A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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tiroir 456 tole llrolr, equilibrer le , to "balance, equilibrate, the slide; d''evacuation, exhaust valve; a, d', expansion, cut-off valve, expansion slide valve; d'expansion & piston, piston expansion valve: sans garniture, long D valve; glace de , slide-valve face; glisnitore du , slide bar; d grille, gridiron valve; guide du , v. glissiere du ; ft haute pression, high-pressure slide valve; d'injection, injection slide valve; inter mediaire, intermediate pressure slide valve; d' introduction, steam valve; d' introduction directe, auxiliary starting valve; marche, marcher, en , v. s. v. marche, marcher; d mouvement rectilign-e, slide valve; pirtie creuse du exhaust , cavity (of a slide valve); plan du , slide face valve; d pression intermediaire, intermediate-pressure slide valve; d recouvrement, lapped valve; reglement du , adjustment of the valve, valve setting; de renversement, reversing valve; a rotation, rotating valve or cock; rond, pipe valve, piston valve; d siege cylindrique, cylindrical valve; superpose, superposed valve (Trezel); tige de , slide rod, valve stem; ft trois orifices } treble-ported sfide valve; & un orifice, single-ported valve; de Watt, long D valve. tisane, medical drink or potion, tisane. tisanerie, dispensary for tisanes in hospitals. tisard, m., (met.) air vent. tison, m., brand, firebrand. tlsonnCs a. , (hipp.) marked with black spots; cheval , branded gray horse, marked with black spots; cheval gris , iron-gray horse. tisonuer, v. a., to stir, poke, stir up, a fire. tisonnier, m., poker, smith's poker, fire iron. tisonnure, (hipp.) irregular black spot (as though made with charcoal). tissage, m., weaving. tisser, v. a., to weave, plait, twine. tissu, m., tissue, texture, web, textile fabric; en bourre de sole, (art.) silk waste cloth (cartridge-bag cloth); en caoutchouc, rubber cloth; de chanvre, hemp cloth; crin , haircloth; elastique, elastic band; impermeable, waterproof cloth; metallique, wire gauze. titanite, f., (expl.) titanite. titre, m., title; legend of a map; deed, voucher, title deed; (in pi.) securities; en , titular; regular by appointment; faux , false title, deed, or document; a gracieux, as a free gift, without cost to the beneficiary; & gratuit f at Government expense, free of charge; d onereux, at one's own expense; d rembour sable., on condition of reimbursement. tttrg, a., liqueur solution. e, (chem.) normal or standard titrer, v. a., to give a title; une liqueur, (chem.) solution. to make a standard titulaire, m., v. a., holder of a title, grade, etc.; holding a position, etc. position, toe, m., (mach.) driver, stop, catch, tappet, dog; catch ring; d'excentrique, eccentric stop, catch ; aild , v. s. v. ceil. tocsin, m., tocsin, storm bell, alarm bell. tolle, f., linen, linen cloth; canvas, sailaloth ; painting, picture; \of a pulley) web joining the rim with the nave; (fond.) fash, seam; toile d'amiante. amianth cloth; (d')amiantine, (art.) silk used for cartridge bags in France; a calquer, tracing linen, cloth; chinee, water-tight canvas used by French artillery (chinee, dyed); dree, oilcloth; de cnn, horsehair cloth; dechirer (de) la v. s. v. , dechirer; d'emballage, packing cloth; emeri , emery cloth; etre sous la , (mil.) to be under canvas; to be in camp; sans fin, (powd.) sort of endless belt for carrying the cake to the graining cylinders; goudronnee, tarpaulin; grasse, tarred canvas; - impermeable, waterproof cloth; metallique, wire gauze; papier , tracing cloth; peinte, water-tight canvas (painted, etc., obs.); d pierre ponce, pumice cloth; d prelart, thick canvas used for tarpaulins; prelat, canvas wagon cover; d pulverin, (mil. win.) linen or cloth covered with mealed powder paste; de tente, tent canvas; vernie, oilskin; verre, glass cloth; a voile, sailcloth; d voile legere, duck. toilette, f., trimming a horse; faire la a un cheval, to trim a horse. toise, f., fathom (6 feet); instrument to measure height of persons; pile of broken stone. toise, m., measurement with a 6-foot rod. toiser, v. a., to measure by the fathom. toiseur, m., measurer, surveyor. toison, f. , fleece; Order of the Golden Fleece; la a' or, (the Order of) the Golden Fleece toit, m., roof; dwelling, house, home; (min.) top, upper, stratum of a mine; en appentis. v. en potence; en batiere, ridge roof; cintre, arched roof; en croupe, hip roof; cylindrique, barrel or tunnel roof; en demi-croupe, half-hip roof; d deux croupes, span roof; d deux egouts, v. en bati&re; cgout de , eavesdrop; dl'imperiale, imperial; d pignon, gable roof; plat, fiat roof; en pointe, pointed roof; en potence, shed, lean-to; -d un seul egout, v. en potence. toiture, f., roofing; d coyaux, roofing with projecting rafter foot; en plomb, lead roofing; en tuilet, tile roofing. tole, f., sheet iron; plate, plating; (in combination with names of metals) sheet; d'acier, en acier, sheet steel; d'appui, armor shelf plate; armor-plato backing; dchaudiere, boiler plate; de choc, dash plate; de del, crown plate; de cloison, bulkhead plate; cyUndre d , plate rolling milldiaphragme, any partition plate; (de) doublure, lining plate, backing; d'enveloppe, (steam) shell plate; faqonnee, flanged plate; defaltage, (cons.) ridge plate; enfer, sheet iron; pourfer blanc, lattens, trebles; fine, latten, treble; defond, bottom plate; forte, slab; galvanisee, galvanized iron; gaufrce, corrugated iron; glacis, (fort.) glacis plate of a turret; gouffree, channel plate; laminage de , plate rolling;

torchis 457 idle tOle lamince rolled plate; martelee, hammered plate; membrure, (nay.) plate frame; mince, v. fine; moderalrice, v. de choc; moyenne, sheet iron for flues, etc.; ondulee, corrugated iron plate; plaque de , plate of sheet iron; plastron, breastplate; pliee, flanged plate; de recouvrcment, cover plate; de renfort, stiffening, strengthening, plate; ridee, corrugated iron; support de la cuirasse, armor shelf plate, armor-plate backing; triangle en . gusset stay; tubulzire, (steam) tube plate; vernie, japanned sheet iron; zinguee, galvanized-iron plate. tolerance, f.. toleration; (in the arts, plural generally) tolerance, remedy, allowance. tolerer, v. a., to tolerate; (in the arts, etc.) to admit (such and such) a tolerance. tdlerie, f., sheet-iron works; iron-plate manufacture, factory; framework of sheet iron; sheet iron and boiler plate. tolet, m., thole; thole pin; crutch, fork; h fourche, swivel rowlock ; renfort de , thole-pin reenforce. toletiere, f., rowlock reenforce; rowlock; & fourche, swivel rowlock. toilet, m., v. tolet. tombac, m., tombac; blanc, white copper; pinchbeck. tombe, f., tomb, grave. tombe-cartouche, m., (sm. a.) cartridge ejector. tomber, v. n., to fall; to fall (off, down, into, from, prise, of violence); to fall, surrender (of a city, fort); en arriere, to fall back; (of a mast) to rake; hla conscription, (mil.) to be drawn for ser- vice, to be conscripted; dessus, to fall upon; to set to; ensemble, to collapse; aufond, 10 settle or sink to the bottom; laisser , tolet down the fires (in furnaces); & la, mer, to fall overboard; au sort, (mil.) to be drawn for service tat a conscription or at the yearly drawing). tombereau, m., tumbrel; & bascule, (art.) sort of tilt cart used for transport of earth, material, etc.; & boue, mud cart; h bras, hand cart; roulage au , carting. tome, m., tome, volume. ton, m., head or cap of a mast; (drawing) tone, tint. tondage, m., horse clipping. tcndeur, m., clipper; 7 de chevaux, horse clipper. tondeuse, f., clippers, horse clippers. tondre, v. a., to clip, shear, shave; to crop; to clip (a horse). tonite, f., (expl.) tonite. tonnage, m., (nav.) tonnage; brut, gross tonnage; droU de , tonnage (duty); legal, net tonnage; net, net tonnage; reel, burden, true tonnage, dead-weight tonnage; de registre, net tonnage; sows le pont, under-deck (gross) tonnage; total, gross tonnage. tonnant, a., thundering; melange , mixture of oxygen and of hydrogen. tonne, f., cask, barrel; ton, 1,000 kilograms; (nav.) can buoy, nun buoy; tank boat; (powd.) tumbling barrel, pulverizing barrel; d'arrimage, (nav.) measurement ton; tonne binaire, (powd.) barrel in which a Unaire (q. v.) is pulverized; de capacUe, dead-weight ton; d'extraction, (mm.) corf, corb, used in mines; granulateur de mine, (powd.) special granulator for blasting powder; grenoir, (powd.) granulating barrel; legate, (nav.) register ton; de lissage, (powd.) glazing drum; lissoir, (powd.) glazing drum; melangeoir, (powd.) pulverizing barrel (blasting powder, etc., poudre de commerce exlerieur)', mttre, mclrique, metric ton; poids, v. de capacUe; poudre aux s, v. s. v. poudre; & poudre, powder barrel; de pulverisation, (powd.) rolling barrel; rtelle, (nav.) ton of dead-weight carrying capacity; de registre, register ton; tcrnaire, (powd.) barrel in which all three ingredients of powder are pulverized together; dtriturer, (powd.) triturating barrel. tonneau, m., cask, tun, barrel; (nav.) ton (1 cubic meter. 1,000 kilograms); (art.) target (barrel on a pole) for mortar practice; d'arrosagc, watering cart, sprinkler; broyeur, mixing barrel (brickmaking); melangeur, mixing barrel; de mer, 1 cubic meter, 1,000 kilograms; metrique, v. de mer; ponl de r, cask bridge. tonnelade, f ., (TO il.) breastwork of casks filled with earth. tonnelet, m., small cask. tonnelier, m., cooper. tonnelle, f., arbor; (cons.) wagon-headed vault. tonneilerie,f., cooper's shed, trade. tonner, v. n., to thunder; to thunder (of artillery). tonnerre, m., thunder, thunderbolt; (fig.) guns, artillery; (sm. a.) breech, powder chamber, seat of the charge; (art.) reenforce, part of the breech over the powder chamber; coup de , thunder clap, stroke; eclat de , thunder clap, stroke; fermer le , (sm. a.) to close the breech; ouvrir le , (sm. a.) to open the breech. tonte, f., shearing; clipping of horses. tonture, f., clippings, shearings; (nav.) sheer. toper, v. a., (mil. slang) to seize, apprehend. topo, m., (mil. slang) topographic survey, general staff map; staff; staff officer. topographe, m., topographer. topographic, f., topography. topogra pulque, a., topographic; brigade , v. s. v. brigade. topogravure, f., photogravure applied to reproduction of topographical drawings. topomfitrie, f.. (top.) topometry (i. e., the science of accurate topographical measurements) . topoplastique, a., topoplastic. toque, f., jockey's cap. toquerie, f., (met.) hearth, fireplace, of a forgo. toqueur, f., poker, rake, for cleaning a furnace. torche, f.. torch, flambeau; straw mat laid under anytiling to prevent injury; coil (of wire, etc.); de signal, (mil.) signal torch. torche, p. p., wiped; & la diable, mal , badly done (work). torche-fer, m., wet cloth for rubbing soldering irons. torche-nez, m., (hipp.) horse twitch. torcher, v. a., to wipe, rub, clean; to build with loam and straw mixed. torchette, f, twisted osier, twig; (met.) twyer scraper. torchis, m., mud, loam, and straw; mud anl chopped straw mixed; mur de , mud wail.

tiroir 456 tole<br />

llrolr, equilibrer le , to "balance, equilibrate,<br />

the slide;<br />

d''evacuation, exhaust valve;<br />

a, d', expansion, cut-off valve, expansion<br />

slide valve;<br />

d'expansion & piston, piston expansion valve:<br />

sans garniture, long D valve;<br />

glace de , slide-valve face;<br />

glisnitore du , slide bar;<br />

d grille, gridiron valve;<br />

guide du , v. glissiere du ;<br />

ft haute pression, high-pressure slide valve;<br />

d'injection, injection slide valve;<br />

inter mediaire, intermediate pressure slide<br />

valve;<br />

d' introduction, steam valve;<br />

d' introduction directe, auxiliary starting<br />

valve;<br />

marche, marcher, en , v. s. v. marche, marcher;<br />

d mouvement rectilign-e, slide valve;<br />

pirtie creuse du exhaust , cavity (of a slide<br />

valve);<br />

plan du , slide face valve;<br />

d pression intermediaire, intermediate-pressure<br />

slide valve;<br />

d recouvrement, lapped valve;<br />

reglement du , adjustment of the valve, valve<br />

setting;<br />

de renversement, reversing valve;<br />

a rotation, rotating valve or cock;<br />

rond, pipe valve, piston valve;<br />

d siege cylindrique, cylindrical valve;<br />

superpose, superposed valve (Trezel);<br />

tige de , slide rod, valve stem;<br />

ft trois orifices } treble-ported sfide valve;<br />

& un orifice, single-ported valve;<br />

de Watt, long D valve.<br />

tisane, medical drink or potion, tisane.<br />

tisanerie, dispensary for tisanes in hospitals.<br />

tisard, m., (met.) air vent.<br />

tison, m., brand, firebrand.<br />

tlsonnCs a. , (hipp.) marked with black spots;<br />

cheval , branded gray horse, marked with<br />

black spots;<br />

cheval gris , iron-gray horse.<br />

tisonuer, v. a., to stir, poke, stir up, a fire.<br />

tisonnier, m., poker, smith's poker, fire iron.<br />

tisonnure, (hipp.) irregular black spot (as though<br />

made with charcoal).<br />

tissage, m., weaving.<br />

tisser, v. a., to weave, plait, twine.<br />

tissu, m., tissue, texture, web, textile fabric;<br />

en bourre de sole, (art.) silk waste cloth<br />

(cartridge-bag cloth);<br />

en caoutchouc, rubber cloth;<br />

de chanvre, hemp cloth;<br />

crin , haircloth;<br />

elastique, elastic band;<br />

impermeable, waterproof cloth;<br />

metallique, wire gauze.<br />

titanite, f., (expl.) titanite.<br />

titre, m., title; legend of a map; deed, voucher,<br />

title deed; (in pi.) securities;<br />

en , titular; regular by appointment;<br />

faux , false title, deed, or document;<br />

a gracieux, as a free gift, without cost to the<br />

beneficiary;<br />

& gratuit f at Government expense, free of<br />

charge;<br />

d onereux, at one's own expense;<br />

d rembour sable., on condition of reimbursement.<br />

tttrg, a., liqueur<br />

solution.<br />

e, (chem.) normal or standard<br />

titrer, v. a., to give a title;<br />

une liqueur, (chem.)<br />

solution.<br />

to make a standard<br />

titulaire, m., v. a., holder of a title,<br />

grade, etc.; holding a position, etc.<br />

position,<br />

toe, m., (mach.) driver, stop, catch, tappet, dog;<br />

catch ring;<br />

d'excentrique, eccentric stop, catch ;<br />

aild , v. s. v. ceil.<br />

tocsin, m., tocsin, storm bell, alarm bell.<br />

tolle, f., linen, linen cloth; canvas, sailaloth ; painting,<br />

picture; \of a pulley) web joining the rim<br />

with the nave; (fond.) fash, seam;<br />

toile d'amiante. amianth cloth;<br />

(d')amiantine, (art.) silk used for cartridge<br />

bags in France;<br />

a calquer, tracing linen, cloth;<br />

chinee, water-tight canvas used by <strong>French</strong><br />

artillery (chinee, dyed);<br />

dree, oilcloth;<br />

de cnn, horsehair cloth;<br />

dechirer (de) la v. s. v. , dechirer;<br />

d'emballage, packing cloth;<br />

emeri , emery cloth;<br />

etre sous la , (mil.) to be under canvas; to<br />

be in camp;<br />

sans fin, (powd.) sort of endless belt for<br />

carrying the cake to the graining cylinders;<br />

goudronnee, tarpaulin;<br />

grasse, tarred canvas;<br />

-<br />

impermeable, waterproof cloth;<br />

metallique, wire gauze;<br />

papier , tracing cloth;<br />

peinte, water-tight canvas (painted, etc.,<br />

obs.);<br />

d pierre ponce, pumice cloth;<br />

d prelart, thick canvas used for tarpaulins;<br />

prelat, canvas wagon cover;<br />

d pulverin, (mil. win.) linen or cloth covered<br />

with mealed powder paste;<br />

de tente, tent canvas;<br />

vernie, oilskin;<br />

verre, glass cloth;<br />

a voile, sailcloth;<br />

d voile legere, duck.<br />

toilette, f., trimming a horse;<br />

faire la a un cheval, to trim a horse.<br />

toise, f., fathom (6 feet); instrument to measure<br />

height of persons; pile of broken stone.<br />

toise, m., measurement with a 6-foot rod.<br />

toiser, v. a., to measure by the fathom.<br />

toiseur, m., measurer, surveyor.<br />

toison, f. , fleece; Order of the Golden Fleece;<br />

la a' or, (the Order of) the Golden Fleece<br />

toit, m., roof; dwelling, house, home; (min.) top,<br />

upper, stratum of a mine;<br />

en appentis. v. en potence;<br />

en batiere, ridge roof;<br />

cintre, arched roof;<br />

en croupe, hip roof;<br />

cylindrique, barrel or tunnel roof;<br />

en demi-croupe, half-hip roof;<br />

d deux croupes, span roof;<br />

d deux egouts, v. en bati&re;<br />

cgout de , eavesdrop;<br />

dl'imperiale, imperial;<br />

d pignon, gable roof;<br />

plat, fiat roof;<br />

en pointe, pointed roof;<br />

en potence, shed, lean-to;<br />

-d un seul egout, v. en potence.<br />

toiture, f., roofing;<br />

d coyaux, roofing with projecting rafter foot;<br />

en plomb, lead roofing;<br />

en tuilet, tile roofing.<br />

tole, f., sheet iron; plate, plating; (in <strong>com</strong>bination<br />

with names of metals) sheet;<br />

d'acier, en acier, sheet steel;<br />

d'appui, armor shelf plate; armor-plato<br />

backing;<br />

dchaudiere, boiler plate;<br />

de choc, dash plate;<br />

de del, crown plate;<br />

de cloison, bulkhead plate;<br />

cyUndre d , plate rolling milldiaphragme,<br />

any partition plate;<br />

(de) doublure, lining plate, backing;<br />

d'enveloppe, (steam) shell plate;<br />

faqonnee, flanged plate;<br />

defaltage, (cons.) ridge plate;<br />

enfer, sheet iron;<br />

pourfer blanc, lattens, trebles;<br />

fine, latten, treble;<br />

defond, bottom plate;<br />

forte, slab;<br />

galvanisee, galvanized iron;<br />

gaufrce, corrugated iron;<br />

glacis, (fort.) glacis plate of a turret;<br />

gouffree, channel plate;<br />

laminage de , plate rolling;

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