A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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avant-ioycr 30 avis avant-foyer, m., (art.") fire-guard (of a travelingforge). avant-garde, f., (mil.) advance guard; extreme-pointe de I' , extreme point of the advance guard; to be faire I' to do , advance-guard duty, the advance guard; gros de I' main body of the advance guard (reserve of, U. S. A.); pointe de I' , point, leading group of the advance guard; Hie de I' , head, van of the advance guard (support, U . S. A.). avant-glacis, m., (fort.) glacis in front of the avant-chemin convert,' secondary glacis in front of the principal glacis; sort of advanced covered way. avant-ligne, f., (mil.) line occupied in front of the main position, but not intended to be permanently held, the object being to break the enemy here before he gets to the real position; in the field, a slightly fortified position, in front of the main and real position, and intended to deceive the enemy as to the latter by throwing his reconnaissances off the scent; front or advanced line, in infantry formation for attack; (siege) line of outposts of a line of investment; (siege) subsidiary works thrown up by the advanced posts of the besiegers in order to establish themselves thoroughly on the ground held by them. avaiit-maiii, f., (hipp.) forehand, forequarters; avoir de I' , to have a fine forehand. avaiit-met re, m., (adm.) estimate in figures (numbers) of the quantity of work to be done (in cases of submission to adjudication publique). avant-molaire, f., (hipp.) front molar tooth. avant-mur, m.. screen wall, outer wall; (fort.) masonry wall farthest from main body (corps) of a place. avant-parallele, f., (siege) intermediate place of arms, constructed between the batteries of the first position and the first parallel, when works between these are not sufficient to establish the latter. avant-pied, m., vamp. avant-port, m., outer port or harbor. avant-poste, m., (mil.) outpost; de cavalerie. cavalry outpost, (esp.) one furnished by the cavalerie d'exploration, q. v.; de combat, regular outpost, infantry outpost; cosaque, ft la cosaque, irregulier, (cav.) cossack post (the distinction between regular and irregular outposts has been broken down in France so far as the cavalry is concerned 1894); irregulier, special outpost, one to meet a special case (no longer exists in the cavalry, v. cosaque); de jour, first line of outposts, furnished by cavalry; ligne d' s, line of outposts; ligne de resistance des , line of grand guards, line of resistance; , mixte, outpost consisting of cavalry and of infantry; regulier, usual or regulation outpost; reseau d' s, network or system of outposts; de surete, outpost (so called as being part of the service de surete, q. v.). avant-projet, m., preliminary project, rough estimate. avant-terrain, m., foreground. want-train, m., (in $en.) fore body, fore carriage (of a four-wheeled vehicle); (art.) limber; (hipp.) forehand (of a horse); (of a bicycle) fore wheel and related parts; amener I' to limber , rear; amener I' en avant, to limber front; ft bras de limoniere, limber with shafts; de caisson, caisson-limber; de campagne, field-gun limber; ft contre-appui, limber (e. g., of a siege gun) in which the trail rests on the limber-axle; decrocher Us s, to unlimber; | avant-train, mettre I' , to limber, limber up; 6tcr I' , to unlimber; ft sellette, limber with bolster and pintle; de siege, siege-gun limber; ft suspension, limber in which the lunette fits over a pintle, the usual type of field limber; ft timon, pole limber; de tombereau, (Fr. art.) the tumbril or box limber of the affuta souUvement, q. v. avarie, f., damage; average; dues (usually a commercial term). avarie, a., damaged, spoiled. avarier, v. a., to spoil, damage. a vau, adv., (used only in) I'eau, downstream , with the current ; - -de-route, (mil.) in great disorder, in confusion (of a defeated army or body of troops). aventure, f., adventure. aventurS, a., (mil.) exposed, in a critical position. aventurer, v. a., to risk; v. r., to expose one's self to hazard; to run a risk. aventurier, m., soldier of fortune. averse, f., sudden shower. avertir, v. a., to notify, warn; un cheval, (man.) to gather a horse; to urge, to encourage a horse. avertissement, m., warning, notice; (Fr. mil. law) notice given to accused, before a courtmartial, that if he does not select counsel, counsel will be assigned to him by the president of the court; notice given by the greffier (q. v.) of a court, to prisoner found guilty, that he has 24Tiours in which to lodge an appeal; commandement d' , (mil.) preparatory command. avertisseur, a., warning, indicating; m., (elec.) call-bell, annunciator; d'incendie, fire alarm. aveu, m., confession; extrajuditiaire, confession made out of court; -judiciaire, confession in court. aveugler, v. a., to blind to ; stop up; une casemate, (mil.) to make a casemate useless by stopping up the embrasure; une voie d'eau, to stop a leak. aveuglette, marcher ft I' , (mil.) to march at random, feeling one's way. aviateur, m., person fond of, or student of, the art of aerial locomotion by flight. aviation, f., flying, aerial locomotion (in imitation of the flight of birds). avir, v. a., to beat or hammer down edges. avire, m., flying machine. aviron, m., oar, sweep; aller ft I' , to row; de I'arriere, stroke oar; assourdir les s, to muffle the oars; de I' avant ^ bow oar: du brigadier, bow oar; du chefde nage, stroke oar; coup d' , stroke of an oar; s ft couple, double-banked oars; degarnir, desarmer, les s, to unship, take in, oars; ttre ft V , to be rowing; dgouverner, steering oar; mater les s, to toss the oars; s ft pointe, single-banked oars; rentrer les s, to unship, take in, oars. avis, m., notice, information; warning, caution; advice; ( Fr. a.) report to minister of war by a technical C9mmittee; d' adjudication, (adm.) advertisement for bids; ecrit, memorandum; d' expedition, (Fr. a., adm.) notice of transportation of material by rail, sent and received by the interested transportation officers (sousintendant); motive, reasons (e. g., as by indorsements); de passage, (Fr. a., adm.) notice of movement of troops, sent by corps commander to c. o. of regions, and to prefects of departments, through which troops must pass;

avis 31 avis de transport, (Fr. a., adm.) notice of journey of a detachment by rail, sent by c. o. of regiment t *ne railway station of ure.depart- aviso, m., (nav.) dispatch boat; canonniere , gunboat, gun vessel; mortier, mortar gunboat, mortar torpilleur, torpedo gunboat. avisse, boat; f . , screw-nail. avitaillement, m., storing, victualing. avitailler, v. a., to store, victual, provide stores, supplies. aviver, v. a., to sharpen, to make clean and smooth (as an edge); to hew timber (square). avives, f. pi., (hipp.) vives; parotid glands. avocat, m., (law) advocate; pleader before a court-martial. avoine, f., oats; (mil, slang) brandy; (in pi.) standing oats; boire son , (hipp.) to swallow oats, etc., without mastication (sign of disease); cariee, rusty, foxy oats; charannounce, weevil-eaten oats; charbonnee, smutty oats; crgotee, oats affected by ergot; folle , wild oats; germee, oats that have begun to sprout; moisie, musty oats; du sac, one day's supply of oats carried in the battery sack; terreuse, dirty, badly winnowed oats. avoir, v. a., to have, own, possess; & la masse, de masse, la masse, (Fr. a., adm.) excess of receipts over expenditures, of the masse individuelle, q. v. avoue, m., (law) solicitor, counsel. axe, m. ; axis, axle, spindle, arbor; (sometimes) rocking-shaft; shaft; des abscisses, axis of abscissas; d'arriere, trailing axle (of a locomotive); d'avant, leading axle (of a locomotive); babord, m., (nav.) port, port side of a vessel, boat; (in steering) starboard (of the helm). bac, m., ferry; ferryboat; (tech.) vat; oblique, oblique ferry, trail ferry; d, pontons, ponton raft; ft traille, trail ferry; d vapeur, steam ferry; volant, flying ferry. bacalas, m., cleat, fastening; sort of knee projecting above the rowlocks. bache, f., wagon cover (of canvas), cart tilt; pack cover, manta; smallboat; (steam) cistern or tank of a steam engine : alimentaire, (steam, etc.) feed-water cistern; d eaufroide, cold-water cistern; de gonflement, inflating-canvas (of a balloon); d huile, (met.) oil-tank; de la pompe d air, hot well. bac her, v. a., to cover a wagon with an awning; to raise a tent. bachot, m., small boat, generally flat bottomed. baclage, m., mooring of boats side by side, for unloading, etc.; closing of a port by chains, cables, etc. bacler, v. a., to make fast; to chain, bar up (a window, a door); to close a port by chains, cables, etc.; to moor boats,side by side, for loading and unloading. baderne, f., mat or paunch. badlgeon, m., color or wash laid over a wall or large surface. badigeonner, v. a., to wash (a wall, etc.) with color. badlnant, m., spare horse in a team (obs.). bagage, m., baggage; kit; luggage; gros s, (mil.) heavy baggage, main baggage; menu, (mil.) baggage or effects that can be carried by the men; plier , to run away, decamp. B. axe du barillet, (sm. a.) center-pin (of a revolver); boulon d' , (mach.) a bolt that serves as an axis or spindle; coude, (mach.) crank', cranked axle; & deux leviers opposes, (mach.) cross axle; d'entrainement, (r. f. art.) hollow spindle communicating motion to the breech-plug (Canet); d'explosion, (min.) line of least resistance; galet, (mach.) rolling or movable axis (e. g., a pin rolling in a groove and serving as a movable axis); goupille d' , (mach.) pin that serves as an axis; meteur, (mach.) shaft, driving-shaft, drivingaxle; dcs ordonnees, axis of ordinates; du regulateur, (steam) governor spindle; en T, (mach.) cross axle; tournant & volonte, (mach.) revolving axle (e. g., of a railway truck); trou d' , (mach.) hole serving as a center of rotation for a spindle; de vis, (mach.) screw arbor. axonge, m., hog-grease, melted and strained (constituent of lubricant for care of arms). ayant droit, m., (law) legally entitled person; rightful claimant or owner, azimut, m., azimuth; (inst.) azimuth circle. azor, m. , (mil. slang) knapsack; etre & cheval sur , to shoulder the knap- azotate, m., (chem.) nitrate. .azote, m., (chem.) nitrogen. azote, a., (chem.) nitrogenized; poudre e, (expl.) nitrogen powder, generic term for modern nitrogenized smokeless powders, azotyle, m., (chem.) azotyl. bagne, m., galleys, hulk. bagnolette, f., tarpaulin (for covering guns, etc.). baguage, m., (art.) operation of screwing on the bague or base-rmg in De Reffye bronze guns. bague, f., (mach., art., etc.) ring, hoop, strap, collar, sleeve; (cord.) grommet; (art.) centeringband, rotating-band; base-ring (bronze De Reffye gun); (sm. a.) circular impression left in bore of rifle by the neck of a broken cartridgecase; - d'appui, (in gen.) ring, collar, that serves as a support; (art.) assembling or supporting hoop (e. g., Hotchkiss 158); flange or shoulder against which the winding abuts (Longridge wire gun); - d'assemblage, collar, sleeve; - d'assemblage b, vis, screw collar or sleeve; - d'attache, (art.) ring in which the wires start (wire gun); - de ba'ionnette, (sm. a.) locking-ring of a bayonet; boulets rouges, (art.) hot shot bearer - to, (obs.); de centrage, (art.) centering band (Hotch- -directrice, (sm. a.) guide-ring; - &.d', elingue, (cord.) rope sling; --ecrou bush , washer-nut; - d'excentrique, (mach.) eccentric strap; -fendue, (art.) split ring; -- de garniture, (steam, etc.) packing-ring, piston ring; - de presse-etoupes, (steam, etc.) packing- . ring; -- h ressort, (art.) spring clip (of the De Bange fermeture); - & - sertir, de sertissage, (art.) band-set- ter (of a projectile), seating-collar or clamp; - tube, (steam) ferrule, tube-ferrule. , a., (sm. a.) (of a barrel) defective (having a ring or shoulder in the surface of the bore).

avis 31<br />

avis de transport, (Fr. a., adm.) notice of journey<br />

of a detachment by rail, sent by c. o. of<br />

regiment t *ne railway station of ure.depart-<br />

aviso, m., (nav.) dispatch boat;<br />

canonniere , gunboat, gun vessel;<br />

mortier, mortar gunboat, mortar<br />

torpilleur, torpedo gunboat.<br />

avisse,<br />

boat;<br />

f . , screw-nail.<br />

avitaillement, m., storing, victualing.<br />

avitailler, v. a., to store, victual, provide<br />

stores, supplies.<br />

aviver, v. a., to sharpen, to make clean and<br />

smooth (as an edge); to hew timber (square).<br />

avives, f. pi., (hipp.) vives; parotid glands.<br />

avocat, m., (law) advocate; pleader<br />

before a<br />

court-martial.<br />

avoine, f., oats; (mil, slang) brandy; (in pi.)<br />

standing oats;<br />

boire son , (hipp.) to swallow oats, etc., without<br />

mastication (sign of disease);<br />

cariee, rusty, foxy oats;<br />

charannounce, weevil-eaten oats;<br />

charbonnee, smutty oats;<br />

crgotee, oats affected by ergot;<br />

folle , wild oats;<br />

germee, oats that have begun to sprout;<br />

moisie, musty oats;<br />

du sac, one day's supply of oats carried<br />

in the battery sack;<br />

terreuse, dirty, badly winnowed oats.<br />

avoir, v. a., to have, own, possess;<br />

& la masse, de masse, la masse,<br />

(Fr. a., adm.) excess of receipts over expenditures,<br />

of the masse individuelle, q. v.<br />

avoue, m., (law) solicitor, counsel.<br />

axe, m. ; axis, axle, spindle, arbor; (sometimes)<br />

rocking-shaft; shaft;<br />

des abscisses, axis of abscissas;<br />

d'arriere, trailing axle (of a lo<strong>com</strong>otive);<br />

d'avant, leading axle (of a lo<strong>com</strong>otive);<br />

babord, m., (nav.) port, port side of a vessel, boat;<br />

(in steering) starboard (of the helm).<br />

bac, m., ferry; ferryboat; (tech.) vat;<br />

oblique, oblique ferry, trail ferry;<br />

d, pontons, ponton raft;<br />

ft traille, trail ferry;<br />

d vapeur, steam ferry;<br />

volant, flying ferry.<br />

bacalas, m., cleat, fastening; sort of knee projecting<br />

above the rowlocks.<br />

bache, f., wagon cover (of canvas), cart tilt; pack<br />

cover, manta; smallboat; (steam) cistern or tank<br />

of a steam engine :<br />

alimentaire, (steam, etc.) feed-water cistern;<br />

d eaufroide, cold-water cistern;<br />

de gonflement, inflating-canvas (of a balloon);<br />

d huile, (met.) oil-tank;<br />

de la pompe d air, hot well.<br />

bac her, v. a., to cover a wagon with an awning;<br />

to raise a tent.<br />

bachot, m., small boat, generally flat bottomed.<br />

baclage, m., mooring of boats side by side, for<br />

unloading, etc.; closing of a port by chains,<br />

cables, etc.<br />

bacler, v. a., to make fast; to chain, bar up (a window,<br />

a door); to close a port by chains, cables,<br />

etc.; to moor boats,side by side, for loading and<br />

unloading.<br />

baderne, f., mat or paunch.<br />

badlgeon, m., color or wash laid over a wall or<br />

large surface.<br />

badigeonner, v. a., to wash (a wall, etc.) with<br />

color.<br />

badlnant, m., spare horse in a team (obs.).<br />

bagage, m., baggage; kit; luggage;<br />

gros s, (mil.) heavy baggage, main baggage;<br />

menu, (mil.) baggage or effects that can be<br />

carried by the men;<br />

plier , to run away, decamp.<br />

B.<br />

axe du barillet, (sm. a.) center-pin (of a revolver);<br />

boulon d' , (mach.) a bolt that serves as an<br />

axis or spindle;<br />

coude, (mach.) crank', cranked axle;<br />

& deux leviers opposes, (mach.) cross axle;<br />

d'entrainement, (r. f. art.) hollow spindle<br />

<strong>com</strong>municating motion to the breech-plug<br />

(Canet);<br />

d'explosion, (min.) line of least resistance;<br />

galet, (mach.) rolling or movable axis (e. g.,<br />

a pin rolling in a groove and serving as a movable<br />

axis);<br />

goupille d' , (mach.) pin that serves as an<br />

axis;<br />

meteur, (mach.) shaft, driving-shaft, drivingaxle;<br />

dcs ordonnees, axis of ordinates;<br />

du regulateur, (steam) governor spindle;<br />

en T, (mach.) cross axle;<br />

tournant & volonte, (mach.) revolving axle<br />

(e. g., of a railway truck);<br />

trou d' , (mach.) hole serving as a center of<br />

rotation for a spindle;<br />

de vis, (mach.) screw arbor.<br />

axonge, m., hog-grease, melted and strained (constituent<br />

of lubricant for care of arms).<br />

ayant droit, m., (law) legally entitled person;<br />

rightful claimant or owner,<br />

azimut, m., azimuth; (inst.) azimuth circle.<br />

azor, m. , (mil. slang) knapsack;<br />

etre & cheval sur , to shoulder the knap-<br />

azotate, m., (chem.) nitrate.<br />

.azote, m., (chem.) nitrogen.<br />

azote, a., (chem.) nitrogenized;<br />

poudre e, (expl.) nitrogen powder, generic<br />

term for modern nitrogenized smokeless<br />

powders,<br />

azotyle, m., (chem.) azotyl.<br />

bagne, m., galleys, hulk.<br />

bagnolette, f., tarpaulin (for covering guns,<br />

etc.).<br />

baguage, m., (art.) operation of screwing on<br />

the bague or base-rmg in De Reffye bronze<br />

guns.<br />

bague, f., (mach., art., etc.) ring, hoop, strap,<br />

collar, sleeve; (cord.) grommet; (art.) centeringband,<br />

rotating-band; base-ring (bronze De<br />

Reffye gun); (sm. a.) circular impression left<br />

in bore of rifle by the neck of a broken cartridgecase;<br />

- d'appui, (in gen.) ring, collar, that serves<br />

as a support; (art.) assembling or supporting<br />

hoop (e. g., Hotchkiss 158); flange or<br />

shoulder against which the winding abuts<br />

(Longridge wire gun); - d'assemblage, collar, sleeve; - d'assemblage b, vis, screw collar or sleeve;<br />

- d'attache, (art.) ring in which the wires<br />

start (wire gun); - de ba'ionnette, (sm. a.) locking-ring of a<br />

bayonet;<br />

boulets rouges, (art.) hot shot bearer<br />

- to,<br />

(obs.);<br />

de centrage, (art.) centering band (Hotch-<br />

-directrice, (sm. a.) guide-ring; - &.d',<br />

elingue, (cord.) rope sling;<br />

--ecrou bush , washer-nut; - d'excentrique, (mach.) eccentric strap;<br />

-fendue, (art.) split ring;<br />

-- de garniture, (steam, etc.) packing-ring, piston<br />

ring; - de presse-etoupes, (steam, etc.) packing-<br />

. ring; -- h ressort, (art.) spring clip (of the De Bange<br />

fermeture); - & - sertir, de sertissage, (art.) band-set-<br />

ter (of a projectile), seating-collar or clamp;<br />

- tube,<br />

(steam) ferrule, tube-ferrule.<br />

, a., (sm. a.) (of a barrel) defective (having<br />

a ring or shoulder in the surface of the<br />


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