A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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trait 464 tranehec trait, dcssin au , line drawing; de devant, (harn.) lead trace; deforce, heavy line, stroke, with a pen; de foret, (sm. a.) mark left by boring bit in the interior of gun barrel; franc de , (of a horse) free in harness ; ganse de , (harn.) trace loop; de Jupiter, v. s. v. Jupiter; longe de , (art., ham.) trace tug; ft manoeuvre, (art.) sort of trace rope; de milieu, (art.) swing trace; de niveau, level mark; de paysan, rope for lashing, drawing, light weights; petit , (harn.) trace Strap; piece de , construction model ; rallonge de , v. s. v. rallonge; de repere, reference mark; de scie, saw cut j de la scie, kerf; simple, (carp.) sim pie scarf ; (s) sur (s), v. attelage s sur -s; de tirage, (harn.) trace; d' union, hyphen; de vent, point of the compass. traite, f., trade (especially with coast of Africa); transport, exportation; journey; banking; draft, bill of exchange; batiment de , slave ship; d'lbene, des negres, des noirs, the slave trade. traitfi, m., treatise; contract, treaty, agreement; d' extradition, extradition treaty; de paix, treaty of peace. traitement, m., treatment, usage; pay or salary; (mil.) full pay (of officers), esp. pay of military members of the Legion of Honor and of holders of the medaille militaire; (med.) treatment (hipp.) means and methods of treating animals; de conge, (mil.) retired pay: de la medaille militaire, (Fr. a.) annuity accompanying a military medal; de table, table money. traiter, v. a. n., to treat, handle, negotiate, be in treaty for; to execute; to come to terms; (med.) to treat a patient; (chem., etc.) to treat. tra!tre,m., traitor. trajectoire, f., (ball.) trajectory; abaissement de la , v. s. y. abaissement; de I'aifj dans I' air, trajectory in air, actual trajectory; base de la , right line from the origin to the point of fall; courbe, curved trajectory; faisceau de s, sheaf of trajectories ; inferieure, lowermost trajectory of a sheaf; maintenir sur la , to keep a projectile on its trajectory by rotation; moyenne, normale, mean trajectory; rasance de la , flatness, quality of flatness, of the trajectory; rasante, flat trajectory; rigidite de la , rigidity of the trajectory; supMeure, upper trajectory of a sheaf; tendue, flat trajectory; tension de la , flatness of the trajectory; du, dans le, vide, trajectory in vacuo. trajet, m., trip, course, passage (from shore to shore); voyage, journey; (ball.) flight of a projectile; or travel dans I'dme du canon, (ball.) passage of projectile in bore of gun; de direct, (r. r.) through; dure.e du , (ball.) time of flight; faire le de, to make the trip between; de d, stations, (r. r.) local, accommodation; temps de , (ball.) time of flight of projectile. trame, f., woof (of cloth); (fig.) course; progress; plot; ourdir une , to lay a plot. tramer, v. a., to weave; (fig.) to hatch, plot, contrive. tramontain, a., ultramontane. tramontane, f., the north star; the north wind (in the Mediterranean). trancadc, f., large block of stone, full of cavities, lying near the surface of the ground. trancliant, a., sharp cutting, edged; (tech.) shearing; instrument , edged tool. tran.cb.ant, m., edge (of a sword, etc.); short expression for cutting angle of a tool; h s, edged; angle , v. s. v. angle; d, deux s, double-edged; faux , (sm. a.) back edge of a sword; mettre d , to put the edge on a tool; vrai, (sm. a.) edge of a sword. tranche, f., slice; edges (of a book); edge, small dimension (of anything, as a plank); section; face; chisel, anvil cutter; farrier's paring and cutting tool; (nav.) compartment of the hold; (art.) face (of the muzzle, of the trunnions, of the eye of a shell etc . , ) ; de la bouche, (art.) face of the muzzle; de butee, (sm. a.) breech pin; cellulaire, (nav.) cellular compartment; cellulaire du bas, (nav.) double bottom; tichaud, hot set; d chaud ettifroid, hot and cold set; de la culasse, (art.) breech face; dfroid, cold set & main, rod chisel; d manche, rod chisel; de marbre, (cons.) plate of marble; de m&uleur, molder's chisel; parallelisme des s, Bernoulli's principle of the parallelism of sections; de la vis de culasse, (art.) face of the breech plug. tranch.6, p. p., bois , cross-grained, knotty, wood. tranche^, f., trench, ditch; cut across the grain; (r. r., etc.) cut, cutting; (siege, fort., mil.) trench, or demiparallel; parapet of sand bags, gabion, on rock or soil hard to dig; tour of trench duty; abri rifle , pit shelter , trench; abri ebauchee, rifle pit, shelter trench (cover kneeling); abri normale, normal shelter trench (cover standing); abri renforcee, v. renforcee; cavalier de v. s. v. , cavalier; & del couvert, covered trench; ft del ouvert, open trench; colonel de s. , y. v. colonel; de communication, communication trench (to connect gorge with main parapet, or to allow circulation around various elements of a group); couvrante, shelter trench used when troops are going to stay any length of time in one position; couvrante normale, trench with thickened parapet, protecting reserves and supports against artillery fire; couvrante simplifice, trench protecting against small-arm fire; ti crochet, zigzag trench; de on , trench duty; depot de , v. s. v. depdt; descendre la v. s. v. , descendre; directe, straight trench; double, double trench; ebauchee, v. abri ebauchee; explosive, trench work established by explosives ( Fr. a., experimental only); garde de , v. s. v. garde; general de v. s. v. , general; interieure, trench in rear of a parapet; major de v. s. v. , major; monter la , v. s. v. monter; de mur, (cons.) opening left in a wall for a beam; nettoyer la , v. s. v. nettoyer; normale, v. abri normale; of the trench; ouverture de la , opening ouvrir la , to open the trenches; perfectionnee, trench with a step in the rear slope; profilli interieure, profile with interior trench: queue d la , v. s. v. queue;

tranche 465 transport tranche^, refuser une , (siege) to cause the trench to make a wider angle with the direction of advance as one advances; renforcee, trench affording protection against artille'ry fire and holding two ranks of men; de revers, reverse trench (protecting against enfilade), traversed trench; s rouges, (hipp.) colic, gripes; s. v. en sape derobee, "stolen" trench (v. sape); en sape & terre roulante, trench in which the head of the sap is pushed forward as the work advances; en sape volante, flying trench; service de , trench duty; simple, simple, common, trench; simple trench work; tant de jours de ouverte, so many days of siege work, i. e., since trenches were opened; tete de , v. s. v. tete; tournante, enveloping trench; travaux de trench work or , operations. tranche!!!, m., v. tranchefik. trancheflle, f., bar in a shoe; (harn.) curb strap; slobbering chain, curb chain. tranche-fromage, m., (mil. slang) sword, "frogsticker." tranche-gazon, m., turf cutter, sod cutter. tranche-papier, m., paper knife. trancher, v. a. n., to strike off, amputate; to cut off, across; to decide, determine, settle. tranchet, m., cutting, paring, knife; cutter, hack iron; de ciseau, shank, tail, of a chisel. tranchis, m., (cons.) row of slates, etc., cut so as to fit an angle, a valley, etc.; faire un , to cut shingles, tiles, etc., so as to fit a valley, etc. tranchoir, m., trencher, platter. tranchon, m., trench cutter. tranquille, a., quiet, calm (of the weather, sea); steady (of the compass). tranqulllite, f., tranquillity, calm (of the sea, etc.). traiisbordement, m., reloading, transfer of cargo from one ship or car to another; transshipment; (mil.) of ammunition supply, transfer from one wagon to another, as opposed to exchange of wagons; par , by breaking bulk. transborder, v. a., to transfer cargo, transship, unload (as freight from one vehicle to another, from ship to ship, ship to shore, etc.); (mil.) to shift ammunition from one wagon to another. trail sbordeur, m. t traveling platform; pont , transfer bridge. transcorporation, f., (mil.) transfer from one regi-" ment to another (rare). transfer, v. a., to transfer, remove, convey, transport; to postpone; to make over; un prisonmer, to remove, convey, a prisoner. transfert, m., transfer. tran'sfll, m., (cord.) lacing. transfilage, m., (cord.) marling, marling hitch; lacing of an awning; faire un , to lace. trail sfller, v. a., (cord.) to marl; to serve a rope, etc., with marline; to lace. transformateur, m., (elec.) transformer; & action inslantanee, ordinary transformer with induction coil; ti action differee, any accumulator or condenser; & circuit magnetique ferme, closed-circuit transformer; & circuit magnetique ouvert, open-circuit transformer; a coquillc, ironclad transformer, shell transformer; de courant h, basse tension en couranl b, haute tension, step-up transformer; de courant & haute tension en courant ft basse tension, step-down transformer; ft courants aUernatifs, alternate-current transformer; b, couranls continus, continuous-current transformer; 3877 17 30 transformateur ft enveloppe, v. bcoquille; ft noyau, cored transformer; tournant, rotary transformer. transformation, f., transformation; (art., sm. a.) conversion; d'un tour de manivelle, (art.) evaluation of a turn of the elevating screw in degrees and minutes. transform^, p. p., (art.) converted (to a different model). transformer, v. a., to change, transform; (art., sm. a.) to convert to a different system; un tour de manivelle, (art.) to evaluate a turn of the elevation screw in degrees and minutes. transfuge, m., (mil.) deserter to the enemy; (fig.) turncoat. transgressor, v. a., to transgress, violate; to trespass. transgresseur, m., transgressor. transgression, f., transgression. transiger, v. a. n., to compound with, to come to terms; to agree, enter into articles with. transir, v. a. n to chill, freeze, benumb; to be, become, chilled, frozen; to paralyze, subdue, overcome. transissement, m., chill, freezing. transit, m., transit, transit trade; droit de , transit duty; en in , transit; merchandises de , transit goods; port de , transit port. transiter, v. a. n., to pass in transit. translateur, m., (teleg.) translator. translation, f., translation, transfer (of a body, etc.). transmetteur, m , (teleg.) transmitter (of a tele- phone, telegraph). transmettre, v. a., to transmit, convey, deliver, forward, send on; to make over, hand over, transfer; (mil. sig.) to send. transmission, f., transmission (as of power, motion, etc.); (mil.) transmission (of orders, etc.), transfer (of command); (mach.) gear, transmission gear; v. s. v. arbre; b, courroie, (mach.) belt transmission; deforce, transmission of power; de liaison, (mach.) connecting gear; de mouvement, (mach.) gear, transmission gear; souterraine, (mach.) floor or underground transmission; superieure, (mach.) overhead transmission. arbre de , transmontain, a., ultramontane. transmutation, f., transmutation; (mil.) transfer from one regiment, etc., to another (rare). transparent, a., m., transparent; transparent paper, transparency. transpercer, v. a., to pierce, strike, run, shoot, through. transport, m., transport, conveyance; transfer, assignment, removal, traffic; (nav.) transport, transport ship, cargo vessel; (tech.) transmission (of energy, etc.); (mil.) transport, transportation; balime^^ de , transport, transport ship; c^iemin de , teaming road; par chemin de fer, (mil.) rail transportation; commerce de , carrying trade; de concentration , (mil.) transport of troops by rail for concentration; ecurie, (nav.) horse ship; entrepreneur de par eau (terre), water (land) carrier; d'evacuation, v. s. v. evacuation; frais de , carriage; de la guerre, any conveyance or transportation on War Department account; des marchandises, carrying; maritime, par mer, transportation or conveyance by sea; water transportation; de mobilisation, (mil) transport of troops by rail for mobilization;

trait 464 tranehec<br />

trait, dcssin au , line drawing;<br />

de devant, (harn.) lead trace;<br />

deforce, heavy line, stroke, with a pen;<br />

de foret, (sm. a.) mark left by boring bit<br />

in the interior of gun barrel;<br />

franc de , (of a horse) free in harness ;<br />

ganse de , (harn.) trace loop;<br />

de Jupiter, v. s. v. Jupiter;<br />

longe de , (art., ham.) trace tug;<br />

ft manoeuvre, (art.) sort of trace rope;<br />

de milieu, (art.) swing trace;<br />

de niveau, level mark;<br />

de paysan, rope for lashing, drawing, light<br />

weights;<br />

petit , (harn.) trace Strap;<br />

piece de , construction model ;<br />

rallonge de , v. s. v. rallonge;<br />

de repere, reference mark;<br />

de scie, saw cut j<br />

de la scie, kerf;<br />

simple, (carp.) sim pie scarf ;<br />

(s) sur (s), v. attelage s sur -s;<br />

de tirage, (harn.) trace;<br />

d' union, hyphen;<br />

de vent, point of the <strong>com</strong>pass.<br />

traite, f., trade (especially with coast of Africa);<br />

transport, exportation; journey; banking;<br />

draft, bill of exchange;<br />

batiment de , slave ship;<br />

d'lbene, des negres, des noirs, the<br />

slave trade.<br />

traitfi, m., treatise; contract, treaty, agreement;<br />

d' extradition, extradition treaty;<br />

de paix, treaty of peace.<br />

traitement, m., treatment, usage; pay or salary;<br />

(mil.) full pay (of officers), esp. pay of military<br />

members of the Legion of Honor and of holders<br />

of the medaille militaire; (med.) treatment<br />

(hipp.) means and methods of treating animals;<br />

de conge, (mil.) retired pay:<br />

de la medaille militaire, (Fr. a.) annuity<br />

ac<strong>com</strong>panying a military medal;<br />

de table, table money.<br />

traiter, v. a. n., to treat, handle, negotiate, be<br />

in treaty for; to execute; to <strong>com</strong>e to terms;<br />

(med.) to treat a patient; (chem., etc.) to treat.<br />

tra!tre,m., traitor.<br />

trajectoire, f., (ball.) trajectory;<br />

abaissement de la , v. s. y. abaissement;<br />

de I'aifj dans I' air, trajectory in air,<br />

actual trajectory;<br />

base de la , right line from the origin to the<br />

point of fall;<br />

courbe, curved trajectory;<br />

faisceau de s, sheaf of trajectories ;<br />

inferieure, lowermost trajectory of a sheaf;<br />

maintenir sur la , to keep a projectile on its<br />

trajectory by rotation;<br />

moyenne, normale, mean trajectory;<br />

rasance de la , flatness, quality of flatness,<br />

of the trajectory;<br />

rasante, flat trajectory;<br />

rigidite de la , rigidity of the trajectory;<br />

supMeure, upper trajectory of a sheaf;<br />

tendue, flat trajectory;<br />

tension de la , flatness of the trajectory;<br />

du, dans le, vide, trajectory in vacuo.<br />

trajet, m., trip, course, passage (from shore to<br />

shore); voyage, journey; (ball.) flight of a<br />

projectile;<br />

or travel<br />

dans I'dme du canon, (ball.) passage<br />

of projectile in bore of gun;<br />

de direct, (r. r.) through;<br />

dure.e du , (ball.) time of flight;<br />

faire le de, to make the trip between;<br />

de d, stations, (r. r.) local, ac<strong>com</strong>modation;<br />

temps de , (ball.) time of flight of projectile.<br />

trame, f., woof (of cloth); (fig.) course; progress;<br />

plot;<br />

ourdir une , to lay a plot.<br />

tramer, v. a., to weave; (fig.) to hatch, plot, contrive.<br />

tramontain, a., ultramontane.<br />

tramontane, f., the north star; the north wind<br />

(in the Mediterranean).<br />

trancadc, f., large block of stone, full of cavities,<br />

lying near the surface of the ground.<br />

trancliant, a., sharp cutting, edged; (tech.) shearing;<br />

instrument , edged tool.<br />

tran.cb.ant, m., edge (of a sword, etc.); short<br />

expression for cutting angle of a tool;<br />

h s, edged;<br />

angle , v. s. v. angle;<br />

d, deux s, double-edged;<br />

faux , (sm. a.) back edge of a sword;<br />

mettre d , to put the edge on a tool;<br />

vrai, (sm. a.) edge of a sword.<br />

tranche, f., slice; edges (of a book); edge, small<br />

dimension (of anything, as a plank); section;<br />

face; chisel, anvil cutter; farrier's paring and<br />

cutting tool; (nav.) <strong>com</strong>partment of the hold;<br />

(art.) face (of the muzzle, of the trunnions, of<br />

the eye of a shell etc .<br />

, ) ;<br />

de la bouche, (art.) face of the muzzle;<br />

de butee, (sm. a.) breech pin;<br />

cellulaire, (nav.) cellular <strong>com</strong>partment;<br />

cellulaire du bas, (nav.) double bottom;<br />

tichaud, hot set;<br />

d chaud ettifroid, hot and cold set;<br />

de la culasse, (art.) breech face;<br />

dfroid, cold set<br />

& main, rod chisel;<br />

d manche, rod chisel;<br />

de marbre, (cons.) plate of marble;<br />

de m&uleur, molder's chisel;<br />

parallelisme des s, Bernoulli's principle of the<br />

parallelism of sections;<br />

de la vis de culasse, (art.) face of the breech<br />

plug.<br />

tranch.6, p. p., bois , cross-grained, knotty,<br />

wood.<br />

tranche^, f., trench, ditch; cut across the grain;<br />

(r. r., etc.) cut, cutting; (siege, fort., mil.) trench,<br />

or demiparallel; parapet of sand bags, gabion,<br />

on rock or soil hard to dig; tour of trench duty;<br />

abri rifle , pit shelter , trench;<br />

abri ebauchee, rifle pit, shelter trench (cover<br />

kneeling);<br />

abri normale, normal shelter trench (cover<br />

standing);<br />

abri renforcee, v. renforcee;<br />

cavalier de v. s. v. , cavalier;<br />

& del couvert, covered trench;<br />

ft del ouvert, open trench;<br />

colonel de s. , y.<br />

v. colonel;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>munication, <strong>com</strong>munication trench (to<br />

connect gorge with main parapet, or to allow<br />

circulation around various elements of a group);<br />

couvrante, shelter trench used when troops<br />

are going to stay any length of time in one<br />

position;<br />

couvrante normale, trench with thickened<br />

parapet, protecting reserves and supports<br />

against artillery fire;<br />

couvrante simplifice, trench protecting against<br />

small-arm fire;<br />

ti crochet, zigzag trench;<br />

de on , trench duty;<br />

depot de , v. s. v. depdt;<br />

descendre la v. s. v. , descendre;<br />

directe, straight trench;<br />

double, double trench;<br />

ebauchee, v. abri ebauchee;<br />

explosive, trench work established by explosives<br />

( Fr. a., experimental only);<br />

garde de , v. s. v. garde;<br />

general de v. s. v. , general;<br />

interieure, trench in rear of a parapet;<br />

major de v. s. v. , major;<br />

monter la ,<br />

v. s. v. monter;<br />

de mur, (cons.) opening left in a wall for a<br />

beam;<br />

nettoyer la , v. s. v. nettoyer;<br />

normale, v. abri normale;<br />

of the trench;<br />

ouverture de la , opening<br />

ouvrir la , to open the trenches;<br />

perfectionnee, trench with a step in the rear<br />

slope;<br />

profilli interieure, profile with interior trench:<br />

queue d la , v. s. v. queue;

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