A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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assembler 514 avion assembler, v. t., (mach.) to couple. assener, v. t., to strike; un coup, to deliver a severe blow (with a club, sword, etc.). assiette, f., (nav.) trie correct position or level of a ship afloat; (cons.) settling; (aero.)horizontality; prendre son to settle. , prendre son , (cons.) to settle. assists f., depth of a seat; (in pi. law) assizes. associe, a., (mil.) linked, of battalions, etc. (British army). assujettir, v. t., to secure, fix firmly. astigmatiseur, m., (inst.) astigmatiser (rangefinder). astigmatisme, m., astigmatism. astralit, f., (expl.) astralite. atelier, m., workshop, working party; roulant, traveling workshop; de sechage, (fond.) drying room; de telegraphic, telegraphique, (mil.) telegraph squad; telephonique, (mil.) telephone squad (1 commissioned officer and 5 men); de transformation de charge, (art.) shelter (near a heavy battery) for the conversion and manipulation of charges. attache, f., clip, paper fastener; d'aile, (aero.) Diving attachment, wing support. attache-fils, m., wire coupler; (aero.) wiring plateattaque, f., (mil., etc.) attack; (mil. win.) head* head of the v'ork (mine, shaft, or gallery); chfj d' (mil.) in sieges, chief of attack, (field officer of engineers in charge of approaches); double , (mil. min.) double attack (two-level construction of a gallery); de,en, flanc, attack, in flank; aux gaz (mil.) gas attack; par gaz, (mil.) gas attack; gazeuse, gas attack; en queue, attack in rear; firevers, attack from the rear; par surprise, surprise attack; par vogues de gaz, gas attack. attelage,m.,team; & deux chevaux, two horse team. atteler, v. t., (mil.) to serve with, have charge of, certain teams, wagons. atterrir, v. n., (aero.) to land, come down. atterrissage,m., (aero.) landing; (nav.) landing; chassis d' , (aero.) landing chassis, under carriage; drap d' , (aero.) landing sheet (indicates position of landing ground); rampe d' , (aero.) landing lights; terrain d' , (aero.) landing place, landing ground; train d' , v. chassis d' . attrape-tiquets, m., tick trap (pigeon lofts). attribut, m., (in pi. mil.) insignia (on uniform, but not of rank). aubade, f., morning serenade. audience, f., audience; de conqe, farewell audience of an ambassador, 1 of a military attache . audlon, m., (wireless) audion. auditenr, m., auditor; officer of the (French) council of state. auget, m., trough; (art.) rear casing (trench mortar bed). auto, f., familiar abbreviation of automobile. auto-allumage, m., (mach.) self ignition (overheated cylinders). auto-ballon, m., (aero.) dirigible. autobloqufi, a., self locked. autobus, m., autobus. auto-camion, m., auto truck, motor truck. auto-canon, m., (art.) automobile gun (mounted on an auto). auto-correcteur, m., (art.) automatic corrector; (mil. aero.) auto-corrector. auto-cuiseur, m., self-cooker. automitrailleuse, f., (mil. auto) auto-machine gun. automobile, m., f., automobile; airien, any aerial machine driven by a motor; h I'alcool, any automobile in which the energy conies from alcohol; blindee, (mil.) armored automobile; canot v. s. v., , canot; de course, racing car; cttiras.se, (mil.) armored motor car; & essence, gasoline motor car; d explosion, explosion engine car; de guerre, (mil.) service or military automobile; mitrailleuse, (mil.) machine gun on automobile carriage; de tourisme, touring car; b. vapeur, any steam automobile; vedette v. s. , v., vedette; a, viandes, (mil.) meat automobile. automobilisme, m., automobilism (sport, science, etc.). automotrice, f., (r. r.) electric locomotive. autonautisme, m.. motor boating. auto-rupteur, m., (elec.) make and break device (adapted to coils not fitted with contact breakers). auto-taxi, m., (Jam.) taximeter. auto-torplllage, m., (nav.) self-destruction by torpedo (case whore a torpedo turns back on its own ship). auto-transformateur, former. m., (elec.) auto trans- auto-trembleur, m., a synonym of vibreur, q. v. autovlsetir, m., small mirror to observe the existence and nature of spark produced. auto-yacht, m., (nav.) motor-yacht. auxillaire, m., (nav.) auxiliary boat. avance, f., advance; (mach., etc.) lead; & 1'allumage, sparking advance, sparking advance gear; fil'cchappement, exhaust lead; & I'ouverture d'cchappement, exhaust lead; sur titre, (com.) loan on security; par tour, (of a propeller) the theoretical advance less the slip. avancemcnt, m. , (mil .) promotion; dl'anciennele, promotion by seniority; & I'anciennetl par selection, (German Army) promotion by seniority, after elimination of incompetents; & felection, (mil.) promotion by vote or election (French Revolution); par regiment, (mil.) regimental promotion; par selection, (mil.) promotion by selection; sur toutel'arme, (mil.) lineal promotion. avant, m., forward part, forepart; brise-glaces, (nav.) ice-breaker of a ship. avenant, m., additional clause (as of a contract or treaty). aviage, m., (aero.) flight (word proposed, but not adopted). aviateur, m., (aero.) aviator, pilot, airman. aviation, f., (aero.) aviation; cdtiere, coast aviation (naval purposes); hauturiere, high sea aviation service; avier, v. t., (aero.) to fly (word proposed, but not adopted). avion, m., (aero.) airplane; d'accompagnemcnt de I'infanterie, (mil.) air- plane that follows the march of advanced units and reserves (one to each division); contact plane; d'artillerie, spotting plane. de bombardement, bombing plane; de bord, ship's plane (carried aboard); de chasse, combat plane, pursuit airplane; de combat, battle plane;

avion 515 ballon avion de commandement, (mil.) airplane to observe the general progress of the combat, the enemy, the distribution of his forces, and indications of counter attack (one to each corps); corps plane. cdtier, coast plane (i. e., for naval v/ork along a coast); cstafctte, (mil.) messenger airplane (to carry information to division, brigade, and regimental commanders) ; ft helice propiilsive, pusher; ft helice tractive, tractor; warm, seaplane; de reconnaissance, scouting plane; de reglage, (art.) fire observation airplane; spotting plane. type corps d'armee, generic term for spotting, photographing, etc., planes. avion-eanon, m., (aero.) gun plane. aviso, m., (nav.) dispatch boat; bac, m., (elec.) jar, of a storage battery. foaccalaureat, m., in France, the examination concluding the course in secondary education; bachelor's degree. bac he, f., awning; - de campement, (mil. aero.) ground cloth. bac hot, m., punt; (slang) the baccalaureat, q. T. bafoulllage, m., chattering; (mach.) chattering (of a motor). bafouiller, v. n., to chatter; (mach.) of a motor, to chatter. baggage, m., baggage; - technique, (fam.) technical qualifications , fit- ness; s-vivres, (mil.) food supplies in the train. baguage, m., banding (pigeons). bague, f., ring, leg-band (pigeons); - d'appw, (art.) washer; (mach. gun) recoil spring bushing; - d'armement, (trench art.) cocking ring; - d'attache. (art.) locking sleeve; - ft billes, (mach.) ball-bearing ring; - de calage, (art.) locking ring; - d'etranglement, (mach.) air throttling ring, valve, or collar, (in some forms of carburetors); - de graissage. (mach.) oil ring, lubricating ring; - de raccord, (mach. gun) front connector bushing; - de reglage, (mach.) adjusting, feed adjusting, collar (some forms of carburetor); (trench art.) chamber ring; - de reglage d'air, (mach.) throttle valve, throttle ring valve. - de surete, (art.) safety collar or ring. bague-ecrou, f., (mach. gun) assembling nut; rear connector bushing. baguer, v. t., to band (a pigeon's leg). baguette, f., rod; - de nettoyage, (sm. a.) cleaning rod. - cerise clair, light red bay. bain, m., bath; - defixage, (phot.) fixing bath. bain-douche, m. , shower bath. balance, f., balance; a socle, ordinary balance. balaiicier, m., (art.) roller-arm (in some forms of carriage). baiounette, L,(mil.) bayonet; - basse, with bayonets at the charge; - courte de tranchee, trench bayonet; monter ft-, to mount, assemble by a bayonet joint. bafonnette-scie, f., (sm. a.) saw bayonet. baladeur, m., (mach.) sliding clutch; system e ft double - (triple) , double (triple) reduction gear set; systeme ft simple- , simple reduction gear set. aviso ft roues, paddlewheel dispatch boat; transport, dispatch transport. avocat, m., barrister, counselor-at-law. avoir, v. t., to have; (mil. slang) to beat, crush. "do up." avoufe, m., attorney. axe, m.. axis; (mach., etc.) shaft; de blocage, (trench art.) elevation axle; brise, divided shaft; coucourant, continuous shaft; demultiplie, reducing axis or shaft; ft galet, (mach. gun) roller; d'observation, (mil.) line of observation (e. g., from a captive balloon). de pivotcment, pivot, spindle, (of a vehicle). de retenue, (trench art.) securing axle. axe-inanclion, m., sleeve and axle. axer, v. t., to mount on an axis, axially. azimutal, a., azimuth. balal, m., broom; (slang) gendarme; rotalif, (elcc.) rotary brush, collector. balance, f., balance; ft socle, ordinary balance. balancier, m., (art.) roller-arm (in some form of carriage). balancine, f. , (aero) diagonal steel wire, supporting the car of a dirigible. balayeuse, f. , street-sweeping machine; automobile, motor driven sweeping machine. baliste, f., balista. balle, f., (sm. a., art.) bullet; (com.) bale; (Hang) one franc; - aciculaire, v. ft pointe effilee; bUndlc, (sm. a.) perforating bullet, (for use against shields); de coton, cotton bale; directe, direct bullet (point first; cf. renverseey, efficace, (art.) of a shrapnel bullet, one whose velocity is dangerous; auifait champignon, (sm. a.) soft-nosed bullet; inefficace, (art.) v. inoffensive: inoffensive, (art.) harmless bullet, said of a shrapnel bullet whose velocity is harmless; perforante. (sm. a.) (German) perforating bullet (attack of blindages); ft pointe effilee, (sm. a.) pointed bullet, Sbullet, D-bullet; renversee, (sm. a.) inverted bullet, (point to the rear) ; S, (sm. a.) (German) S-bullet (Spitze, pointed bullet); SMK, (sm. a.) (German) perforating bullet. ballon, m., (aero.) balloon; (auto.) top, carriage top; hood; (cow.) globe (as, of glass); abattre un , to bring down a balloon; cerf-volant, (aero. ) kite balloon; cigar e, (aero.) cigar-shaped balloon; de commandement, (mil.) balloon observing the course of a combat and reporting directly to the corps commander (one to each corps, duties same as those of avion de commande- ment, a. v.); corps balloon; deformable, flexible balloon (dirigible); demi-riyide, semi-rigid balloon (dirigible); demoniable, (auto.) detachable top; ft deux nacelles, (aero.) double car balloon; divisionnaire, (mil.) balloon attached to a division; reports on artillery fire, transmits signals, etc.; divisional balloon; indeformable, (aero.) rigid balloon (e. g., Zep- (Mnfanterie, (mil.) the divisional balloon during an attack (so-called from its duty); larguer un , (mil. aero.) to give a balloon cable, to let up a balloon; normal, (Fr. a.) normal balloon (560 cub. m., free and captive ascensions); observateur, observation balloon; de place, ( Fr. a.) fortress balloon (980 cub. m., 1,600 cub. m., free ascensions);

avion 515 ballon<br />

avion de <strong>com</strong>mandement, (mil.) airplane to observe<br />

the general progress of the <strong>com</strong>bat, the enemy,<br />

the distribution of his forces, and indications<br />

of counter attack (one to each corps); corps<br />

plane.<br />

cdtier, coast plane (i. e., for naval v/ork along<br />

a coast);<br />

cstafctte, (mil.) messenger airplane (to carry<br />

information to division, brigade, and regimental<br />

<strong>com</strong>manders) ;<br />

ft helice propiilsive, pusher;<br />

ft helice tractive, tractor;<br />

warm, seaplane;<br />

de reconnaissance, scouting plane;<br />

de reglage, (art.) fire observation airplane;<br />

spotting plane.<br />

type corps d'armee, generic term for spotting,<br />

photographing, etc., planes.<br />

avion-eanon, m., (aero.) gun plane.<br />

aviso, m., (nav.) dispatch boat;<br />

bac, m., (elec.) jar, of a storage battery.<br />

foaccalaureat, m., in France, the examination<br />

concluding the course in secondary education;<br />

bachelor's degree.<br />

bac he, f., awning; - de campement, (mil. aero.) ground cloth.<br />

bac hot, m., punt; (slang) the baccalaureat, q. T.<br />

bafoulllage, m., chattering; (mach.) chattering (of<br />

a motor).<br />

bafouiller, v. n., to chatter; (mach.) of a motor, to<br />

chatter.<br />

baggage, m., baggage;<br />

- technique,<br />

(fam.) technical qualifications , fit-<br />

ness;<br />

s-vivres, (mil.) food supplies in the train.<br />

baguage, m., banding (pigeons).<br />

bague, f., ring, leg-band (pigeons);<br />

- d'appw, (art.) washer; (mach. gun) recoil<br />

spring bushing; - d'armement, (trench art.) cocking ring;<br />

- d'attache. (art.) locking sleeve;<br />

- ft billes, (mach.) ball-bearing ring;<br />

- de calage, (art.) locking ring; - d'etranglement, (mach.) air throttling ring,<br />

valve, or collar, (in some forms of carburetors);<br />

- de graissage. (mach.) oil ring, lubricating ring;<br />

- de raccord, (mach. gun) front connector<br />

bushing; - de reglage, (mach.) adjusting, feed adjusting,<br />

collar (some forms of carburetor); (trench art.)<br />

chamber ring; - de reglage d'air, (mach.) throttle valve,<br />

throttle ring valve. - de surete, (art.) safety collar or ring.<br />

bague-ecrou, f., (mach. gun) assembling nut; rear<br />

connector bushing.<br />

baguer, v. t., to band (a pigeon's leg).<br />

baguette, f., rod; - de nettoyage, (sm. a.) cleaning rod.<br />

- cerise clair, light red bay.<br />

bain, m., bath; - defixage, (phot.) fixing bath.<br />

bain-douche, m. , shower bath.<br />

balance, f., balance;<br />

a socle, ordinary balance.<br />

balaiicier, m., (art.) roller-arm (in some forms of<br />

carriage).<br />

baiounette, L,(mil.) bayonet; - basse, with bayonets at the charge;<br />

- courte de tranchee, trench bayonet;<br />

monter ft-, to mount, assemble by a bayonet<br />

joint.<br />

bafonnette-scie, f., (sm. a.) saw bayonet.<br />

baladeur, m., (mach.) sliding clutch;<br />

system e ft double - (triple) , double (triple)<br />

reduction gear set;<br />

systeme ft simple-<br />

, simple reduction gear set.<br />

aviso ft roues, paddlewheel dispatch boat;<br />

transport, dispatch transport.<br />

avocat, m., barrister, counselor-at-law.<br />

avoir, v. t., to have; (mil. slang) to beat, crush.<br />

"do up."<br />

avoufe, m., attorney.<br />

axe, m.. axis; (mach., etc.) shaft;<br />

de blocage, (trench art.) elevation axle;<br />

brise, divided shaft;<br />

coucourant, continuous shaft;<br />

demultiplie, reducing axis or shaft;<br />

ft galet, (mach. gun) roller;<br />

d'observation, (mil.) line of observation (e. g.,<br />

from a captive balloon).<br />

de pivotcment, pivot, spindle, (of a vehicle).<br />

de retenue, (trench art.) securing axle.<br />

axe-inanclion, m., sleeve and axle.<br />

axer, v. t., to mount on an axis, axially.<br />

azimutal, a., azimuth.<br />

balal, m., broom; (slang) gendarme;<br />

rotalif, (elcc.) rotary brush, collector.<br />

balance, f., balance;<br />

ft socle, ordinary balance.<br />

balancier, m., (art.) roller-arm (in some form of<br />

carriage).<br />

balancine, f. , (aero) diagonal steel wire, supporting<br />

the car of a dirigible.<br />

balayeuse, f. , street-sweeping machine;<br />

automobile, motor driven sweeping machine.<br />

baliste, f., balista.<br />

balle, f., (sm. a., art.) bullet; (<strong>com</strong>.) bale; (Hang)<br />

one franc;<br />

- aciculaire, v. ft pointe effilee;<br />

bUndlc, (sm. a.) perforating bullet, (for use<br />

against shields);<br />

de coton, cotton bale;<br />

directe, direct bullet (point first; cf.<br />

renverseey,<br />

efficace, (art.) of a shrapnel bullet, one whose<br />

velocity is dangerous;<br />

auifait champignon, (sm. a.) soft-nosed bullet;<br />

inefficace, (art.) v. inoffensive:<br />

inoffensive, (art.) harmless bullet, said of a<br />

shrapnel bullet whose velocity is harmless;<br />

perforante. (sm. a.) (German) perforating<br />

bullet (attack of blindages);<br />

ft pointe effilee, (sm. a.) pointed bullet, Sbullet,<br />

D-bullet;<br />

renversee, (sm. a.) inverted bullet, (point to<br />

the rear) ;<br />

S, (sm. a.) (German) S-bullet (Spitze, pointed<br />

bullet);<br />

SMK, (sm. a.) (German) perforating bullet.<br />

ballon, m., (aero.) balloon; (auto.) top, carriage top;<br />

hood; (cow.) globe (as, of glass);<br />

abattre un , to bring down a balloon;<br />

cerf-volant, (aero. ) kite balloon;<br />

cigar e, (aero.) cigar-shaped balloon;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>mandement, (mil.) balloon observing<br />

the course of a <strong>com</strong>bat and reporting directly<br />

to the corps <strong>com</strong>mander (one to each corps,<br />

duties same as those of avion de <strong>com</strong>mande-<br />

ment, a. v.); corps balloon;<br />

deformable, flexible balloon (dirigible);<br />

demi-riyide, semi-rigid balloon (dirigible);<br />

demoniable, (auto.) detachable top;<br />

ft deux nacelles, (aero.) double car balloon;<br />

divisionnaire, (mil.) balloon attached to a<br />

division; reports on artillery fire, transmits<br />

signals, etc.; divisional balloon;<br />

indeformable, (aero.) rigid balloon (e. g., Zep-<br />

(Mnfanterie, (mil.) the divisional balloon during<br />

an attack (so-called from its duty);<br />

larguer un , (mil. aero.) to give a balloon cable,<br />

to let up a balloon;<br />

normal, (Fr. a.) normal balloon (560 cub. m.,<br />

free and captive ascensions);<br />

observateur, observation balloon;<br />

de place, ( Fr. a.) fortress balloon (980 cub. m.,<br />

1,600 cub. m., free ascensions);

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