A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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aeromarin 510 allumage aeromarin, m., (aero.) seaplane. aeromoteur, m., (aero.) airplane motor, aeronat m., (aero.), balloon; (more particularly) dirigible balloon. aeronaut e, m., pilot of a free balloon. aronef, f., (aero.) any aerial vehicle (airplane or balloon), aircraft; s h stabilite dynamique, generic term for planes and kites; s ft stability mi-statique mi-dynamique, dirig- ibles; s & stabilite statique, spherical balloons. afcro-pare, m., (aero.) aeronautic station (supplies, shelter, repairs, inflation). aeroplane, m., (aero.) airplane; biplace, single seater machine; de bombardement, bombing plane, machine; de chasse, fighting plane, fighter; de corps d'armee, reconnaissance plane; ft helice arriere, pusher; ft helice avant, tractor; monoplace, single seater machine; pousseur, pusher (rare); . de reconnaissance, reconnaissance machine; tracteur, tractor; triplace, three seater machine. aeros table, m., (aero.) a stablizer in which the car, acting as a pendulum, controls the tail of the apparatus. aerostat, m., (aero.) any balloon (dirigible or spherical). aerostation, looning. f., (aero.) (limited to-day to) bal- aero-yacht, m., (aero.) flying boat. affaissement, m., collapsing or sinking (as of a pneumatic tire at point of contact). aflaisser, v. r., to collapse, to sink, afflcliage, m., posting (as of a public notice), afflche, f., poster, public notice. afncher, v. t., to post, affut, m., (art.) gun carriage; agenouille, (mach. gun) tripod down; barbette, barbette carriage; ft berceau, cradle carriage; ft berceau tralneau, cradle slide carriage; de crosse, (trench art.) rear carriage (150 T mortar); dresse, (mach. gun) tripod up; ft echantignolles, bracket carriage; ft glissement, any sliding gun carriage; grand , (art.) chassis; petit f top carriage; (mach. gun) trail carriage trail of a trench mount); (may move along de rempart, (mach. gun) trench mount; rigide, rigid carriage (gun and carriage recoil together); de secours, spare carriage; de tete, (trench art.) front carriage mortar). (150 T affut-trepied, m., (mach. gun) tripod mount; type omnibus, universal mount (takes any machine gun). affut-truc, m., (art.) railroad truck gun carriage; ft glissement, (art.) slide recoil carriage truck. agent, m., employee, policeman; de change, (com.) stock-broker (is an officier public in France); consulate, generic term for consuls; more narrowly, lower grade of consuls, as distinguished from consul proper; cycliste, bicycle police; de liaison, v. s. v. liaison; municipal, policeman; de police, policeman; voyer, (Fr. adm.) person charged with the construction, repair, and maintenance of communal roads (chemins vicinaux), communal roadmaster. agitateur, m., stirring rod. agrafe, f., fastener, belt fastener or clip; d'assemblage, assembling clip, clasp. aide-chargeur, m., (mil.) assistant loader. aide-grenadier, m., (mil.) man who protects a lanceur, q. v., in his duty; grenadier protector. aide-monteur, m., (mil.) assistant lineman (telephone, etc.). aide-pointeur, m., (art.) assistant gunner. aiguille, f. , needle; pointer; index; hand of a watch, clock; foudroyante, needle or hand of a split-second watch. aigulller, v. t., (r. r.) to set a switch. aile,f.,wing; (auto.) mudguard; (aero.) wing; (aero.) propeller blade; bout d' , (aero.) wing tip: bras d' , (aero.) wing spar. aileron, m., (aero.) wing tip, small movable wing, fin; balancing flap, rudder. ailette, f., (mach.) flange, cooling flange, (aero.) fin; de rechauffage, (mach.) heating flange, fin; de refroidissement, (mach.) cooling fin. air-essence, m., (auto.) mixture of air and gasoline, aire, f.,area; convene par une htlice, (aero.) developed area of a propeller. du cercle balaye par I'helice, (aero.) disk area of a propeller. ajoure, a., open (i. e., open worked). ajusteur, m., (mach., etc.) fitter (person). alaire, a., (aero.) wing. alboche, a., (mil. slang) naving German affinities. alcool, m., alcohol; absolu, (chem.) pure alcohol, absolute alcohol (no water); carbure, carburetted alcohol; denature, denatured alcohol; industriel, commercial alcohol, for use in the arts, alerte.f., alarm; au gaz, (mil.) gas alarm, notice of a gas attack. alerter, v. t., (mil.) to warn, alarm, give the alarm. atesage, m., (mach.) bore (i. e., interior diameter, of a cylinder); piston diameter; du moteur, bore, interior diameter, of a motor cylinder. aiesoir-fralse,m.,(mac/i.0n) gas chamber cleaner. alidade, f., (inst.) alidade; & coulisse, sliding alidade (for steep slopes). aligner, v. t., to line up; s' , (sport) to come to the scratch. alimentateur, m., (mach. gun) feed piece. alimentation, f., (mach.) feed; par la charge, gravity feed; double , (mach. gun) double feed; mecanisme d' , (mach. gun) feed mechanism; sous pression, pressure feed. alimenter, v. t., (mach. gun) to feed (ammunition). alinea, m., line (in a book or printed document). allter, v. r., to take to one's bed. allant, a., (fam.) with plenty of "go," spirited. allant, m., "go," spirit (horses and men); officier qui a de I' , an officer with plenty of go. allee,f., alley; cavaliere, bridle path. alleger, v. t., to lighten. allongement, m., (aero.) in a dirigible, the ratio of the diameter of the principal section to the maiu longitudinal axis; aspect ratio; du tir, (art.) extension of the range. allonger, v. t., to lengthen: le tir, (art.) to extend, increase, the range. allumage, m., (mil.) priming (as of a hand grenade); (mach.) ignition; [The following terms relate to motors:] avance ft I' , sparking advance; ft basse tension, low tension ignition; ft bruleurs, burner ignition; couper I' . to cut off ignition, to switch off; tlectrique, electric ignition;

allumage 511 annonciateiur allumage & haute tension, high-tension ignition; & haute tension par bobine, jump-spark ignition; neto ignition; &, par, incandescence, incandescent ignition; jumeU, double ignition; normal, ignition without advance or delay; premature, premature firing; preignition; rate d' , misfire; par rupture, make-and-break ignition; a temps de pose et par arrachement, spark pro- allumette, f., match; suedoise, safety match. allumeur, m., (mil., etc.) primer of a grenade* (elec.) commutator, contact breaker. & traction, (mil. min.) friction igniter. alternateur, m (elec.) alternator; s en cascade, alternators in series (secondary of each forms primary of next); ft haute frequence, high frequency alternator; altimetre, m., (aero.) altimeter, height indicator, alveole, (mach.) ball-bearing cup. amane, f., (cord.) cable; de milieu, breast line. ambulance, f., (mil. med.) field hospital; automobile, motor ambulance. ambulancier-brancardier, m.. (mil.) litter J*M*f- , (art.) (the) slot (of the Canet culasse bbloc). ame, f., (art., sm. a.) bore; amenagement, m., any preparation of ground, place, quarters, terrain for a given purpose; (in pi. esp. nav.) arrangements, accommodations; (mil.) preparation, reconstruction of a captured trench; - electrique, electrical fittings, plant. amenager, y. t., to prepare, get ready (as a railway station for an increase of freight, etc ) (mil.) to reconstitute, prepare, a captured trench. amerrir, v. n., (aero.) to alight (on the water). amerrissage, m., (aero.) alighting (on water). amiarite, a., amiantine. amlralat, m., (nav.) grade, dignity, functions, etc., of an admiral. amiralissime, m., (nav.) admiral in chief. ammonal, m., (expl.) ammonal. amonceler, v. t., to pile up (as, mil. sand bags). amoncellement, m., pile, piling up (as. mil sand bags). amorcage, m., (art. sm. a., t min.) - priming; en cascade, (mil. min.) series priming. amorce, f., (art., mil. min., etc.) primer, priming; - aufulminate, any fulminate fuse; - au pulverin, powder fuse. amorcer, v. t., (art., sm. a., min.) to prime; to fuse (a shell); - en cascade, (mil. min.) to prime in series. amortir, v. t., (adm.) to redeem; (mil.) to absorb a vacancy; v. t., (elec.) to damp. amortissement, m., (adm.) amortization; (mil.) absorption of a vacancy; (elec.) damping. amortisseur, m., (mach., aero., and gen.) damper, shock absorber; tug, trace tug; - a air, air-buffer, air-cushion, pneumatic spring; - de chute, (art.) shock absorber (gun carriage); - de crosse, (mil.) shock absorber (D. R. firing stand). - & friction, friction disk shock absorb'er; - hydraulique, hydraulic shock - absorber; it liquide, v.hydraulique; - pneumalique, pneumatic shock absorber; progre&sif, progressive shock absorber; I ressorte, spring absorber, spring de transmission, transmission shock ab- sorber; amovlble, a., movable. amperage, m., (elec.) amperage. ampfcremetre, m., (elec.) ammeter; thermiquc, hot-wire ammeter. ampoule, f., bulb, small bulb. ampute-, m., - d'un bras, d'une jambe, having lost an arm, a leg, by amputation. ancien, a., old; (fam.) conservative, old fogy. ancien, m., (mil.) old soldier, veteran (not necessarily m the service); (fam.) old fogy, reactionary; (m. pi.) upper class at St. Cyr and the Polvtechmque; lea s de 1870, the veterans of 1870. anciennett, f., (mil.) seniority, length of service; majoree, (mil.) length of service increased by a majoralion q. v.; pure, (mil.) length of service; a litre d' (mil.) by reason of length of service. ancrage, m., anchoring; en chapelet, (pont) series anchoring, (several anchors in one file); 7/*JRJ te& (Ae > lPfl (anchoring from both sides), double, triple, anchoring; renforce, (pont) reinforced anchoring (two or three anchors for one boat). ancre, f., anchor; champignon (min.) mushroom anchor* -bjas, (nav.) stock anchor; repecher une , to pick up, take up, an anchorde surete, (pont) emergency anchor. ancrer, v. t., to anchor; en chapelet, (pont) to anchor in file (several anchors in file); en patte d'oie, (pont) to anchor on both sides. anCmometre, m., (aero.) device forming part ofthe D outre stabilizer, and working the rudders. angle, m., angle; 7- abordable, (aero.) angle within which motion is possible; d'attaque, (aero.) (angle between the surface, e. g., of a wing, and the direction of the air stream) angle of incidence; critique, (aero.) critical angle, i. e., stalling angle, (practical flyers); angle at which maximum lift is obtained (report No. 9, National Advisory Committee); [technically, angle of attack at which lift coefficient is a maximum' flying definition, angle of attack beyond which it is dangerous to fly (the machine stalls). In translating French texts it is safe to use the practical, flying definition]; de derivation, (aero.) yaw; de hausse, (art., sm. a.) angle of elevation; horaire, hour angle; ^incidence, (aero.) angle of attack, of incidence: optimum, (aero.) optimum angle; de tir de reglage, (art.) corrected angle of elevation (i. e., corrected or adjusted trial angle is used in fire for effect); de trainee, (aero.) trail angle; de transport, (art.) angle of shift (between point de surveillance and the target); de la voilure avec I'axe longitudinal, (aero. ) sweep back. anguiller, m., drain hole (bottom of a boat). anneau, m., ring; (cav.) picketing ring; de butee, (trench art.) tail ring (supports tail of V. D. bomb); (mach. gun) bolt stem collar; de crosse, (art.) trail ring. de levage, (trench art.) lifting ring; de reglage, (trench art.) chamber ring; de soulevement, (trench art.) lifting ring; de suspension, (trench art.) suspension ring. anneau-guide, m., (art.) guide ring, aimee, f., year; budgetaire, (adm.) fiscal year; d'exercice, (adm.) fiscal year; V terrible, (in France) 1870-71, (before 1914). aimonciateur, m., annunciator.

allumage 511 annonciateiur<br />

allumage & haute tension, high-tension ignition;<br />

& haute tension par bobine, jump-spark ignition;<br />

neto ignition;<br />

&, par, incandescence, incandescent ignition;<br />

jumeU, double ignition;<br />

normal, ignition without advance or delay;<br />

premature, premature firing; preignition;<br />

rate d' , misfire;<br />

par rupture, make-and-break ignition;<br />

a temps de pose et par arrachement, spark pro-<br />

allumette, f., match;<br />

suedoise, safety match.<br />

allumeur, m., (mil., etc.) primer of a grenade*<br />

(elec.) <strong>com</strong>mutator, contact breaker.<br />

& traction, (mil. min.) friction igniter.<br />

alternateur, m (elec.) alternator;<br />

s en cascade, alternators in series (secondary<br />

of each forms primary of next);<br />

ft haute frequence, high frequency alternator;<br />

altimetre, m., (aero.) altimeter, height indicator,<br />

alveole, (mach.) ball-bearing cup.<br />

amane, f., (cord.) cable;<br />

de milieu, breast line.<br />

ambulance, f., (mil. med.) field hospital;<br />

automobile, motor ambulance.<br />

ambulancier-brancardier, m.. (mil.) litter<br />

J*M*f- , (art.) (the) slot (of the Canet culasse<br />

bbloc).<br />

ame, f., (art., sm. a.) bore;<br />

amenagement, m., any preparation of ground,<br />

place, quarters, terrain for a given purpose;<br />

(in pi. esp. nav.) arrangements, ac<strong>com</strong>modations;<br />

(mil.) preparation, reconstruction of a<br />

captured trench; - electrique, electrical fittings, plant.<br />

amenager, y. t., to prepare, get ready (as a railway<br />

station for an increase of freight, etc )<br />

(mil.) to reconstitute, prepare, a captured<br />

trench.<br />

amerrir, v. n., (aero.) to alight (on the water).<br />

amerrissage, m., (aero.) alighting (on water).<br />

amiarite, a., amiantine.<br />

amlralat, m., (nav.) grade, dignity, functions, etc.,<br />

of an admiral.<br />

amiralissime, m., (nav.) admiral in chief.<br />

ammonal, m., (expl.) ammonal.<br />

amonceler, v. t., to pile up (as, mil. sand bags).<br />

amoncellement, m., pile, piling up (as. mil<br />

sand bags).<br />

amorcage, m., (art. sm. a., t min.) - priming;<br />

en cascade, (mil. min.) series priming.<br />

amorce, f., (art., mil. min., etc.) primer, priming;<br />

- aufulminate, any fulminate fuse;<br />

- au pulverin, powder fuse.<br />

amorcer, v. t., (art., sm. a., min.) to prime; to fuse<br />

(a shell); - en cascade, (mil. min.) to prime in series.<br />

amortir, v. t., (adm.) to redeem; (mil.) to absorb<br />

a vacancy; v. t., (elec.) to damp.<br />

amortissement, m., (adm.) amortization; (mil.)<br />

absorption of a vacancy; (elec.) damping.<br />

amortisseur, m., (mach., aero., and gen.) damper,<br />

shock absorber; tug, trace tug; - a air, air-buffer, air-cushion, pneumatic<br />

spring; - de chute, (art.) shock absorber (gun carriage);<br />

- de crosse, (mil.) shock absorber (D. R. firing<br />

stand).<br />

- & friction, friction disk shock absorb'er;<br />

- hydraulique, hydraulic shock - absorber;<br />

it liquide, v.hydraulique;<br />

- pneumalique, pneumatic shock absorber;<br />

progre&sif, progressive shock absorber;<br />

I<br />

ressorte, spring absorber, spring<br />

de transmission, transmission shock ab-<br />

sorber;<br />

amovlble, a., movable.<br />

amperage, m., (elec.) amperage.<br />

ampfcremetre, m., (elec.) ammeter;<br />

thermiquc, hot-wire ammeter.<br />

ampoule, f., bulb, small bulb.<br />

ampute-, m., - d'un bras, d'une jambe, having<br />

lost an arm, a leg, by amputation.<br />

ancien, a., old; (fam.) conservative, old fogy.<br />

ancien, m., (mil.) old soldier, veteran (not necessarily<br />

m the service); (fam.) old fogy, reactionary;<br />

(m. pi.) upper class at St. Cyr and the<br />

Polvtechmque;<br />

lea s de 1870, the veterans of 1870.<br />

anciennett, f., (mil.) seniority, length of service;<br />

majoree, (mil.) length of service increased by<br />

a majoralion q. v.;<br />

pure, (mil.) length of service;<br />

a litre d' (mil.) by reason of length of service.<br />

ancrage, m., anchoring;<br />

en chapelet, (pont) series anchoring, (several<br />

anchors in one file);<br />

7/*JRJ te& (Ae > lPfl (anchoring from both<br />

sides), double, triple, anchoring;<br />

renforce, (pont) reinforced anchoring (two or<br />

three anchors for one boat).<br />

ancre, f., anchor;<br />

champignon (min.) mushroom anchor*<br />

-bjas, (nav.) stock anchor;<br />

repecher une , to pick up, take up, an anchorde<br />

surete, (pont) emergency anchor.<br />

ancrer, v. t., to anchor;<br />

en chapelet, (pont) to anchor in file (several<br />

anchors in file);<br />

en patte d'oie, (pont) to anchor on both sides.<br />

anCmometre, m., (aero.) device forming part ofthe<br />

D outre stabilizer, and working the rudders.<br />

angle, m., angle;<br />

7- abordable, (aero.) angle within which motion<br />

is possible;<br />

d'attaque, (aero.) (angle between the surface,<br />

e. g., of a wing, and the direction of the air<br />

stream) angle of incidence;<br />

critique, (aero.) critical angle, i. e., stalling<br />

angle, (practical flyers); angle at which maximum<br />

lift is obtained (report No. 9, National<br />

Advisory Committee); [technically, angle of attack<br />

at which lift coefficient is a maximum'<br />

flying definition, angle of attack beyond which<br />

it is dangerous to fly (the machine stalls). In<br />

translating <strong>French</strong> texts it is safe to use the<br />

practical, flying definition];<br />

de derivation, (aero.) yaw;<br />

de hausse, (art., sm. a.) angle of elevation;<br />

horaire, hour angle;<br />

^incidence, (aero.) angle of attack, of incidence:<br />

optimum, (aero.) optimum angle;<br />

de tir de reglage, (art.) corrected angle of elevation<br />

(i. e., corrected or adjusted trial angle is<br />

used in fire for effect);<br />

de trainee, (aero.) trail angle;<br />

de transport, (art.) angle of shift (between<br />

point de surveillance and the target);<br />

de la voilure avec I'axe longitudinal, (aero. )<br />

sweep back.<br />

anguiller, m., drain hole (bottom of a boat).<br />

anneau, m., ring; (cav.) picketing ring;<br />

de butee, (trench art.) tail ring (supports tail<br />

of V. D. bomb); (mach. gun) bolt stem collar;<br />

de crosse, (art.) trail ring.<br />

de levage, (trench art.) lifting ring;<br />

de reglage, (trench art.) chamber ring;<br />

de soulevement, (trench art.) lifting ring;<br />

de suspension, (trench art.) suspension ring.<br />

anneau-guide, m., (art.) guide ring,<br />

aimee, f., year;<br />

budgetaire, (adm.) fiscal year;<br />

d'exercice, (adm.) fiscal year;<br />

V terrible, (in France) 1870-71, (before 1914).<br />

aimonciateur, m., annunciator.

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