A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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transport 466 travail transport, moyens He , means of transportation; ordinaire, (Fr. a.) rail transport by ordinary train; prix de , carriage dues; de ravitaillement, (nav.) storeship; (mil.) transportation of supplies; de reglage (en direction, en portee), (art.) transfer of a correction (e. g., wind) from one range to another (in direction, in range); strategique, (Fr. a.) the transport by rail of troops in great numbers for concentration; alluvial ground; des terres, teaming; du tir, v. s. v. tir; de troupes, troopship; (in gen.) conveyance, transfer, of troops; terrain de , vaisseau de , transport ship. transportation, f., (law, etc.) transportation. transporter, v. a., to transport, convoy, carry, remove, transfer, assign, make over; (mil.) to transport troops; ft sec, to carry over dry (as arms, ammunition, etc., across a stream); le tir, v. s. v. tir. transporteur, m., transporter, public carrier, hand car; (sm,. a., r. f. art.) cartridge carrier, transmitter, feeder, feed, feed mechanism. transsudation, f., transudation. transsuder, v. r., to transude. transvasement, m., decanting. transvaser, v. a., to decant. transversal, a., transverse, cross; cloison e, v. s. v. cloison. transversals, f., any transversal line; (mil. min.) transversal, transverse gallery, cross gallery; (surv.) traverse; sysieme de , (mil. tel.) system of cross telegraph lines (system in which, after each day's march, the positions occupied are connected by lines perpendicular to general direction of march rollowed ); (mil. min.) system of transverse or cross galleries. transverse, a., transverse, cross. trapan, m., top of a staircase. trapeze, m., trapezium; trapeze of a balloon (frame from which the car swings); (gym.) trapeze. trappe, f ., trapdoor, flap door; register (of a furnace, etc.); trap, pitfall; gin, snare; (mach.) manhole; (mil.) trou-de-loup. trapu, a., stubby, squat, stocky; cheval , thickset, strong, horse. traquenard, m., trap (for noxious animals), (hence mil.) a fougasse, or other explosive trap, so to say; (man.) racking, ambling, gait; racking, ambling, horse. traquenarder, v. n., (man.) to rack, amble. traquet, m., mill clapper. trass, m., trass. trastravat, m., (hipp.) horse with white diagonal marks upon his feet. travail, m., work, labor, workmanship; piece of work, employment; industry, study; report; (in the arts) strain, fatigue (as of joints, lashings, of metals, etc.); (hipp.) tra\e, brake, for refractory horses; (nav.) laboring of a vessel; (mil.) exercises, practice, drill, training; (more esp.) trench work; (mach., etc.) working (of metal, wood, etc.); aux abaridonnes, dead waste; aux d'approche, (siege) trench work, approaches; avec, en, armes, (mil.) exercises under arms; sans armes, (mil.) exercises without arms (e. g., facings, various steps, etc.); aux d'art, (r. r.) constructive works; constructions in masonry, iron. etc. (as bridges, culverts, embankments, tunnels, etc.); aux d'attaque, (siege) approaches, siege works; ft bascule, (hipp.) tilting travis; travail, travaux de bivouac, (mil.) all measures taken on occupying a bivouac; en bride, (mil. man.) exercises on a horse bridled; en bridon, (mil. man.) exercises on a horse snaffled; du camp, (mil.) all labor necessary to get a camp, bivouac, cantonment, etc., into order as soon as troops arrive; aux de campagne, (fort.) field works; campagne de aux, working season; en carriere, v. sur de grandes lignes; hchaud, (met.) hot working; hcheval, (mil. man.) mounted drill (and work generally); chimique, (expl.) change in composition; auxd del ouvert, (min.) ordinary blasting, as distinguished from tunneling operations; au cisaillement, shearing strain ; ft la compression strain of compression; conseil de aux publics, board of public works; aux dedemolition, destruction, (mil. ) demolition (as of railroads, bridges, etc., in campaign); effectif, useful work; avec elan, (mil.) man.) exercises with a running start; sans Han, (mil. man.) exercises without a running start; ft I' extension, strain of extension; exterieur, (surv.) field work, out-of-door work; aux exterieurs, (mil.) exterior fatigues; externe, external work; faire chdmer les aux, to throw out of work; ft la flexion, bending strain; aux deforce, (art.) moving heavy guns; auxforces, compulsory labor, hard labor (punishment); transportation; aux forces ft perpetuite, hard labor for life; transportation; aux forces ft temps, hard labor for a term of years; dc la forge, forging; ft/roid, (met.) cold working; aux de fortification de campagne, (fort.) field works; au galop (mil. man.) exercises at gallop; sur de grandes lignes, (mil. man.) exercises on an out-of-doors manege; track exercises; aux de guerre, (mil.) field works, etc.; indique, indicated'work (indicator diagram); interieur, (surv.) internal work; indoor work; (in pi., mil.) garrison fatigue; ft lajournee. work by the day; ' ft la longe. (man.) longing; de la machine, working power of an engine; ft la main, hand labor ; maison de , workhouse; maximum, (expl.) the mechanical equivalent of heat multiplied by the quantity of heat disengaged; potential of explosive substances; mecanique, work done, mechanical effect, mechanical power; machining; (expl.) change in state or in condensation; aux militaires, (mil.) works, military works; fatigues; moteur, (mach.) de nuit, night labor; perdu, lost work; hpied, (mounted troops) foot drill, etc. ; (man. ) v. ft vide,' de pied ferme, (mil. man.) exercises with a horse standing; ft poteaux, (hipp.) ordinary travis; preparatoire, (mil., man.) preliminary exercises on horseback; aux preparatoires, (r. r.) preliminary survey; aux publics, public works; (mil.) confinement at hard labor;

travail 467 traverse of work; resistant, work necessary to overcome a resistance; en sens inverse, (mil. man.) work on a double track (one squad on each, going in opposite directions); avec la selle, (mil. man.) riding exercises, horse saddled; aux de siege, (siege) sap work, trench work; avec le surfaix, (mil. man.) riding exercises, surcingle on; ft la tache, work by the job, piecework; aux de terrasse, de terrassement, (fort., r. r., etc.) earthwork; ft la torsion, strain of torsion; au tour, (mach.) lathe work; de tranchee, (siege) trench work; ^-aux de tranchee, (siege) trench work or operations; utile. (mach.) useful work, effective work; ft vide, (man.) exercise, work, of a horse without a rider; (mach.) work unloaded. travail, quantite de , quantity travailie, p. p., strained, overstrained; avoir les jambes es, (hipp.) to be stiff in the legs; cheval (trop) , overworked horse. travailler, v. a. n., to work, labor; to fashion, work up; to execute with care; to open, work open, spring, warp; (of material) to bear a stress, to be strained; to work (i. e., prepare material, as iron, wood, etc.); to get out of plumb (of walls, etc.); (man.) to exercise a horse; to overwork a horse; (nav.) to labor; un cheval, (man.) to exercise a horse; un cheval ferme d ferme, (man.) to work a horse without advancing (as in the piaffer); un cheval dans la main, (man.) to put a horse through his paces by the hand alone; un cheval de la main & la main, (man.) to change hands; un cheval de quart en quart, aux quatre coins, v. s. v. quart; au cisaillement, etc., to bear a shearing, etc., ensemble, to bear equally; to bear an equal strain; faire , to work, warp; to stress; fin kg. par cm 2 , to bear a load of n kilograms per square centimeter; & main droite (gauche), v. s. v. main. travailleur, m., laborer, operative; mechanic, artisan; close, hard, student or worker; (mil.) member of a working party; any soldier doing nonmilitary work; a soldier who has a trade and is required to exercise it in the army; d'infanterie, (siege) member of a working party. travat, m., (hipp.) horse with white marks on his foet on the same side. travel, f., (com., pont.) bay; (mil. r. r.) element of a track (ready to lay down; of different lengths); de culee, (pont.) shore bay; pour les fusils, (sm. a.) arm rack, improvised (two beams and a plank for the butts); dejonction, (pont.) connecting bay (in bridge by parts, or by rafts); ouverture de , (pont.) span of a bay; de rive, (pont.) shore bay. travers, m., breadth; spring line; (art.) sling, lashing-rope; (met.) transverse crack in a casting, forging, etc., in a firearm, in a sword; (nav.) side, broadside; beam; ft , across, through; de , crooked, awry, askew, the wrong way; en , crosswise, across; en -ft, athwart; etre en de lame, to lie in the trough of the sea; ouvrage en , (min.) cross system of mining; par le , (nav.) on the beam, abeam; athwart; (also) parallel, beam and beam; travers, pied de , v. s. v. pied. traversant, m., beam, lever, of a balance. traverse, f., passage across ;crossroad; cross-beam, -bar, -piece; whilfletree; horizontal stovepipe; (cons., etc.) stay, brace, cross-framing, girder, ground sill, crosspie e; (r. r., etc.) sleeper, crosstie; (hydr.) sand, mud, etc., bank at the mouth of a port; (surv.) traverse; (mach.) crosshead' (fort.) traverse; (sm. a.) cross of a sword; firingpin crosspiece; deflection slide; (art.) traversing box, head, crosshead; partition board of an ammunition chest; sleeper of a platform. I. Fortification; II. Miscellaneous. I. Fortification: abri, v. s. v. abri; d'attaque, traverse, place of arms, in a dry ditch; bras de inclined , postern under a traverse; en capitale, traverse along the capital; casematee, casemated traverse; s conjuguees, conjugate traverses; contre un commandement, traverse to screen ft cremaillere, lock traverse; creuse, hollow traverse, bombproof traverse: de defilement, defilading traverse; diagonale, diagonal traverse (axis oblique to interior crest); enracinee, attached traverse; traverse running back to and joining the parados; isolee, v. tournante; magasin, magazine traverse; perpendiculaire, traverse perpendicular to the interior crest; pleine, solid traverse; relai, in a batterie rapide, natural ground left between guns, upon which the earth excavated for the terre-plein is thrown, and which serves as a traverse on the completion of the battery; tournante, cube traverse; de tranchee, part of the original ground left as a traverse in a trench. II. Miscellaneous: d'appui, breast rail; arbre de , crosstree; fi arretoirs de poutrelles, (pont.) balk stop cross bar of a pontoon wagon; ft charniere articulee, (Fr. art.) (in 120 C.) bar securing upper to lower carriage for traveling; chemin de , crossroad; de cheyalet, (pont.) trestle brace; de cloison, (cons.) crosspiece of a partition; ft cremaillere, (art.) toothed or notched traversing head of a sight; d'echafaud, (cons.) putlog; defenetre, (cons.) window transom; flottee, (cons.) crossbar concealed behind a partition; defrein, brake bar; avec glissfere, (mach.) crosshead for sliding guides; grande , (mach.) main crosshead; (r. r.) weigh bar; Au grand piston, (mach.) main crosshead; avec guides ft articulations, (mach.) crosshead for link guides; de grille, fire-bar bearing; crosspiece of a grating; d'imposte, (cons.) transom bar (French window); inferieure, (art.) lower sleeper (of a platform); (cons.) bottom rail, weather rail (of a door, of a window); de joint, (r. r.) joint sleeper; de limoniere, crossbar of a pair of shafts; de linteau, (cons.) head rail; lisoir, (art.) chock of a slide carriage; d'une manivelle, shackle bolt; mobile fi huit pans, shifting (octagonal) bar;

transport 466 travail<br />

transport, moyens He , means of transportation;<br />

ordinaire, (Fr. a.) rail transport by ordinary<br />

train;<br />

prix de , carriage dues;<br />

de ravitaillement, (nav.) storeship; (mil.)<br />

transportation of supplies;<br />

de reglage (en direction, en portee), (art.) transfer<br />

of a correction (e. g., wind) from one range to<br />

another (in direction, in range);<br />

strategique, (Fr. a.) the transport by rail of<br />

troops in great numbers for concentration;<br />

alluvial ground;<br />

des terres, teaming;<br />

du tir, v. s. v. tir;<br />

de troupes, troopship; (in gen.) conveyance,<br />

transfer, of troops;<br />

terrain de ,<br />

vaisseau de , transport ship.<br />

transportation, f., (law, etc.) transportation.<br />

transporter, v. a., to transport, convoy, carry,<br />

remove, transfer, assign, make over; (mil.) to<br />

transport troops;<br />

ft sec, to carry over dry (as arms, ammunition,<br />

etc., across a stream);<br />

le tir, v. s. v. tir.<br />

transporteur, m., transporter, public carrier,<br />

hand car; (sm,. a., r. f. art.) cartridge carrier,<br />

transmitter, feeder, feed, feed mechanism.<br />

transsudation, f., transudation.<br />

transsuder, v. r., to transude.<br />

transvasement, m., decanting.<br />

transvaser, v. a., to decant.<br />

transversal, a., transverse, cross;<br />

cloison e, v. s. v. cloison.<br />

transversals, f., any transversal line; (mil. min.)<br />

transversal, transverse gallery, cross gallery;<br />

(surv.) traverse;<br />

sysieme de , (mil. tel.) system of cross telegraph<br />

lines (system in which, after each day's<br />

march, the positions occupied are connected by<br />

lines perpendicular to general direction of<br />

march rollowed ); (mil. min.) system of transverse<br />

or cross galleries.<br />

transverse, a., transverse, cross.<br />

trapan, m., top of a staircase.<br />

trapeze, m., trapezium; trapeze of a balloon (frame<br />

from which the car swings); (gym.) trapeze.<br />

trappe, f ., trapdoor, flap door; register (of a furnace,<br />

etc.); trap, pitfall; gin, snare; (mach.) manhole;<br />

(mil.) trou-de-loup.<br />

trapu, a., stubby, squat, stocky;<br />

cheval , thickset, strong, horse.<br />

traquenard, m., trap (for noxious animals), (hence<br />

mil.) a fougasse, or other explosive trap, so to<br />

say; (man.) racking, ambling, gait; racking, ambling,<br />

horse.<br />

traquenarder, v. n., (man.) to rack, amble.<br />

traquet, m., mill clapper.<br />

trass, m., trass.<br />

trastravat, m., (hipp.) horse with white diagonal<br />

marks upon his feet.<br />

travail, m., work, labor, workmanship; piece of<br />

work, employment; industry, study; report;<br />

(in the arts) strain, fatigue (as of joints, lashings,<br />

of metals, etc.); (hipp.) tra\e, brake, for refractory<br />

horses; (nav.) laboring of a vessel; (mil.)<br />

exercises, practice, drill, training; (more esp.)<br />

trench work; (mach., etc.) working (of metal,<br />

wood, etc.);<br />

aux abaridonnes, dead waste;<br />

aux d'approche, (siege) trench work, approaches;<br />

avec, en, armes, (mil.) exercises under arms;<br />

sans armes, (mil.) exercises without arms<br />

(e. g., facings, various steps, etc.);<br />

aux d'art, (r. r.) constructive works; constructions<br />

in masonry, iron. etc. (as bridges, culverts,<br />

embankments, tunnels, etc.);<br />

aux d'attaque, (siege) approaches, siege works;<br />

ft bascule, (hipp.) tilting travis;<br />

travail, travaux de bivouac, (mil.) all measures taken<br />

on occupying a bivouac;<br />

en bride, (mil. man.) exercises on a horse bridled;<br />

en bridon, (mil. man.) exercises on a horse<br />

snaffled;<br />

du camp, (mil.) all labor necessary to get a<br />

camp, bivouac, cantonment, etc., into order as<br />

soon as troops arrive;<br />

aux de campagne, (fort.) field works;<br />

campagne de aux, working season;<br />

en carriere, v. sur de grandes lignes;<br />

hchaud, (met.) hot working;<br />

hcheval, (mil. man.) mounted drill (and work<br />

generally);<br />

chimique, (expl.) change in <strong>com</strong>position;<br />

auxd del ouvert, (min.) ordinary blasting, as<br />

distinguished from tunneling operations;<br />

au cisaillement, shearing strain ;<br />

ft la <strong>com</strong>pression strain of <strong>com</strong>pression;<br />

conseil de aux publics, board of public works;<br />

aux dedemolition, destruction, (mil. ) demolition<br />

(as of railroads, bridges, etc., in campaign);<br />

effectif, useful work;<br />

avec elan, (mil.) man.) exercises with a running<br />

start;<br />

sans Han, (mil. man.) exercises without a<br />

running start;<br />

ft I' extension, strain of extension;<br />

exterieur, (surv.) field work, out-of-door work;<br />

aux exterieurs, (mil.) exterior fatigues;<br />

externe, external work;<br />

faire chdmer les aux, to throw out of work;<br />

ft la flexion, bending strain;<br />

aux deforce, (art.) moving heavy guns;<br />

auxforces, <strong>com</strong>pulsory labor, hard labor (punishment);<br />

transportation;<br />

aux forces ft perpetuite, hard labor for life;<br />

transportation;<br />

aux forces ft temps, hard labor for a term of<br />

years;<br />

dc la forge, forging;<br />

ft/roid, (met.) cold working;<br />

aux de fortification de campagne, (fort.) field<br />

works;<br />

au galop (mil. man.) exercises at gallop;<br />

sur de grandes lignes, (mil. man.) exercises on<br />

an out-of-doors manege; track exercises;<br />

aux de guerre, (mil.) field works, etc.;<br />

indique, indicated'work (indicator diagram);<br />

interieur, (surv.) internal work; indoor work;<br />

(in pi., mil.) garrison fatigue;<br />

ft lajournee. work by the day;<br />

'<br />

ft la longe. (man.) longing;<br />

de la machine, working power of an engine;<br />

ft la main, hand labor ;<br />

maison de , workhouse;<br />

maximum, (expl.) the mechanical equivalent<br />

of heat multiplied by the quantity of heat disengaged;<br />

potential of explosive substances;<br />

mecanique, work done, mechanical effect,<br />

mechanical power; machining; (expl.) change<br />

in state or in condensation;<br />

aux militaires, (mil.) works, military works;<br />

fatigues;<br />

moteur, (mach.)<br />

de nuit, night labor;<br />

perdu, lost work;<br />

hpied, (mounted troops) foot drill, etc. ; (man. )<br />

v. ft vide,'<br />

de pied ferme, (mil. man.) exercises with a<br />

horse standing;<br />

ft poteaux, (hipp.) ordinary travis;<br />

preparatoire, (mil., man.) preliminary exercises<br />

on horseback;<br />

aux preparatoires, (r. r.) preliminary survey;<br />

aux publics, public works; (mil.) confinement<br />

at hard labor;

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