A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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visite 486 vote<br />

visite periodique, (nav.) periodical survey;<br />

de reception, (art.) examination before reception;<br />

sanitairc, (med.) medical, sanitary, health,<br />

inspection;<br />

soumish la liable to , search, inspection;<br />

spcciale, (nav.) special survey;<br />

d'un vaisseau, (nav.) examination of ship's<br />

cargo or papers.<br />

visiter, v. a., to visit, call upon; to inspect, examine,<br />

survey, search, look.<br />

vlsiteur, m., visitor; custom-house inspector,<br />

searcher, tide waiter; (nav.) searching vessel.<br />

vissage, m., screwing, screwing up (down); (art.)<br />

screwing in of breech plug;<br />

clefde , wrench.<br />

visser, v. a., to screw (on, down, up, in), fasten<br />

with a screw;<br />

& fond, to screw home, tight; to set up a<br />

visucl, a.', visual; m., visible object; (t. p.) mark,<br />

target.<br />

vitc, a., quick, fleet, speedy, rapid.<br />

Vitesse, f., rate, velocity, speed, rapidity, fleetness,<br />

celerity;<br />

b la de, at the rate of ;<br />

absolue, absolute velocity;<br />

accelerce, accelerated velocity; (erf.) 9 kilo-<br />

meters per hour (artillery marching alone);<br />

(r. r.) 300 kilometers per 24 hours;<br />

angulaire, angular velocity;<br />

d'arrivee, (ball.) striking (arriving) velocity;<br />

ascensionnelle, (ball.) upward <strong>com</strong>ponent of<br />

the velocity;<br />

de cheminement, (ball,) horizontal <strong>com</strong>ponent<br />

of the velocity;<br />

au choc, (ball.) striking velocity;<br />

de chute, (ball.) velocity of descent;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>bustion, (expl.) rate of <strong>com</strong>bustion;<br />

critique, critical velocity;<br />

dcmi , half speed;<br />

evreuve de , (nav.) speed trial;<br />

finale, (ball.) final, terminal, velocity;<br />

gagner de , to outstrip; to run away with (as<br />

a wagon going downhill);<br />

grande , full speed; (r. r.) quick dispatch;<br />

grande en arriere (avant), (nav.) full speed<br />

astern (ahead);<br />

& grande , high speed;<br />

d' inflammation, (expl.) rapidity, rate, of<br />

inflammation;<br />

-initiale, (ball.) initial velocity, muzzle velocity;<br />

lancer & toute , to set (a battery, a lo<strong>com</strong>otive,<br />

ship, etc.) at full speed;<br />

au loch, (nav.) speed by the log;<br />

de marche, (mil.) rate of marching;<br />

mi , half speed;<br />

moyenne, mean velocity;<br />

normale, normal velocity; (mach.) usual<br />

working speed; (art.) 8 kilometers per hour<br />

iartillery marching alone);<br />

parabole de la , (ball.) the parabola that would<br />

be described by a projectile from a given point<br />

if the resistance of the air were to cease at and<br />

from that point;<br />

petite , (r. r.) slow dispatch;<br />

du piston, (mach.) speed of the piston;<br />

plcine , (mach.) full speed;<br />

rapide, (art.) 10 kilometers per hour (artillery<br />

marching alone);<br />

de regime, normal speed; (mach.) speed best<br />

suited to each engine and peculiar to it;<br />

relative, relative velocity;<br />

vi trail, m., stained-glass window (in pi. generally).<br />

vitre, f., window glass, pane of glass, window;<br />

carreau de , panneau de , window pane.<br />

vitrt, p. p., glazed; glass; vitreous;<br />

porte e, glass door.<br />

vitrer, v. a., to glaze.<br />

vitrerie, f., glazing; glazier's work, trade.<br />

vitrescibilite, f., vitrifiability.<br />

vitrescible, a., verifiable.<br />

vitrier, m., glazier; (in pi., mil. slang) chasseurs (t<br />

pied, rifles.<br />

vitrifaction, f., vitrifaction.<br />

verifiable, a., vitrifiable.<br />

vitrifier, v. a., to vitrify.<br />

vitriol, m., vitriol, copperas;<br />

blanc, white vitriol;<br />

bleu, blue vitriol;<br />

de cuivre, v. bleu;<br />

defer, v. vert;<br />

huile de , oil of vitriol;<br />

vert, green vitriol;<br />

de zinc, v. blanc.<br />

vivacite, f., vivacity; quickness, eagerness;<br />

de la poudre, (expl.) quickness of powder;<br />

de recul, (art.) quickness, suddenness, of<br />

recoil.<br />

vivandier, n., (mil.) sutler, canteen steward.<br />

vivandiere, f., (mil.) vivandiere.<br />

vivat, m., cheer, hurrah;<br />

crier , pousser des s,saluer par un , to<br />

cheer; to hurrah.<br />

vive, v. qui vive.<br />

vives-eaux, f. pi., spring tide (v. s. v. maree);<br />

vivre, v. n., to live, subsist; to be maintained,<br />

subsisted;<br />

sur Inhabitant,<br />

on the country.<br />

sur le pays, (mil.) to live<br />

vivre, m., food; (in pi. esp. mil.) provisions, stores,<br />

victuals; <strong>com</strong>missary department;<br />

s d'administration, (mil.) stores supplied by<br />

the administration as distinguished from<br />

de requisition;<br />

administration des s, (mil.) <strong>com</strong>missary department;<br />

oiler aux s, (mil.) to go and draw rations;<br />

bureau des s, victualing office;<br />

s de campagne, v. petits s;<br />

s de conserve, preserved (canned, tinned)<br />

rations;<br />

s-conserves de viande, iron ration;<br />

s de debarquement, (mil.) rations available on<br />

detraining;<br />

etre dans les s, (mil.) to be in the <strong>com</strong>missary<br />

department;<br />

faire des s, to victual;<br />

fourgonb, s, (mil.) provision wagon;<br />

s-pain, (mil.) bread part of the ration; bread<br />

ration;<br />

petits s, (mil.) groceries and dried vegetables;<br />

s de requisition, (mil.) supplies, etc., got by<br />

requisition;<br />

s de reserve, (mil.) reserve supplies;<br />

s du sac, (mil.) two days' rations carried by<br />

the soldier;<br />

s sees, dry provisions (i. e., beans, coffee);<br />

s-viande, (mil.) meat part of ration; meat<br />

ration.<br />

vivrier, m., (mil.) <strong>com</strong>missary<br />

requise, desired, required, velocity;<br />

respective, v. relative;<br />

-restante, (ball.) remaining velocity;<br />

retaraee retarded } velocity;<br />

de rotation, velocity of rotation;<br />

terminale, (ball.) terminal velocity;<br />

. de tir. (art.) rate of fire;<br />

toute , full speed;<br />

& toute at full , speed;<br />

de toute sa at one's , utmost speed;<br />

de translation, (mil.) velocity of translation;<br />

uniforme, uniform speed, velocity.<br />

vitrage, m., glazing, glass windows, window glass,<br />

glass partition.<br />

of provisions.<br />

vizir, m., vizier.<br />

vogue, f., speed of a rowboat (obs.).<br />

vogue-avant, m., bow oar.<br />

voguer, v. n., (of a boat) to be rowed, pulled;<br />

(nav.) to sail; to be under sail; to bear, go;<br />

vogue-avant! give way!<br />

vogueur, m.. oarsman (obs.); swimming belt.<br />

voie, f., road., way, roadway, trail, track, trace,<br />

path, any line of transportation; conveyance,<br />

means of conveyance; load, cartload (as much<br />

as may be carried at one time, or in a single<br />

trip); track (distance between wheels); set of a<br />

saw, kerf of a saw; (r. r.) track, line, gauge.

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