A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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usance 476 val usance (thirty days usance, f., (commercial) usually); du bois, time since a wood was cut; demi half , usance; double double , usance; lettre h une, a deux, (s), bill payable in one, two, months. usblat, m., isinglass (obs.). use, a., worn, worn out; (cord.) frayed; worn-out part m., the of anything; cheval overridden horse. , user, v. a. r., to wear, wear out, wear away; to rub, become rubbed; to become worn, frayed, etc.; to use, use up, consume; to waste, spend; (hipp.) of a tooth, to lose the enamel of the outer edge; de, to make use of. user, m., wear, wearing, service; etre d'un ban , to wear well; etre d'un mauvais , to wear badly. useur, a., wearing, grinding. usinage,m., machining, machine work; working to shape, as by lathe, etc.; defaut d' , defective machining; de.gr ossiseur , machining to approximate shape; exterieur (interieur), machining of the outside (inside) of a gun barrel. ustne, f., works, shops, factory, manufactory, machine shop, mill, forge, power house; centrale, power house; dcuirassements, armor-plate factory; fixe, v. centrale; & gaz, gas works. V, (tech.) parting tool. vacance, f., vacancy; (mil.) vacancy; (pi.) holidays, vacation; les grandes s, the long vacation; summer holidays. vacant, a., vacant, unoccupied, vacation, f., sitting; vacancy; recess; chambre des s, (law) chambers. vache, f., cow; cowhide; leather; amarrer en , v. s. v. amarrer*' cotes de , (met.) slitted iron; secoucheren , (hipp.) to lie down with legs bent up under the body; coup de pied en , (hipp.) a kick forward with the hind leg; cow-kick (of a horse); en grain, grained leather; v. s. v. noeud; nceud de , peau de , cowhide; petite hide of a , young cow; plancher des ^-s, v. s. v. plancher; ruer en , (hipp.) to make a cow-kick. vacillant, a., vacillating, unsteady; jarrets s, v. s. v.jarret. vacillation, f., wavering, vacillation; rocking (of a boat); unsteadiness (of a light, etc.). vaciller, v. n., to waver, falter, vacillate, hesitate; to be unsteady, to rook. vadel, m., tar-mop handle. vadrouille, f., swab. va-et-vient, m., up-and-down motion, back-andforth motion; ferryboat; ferry rope, pass rope; (mach.) reciprocating motion, reciprocating gear; (mil.) circulation from front to rear, and vice versa; en , pulling back and forth (of a ferryboat) ; mouvement de , (mach.) reciprocating motion; back-and-forth motion; (mil.) circulation from front to rear, and vice versa. vagon,m.,(r.r.)car. vagonnet, m., (r. r.) truck, vague, f., wave. vaguemestre, m., ( Fr. a.) n. c. o. in charge of the post-office; baggage master (in each army corps, an officer of gendarmerie specially charged with this duty; in each division, the commandant de la force publique); officier , ' V. usiner, v. a., to machine. usineur, a., machining; etablissement , machining establishment. usne, m., (cord.) towrope. ustensile, m., utensil, implement; s d' artifices, (artif.) laboratory implements; s de campement, (mil.) camping utensils; s de chauffe, fire tools; s d'ecurie, stable utensils; s de marqueurs, (t. p.) marker's outfit. usure, f . wear and tear waste , , , wearing out ; (hipp.) loss by wear of the enamel of a tooth (on its outer edge); et accidents, wear and tear ; annuelle, (hipp.) the rubbing surface of the teeth; corriger I' , (mach.) to take up the wear; preter d, , (mach.) to work only to wear (as a fly \v heel with too high a velocity); rattrapage de I' , (mach.) take-up, compensa- tion, for wear; rattraper I' , (mach.) to take up the wear. usurpateur, m., usurper. usurpation, f . , usurpation. usurper, v. a., to usurp. Utile, a., useful, serviceable; profitable; expedient; effet , v. s. v. effct; en temps , within the prescribed, the fixed, time; travail , useful work. utiliser, v. a., to utilize, turn to account; employ to advantage. utilite, f., utility, usefulness, use, benefit, service, avail; profit, advantage. valgrage, m., (nav.) ceiling; operation of ceiling. vaigre, f., (nav.) ceiling plank, ceiling stuff. vaillammeut, adv., valiantly; (mil.) gallantly. vaillance, f., valor, esp. military valor, gallantry, vaillant, a., valiant; (mil.) gallant. vain, a., vain, vainglorious; cheval , horse easily knocked up; e pature, v. s. v. pdture. vaincre, v. a., to conquer, vanish, overcome, subdue, defeat, worst, master, surmount, excel, surpass; un cheval, to break a horse. vainqueur, m., conqueror. vairon, a., wall-eyed; cheval , wall-eyed horse. vaisseau, m., vessel; (nav.) vessel, ship (esp. war ship); amiral, flagship; cuirasse, armored ship; du desert, camel; ecole, school-ship, training ship; gunnery ship; & eperon, ram; ship fitted with a ram bow; de I' Etat, national vessel; xfreres. sister ships; de garde, guard ship; de guerre, war ship; de guerre bien battant, ship on which the guns are well served; d he.lice auxilmire, auxiliary ship; hopital, hospital ship; de ligne, ship of the line; marchand, merchantman; mixte, composite ship; & nponts, n decker; rase, hulk; & roues, paddle steamer; (de) transport, transport; & vapeur, steamship; & voiles, sailing ship; de 74, etc., 74, etc., gun ship (obs.). vaisselle, f., crockery; (mil. slang) decorations. val, m., (top.) small valley, vale; (strictly speaking, bottom of valley, between foot of slopes);

val 477 vapcup val, d de. down from, at the bottom of; par monts et par vaux, over hill and dale. valable, a., valid. valdrague, en , (nav.) in confusion, higgledypiggledy. valet, m., valet, footman; door weight, rest, support; dog, claw, bench hook, holdfast; (nav . art.) junk wad for guns, wad (obs.); en anneau, (art.) ring wad; de I'armee, (mil.) officer's servant; culindrique, (nav. art.) full wad (obs.); d'ecurie, stable groom; erseau, (nav. art.) grommet wad (obs.); estrope, v. erseau; d'ctabli, dog, holdfast; a griffes, vise, clamp; lubricateur, (sm. a.) lubricator, lubricating wad; de pied, footman; (tech.) bench vise; de place, guide; plein, v. cylindrique; a vis, screw holdfast or dog. valeur, f., valor, bravery, gallantry; value; (in races) purse; (in pi.) securities; absolue, (mil.) positive importance or strength of a position; en compte, " value in account" (on a bill of exchange); le SO courant, payable the 30th instant; s Actives , securities having a prospective value; militaire, (way.) fighting qualities (of a ship); nautique, (nav.) seaworthiness; papier, generic expression for bank notes, shares (and other paper representing value); rec_ue, value received; reelles, securities having a present value; venale, market value. valeureux, a., valorous, gallant, brave, valiant. valide,a., valid; in good health; (mil.) fit for service, effective. valider, v. a., to make valid, validity, f., validity, valise, f., valise, portmanteau; mail bag; de cadre, bicycle valise; diplomatique, embassy mail bag. vallee, f ., (top.) valley, vale. vallon, m., (top.) small valley, dell. vallonne, a., (top.) full of, or intersected by, valleys. vallonnement, m., (top.) shallow and short ralley-like depression. valtage,m., (cord.) woolding. valter, v. a., (cord.) to woold. valture, f., (cord.) woolding; sheer lashing; rope used to lash two masts together. valve, f., (mach.) valve, clack valve; d' admission throttle } valve; d'alimentatton,feod valve; admission; d'etranglement, v. d 1 exterieure, external valve; - d' introduction, v. d'admission; d poignee, hand valve; rcgulatrice, adjusting valve; de sortie, exit valve; de surete, safety valve; tournante, turning, adjusting, valve. valvoline, f., valvoline. van, m. , cribble; scuttle; sieve; fan; winnowing fan. vannage, m., winnowing; ventilation; system of water gates in a dam; strong planking used instead of sheet-piling; en persienne, arrangement for supplying water to a breast wheel through prismatic aju- vanne, me, f., 1. 1 flood uuuu gate, KJ'i'Wj water watts hatch, sluice; sluice valve; sluice gate; valve; d'air chaud, (met.) hot-blast valve; d'air froid, (met.) cold-blast valve; ascendante, lifting flood gate; de bassin, dock gate; de decharge, waste-water gate; dormante, gate holder; eaux s, waste water of industrial establishments; lanciere, v. de travail; vanne plongeante, plunging flood gate; en persienne, a plunging gate for a breast wheel (v. s. v. vannage); de travail, gate admitting water to the wheel. vanneau, m., flight feather. vanncr, v. a., to winnow, fan, sift; to put in water vannerie, f., basket work. vannette, f., basket for sifting oats; stable basketsmall water gate. vannier, m., basket maker. vantail, m., leaf of a folding door; window shuttersluicegate; tournant, turning sash. vantil(l)er, v. a., to stop (or shut out) water with planks. vapeur, f., steam; vapor, damp; exhalation, fume; m., (nav.) steamer; it , steam (in combinations); admettre la , to admit steam; d'admission, boiler, admission, steam; oiler d pleine, d, toute, , to go under a full head of steam ; aqueuse, wet steam; auxiliaire, auxiliary steam; avoir de la , to have steam on or up; 6am de , (chem.) steam bath; & basse pression, low-pressure steam; bateaud , steamboat, steamer; bateau & d helice simple, single-screw steamer; bateau & dhelicesjumelles , twin-screw steamerbailment d , steamship, steamer; boite d , steam chest; chambre de , steam room, steam chamber; steam space of a boiler; chariot d - steam , wagon; charrue d steam , plow; chaudiered , steam boiler; de la chaudiere, boiler steam, initial steam; chauffagedla , steam-drying; chauffer d la to , steam-dry; chemise de steam , jacket; cheval v. s. v. , cheval; d dterne, tank steamer; coffred , steam chest; combinee, superheated and wet steam; combined steam; de commerce, merchant steamer; condensee, condensed steam; conduit de (la) , steam port; steam way; consommation de , consumption of steam; consumee par cheval indique, steam used per indicated horsepower; contenant la , steam-tight ; contre , return steam, back steam; coupee, cut-off steam; couper la , to cut off steam; de dtcharge, exhaust steam; decharge de la , exhaustion of steam; degager la , to blow off steam; desaturee, overheated steam, superheated la se dltend, the steam expands; d detente, expansion steam; dome de . steam dome; dome de machined v. dome de , ; dome de prise de v. dome de , ; donner la to turn on , steam; dormer de la , to steam; d' eau, steam , vapor of water; echappement de la , escape pufl of steam ; a' Echappement waste or , exhaust steam; echauffee, heated steam; en with steam on or , up; etanchedla, de, , steam-tight; ctranglee , throttled steam ; etranglement de la , wire-drawing of steam; etrangler la , to throttle steam; etuve d v. s. v. etuve; , 1 d'evacuation, v. d echappement; fregaled , (nav.) steam frigate; fuite de , escape of steam; globuleuse, wet steam; de guerre, (nav.) war steamer; d haute pression, high-pressure steam;

val 477 vapcup<br />

val, d de. down from, at the bottom of;<br />

par monts et par vaux, over hill and dale.<br />

valable, a., valid.<br />

valdrague, en , (nav.) in confusion, higgledypiggledy.<br />

valet, m., valet, footman; door weight, rest, support;<br />

dog, claw, bench hook, holdfast; (nav . art.)<br />

junk wad for guns, wad (obs.);<br />

en anneau, (art.) ring wad;<br />

de I'armee, (mil.) officer's servant;<br />

culindrique, (nav. art.) full wad (obs.);<br />

d'ecurie, stable groom;<br />

erseau, (nav. art.) grommet wad (obs.);<br />

estrope, v. erseau;<br />

d'ctabli, dog, holdfast;<br />

a griffes, vise, clamp;<br />

lubricateur, (sm. a.) lubricator, lubricating<br />

wad;<br />

de pied, footman; (tech.) bench vise;<br />

de place, guide;<br />

plein, v. cylindrique;<br />

a vis, screw holdfast or dog.<br />

valeur, f., valor, bravery, gallantry; value; (in<br />

races) purse; (in pi.) securities;<br />

absolue, (mil.) positive importance or<br />

strength of a position;<br />

en <strong>com</strong>pte, " value in account" (on a bill of<br />

exchange);<br />

le SO courant, payable the 30th instant;<br />

s Actives , securities having a prospective value;<br />

militaire, (way.) fighting qualities (of a ship);<br />

nautique, (nav.) seaworthiness;<br />

papier, generic expression for bank notes,<br />

shares (and other paper representing value);<br />

rec_ue, value received;<br />

reelles, securities having a present value;<br />

venale, market value.<br />

valeureux, a., valorous, gallant, brave, valiant.<br />

valide,a., valid; in good health; (mil.) fit for service,<br />

effective.<br />

valider, v. a., to make valid,<br />

validity, f., validity,<br />

valise, f., valise, portmanteau; mail bag;<br />

de cadre, bicycle valise;<br />

diplomatique, embassy mail bag.<br />

vallee, f ., (top.) valley, vale.<br />

vallon, m., (top.) small valley, dell.<br />

vallonne, a., (top.) full of, or intersected by, valleys.<br />

vallonnement, m., (top.) shallow and short ralley-like<br />

depression.<br />

valtage,m., (cord.) woolding.<br />

valter, v. a., (cord.) to woold.<br />

valture, f., (cord.) woolding; sheer lashing; rope<br />

used to lash two masts together.<br />

valve, f., (mach.) valve, clack valve;<br />

d' admission throttle<br />

} valve;<br />

d'alimentatton,feod valve;<br />

admission;<br />

d'etranglement, v. d 1<br />

exterieure, external valve;<br />

- d' introduction, v. d'admission;<br />

d poignee, hand valve;<br />

rcgulatrice, adjusting valve;<br />

de sortie, exit valve;<br />

de surete, safety valve;<br />

tournante, turning, adjusting, valve.<br />

valvoline, f., valvoline.<br />

van, m. , cribble; scuttle; sieve; fan; winnowing fan.<br />

vannage, m., winnowing; ventilation; system of<br />

water gates in a dam; strong planking used instead<br />

of sheet-piling;<br />

en persienne, arrangement for supplying<br />

water to a breast wheel through prismatic aju-<br />

vanne, me, f., 1.<br />

1 flood uuuu gate, KJ'i'Wj water watts hatch, sluice;<br />

sluice valve; sluice gate; valve;<br />

d'air chaud, (met.) hot-blast valve;<br />

d'air froid, (met.) cold-blast valve;<br />

ascendante, lifting flood gate;<br />

de bassin, dock gate;<br />

de decharge, waste-water gate;<br />

dormante, gate holder;<br />

eaux s, waste water of industrial establishments;<br />

lanciere, v. de travail;<br />

vanne plongeante, plunging flood gate;<br />

en persienne, a plunging gate for a breast<br />

wheel (v. s. v. vannage);<br />

de travail, gate admitting water to the wheel.<br />

vanneau, m., flight feather.<br />

vanncr, v. a., to winnow, fan, sift; to put in water<br />

vannerie, f., basket work.<br />

vannette, f., basket for sifting oats; stable basketsmall<br />

water gate.<br />

vannier, m., basket maker.<br />

vantail, m., leaf of a folding door; window shuttersluicegate;<br />

tournant, turning sash.<br />

vantil(l)er, v. a., to stop (or shut out) water with<br />

planks.<br />

vapeur, f., steam; vapor, damp; exhalation, fume;<br />

m., (nav.) steamer;<br />

it , steam (in <strong>com</strong>binations);<br />

admettre la , to admit steam;<br />

d'admission, boiler, admission, steam;<br />

oiler d pleine, d, toute, , to go under a full head<br />

of steam ;<br />

aqueuse, wet steam;<br />

auxiliaire, auxiliary steam;<br />

avoir de la , to have steam on or up;<br />

6am de , (chem.) steam bath;<br />

& basse pression, low-pressure steam;<br />

bateaud , steamboat, steamer;<br />

bateau & d helice simple, single-screw steamer;<br />

bateau & dhelicesjumelles , twin-screw steamerbailment<br />

d , steamship, steamer;<br />

boite d , steam chest;<br />

chambre de , steam room, steam chamber;<br />

steam space of a boiler;<br />

chariot d -<br />

steam , wagon;<br />

charrue d steam , plow;<br />

chaudiered , steam boiler;<br />

de la chaudiere, boiler steam, initial steam;<br />

chauffagedla , steam-drying;<br />

chauffer d la to , steam-dry;<br />

chemise de steam , jacket;<br />

cheval v. s. v. , cheval;<br />

d dterne, tank steamer;<br />

coffred , steam chest;<br />

<strong>com</strong>binee, superheated and wet steam; <strong>com</strong>bined<br />

steam;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>merce, merchant steamer;<br />

condensee, condensed steam;<br />

conduit de (la) , steam port; steam way;<br />

consommation de , consumption<br />

of steam;<br />

consumee par cheval indique, steam used per<br />

indicated horsepower;<br />

contenant la , steam-tight ;<br />

contre , return steam, back steam;<br />

coupee, cut-off steam;<br />

couper la , to cut off steam;<br />

de dtcharge, exhaust steam;<br />

decharge de la , exhaustion of steam;<br />

degager la , to blow off steam;<br />

desaturee, overheated steam, superheated<br />

la se dltend, the steam expands;<br />

d detente, expansion steam;<br />

dome de . steam dome;<br />

dome de machined v. dome de , ;<br />

dome de prise de v. dome de , ;<br />

donner la to turn on , steam;<br />

dormer de la , to steam;<br />

d' eau, steam , vapor of water;<br />

echappement de la , escape pufl of steam ;<br />

a' Echappement waste or , exhaust steam;<br />

echauffee, heated steam;<br />

en with steam on or , up;<br />

etanchedla, de, , steam-tight;<br />

ctranglee , throttled steam ;<br />

etranglement de la , wire-drawing of steam;<br />

etrangler la , to throttle steam;<br />

etuve d v. s. v. etuve;<br />

,<br />

1<br />

d'evacuation, v. d echappement;<br />

fregaled , (nav.) steam frigate;<br />

fuite de , escape of steam;<br />

globuleuse, wet steam;<br />

de guerre, (nav.) war steamer;<br />

d haute pression, high-pressure steam;

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