A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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tir 454 tirer tir, vitesse de , rate of fire; number of shots by one man in one minute; de vitesse, (t. p.) rapid firing (i. e., to train men in rapid firing) ; a volonte, fire at will. tirage, m., draught, traction, pulling load (of vehicles); towpath, towing; quarrying of stone; impression, issue (of a book, etc.); draught (of a chimney , funnel, etc.) ; (phot.} printing; (mil., etc.) drawing of lots; (min.) firing of a mine; (met.) drawing of , metals; artificiel, forced draught; de la chandlere, furnace, draught; de la cheminee, funnel draught; cheval de , draught horse; tow horse; d'un coup de mine, (min.) (firing of a) blast; force, forced draught; naturel, natural draught; & la poudre, (min.) blasting; au sort, (mil.) drawing of lots for service; au tube, (cord.) formation of strands by drawing threads through a tube of requisite diameter. tiraille, f., (mach.) connecting rod. tirailler, v. a. n., to pull, pull about; to fire frequently and aimlessly; to bang away; (mil.) to skirmish; to fire as skirmishers. tiraillerie, banging away; (mil.) skirmishing. useless, wild, firing tirailleur, m., bad shot; (mil.) rifleman; skirmisher; sharpshooter; s algcrien* ( Fr. a.) four regiments of Algerian rifles (Turcos) recruited from the natives, except fourteen men in each company who are French; half the lieutenants are native, captains and field officers French; s annamites, (French colonial troops) one regiment of Annam rifles (organized like the algeriens); cn-s, (inf.) as skirmishers (also call and command); d'infanterie, infantry skirmishers (tirailleur alone generally means skirmisher of infantry); s senegalais, (French colonial troops) one regiment of Senegalese rifles (organized like the - algeriens); s tonldnois, (French colonial troops) three regiments of Tonkinese rifles (organised like the algeriens). tirant, m., cramp, cramp iron; rib, holdfast; collar; bolt; axle stay; boot strap; purse string; (cons., mach., etc.) beam, floor beam, tiebeam, tie-rod, stay, brace, tensile stay, eccentric rod, stay rod; (unif.) keeper of a sword belt; (mus.) brace of a drum; (nav.) draught of water; d'arbalete, (cons.) straining beam; de branloire, bellows chain; de caisse, (mus.) brace of a drum; de cavalier, dog stay; de (la) chaudiere, boiler stay; diagonal, (cons.) diagonal stay; difference du d'eau, (nav.) trim; sans difference de , (nav.) on an even keel; d'eau, (nav.) draught of water; d'eau egal, (nav.) even keel; d'eau en charge, (nav.) load water draft; d'eau Uge, (nav.) light water draught; d'excentrique, (mach.) eccentric rod; faux , (cows.) hammer beam; de fourreau de baionnette, (sm. a.) bayonetscabbard loop; defrein, brake rod; maitre , (cons.) tiebeam; marque du d'eau, v. s. v. marque; du milieu de 1'avant-trg.in, (art..) middle futchel; ft vide, v. d'eau llge; de voiture, starting load; de voice, (art.) spli liter-bar stay. tiramle, f., pulling rope of a pile driver, etc.; strap around a lever; sonnette it , v. s. v. sonnette: de sonnette, draw line; hand rope of a pile driver. tire, f., tout d'une , at a jerk, all at once, at one time. tireJ tire! pull away! pull ahead! tire,m. , shooting (sport) ; drawee (bill of exchange) . tire-au-flanc, m., (mil. cooler (U. S. A.). slang) deadbeat; coflee- tire-balle, m., (sm. a.) bullet extractor. tlre-botte(s), m., bootjack; boot hook. tire-bouelier, m. v., tire-boucler. tke-bouchon, m., corkscrew; (art.) fuse extractor (of a shell). tire-boucler, m., mortise chisel. tire-bourrage, m., packing screw. tire-bourre, m., (art.) worm; (sm. a.) wad extractor (obs.); (mach.) packing hook. tire-bouton, m., button hook, strap. tire-braise, m., .(slang) infantry soldier tire-cartouche, m., (sm. a.) cartridge extractor. tire-charge, m., (mountain art.) loop (of a cartridge box). tire-clou, m., nail drawer, nail extractor. tiredevant! tire avant! pull ahead! (boats). tire-douilles, m. v., tire-cartouche. tire-etoupe,tn., packing screw. tire-etoupilles, m., (art.) primer extractor. tire-feu, m., (art.) lanyard; cordon , lanyard; cordon & olives, a olives, slide lanyard. tire-foin, m., (art.) gun worm: wad hook (obs.). tire-fond, m., eyebolt, long wood screw, sort of screw bolt; screw ring; cooper's turrel; (r. r.) screw used to fasten chairs to crossties. tirefonner, v. a., to fasten or secure by an oyebolt, wood screw, etc. tire-fusee(s), m., (art.) fuse extractor, fuse engine (wooden fuses, obs.). tire-gai'gousse, m., (art.) cartridge worm. tire-joint, m., mason's smoothing tool. tire-laine, m., (fond.) implement for withdrawing plugs from molds. tire-ligne, m., ruler; right-line pen. tire-obturateur, m., (art.) obturator extractor (for removing a Broadwell ring). tire-obus, m., (art.) sort of shell hook. tire-plomb, m., glazier's vise. tire-pioyer, v. a., to unload, discharge, put in order. tire-racine, driver, punch. tirer, v. a. n., to draw, pull, pull on, ptill out; to haul, drag; to tow; to tighten, stretch; to import, get, obtain, reap, gather, derive, extract; to tap, draw ofi; to extricate, deliver; to trace, delineate; to draw upon (a correspondent); to print, run off (so many copies of a book, etc.); to dig (a canal); to draw (of a chimney, a furnace); (met.) to draw (tubes, etc.); (nav.) to draw (so many feet); (mil.) to trace, throw up (an intrenchment); to draw lots for sendee; to serve; (of firearms in general) to fire, fire off, discharge; to fire at; to go off, be discharged; (fenc.) to fence; &, (art., sm. a.) to iise such and such (a charge); to be fired with such and such a charge; sur affut, (sm. a.) to fire from a rest; en I'air, (sm. a.) to fire in the air; sur appui, (sm. a.) to fire from a rest; des, les, armes, (fenc.) to fence; des armestifeu, to shoot; dans (hors) les armes. (fenc.) to thrust on the left (right) side of the adversary's blade; sous (sur) Us armes, (fenc,) to thrust under (over) the adversary's arm; & balle(s), (sm. a.) to fire ball cartridge; d barbette, (art.) to fire in barbette; en belle, (nav. art.) to hull a ship; bien, to be a good shot; &, en, blanc, to fire blank cartridges; au blanc, v. au but; &, des, boulets, (art.) to fire projectiles; & boulets rouges, (art.) to fire red-hot shot (obs.); & bout portant, (ball.) to fire point-blank;

tirer 455 tiroir tirer & brasfrancs, (sm. a.) to fire from the shoulder; to fire standing (said also of a revolver); au but, to fire at a target; le canon, etc., (art.) to fire a gun (a mortar, etc.); de la cellule, (mil. slang) to be confined in a military cell; d charge (faiblc) pleins, (art.) to fire with (reduced) full charges; en chasse, (nav. art.) to fire forward of the beam; cheval qui tired la main, v. s. v. chcval; & la clble, (t. p.) to perform, carry on, target practice; to fire at a target; (ti la conscription), (mil,) to draw lots for conscription; copie, une copie, to make a copy; au cordevu, to trace by the tape; un coup, (sm. a., art.) to fire a shot; a coups perdus, (sm. a.) to fire at random; to, convert (mil.) to fire from behind a pro- tection; d dos, (art.) to fire in reverse (normal fire); de I'eau, to suck up, absorb, water; d'echarpe, (art.) to fire obliquely (e. g., at a line) from in front; & embrasure, (art.) to fire through an embrasure; d' enfilade, (art.) to enfilade; I'epee, to fence, fight, with swords; (fig.) to take up arms; I'epee contre quelqu'un, to fight anyone; une estocade, (fenc.) to make a pass or thrust (obs.); / faire I'epee & quelqu'un, to force one to fight; desfeintes, to (fenc.) feint; dans lefer, (fenc.) to thrust, etc., on the side where the opponent is covered; lefeu, (art.) to use (such and such) a fire; unfeu A' artifice, to let off fireworks; d fleur d'eau, (nav. art.) to hull (a ship); au flanc, (mil. slang) to be a deadbeat, a coffee cooler (U. S. A.): d la fourchette, (art.) to use the "fork" to determine the range; fusant, (art.) to fire time shell; unefusee, to let otf a rocket; au, le, fusil, to fire a gun (and similarly of other small arms); juste, to fire true, shoot true, straight; une lettre de change (par premiere, seconde, troisieme), to draw a bill of exchange (in duplicate, in triplicate) ; d la main, (man.) to bore; la main plate, (fenc.) to raise the hand, nails up; d la mer, (s. c. art.) to fire seaward; (nav.) to stand put to sea; d miiraille, (art.) to fire canister, case shot; o?4 mur, v. s. v. mur; - d la muraille. v. s. v, muraille; d, des, obus, (art.) to fire shell; & outrance, (art.) to fire to the limit of ultimate strength; percutant, (art.) to fire percussion shell; sur plate-forme, (art.) to fire from a platform; en plein bois, v. d fleur d'eau; de plein fouet, (art.) to use direct fire (full charges); d plomb, to fire small shot (sport); poudred , sporting powder; d poudre, v. dblanc; au premier brin, (cord.) to work hemp so as to get the best quality; d projectiles, (art.) to fire with projectiles; de, en, quarte, etc., (fenc.) to thrust in quarte, etc.; race, (hipp.) to breed a mare; au renard, (hipp.) to pull on the halter and try to break it; to fall on haunches so as to break the halter (stable vice); en retraite, (nav. art.) to fire abaft the beam; drevers, (art.) to fire in reverse (oblique fire); tirer d ricochet, (art.) to use ricochet fire; la ruade, (of a horse) to kick out; des, par, salves, (art.) to fire salvos; (sm. a.) to fire volleys ; d sec, to draw boats up on land; d six, (art.) to pull together (all six horses); au sort, (mil.) to draw lots for military serv- ice; sur le temps, (fenc.) to make a time thrust; d touts voice, (art.) v. tir d touts, volee; d trois, (art.) said of a team when off horses alone pull; au tube, (cord.) to draw yarn through tubes in manufacture of rope; la tunique, (unif.) so to pull the tunic as not to show more than the prescribed folds in the back; au vent, (hipp.) to hold the head high; au vol, to shoot on the wing (sport); d vue, to draw upon anyone at sight. tirerie, f., wire-drawing shop; (mil.) wasteful, useless, small-arm firing. tire-terre, m., quarryman's spade. tirettc, f., register, shutter, drawer, damper; (sm. a., ariif.) string (to open cartridge packets, smoke cylinders, etc.). tireur, m., wire-drawer; fencer; drawer of a note; (mil., etc.) marksman, "shot," rifleman, sharpshooter; d'armes, fencer; arreter un , (fenc.) to meet a stop thrust; d'aviron, oarsman; d' elite, crack shot; de mine, miner; de position, (mil.) picked shot (inf.) to fire on enemy's artillery during infantry advance. tire-veille, f., manrope, tide rope; de cabestan, swifter of a capstan; nceud de , (cord.) manrope knot. tiroir, m., drawer; (sm. c.) small flat sliding pin fixing the barrel to the stock (sporting arms); (mach.) slide valve; (mil.) second rank (of troops in three ranks). (Unless otherwise indicated, the following terms relate to machinery:) arbre du , eccentric shaft; armature du , valve work(s); d'asservissement, (mach.) slide valve of a servo-motor, or of a systeme asservi; auxiliaire, auxiliary starting valve; v. s. v. avance; avance du , d bas#e pression, low-pressure slide valve; boite d , slide chest; boite de slide , box; d boite, box,slide valve; compense, balanced slide valve; d, en, coquille, 3-pprt slide valve, trebleported slide valve; ordinary slide valve; course du , travel of the slide valye; cylindrique, distributing cock; piston valve; en D, D valve; enD court (long), short (long) D valve; deftler en v. s. v. , defiler; deployer en , (mil.)' to form line from close column; d detente fixe (variable), valve with fixed (variable) cut-off; de detente, expansion valve, cut-off valve; de detente d piston, piston expansion valve; sans detente, valve without lap or lead; d deux orifices, double ported slide valve; en disque, Brotherhood valve; disiributeur, distributing slide valve; de distribution, main slide valve, distributing valve; (art.) feed trough (e. g., of the Hotchkiss revolving cannon) ; distribution par , distributing-valve jgear; de distribution equilibre, equilibrium slide valve, balanced valve; d dos perce, gridiron valve: d double orifice, double-ported slide valve; en E, E valve; equilibre, equilibrium slide valve, balanced slide salve;

tir 454 tirer<br />

tir, vitesse de , rate of fire; number of shots by<br />

one man in one minute;<br />

de vitesse, (t. p.) rapid firing (i. e., to train<br />

men in rapid firing) ;<br />

a volonte, fire at will.<br />

tirage, m., draught, traction, pulling load (of vehicles);<br />

towpath, towing; quarrying of stone;<br />

impression, issue (of a book, etc.); draught (of<br />

a chimney , funnel, etc.) ; (phot.} printing; (mil.,<br />

etc.) drawing of lots; (min.) firing of a mine;<br />

(met.) drawing of , metals;<br />

artificiel, forced draught;<br />

de la chandlere, furnace, draught;<br />

de la cheminee, funnel draught;<br />

cheval de , draught horse; tow horse;<br />

d'un coup de mine, (min.) (firing of a) blast;<br />

force, forced draught;<br />

naturel, natural draught;<br />

& la poudre, (min.) blasting;<br />

au sort, (mil.) drawing of lots for service;<br />

au tube, (cord.) formation of strands by drawing<br />

threads through a tube of requisite diameter.<br />

tiraille, f., (mach.) connecting rod.<br />

tirailler, v. a. n., to pull, pull about; to fire frequently<br />

and aimlessly; to bang away; (mil.)<br />

to skirmish; to fire as skirmishers.<br />

tiraillerie, banging away;<br />

(mil.) skirmishing.<br />

useless, wild, firing<br />

tirailleur, m., bad shot; (mil.) rifleman; skirmisher;<br />

sharpshooter;<br />

s algcrien* ( Fr. a.) four regiments of Algerian<br />

rifles (Turcos) recruited from the natives, except<br />

fourteen men in each <strong>com</strong>pany who are<br />

<strong>French</strong>; half the lieutenants are native, captains<br />

and field officers <strong>French</strong>;<br />

s annamites, (<strong>French</strong> colonial troops) one<br />

regiment of Annam rifles (organized like the<br />

algeriens);<br />

cn-s, (inf.) as skirmishers (also call and<br />

<strong>com</strong>mand);<br />

d'infanterie, infantry skirmishers (tirailleur<br />

alone generally means skirmisher of infantry);<br />

s senegalais, (<strong>French</strong> colonial troops) one<br />

regiment of Senegalese rifles (organized like<br />

the - algeriens);<br />

s tonldnois, (<strong>French</strong> colonial troops) three<br />

regiments of Tonkinese rifles (organised like<br />

the algeriens).<br />

tirant, m., cramp, cramp iron; rib, holdfast;<br />

collar; bolt; axle stay; boot strap; purse string;<br />

(cons., mach., etc.) beam, floor beam, tiebeam,<br />

tie-rod, stay, brace, tensile stay, eccentric rod,<br />

stay rod; (unif.) keeper of a sword belt; (mus.)<br />

brace of a drum; (nav.) draught of water;<br />

d'arbalete, (cons.) straining beam;<br />

de branloire, bellows chain;<br />

de caisse, (mus.) brace of a drum;<br />

de cavalier, dog stay;<br />

de (la) chaudiere, boiler stay;<br />

diagonal, (cons.) diagonal stay;<br />

difference du d'eau, (nav.) trim;<br />

sans difference de , (nav.) on an even keel;<br />

d'eau, (nav.) draught of water;<br />

d'eau egal, (nav.) even keel;<br />

d'eau en charge, (nav.) load water draft;<br />

d'eau Uge, (nav.) light water draught;<br />

d'excentrique, (mach.) eccentric rod;<br />

faux , (cows.) hammer beam;<br />

de fourreau de baionnette, (sm. a.) bayonetscabbard<br />

loop;<br />

defrein, brake rod;<br />

maitre , (cons.) tiebeam;<br />

marque du d'eau, v. s. v. marque;<br />

du milieu de 1'avant-trg.in, (art..) middle<br />

futchel;<br />

ft vide, v. d'eau llge;<br />

de voiture, starting load;<br />

de voice, (art.) spli liter-bar stay.<br />

tiramle, f., pulling rope of a pile driver, etc.; strap<br />

around a lever;<br />

sonnette it<br />

, v. s. v. sonnette:<br />

de sonnette, draw line; hand rope of a pile<br />

driver.<br />

tire, f., tout d'une , at a jerk, all at once, at one<br />

time.<br />

tireJ tire! pull away! pull ahead!<br />

tire,m. , shooting (sport) ; drawee (bill of exchange) .<br />

tire-au-flanc, m., (mil.<br />

cooler (U. S. A.).<br />

slang) deadbeat; coflee-<br />

tire-balle, m., (sm. a.) bullet extractor.<br />

tlre-botte(s), m., bootjack; boot hook.<br />

tire-bouelier, m. v., tire-boucler.<br />

tke-bouchon, m., corkscrew; (art.) fuse extractor<br />

(of a shell).<br />

tire-boucler, m., mortise chisel.<br />

tire-bourrage, m., packing screw.<br />

tire-bourre, m., (art.) worm; (sm. a.) wad extractor<br />

(obs.); (mach.) packing hook.<br />

tire-bouton, m., button hook, strap.<br />

tire-braise, m., .(slang) infantry soldier<br />

tire-cartouche, m., (sm. a.) cartridge extractor.<br />

tire-charge, m., (mountain art.) loop (of a cartridge<br />

box).<br />

tire-clou, m., nail drawer, nail extractor.<br />

tiredevant! tire avant! pull ahead! (boats).<br />

tire-douilles, m. v., tire-cartouche.<br />

tire-etoupe,tn., packing screw.<br />

tire-etoupilles, m., (art.) primer extractor.<br />

tire-feu, m., (art.) lanyard;<br />

cordon , lanyard;<br />

cordon & olives, a olives, slide lanyard.<br />

tire-foin, m., (art.) gun worm: wad hook (obs.).<br />

tire-fond, m., eyebolt, long wood screw, sort of<br />

screw bolt; screw ring; cooper's turrel; (r. r.)<br />

screw used to fasten chairs to crossties.<br />

tirefonner, v. a., to fasten or secure by an oyebolt,<br />

wood screw, etc.<br />

tire-fusee(s), m., (art.) fuse extractor, fuse engine<br />

(wooden fuses, obs.).<br />

tire-gai'gousse, m., (art.) cartridge worm.<br />

tire-joint, m., mason's smoothing tool.<br />

tire-laine, m., (fond.) implement for withdrawing<br />

plugs from molds.<br />

tire-ligne, m., ruler; right-line pen.<br />

tire-obturateur, m., (art.) obturator extractor<br />

(for removing a Broadwell ring).<br />

tire-obus, m., (art.) sort of shell hook.<br />

tire-plomb, m., glazier's vise.<br />

tire-pioyer, v. a., to unload, discharge, put in<br />

order.<br />

tire-racine, driver, punch.<br />

tirer, v. a. n., to draw, pull, pull on, ptill out; to<br />

haul, drag; to tow; to tighten, stretch; to import,<br />

get, obtain, reap, gather, derive, extract;<br />

to tap, draw ofi; to extricate, deliver; to trace,<br />

delineate; to draw upon (a correspondent); to<br />

print, run off (so many copies of a book, etc.);<br />

to dig (a canal); to draw (of a chimney, a furnace);<br />

(met.) to draw (tubes, etc.); (nav.) to<br />

draw (so many feet); (mil.) to trace, throw up<br />

(an intrenchment); to draw lots for sendee; to<br />

serve; (of firearms in general) to fire, fire off,<br />

discharge; to fire at; to go off, be discharged;<br />

(fenc.) to fence;<br />

&, (art., sm. a.) to iise such and such (a<br />

charge); to be fired with such and such a<br />

charge;<br />

sur affut, (sm. a.) to fire from a rest;<br />

en I'air, (sm. a.) to fire in the air;<br />

sur appui, (sm. a.) to fire from a rest;<br />

des, les, armes, (fenc.) to fence;<br />

des armestifeu, to shoot;<br />

dans (hors) les armes. (fenc.) to thrust on the<br />

left (right) side of the adversary's blade;<br />

sous (sur) Us armes, (fenc,) to thrust under<br />

(over) the adversary's arm;<br />

& balle(s), (sm. a.) to fire ball cartridge;<br />

d barbette, (art.) to fire in barbette;<br />

en belle, (nav. art.) to hull a ship;<br />

bien, to be a good shot;<br />

&, en, blanc, to fire blank cartridges;<br />

au blanc, v. au but;<br />

&, des, boulets, (art.) to fire projectiles;<br />

& boulets rouges, (art.) to fire red-hot shot<br />

(obs.);<br />

& bout portant, (ball.) to fire point-blank;

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