A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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aiinuaire 512 arm annuaire, m., directory. an ii ulation, f., annulation, lapse; tomber en , (of funds, credits, appropriations) to lapse, to be canceled. anse, f., (mach.) slot, keyway. an ten lie, f., antenna; (wireless teleg.) aerial, antenna; (mil. telephone) branch, line, extension line; (r. r.) branch line; (mil. min.) listening rod (service des ecoutes); correspondante, answering aerial, corresponding aerial; coudee, elbow aerial; en double cone, double cone aerial; d'emission, (wireless) sending aerial; multifilaire, many-wire aerial; officier d' , (mil.) wireless officer (at a wireless station); parapluie, umbrella aerial; en plan horizontal, flat-top aerial; prismatique, prismatic aerial (wires form a prism); en pyramide renverse, funnel aerial; receptrice, (wireless) receiving aerial; en rideau, fan-shaped aerial; en T, T aerial; de transmission, (wireless) sending aerial; unifilaire, single-wire aerial. antiasphyxiant, a., antiasphyxiating. antiboche, a., German hater. anti-congglant, m., nonfreezing agent, antidcrapaiit, a., (auto, etc.) nonskidding; m., any device to prevent skidding. antifriction, f., white metal. antimilitarisme, m., antimilitarism. antimilitariste, a., m., antimilitarist. antiques, m., pi., (at Polytechnique) graduates. anti-rouille, a., anti-rust. antitorpilleur, a., torpedo-resisting (guns, to repel torpedo-boat attack). a-pic, m., (hydr.) cliff. aplomb, m., perpendicularity; ft I' de, above, vertically above. appareil, m., apparatus, device; d'allumage, igniting gear; d'aviation, (aero.) airplane; de disinfection, disinfecting apparatus; d' ecoute, (mil.) listening apparatus (in sound liaison); d' extinction, fire extinguisher; de filage d'huile, (nav.) oil sprinkler (storms at sea); ft flammes, (mil.) generic term for flame projectors; defreinage (mach.) brake gear; ft helice arriere, (aero.) pusher; ft h&lice avant, (aero.) tractor; ft oxylithe, (mil.) apparatus to purify vitiated air; prelevement de gas, (mil.) generic term for recepteur, (telegraphy, etc.) receiving apparatus; Schilt , ( Fr. a.) flame projector; Strombos, (mil.) Strombos gas alarm (a mechanical bugle): de tir masque (art.) a device giving the least elevation needed to clear a mask or screen (hill, wood, parapet, etc.). appareillement, m., (hipp.) matching of horses, teams, etc. apparier, v. a., (hipp.) to match horses for a team. appel, m., call; (mil.) roll-call; des consignes, (mil.) check roll-call; magnetique, (telephone) magneto call; par magneto, v. magnetique; ordre d' , v. s. v. ordre; revue d' , v. s. v. revue; de trompe, (auto.) signal, sounding of the horn. par vibrateur, (telephone) buzzer; vibre, (elec.) buzzer. appeiidice, m., (aero.) neck; tail; sustenale, (aero.) tail. appoint, m., small quantity over and above some round or great number, "butt" (slang, U. S. A.) appro che, f . , approach; garde des s, (mil.) in sieges, trench guard. approvlsionnement, m., (art.) ammunition supply; d*armee, (art.) army ammurition supply issued under the orders of the general; army reserve ammunition; de reserve du corps d'armee, (art.) corps reserve ammunition; du service courant, (art.) ammunition for daily needs; de surete, (art.) ammunition reserved for use in an attack by the enemy. appui, m., (mil.) support. appui-coudes, m., (mil.) elbow-rest (e. g., the berm, sometimes). appuyer, m., (man.) passage; (mil.) to support, aquablinde, a., (way.) water-line armored, aquarir, v. n., (aero.) to alight (on water). aquatubulaire, a., (steam) water-tube (of boilers). araignee, f., spider; support de moteur, (aero.) engine spider support. arbalete, f., cross-bow; (mil. slang) a gun (rifle), arbalef rier, m., strut. arbitrer, v. n., (sport) to umpire. arbre, m., (mocft.) shaft. (The following terms relate mainly to motor ychicles :) d'attaque, main or driving shaft; ft cardan, shaft of a cardanic transmission; carre, square shaft; de chaine, chain shaft (chain transmission); conduit, driven shaft; coudeb, n coudes, ft n coudes, an n-cranked shaft; n-throw shaft; de dedoublement, half-time shaft, half-speed shaft; demultiplie, reducing shaft; demultiplieii un demi, half-time shaft; de direction, steering post; de distribution, (elec.) ignition cam shaft; d'entrainement, driving shaft; ft excentriques, cam shaft; intermediate, lay shaft; longitudinal, ft y. cardan; manivelle, main shaft, driving shaft; de moteur, main shaft, engine shaft; porte-helice, (aero.) propeller shaft; de roue, wheel shaft; (motor) axle half; secondaire, countershaft; des vitesses, gear shaft, driven shaft. arc, m., arc; bow; (elec.) arc; de hausse, (art.) elevation arc. ft haute tension, (elec.) high tension arc. arc he, f., arch; mariniere, fairway arch (of a bridge over water). ardent, a., quick, ardent; (aero.) ready, answering quickly, are tier, m., (aero.) edge; arriere, trailing edge; avant, leading edge. argent^, a., (inst.) silvered. argument, m., argument (of a table). armature, f., (elec.) housing or casing of a spark plug; plate (of a condenser); (mil., fig.) armed strength, armed organization. arme, f., arme; (inf.) the rifle; approvisionnee (sm. a.) piece, magazine loaded; appuyle (t. p.) piece on or with a rest; ft bascule (sm. a.) any break-off weapon; ft bras franc, (t. p.) piece offhand; chargee (sm. a.) piece loaded; prendre les s (mil.) to turn out under arms (as for a ceremony), to parade under arms; prise d' s (mil.) any parade, etc., of troops under arms. arm, a., (sm. a., r. f. art.) cocked; m., cocking; automatiquc, (art.) auto cocking; ft automatique, (art., sm. a.) self -cocking.

armee 513 armee, f., army; fleet (used alone, rare); coloniale, (France), the colonial army; federate, the Swiss army; metropolitainc, (France), the army proper (service in France). armfie-cadres, f., an army strong in cadres (staff, regimental or other organizations) but weak in numbers. arinee-ecole, f., ( FT. a.) the army from the point of view of a training school in citizenship, developing lofty notions of duty, besides affording instruction in trades, etc.. against the return of the soldier to civil life. armement, m., equipment, equipping, outfitting; (art., sm. a. ) cocking. armurerie, f., (mil.) armory, arms factory. arrache^elous, m., nail catcher, nail finder (chain or wire to scrape ofl nails, etc., that may have stuck on the tire). arrache-douille, m., (art. ) cartridge case extractor. arraisonnement, m., "speaking" of a vessel, act of arraisonner, q. v. arret, m., stop; (mil.) arrest; d la chambre, (mil.) confinement to quarters; de cartouche, (mach. gun) cartridge stop; facultif, (r. r.) stop-over privilege; faculte d' , (r. r.) stop-over privilege; faire , (nav.) to stop, come to anchor. arrfitoir, m., stop; de bouchon d'appui, (mach. gun) spring guide cap stop; bressort, spring stop. arrieres, m., pi. back (of a motor car); galbes, curved back (double curve); Roi des Beiges, straight back; tulipe, curved back (convex outward). arrimage, m., (aero) packing, stowing, of balloon equipment on board; rigging; de route, (art.) (of guns) travel stowage. arrimer, v. t., to pack, secure, stow; (aero) to pack, ' stow, equipment on board a ballpon, to rig; arrimeur, m., (aero.) rigger (balloons). arrived, f., (mach.) admission; d' essence, gasoline inlet. arriver, v. n., to succeed; (/am.) to "get there." arrivisme, m., ambition, resolution, to succeed by no matter what means; corrupt ambition; "the state of soul of some men of unscrupulous ambition" (Gen. Bonnal). arriviste, m., a man of unscrupulous ambition. arrondl, a., (of numbers) round. arrondissement, m., (France) political unit composed of several cantons, is the jurisdiction of a sous-prefet (is not a person of law), arrondissement. art, m., art; V mill, (mil. slang), I'art militaire, the art military. article, m., article; * d' argent (adm.) generic term for post-office money order. articulation, f., joint; ti cardan, (mach.) universal joint, Hooke's joint. articuler, v. a., (mil.) to spread out troops, space them apart, so as to diminish the target. artifice, m., artifice; (artif.) composition, fireworks (in pi); eclairant, (mil.) flare, sa signaux (mil.) signaling devices. artiflot, m., (mil. slang) artilleryman. artillerie, f., (art.) artillery; antitorpilleur. (nav. art.) in the modern (dreadnaught) type of ship, the guns intended to beat oft torpedo boats; automobile, motor-drawn artillery; d'accompagnement de I'infanterie, (artillery that assists infantry in an attack both directly and by taking under fire enemy reinforcements, counterattacks, etc.) accompanying artillery; 3877 17 33 assemblage artillerie d'appui, supporting artillery; d armee, army artillery, (as distinguished from corps and division artillery, the artillery of an army over and above the normal corps and division artilleries, and assisting them when needed); A'assaut, (generic term for the guns carried in an assault by tanks) tank guns; de combat, combat artillery (i. e., artillery, especially field artillery, taking part in trench conflicts, as distinguished from the heavy artillery farther to the rear); de contrc-batterie, artillery whose object is to destroy hostile batteries and at any moment to neutralize their fire; counter-battering ar- tillery. courte, generic term for short guns, (e. g., howitzers); de destruction, artillery whose object is the destruction of obstacles, and of principal points in enemy positions (i. e., batteries, depots, etc.) and demoralization of survivors; legere, all guns-less than 95 mm. in caliber; (nav.) secondary battery; lonaue, generic term for long guns; a longue portee, long-range artillery; lourde, the heavy artillery of a field army, or of an army in the trenches; heavy artillery in general, (all guns larger than 95); lourde d' armee, heavy field artillery ; lourde de campagne, mobile heavy artillery; lourde courbe, (generic term for) howitzers; lourde de destruction, \. de destruction', lourde de position, heavy position artillery; Icurdcd, grande puissance, heavy high-powered artillery (distant targets, special targets); de r enforcement, subdivision of the heavy artillery of a sector comprising the corps or army heavy batteries not included in the speciale, (Fr. a.) special artillery, i. e., naval and seacoast guns and certain siege guns used in trench warfare; de surete, q. v., certain horsed heavy batteries, and foot batteries forming reserve groups; de surete, (Fr. a.) subdivision of the heavy artillery of a sector, comprising foot artillery with siege materiel, and a number of heavy mobile batteries (corps or army batteries); a tir courbe, generic term for howitzers, highangle guns; de tranchee, trench artillery. as, m., (mil. slang) a "no. 1" man conspicuous for duty, service, and deeds of valor; (aero.) "ace" (man who has brought down five or more enemy planes). ascension, f., (aero.) trip, journey, ascension; journal des s, record of ascensions. mettre en , to send up (balloons); mise en , sending up (balloons). ascensionner, v. n., (aero.) to make an ascension, askar, asJcari (proper name), (mil. slang) Arab mercenary. aspirant, m., (mil.) candidate for the grade of officer. aspirant-officier, m., (mil.) candidate for the grade of oflicer. aspiration, f., (mach.) intake; f., (mach.) suction; admission, aspiration, suption stroke. assaut, m., assault; match; de canne, (fenc.) single stick match; detachement d' , (mil.) assaulting troops, handto-hand troops (Stosstruppen, German). ecole d' , (mil.) assault training; (school or point for training in assault tactics) assault school. de lutte, (sport) wrestling match; au pistolet. (t. p.) pistol match; de sabre, (fenc.) sword match. assemblage, m., (aero.) generic term for parts, pieces, etc., used to assemble or join various parts, especially uprights to string pieces; godet d' , assembling cap.

aiinuaire 512 arm<br />

annuaire, m., directory.<br />

an ii ulation, f., annulation, lapse;<br />

tomber en , (of funds, credits, appropriations)<br />

to lapse, to be canceled.<br />

anse, f., (mach.) slot, keyway.<br />

an ten lie, f., antenna; (wireless teleg.) aerial, antenna;<br />

(mil. telephone) branch, line, extension<br />

line; (r. r.) branch line; (mil. min.) listening rod<br />

(service des ecoutes);<br />

correspondante, answering aerial, corresponding<br />

aerial;<br />

coudee, elbow aerial;<br />

en double cone, double cone aerial;<br />

d'emission, (wireless) sending aerial;<br />

multifilaire, many-wire aerial;<br />

officier d' , (mil.) wireless officer (at a wireless<br />

station);<br />

parapluie, umbrella aerial;<br />

en plan horizontal, flat-top aerial;<br />

prismatique, prismatic aerial (wires form a<br />

prism);<br />

en pyramide renverse, funnel aerial;<br />

receptrice, (wireless) receiving aerial;<br />

en rideau, fan-shaped aerial;<br />

en T, T aerial;<br />

de transmission, (wireless) sending aerial;<br />

unifilaire, single-wire aerial.<br />

antiasphyxiant, a., antiasphyxiating.<br />

antiboche, a., German hater.<br />

anti-congglant, m., nonfreezing agent,<br />

antidcrapaiit, a., (auto, etc.) nonskidding; m., any<br />

device to prevent skidding.<br />

antifriction, f., white metal.<br />

antimilitarisme, m., antimilitarism.<br />

antimilitariste, a., m., antimilitarist.<br />

antiques, m., pi., (at Polytechnique) graduates.<br />

anti-rouille, a., anti-rust.<br />

antitorpilleur, a., torpedo-resisting (guns, to repel<br />

torpedo-boat attack).<br />

a-pic, m., (hydr.) cliff.<br />

aplomb, m., perpendicularity;<br />

ft I' de, above, vertically above.<br />

appareil, m., apparatus, device;<br />

d'allumage, igniting gear;<br />

d'aviation, (aero.) airplane;<br />

de disinfection, disinfecting apparatus;<br />

d' ecoute, (mil.) listening apparatus (in sound<br />

liaison);<br />

d' extinction, fire extinguisher;<br />

de filage d'huile, (nav.) oil sprinkler (storms<br />

at sea);<br />

ft flammes, (mil.) generic term for flame projectors;<br />

defreinage (mach.) brake gear;<br />

ft helice arriere, (aero.) pusher;<br />

ft h&lice avant, (aero.) tractor;<br />

ft oxylithe, (mil.) apparatus to purify vitiated<br />

air;<br />

prelevement de gas, (mil.) generic term for<br />

recepteur, (telegraphy, etc.) receiving apparatus;<br />

Schilt , ( Fr. a.) flame projector;<br />

Strombos, (mil.) Strombos gas alarm (a mechanical<br />

bugle):<br />

de tir masque (art.) a device giving the least<br />

elevation needed to clear a mask or screen (hill,<br />

wood, parapet, etc.).<br />

appareillement, m., (hipp.) matching of horses,<br />

teams, etc.<br />

apparier, v. a., (hipp.) to match horses for a team.<br />

appel, m., call; (mil.) roll-call;<br />

des consignes, (mil.) check roll-call;<br />

magnetique, (telephone) magneto call;<br />

par magneto, v. magnetique;<br />

ordre d' , v. s. v. ordre;<br />

revue d' , v. s. v. revue;<br />

de trompe, (auto.) signal, sounding of the<br />

horn.<br />

par vibrateur, (telephone) buzzer;<br />

vibre, (elec.) buzzer.<br />

appeiidice, m., (aero.) neck; tail;<br />

sustenale, (aero.) tail.<br />

appoint, m., small quantity over and above some<br />

round or great number, "butt" (slang, U. S. A.)<br />

appro che, f . , approach;<br />

garde des s, (mil.) in sieges, trench guard.<br />

approvlsionnement, m., (art.) ammunition<br />

supply;<br />

d*armee, (art.) army ammurition supply<br />

issued under the orders of the general; army<br />

reserve ammunition;<br />

de reserve du corps d'armee, (art.) corps reserve<br />

ammunition;<br />

du service courant, (art.) ammunition for<br />

daily needs;<br />

de surete, (art.) ammunition reserved for use<br />

in an attack by the enemy.<br />

appui, m., (mil.) support.<br />

appui-coudes, m., (mil.) elbow-rest (e. g., the<br />

berm, sometimes).<br />

appuyer, m., (man.) passage; (mil.) to support,<br />

aquablinde, a., (way.) water-line armored,<br />

aquarir, v. n., (aero.) to alight (on water).<br />

aquatubulaire, a., (steam) water-tube (of boilers).<br />

araignee, f., spider;<br />

support de moteur, (aero.) engine spider<br />

support.<br />

arbalete, f., cross-bow; (mil. slang) a gun (rifle),<br />

arbalef rier, m., strut.<br />

arbitrer, v. n., (sport) to umpire.<br />

arbre, m., (mocft.) shaft.<br />

(The following terms relate mainly to motor<br />

ychicles :)<br />

d'attaque, main or driving shaft;<br />

ft cardan, shaft of a cardanic transmission;<br />

carre, square shaft;<br />

de chaine, chain shaft (chain transmission);<br />

conduit, driven shaft;<br />

coudeb, n coudes,<br />

ft n coudes, an n-cranked<br />

shaft; n-throw shaft;<br />

de dedoublement, half-time shaft, half-speed<br />

shaft;<br />

demultiplie, reducing shaft;<br />

demultiplieii un demi, half-time shaft;<br />

de direction, steering post;<br />

de distribution, (elec.) ignition cam shaft;<br />

d'entrainement, driving shaft;<br />

ft excentriques, cam shaft;<br />

intermediate, lay shaft;<br />

longitudinal, ft<br />

y. cardan;<br />

manivelle, main shaft, driving shaft;<br />

de moteur, main shaft, engine shaft;<br />

porte-helice, (aero.) propeller shaft;<br />

de roue, wheel shaft; (motor) axle half;<br />

secondaire, countershaft;<br />

des vitesses, gear shaft, driven shaft.<br />

arc, m., arc; bow; (elec.) arc;<br />

de hausse, (art.) elevation arc.<br />

ft haute tension, (elec.) high tension arc.<br />

arc he, f., arch;<br />

mariniere, fairway arch (of a bridge over<br />

water).<br />

ardent, a., quick, ardent; (aero.) ready, answering<br />

quickly,<br />

are tier, m., (aero.) edge;<br />

arriere, trailing edge;<br />

avant, leading edge.<br />

argent^, a., (inst.) silvered.<br />

argument, m., argument (of a table).<br />

armature, f., (elec.) housing or casing of a spark<br />

plug; plate (of a condenser); (mil., fig.) armed<br />

strength, armed organization.<br />

arme, f., arme; (inf.) the rifle;<br />

approvisionnee (sm. a.) piece, magazine<br />

loaded;<br />

appuyle (t. p.) piece on or with a rest;<br />

ft bascule (sm. a.) any break-off weapon;<br />

ft bras franc, (t. p.) piece offhand;<br />

chargee (sm. a.) piece loaded;<br />

prendre les s (mil.) to turn out under arms<br />

(as for a ceremony), to parade under arms;<br />

prise d' s (mil.) any parade, etc., of troops<br />

under arms.<br />

arm, a., (sm. a., r. f. art.) cocked; m., cocking;<br />

automatiquc, (art.) auto cocking;<br />

ft automatique, (art., sm. a.) self -cocking.

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