) hand spike.<br />

barre-entretoise, f., (trench art.) bar-transom<br />

(240 C. T. truck).<br />

barrette, f.. oar;<br />

de mcntonnet, (mach. gun) trigger bar.<br />

barretter, m., (wireless) barretter.<br />

barreur, m., (nav.) helmsman.<br />

barricade, f., (mil. min.) tamping mask.<br />

basane, f., sheepskin; (mil. slang) cavalry.<br />

bascule, f., (art., mach.) rocking piece.<br />

basculeur, m., (mach.) rocking lever, tappet lever.<br />

base, f., base (in many relations);<br />

de depart, (top) primary base.<br />

bassaing,m., plank 65mm. thick, and 22-25 cm.<br />

wide.<br />

bat, m., pack, pack saddle;<br />

de mitrailleuse, (mach. gun) gun pack;<br />

de munitions (mach. gun) ammunition pack.<br />

bat d'Af, (mil. slang) an abbreviation of bataillon<br />

d'Afrique, q. v.<br />

bataillon, m., (mil.) battalion;<br />

d'Afrique. v.;<br />

d'infanttne legere d'A frique;<br />

associi, linked battalion (British Army) ;<br />

formant corps, independent battalion.<br />

bataillonneux, m., (mil.) soldier belonging to a<br />

bataillon d'Afrique, q. v.<br />

bateau, m., boat;<br />

& tubes, side wheeler ;<br />

dmoteur, motor boat;<br />

omnibus, Seine passenger boat;<br />

poseur de cables, (nav.) cable ship;<br />

sousmarin, (nav.) submarine;<br />

submersible, (nav.) submersible boat.<br />

bateau-glisseur, m., (aero. ) hydroplane.<br />

bati, m., (aero.) supporting frame of an airplane (for<br />

weight of pilot, motor, etc.).<br />

bailment, m. , building, (nav.) ship;<br />

amiral, (nav.) flagship;<br />

hydrographe, (hydr.) coast-survey ship;<br />

ravitailleur , (nav.) tender, storeship:<br />

de servitude, (nav.) generic term for harbor<br />

boats, such as ice, mail, water, etc., boats.

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