A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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vapeur 478 velitcs vapeur h helice, screw steamer; humide, wet steam; impermeable a la v. contenant la , ; interceptee, v. coupee; Jeter de la v. donner de la , ; jumeau, twin steamer (as for channel or river work); laisser echapper la to blow off , steam; lumiereh , steam port; machined, steam , engine (v. s. v. machine); machine b, detente de , expansion engine; marcher b la , (nav.) to steam; marteau h, steam , hammer; matelas de steam , cushion; mettre de la, en, , to steam; to put on steam, get up steam; mixte, combined, mixed, steam; water and steam; mouittee, wet steam; moulind, , steam mill; navigation^, la , steam navigation; navireft , steamer; non-saturee, nonsaturated steam; obtenir de la, , to get up steam; orifice b, , v. lumiere ft, ; ouverture de la - , steam port; paquebotb, steam , packet; perdue, waste steam; pilote, steam pilot boat; piston & , steam piston; en pleine , at full steam, under full steam; prise de , taking, drawing, delivering, of steam; steam dome; mouth of the steam at the boiler; produire de la , to generate steam; qui a servi, v. perdue,' rechauffee, superheated steam; regeneree, v. rechauffee; registre de , throttle valve; . regulateur de , steam regulator; remorqueur & , steam tug; reservoir de la , steam chamber, reservoir (not to be confounded with steam room); & roues, paddle (wheel) steamer; saturee, saturated steam; sechage de la , drying of steam; seche, dry steam; siffletb, , steam whistle; sous , under steam; supprimer la to cut , off steam; surchauffee, superheated steam; tenir la , to be steam-tight; a toute , at full steam, under full steam; trompetted , steam siren; tuyau b steam , pipe; tuyau d'apport de la steam , pipe; tuyau de communication de la v. , tuyau b ; tuyau de prise de la . v. tuyau ti ; b, une roue, stern-wheeler; vesiculeuse, wet steam; voitured steam , carriage; volume de , steam space. vaporifere, m., steam generator. vaporisateur, m., vaporizer; (steam') system of tubes of a Belleville boiler. vaporisation, f., vaporization; puissance de , evaporating power. vaporiser, v. a., to steam, vaporize. vaquer, v. n., to be unfilled (office); to be vacant, unoccupied (house, room); ft, to attend to, apply one's self to. varangue, f., (nav.) floor timber. varec(li), m., wrack, wreckage, sea-wrack. varenne, f., waste lands. vareuse, f.. (nav.) pilot coat, jumper; (unif.) loose jacket for undress duties (fatigue jacket; overalls). variable, a., m., variable, changeable, unsteady; au , on the change. variation, f., variation; variation (of the needle, etc.); du compas, variation of the compass. varice, f., varicose vein; A arix; du jarret, (hipp.) blood spavin. varicocele, m., varicocele; du jarret, (hipp.) blood spavin. varie, p. p., varied; terrain , (top.) broken, varied, ground. varier, v. a. n., to vary, change; (of a wind, current, etc.) to shift; (of the needle) to be unsteady. variole, f., smallpox. variometre, m., (inst.) variometer. variqueux, a., varicose. varlope, f., large carpenter's plane; (artif.) rocket press; dem i two-handled , plane; onglee, molding plane, match plane. varme, f.. (met.) twyer plate of a fining-forge crucible. vase, f., mud, ooze (at the bottom of rivers, lakes, the sea, etc.); (in pi.) mud flats; bane de mud , bank; fond de , muddy bottom. vase, m., vessel, vase; clos, closed vessel; de condensation, condenser (distillation, etc.); poreux, (elec.) porous cell. 1 vase, a.,/om , muddy hay. vaseline, f., vaseline. vaseux, a., muddy, slimy, miry. vasiere, f., mud hole; muddy, miry, stretch oi country. vasistas, m., bull's-eye window. vason, m., piece of clay of which a brick or tile is made. vasque, f.. basin of a fountain. vau, m., (top.) small valley; narrows of the gorge of a valley (obs.); d I'eau, with the stream, current; d de route, (mil.) (of a defeat, rout) in the utmost confusion, disorder. veau, m., calf; calf leather, calfskin; (cons.) curved piece cut out of a plank; curved back or block of an arch center; (mil. slang) knapsack, "scranbag." vecteur, m., vector; arbre , v. s. v. arbre,' . rayon radius vector. vedette, f., (mil.) cavalry sentinel; vedette, mounted sentry; (fort.) sentry box; watch tower (rare); (in letters, etc.) conspicuous place for a name, title, etc. ; double, (mil.) double vedette; &lre en ? (mil.) to be on vedette duty; en , (mil.) on vedette duty; (in letters, printed pages, etc.) conspicuous; displayed; placed so as to catch the eye; mettre en . to station or post on vedette duty; simple, single vedette. vChlcule, m., vehicle, carriage; (inst.) vehicle, draw tube, slide. vellle, f., keeping awake; eve, day before; watch, watching; (nav.) lookout; & la visible above water , (said of a projecting or floating object); ancre de . v. s. v. ancre; en , v. d la ; (of an anchor) a-cockbill; mettre b, la , to cockbill. veiller, v. n., to stay or be awake; (nav. and in gen.) to be on the watch, on the lookout; (of a buoy) rock, etc., to be (partly) above water, in sight, visible. veilleuse, f., night light; en , serving as a night light. veillote, f., small haycock. velnage, m., grain of wood; graining; (met.) ve'r- Ing (defect). velne, f., vein; streak, vein (defect in wood or stone); underground spring; (min.) seam, lode, vein; barrcr la d un cheval, (hipp.) to bar a vein; de bois, vein (defect) in wood; d'eau, underground spring; fluide, stream or jet issuing from a thinwalled orifice; - satellite, (hipp.) vein close to an artery; sombre, (met.) mark or defect resulting from a flattened or welded blowhole. veineux, a., streaky, veined. velin, m., vellum; papier , v. s. v. papier. vfilites, m. pi., ( Fr. a.) battalions of chasseurs to, pied formed by Napelon I to furnish n. c. o. to line regiments.

vflo 479 venteux ve"lo, m., (familiar abbreviation of velocipede) bi cycle. ve"loce, m., ordinary bicycle, vfilocemaii, m., bicyclist. vCIoeidrome, m., bicycle track. velocimfetre, m., (ball.) veloeimeter; & chariot, slide velocimeter; ficylindre tournant, rotating cylinder velocimeter; & diapason electrique, velocimeter with electrically controlled tuning fork; meter with electrically controlled tuning fork and roaster ; & diapason mecanique, ordinary tuning-fork velocimeter; fusil, gun volocimeter. velocipede, m. , velocipede, ordinary; bateau , water bicycle. ve"locip6der, v. n., to "wheel," to bicycle. v61ocip6deur, velocipedier, m., bicyclist. ve'locipe'dique, a., relating to the bicycle; service , (mil.) bicycle service. velocipMiste, m., cyclist, bicyclist; (mil.) bicycle dispatch rider. 1 vSlocite, f., speed, rate, swiftness, velocity. velodrome, m., bicycle track. vflographe, m., instrument for measuring the speed of a bicycle, bicycle velocimeter. velours, m., velvet; & cotes, corduroy. veltage, m., v. voltage. velter, v. a., v. valter. velture, f., v. valture. velu, a., hairy, shaggy; pierre e, rough stone. vendre, v. a., to sell; un cheval crins et queue, to sell a horse very dear; un cheval tout nu, to sell a horse without saddle and bridle. vengeance, f., vengeance, revenge. venger, v. a., to avenge, revenge. vengeur, a. m., avenging, avenger. venir, v. n., to come, repair, proceed; arrive; to come on, grow; to come out, off; to happen; & I'appel, (cord.) to begin to draw, to come into bearing; to, bout de ses ennemis, to overcome one's enemies; defonte, (fond.) to be cast on; defonte avec, (fond.) to be cast on at the same time with; to be cast in one piece with; en aux mains, to begin to fight; (more esp. mil.) to come to close quarters; to fight hand to hand; & point, (met.) to come to nature. vent, m.. air, wind, gale; division of the compass; (met.) blast; (mach.) clearance; (art.) windage (smooth-bore muzzle-loading guns,obs.); blast (of a projectile); difference between turned part of the shoulder of a projectile and the caliber; (nav.) weather gauge; des ailettes, (art.) clearance of studs (obs.); aire de , v. s. v. aire; alize, trade wind; oiler au plus pres (du ), v. pincer le ; allcr contre et maree, to have the wind and tide ahead; d'amont, wind from upstream; shore wind, offshore wind, land breeze; arriere, fair wind; au , in the wind; to windward, windward; d'aval, wind from downstream; sea breeze; avantage du , (nav.) weather gauge; avoir arriere (devant), to have a following (head) wind; avoir le dessus du , (nav.) to have the weather gauge; avoir et maree, to have fair wind and tide; avoir le sur un navire, (nav.) to have the weather gauge of a ship; blanc, a wind that does not blow up clouds; vent bonfrais, strong breeze (8 meters per second); bord du , v. cdtedu ; bord de sous le v. , cdte de dessous le ; bouffee de , capful of wind; de bout, head wind; chaud, (met.) hot blast; chicaner le , (nav.) to beat; conduit de . (met.) blast pipe; contraire, head wind, foul wind; cote de , weather side; cote de dessous le, sous le, , lee side; coulis, wind from a chink or crack- draueht draughty wind; coup de , gust of wind, squall; dessus du , (nav.) weather gauge; disputer le , (nav.) to maneuver for the weather gauge; dominant, v. regnant: donner le , (met.) to blow; to turn on the blast; (St. Ci/r slang) to bully; to "devil" (U. S. M. A ) droit debout, wind dead ahead; dead windechauffe, (met.) hot blast; itre au frun navire, (wot;.) to have the weather gauge of a ship; evite au . wind rode; faible, light breeze; fait, steady wind; favorable, fair wind; -follet, baffling wind; force, gale; forced draught; frais, fresh breeze (6 meters per second); froid, (met.) cold blast; fusil & , v. s. v. fusil; gagner le , le dessus du , (nav.) to get the weather gauge; grain de , squall, sudden squall; au gre du , with the wind; grec, (in the Mediterranean) northeast wind; impetueux, violent wind (15 meters per second); du large, sea breeze; du levant, levanter; lit du , wind's eye; manchcd, wind , sail; mauvais foul , wind; de mer, sea breeze; mettre Vepee, flamberge, au , to draw (familiar); moulinb , windmill; de mousson, monsoon; pincer le , (nav.) to sail close to the wind; d'un piston, (mach.) piston clearance; en plein in , the open air; porter (le nez) au , (hipp.) to carry the head high; du projectile, (art.) windage; les quatre s, the cardinal points; rattier au, le, v. , pincer le ; regnant, prevailing wind; rose des s, v. s. v. rose; rumb de , v. s. v. rumb; serrer le v. , pincer le ; de soldats, soldiers' wind; sous le , (to) leeward, lee, a-lee; tenir le v. , pincer le ; des tenons, (art.) clearance of studs (obs.); de terre, land breeze; de travers, wind abeam; les trente-deux s, the compass card. vente, f., sale; felling of wood; place where timber has just been felled; contrat de , bill of sale; aux encheres, sale by auction; poudre de , v. s. v. poudre. vente", p. p., driven by the wind; arbrefaux wind -shaken , tree; maree e, tide banked up by the wind. venteau, m., sluice gate, water gate; air hole of a bellows. ventelle, f., valve or opening of a lock gate; sprinkling brush. venter, v. n., to blow hard or fresh (of the wind). venteux, a., windy; (fond.) (of a casting) blistered; del , windy sky.

vflo 479 venteux<br />

ve"lo, m., (familiar abbreviation of velocipede) bi<br />

cycle.<br />

ve"loce, m., ordinary bicycle,<br />

vfilocemaii, m., bicyclist.<br />

vCIoeidrome, m., bicycle track.<br />

velocimfetre, m., (ball.) veloeimeter;<br />

& chariot, slide velocimeter;<br />

ficylindre tournant, rotating cylinder velocimeter;<br />

& diapason electrique, velocimeter with electrically<br />

controlled tuning fork;<br />

meter with electrically controlled tuning fork<br />

and roaster ;<br />

& diapason mecanique, ordinary tuning-fork<br />

velocimeter;<br />

fusil, gun volocimeter.<br />

velocipede, m. , velocipede, ordinary;<br />

bateau , water bicycle.<br />

ve"locip6der, v. n., to "wheel," to bicycle.<br />

v61ocip6deur, velocipedier, m., bicyclist.<br />

ve'locipe'dique, a., relating to the bicycle;<br />

service , (mil.) bicycle service.<br />

velocipMiste, m., cyclist, bicyclist; (mil.) bicycle<br />

dispatch rider.<br />

1<br />

vSlocite,<br />

f., speed, rate, swiftness, velocity.<br />

velodrome, m., bicycle track.<br />

vflographe, m., instrument for measuring the<br />

speed of a bicycle, bicycle velocimeter.<br />

velours, m., velvet;<br />

& cotes, corduroy.<br />

veltage, m., v. voltage.<br />

velter, v. a., v. valter.<br />

velture, f., v. valture.<br />

velu, a., hairy, shaggy;<br />

pierre e, rough stone.<br />

vendre, v. a., to sell;<br />

un cheval crins et queue, to sell a horse very<br />

dear;<br />

un cheval tout nu, to sell a horse without saddle<br />

and bridle.<br />

vengeance, f., vengeance, revenge.<br />

venger, v. a., to avenge, revenge.<br />

vengeur, a. m., avenging, avenger.<br />

venir, v. n., to <strong>com</strong>e, repair, proceed; arrive; to<br />

<strong>com</strong>e on, grow; to <strong>com</strong>e out, off; to happen;<br />

& I'appel, (cord.) to begin to draw, to <strong>com</strong>e<br />

into bearing;<br />

to, bout de ses ennemis, to over<strong>com</strong>e one's enemies;<br />

defonte, (fond.) to be cast on;<br />

defonte avec, (fond.) to be cast on at the same<br />

time with; to be cast in one piece with;<br />

en aux mains, to begin to fight; (more esp.<br />

mil.) to <strong>com</strong>e to close quarters; to fight hand to<br />

hand;<br />

& point, (met.) to <strong>com</strong>e to nature.<br />

vent, m.. air, wind, gale; division of the <strong>com</strong>pass;<br />

(met.) blast; (mach.) clearance; (art.) windage<br />

(smooth-bore muzzle-loading guns,obs.); blast<br />

(of a projectile); difference between turned part<br />

of the shoulder of a projectile and the caliber;<br />

(nav.) weather gauge;<br />

des ailettes, (art.) clearance of studs (obs.);<br />

aire de , v. s. v. aire;<br />

alize, trade wind;<br />

oiler au plus pres (du ), v. pincer le ;<br />

allcr contre et maree, to have the wind and tide<br />

ahead;<br />

d'amont, wind from upstream; shore wind,<br />

offshore wind, land breeze;<br />

arriere, fair wind;<br />

au , in the wind; to windward, windward;<br />

d'aval, wind from downstream; sea breeze;<br />

avantage du , (nav.) weather gauge;<br />

avoir arriere (devant), to have a following<br />

(head) wind;<br />

avoir le dessus du , (nav.) to have the weather<br />

gauge;<br />

avoir et maree, to have fair wind and tide;<br />

avoir le sur un navire, (nav.) to have the<br />

weather gauge of a ship;<br />

blanc, a wind that does not blow up clouds;<br />

vent bonfrais, strong breeze (8 meters per second);<br />

bord du , v. cdtedu ;<br />

bord de sous le v. , cdte de dessous le ;<br />

bouffee de , capful of wind;<br />

de bout, head wind;<br />

chaud, (met.) hot blast;<br />

chicaner le , (nav.) to beat;<br />

conduit de . (met.) blast pipe;<br />

contraire, head wind, foul wind;<br />

cote de , weather side;<br />

cote de dessous le, sous le, , lee side;<br />

coulis, wind from a chink or crack- draueht<br />

draughty wind;<br />

coup de , gust of wind, squall;<br />

dessus du , (nav.) weather gauge;<br />

disputer le<br />

, (nav.) to maneuver for the weather<br />

gauge;<br />

dominant, v. regnant:<br />

donner le<br />

, (met.) to blow; to turn on the blast;<br />

(St. Ci/r slang) to bully; to "devil" (U. S. M. A )<br />

droit debout, wind dead ahead; dead windechauffe,<br />

(met.) hot blast;<br />

itre au frun navire, (wot;.) to have the weather<br />

gauge of a ship;<br />

evite au . wind rode;<br />

faible, light breeze;<br />

fait, steady wind;<br />

favorable, fair wind;<br />

-follet, baffling wind;<br />

force, gale; forced draught;<br />

frais, fresh breeze (6 meters per second);<br />

froid, (met.) cold blast;<br />

fusil & , v. s. v. fusil;<br />

gagner le , le dessus du , (nav.) to get the<br />

weather gauge;<br />

grain de , squall, sudden squall;<br />

au gre du , with the wind;<br />

grec, (in the Mediterranean) northeast wind;<br />

impetueux, violent wind (15 meters per second);<br />

du large, sea breeze;<br />

du levant, levanter;<br />

lit du , wind's eye;<br />

manchcd, wind , sail;<br />

mauvais foul , wind;<br />

de mer, sea breeze;<br />

mettre Vepee, flamberge, au , to draw (familiar);<br />

moulinb , windmill;<br />

de mousson, monsoon;<br />

pincer le , (nav.) to sail close to the wind;<br />

d'un piston, (mach.) piston clearance;<br />

en plein in , the open air;<br />

porter (le nez) au , (hipp.) to carry the head<br />

high;<br />

du projectile, (art.) windage;<br />

les quatre s, the cardinal points;<br />

rattier au, le, v. , pincer le ;<br />

regnant, prevailing wind;<br />

rose des s, v. s. v. rose;<br />

rumb de , v. s. v. rumb;<br />

serrer le v. , pincer le ;<br />

de soldats, soldiers' wind;<br />

sous le , (to) leeward, lee, a-lee;<br />

tenir le v. , pincer le ;<br />

des tenons, (art.) clearance of studs (obs.);<br />

de terre, land breeze;<br />

de travers, wind abeam;<br />

les trente-deux s, the <strong>com</strong>pass card.<br />

vente, f., sale; felling of wood; place where timber<br />

has just been felled;<br />

contrat de , bill of sale;<br />

aux encheres, sale by auction;<br />

poudre de , v. s. v. poudre.<br />

vente", p. p., driven by the wind;<br />

arbrefaux wind -shaken , tree;<br />

maree e, tide banked up by the wind.<br />

venteau, m., sluice gate, water gate; air hole of a<br />

bellows.<br />

ventelle, f., valve or opening of a lock gate; sprinkling<br />

brush.<br />

venter, v. n., to blow hard or fresh (of the wind).<br />

venteux, a., windy; (fond.) (of a casting) blistered;<br />

del , windy sky.

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