A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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vapeur 478 velitcs<br />

vapeur h helice, screw steamer;<br />

humide, wet steam;<br />

impermeable a la v. contenant la , ;<br />

interceptee, v. coupee;<br />

Jeter de la v. donner de la , ;<br />

jumeau, twin steamer (as for channel or<br />

river work);<br />

laisser echapper la to blow off , steam;<br />

lumiereh , steam port;<br />

machined, steam , engine (v. s. v. machine);<br />

machine b, detente de , expansion engine;<br />

marcher b la , (nav.) to steam;<br />

marteau h, steam , hammer;<br />

matelas de steam , cushion;<br />

mettre de la, en, , to steam; to put on steam,<br />

get up steam;<br />

mixte, <strong>com</strong>bined, mixed, steam; water and<br />

steam;<br />

mouittee, wet steam;<br />

moulind, , steam mill;<br />

navigation^, la , steam navigation;<br />

navireft , steamer;<br />

non-saturee, nonsaturated steam;<br />

obtenir de la, , to get up steam;<br />

orifice b, , v. lumiere ft,<br />

;<br />

ouverture de la -<br />

, steam port;<br />

paquebotb, steam , packet;<br />

perdue, waste steam;<br />

pilote, steam pilot boat;<br />

piston & , steam piston;<br />

en pleine , at full steam, under full steam;<br />

prise de , taking, drawing, delivering, of<br />

steam; steam dome; mouth of the steam at the<br />

boiler;<br />

produire de la , to generate steam;<br />

qui a servi, v. perdue,'<br />

rechauffee, superheated steam;<br />

regeneree, v. rechauffee;<br />

registre de , throttle valve; .<br />

regulateur de , steam regulator;<br />

remorqueur & , steam tug;<br />

reservoir de la , steam chamber, reservoir (not<br />

to be confounded with steam room);<br />

& roues, paddle (wheel) steamer;<br />

saturee, saturated steam;<br />

sechage de la , drying of steam;<br />

seche, dry steam;<br />

siffletb, , steam whistle;<br />

sous , under steam;<br />

supprimer la to cut , off steam;<br />

surchauffee, superheated steam;<br />

tenir la , to be steam-tight;<br />

a toute , at full steam, under full steam;<br />

trompetted , steam siren;<br />

tuyau b steam , pipe;<br />

tuyau d'apport de la steam , pipe;<br />

tuyau de <strong>com</strong>munication de la v. , tuyau b ;<br />

tuyau de prise de la . v. tuyau ti ;<br />

b, une roue, stern-wheeler;<br />

vesiculeuse, wet steam;<br />

voitured steam , carriage;<br />

volume de , steam space.<br />

vaporifere, m., steam generator.<br />

vaporisateur, m., vaporizer; (steam') system of<br />

tubes of a Belleville boiler.<br />

vaporisation, f., vaporization;<br />

puissance de , evaporating power.<br />

vaporiser, v. a., to steam, vaporize.<br />

vaquer, v. n., to be unfilled (office); to be vacant,<br />

unoccupied (house, room);<br />

ft, to attend to, apply one's self to.<br />

varangue, f., (nav.) floor timber.<br />

varec(li), m., wrack, wreckage, sea-wrack.<br />

varenne, f., waste lands.<br />

vareuse, f.. (nav.) pilot coat, jumper; (unif.) loose<br />

jacket for undress duties (fatigue jacket; overalls).<br />

variable, a., m., variable, changeable, unsteady;<br />

au , on the change.<br />

variation, f., variation; variation (of the needle,<br />

etc.);<br />

du <strong>com</strong>pas, variation of the <strong>com</strong>pass.<br />

varice, f., varicose vein; A arix;<br />

du jarret, (hipp.) blood spavin.<br />

varicocele, m., varicocele;<br />

du jarret, (hipp.) blood spavin.<br />

varie, p. p., varied;<br />

terrain , (top.) broken, varied, ground.<br />

varier, v. a. n., to vary, change; (of a wind, current,<br />

etc.) to shift; (of the needle) to be unsteady.<br />

variole, f., smallpox.<br />

variometre, m., (inst.) variometer.<br />

variqueux, a., varicose.<br />

varlope, f., large carpenter's plane; (artif.) rocket<br />

press;<br />

dem i two-handled , plane;<br />

onglee, molding plane, match plane.<br />

varme, f.. (met.) twyer plate of a fining-forge<br />

crucible.<br />

vase, f., mud, ooze (at the bottom of rivers, lakes,<br />

the sea, etc.); (in pi.) mud flats;<br />

bane de mud , bank;<br />

fond de , muddy bottom.<br />

vase, m., vessel, vase;<br />

clos, closed vessel;<br />

de condensation, condenser (distillation, etc.);<br />

poreux, (elec.) porous cell.<br />

1<br />

vase,<br />

a.,/om , muddy hay.<br />

vaseline, f., vaseline.<br />

vaseux, a., muddy, slimy, miry.<br />

vasiere, f., mud hole; muddy, miry, stretch oi<br />

country.<br />

vasistas, m., bull's-eye window.<br />

vason, m., piece of clay of which a brick or tile is<br />

made.<br />

vasque, f.. basin of a fountain.<br />

vau, m., (top.) small valley; narrows of the gorge<br />

of a valley (obs.);<br />

d I'eau, with the stream, current;<br />

d de route, (mil.) (of a defeat, rout) in the<br />

utmost confusion, disorder.<br />

veau, m., calf; calf leather, calfskin; (cons.) curved<br />

piece cut out of a plank; curved back or block<br />

of an arch center; (mil. slang) knapsack, "scranbag."<br />

vecteur, m., vector;<br />

arbre , v. s. v. arbre,'<br />

. rayon radius vector.<br />

vedette, f., (mil.) cavalry sentinel; vedette, mounted<br />

sentry; (fort.) sentry box; watch tower<br />

(rare); (in letters, etc.) conspicuous place for a<br />

name, title, etc. ;<br />

double, (mil.) double vedette;<br />

&lre en<br />

? (mil.) to be on vedette duty;<br />

en , (mil.) on vedette duty; (in letters, printed<br />

pages, etc.) conspicuous; displayed; placed so<br />

as to catch the eye;<br />

mettre en . to station or post on vedette duty;<br />

simple, single vedette.<br />

vChlcule, m., vehicle, carriage; (inst.) vehicle,<br />

draw tube, slide.<br />

vellle, f., keeping awake; eve, day before; watch,<br />

watching; (nav.) lookout;<br />

& la visible above water , (said of a projecting<br />

or floating object);<br />

ancre de . v. s. v. ancre;<br />

en , v. d la ; (of an anchor) a-cockbill;<br />

mettre b, la , to cockbill.<br />

veiller, v. n., to stay or be awake; (nav. and in gen.)<br />

to be on the watch, on the lookout; (of a buoy)<br />

rock, etc., to be (partly) above water, in sight,<br />

visible.<br />

veilleuse, f., night light;<br />

en , serving as a night light.<br />

veillote, f., small haycock.<br />

velnage, m., grain of wood; graining; (met.) ve'r-<br />

Ing (defect).<br />

velne, f., vein; streak, vein (defect in wood or<br />

stone); underground spring; (min.) seam, lode,<br />

vein;<br />

barrcr la d un cheval, (hipp.) to bar a vein;<br />

de bois, vein (defect) in wood;<br />

d'eau, underground spring;<br />

fluide, stream or jet issuing from a thinwalled<br />

orifice; -<br />

satellite, (hipp.) vein close to an artery;<br />

sombre, (met.) mark or defect resulting from<br />

a flattened or welded blowhole.<br />

veineux, a., streaky, veined.<br />

velin, m., vellum;<br />

papier , v. s. v. papier.<br />

vfilites, m. pi., ( Fr. a.) battalions of chasseurs to,<br />

pied formed by Napelon I to furnish n. c. o. to<br />

line regiments.

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