A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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tir 452 tir tir de baiter ie. battery target practice; boite pour le fictif. ( Fr. art.) case of iron filings used in the fictif, q. v.; de bombar'dement, shelling; fa boitesfa ballc, shrapnel fire; en bombe, v. fafeux verticaux; des bouches fa feu, artillery fire; a boulet, fire with solid shot; fa boulet rouge, firing red-hot shot (obs.); en breche, breaching fire; de bricole, firing at one portion of a work, and under a small angle, so as to glance and hit some part out of reach of direct fire (obs.); brisant, practice or fire with high-explosive shells; bulletin de v. s. v. , bulletin; de but en blanc, (ball.') point-blank firing; contre but mobile, practice at a moving target; contre but immobile, practice at a fixed target; sur but visible (invisible'), practice at visible (invisible) target; circulaire de , direction-aiming circle in cupo- las; convergent, converging fire; courbe, curviligne, curved fire; de demolition, (siege) plunging fire on all masonry to be loosened when the breach can not be made directly; fa demonter, fire the object of which is to dismount hostile pieces (said esp. of siege); deplacement du , shifting of the aim or practice to a new target; deplaccr le , to shift the aim or practice to a new target; au-dessous de Vhorizon, plunging fire; direct, direct fire; en direction, fire as respects direction; fa distance fictive, (of experimental firing, as at armor plates, etc.) fire at reduced distances (using reduced charges, so that the initial shall equal the remaining velocity under service charge and service ranges); & dos, normal reverse fire; d', en, echarpe, oblique fire (from the front); echelonne, fire with combined elevations; ecole de , target practice; school of practice; target season; period of instruction in firing; d'efficacite, fire against the enemy after the range has been found; d'elevation, v. eleve; eleve, filing at an object above the plane of piece; firing down at an object (rare); fa embrasure, fire through an embrasure; d 1 enfilade, enfilade fire; d'ensemble, ranging practice; trial shots to determine position of target in zone of dispersion corresponding to angle of elevation used; d'epreuves, proof firing in general; d'essai, ranging practice, trial shots; experimental filing; fafaible charge, practice with reduced charges; tifeux verticaux, vertical fire; fichant, downward fire, giving an angle of fall greater than 4. -ficlif, ( Fr. art.) dummy firing (i. e., firing of cases filled with filings from guns in service, using full service charges, for the purpose of testing brakes and the strength of carriages and of platform; method followed when the range is limited); flanc de , v. s. v. fltmc; de flanquement, flanking fire; fa forcement, fire in which the projectile is forced to the grooves; fa lafourcheite, bracket firing to get the range, ranging; fusant, time-fuse practice; rocket practice; ir fusant dc pleinfouet, time-fuse direct fire; fusant plongeant, time-fuse plunging fire; de groupc, group target practice; de guerre, practice with full service charges; en hauteur, fire as respects elevation; incline, shot fired under horizon; indirect, indirect fire; d'inspection, special practice (in Russia) ordered by general officers to test capabilities of c. o. of batteries or of groups of batteries; lent, slow fire (one round per minute); ligne de , (ball.) line of fire; en ligne droite, fire under a small angle with full charge; masque, practice at an invisible or unseen target; de matage, firing bronze gun with overcharges before final boring, so as to obtain permanent enlargement of powder chamber (obs.); ' ' fa la mer, seacoast practice; & mitraille, case-shot fire; in general, any fragmentation " fire ; montant, fire at a target above the plane of the piece; en mouvemcnt, fire Avhile the turret is rotating; negatif, fire under an angle of depression; au niveau, practice with, quadrant elevation; de nuit, night firing, night practice; oblique, oblique firing; practice producing an . oblique impact; fa obus, shell practice, shell fire; fa obus fa ballcs, shrapnel fire; optique, practice in which aiming is done by optical means; ordinaire, normal rate of fire (two to three rounds per minute); origine du , (ball.) origin of fire (muzzle of the piece); percutant, practice with percussion shell; percutant plongeant, plunging percussion fire; plan de , (ball.) plane of fire; planchette de , v. s. v. planchette; de pleinfouet, direct fire with full charges; de pleinfouet direct, direct fire against visible targets (full charge, flat trajectory); de plein fouct indirect, practice against invisible targets (reduced charges, trajectory more or less curved; Brialmont); - sur plate-forme, fire from a platform; plongeant, plunging fire; mortar fire; plongeant fusant, time-shell plunging fire; fa pointage indirect, indirect fire; par le pointage interieur, fire or practice by indirect aiming; de polygone, proving-ground fire; range as distinguished from service practice; (fig.) accurate fire; positif, fire under angles of elevation; aux pressions, practice to determine pressures; progressif, practice consisting in covering systematically, by progressive zones, the belt situated between the observed inferior limit (short shot) and the superior observed or estimated limit (time shell in sets of six shots, varying by one turn of elevating-screw handle); dcs projectiles, target practice in general; rapidc, rapid fire (10 to 12 rounds per minute); fa rapide, rapid fire, quick firing; rasant, grazing fire; fire parallel to surface of ground (angle of fall less than 3 or 4); de recette, de reception, acceptance firing test: reduit. practice with reduced charges; subcaliber practice;

tir 453 tir tir reel, fire under service conditions as to range, charge, etc. (e. g., said of ballistic firing as compared with. d distance fictive)', re.glage du v. s. y. reglage; de reglage, ranging practice; regie, v. s. v. regie; reglement de , firing regulations, manual ; regler le , v. s. v. re.gl.er; regler le d lafourchette, v. s. v. regler; relever le to fire , higher, give more elevation; rcpere, practice corrected by reference to observed points; corrected practice; reperer le , v. s. v. reperer; report du on a , change of target, the application to the new ranging of the data obtained for the first target; reporter le on a , change of target, to apply to the new ranging the data obtained for the first target; de resistance, firing test, to determine strength; & revers, oblique reverse fire; d ricochet, ricochet fire; en rouage, enfilade, flank, fire (against material objects); roulant, smoothbore mortar fire, using small charges, so that shell may roll over crest (obs.); de rupture, armor-piercing fire; de, par, salve, salvo; de siege, siege practice; simule, artillery-fire game; surbaisse, downward fire; d surcharge, overcharge firing test; test with overcharge; table de , ballistic table, range table; tendu, any fire, giving a flat trajectory; d toute volee, fire with maximum charge and at maximum elevation, used in proof only; firing at random; transport du the , range being known to a given target, the transfer of the data to a different target; change from percussion to time fire; transporter le to transfer from , one. target to another; to change from percussion to time practice; tube d subcaliber , tube; vertical, vertical fire; aux vitesses initiales, practice to determine muzzle, velocity. II. Small arms, target practice and miscellaneous: acceleri, quick firing; de , rifle rest; d'affut, fire from a rest or stand; ajuste, well-aimed fire or practice; d''amorce, primer fire, to test cartridge cases; d'application, (t. p.) skirmish practice; appui de , firing rest; sur appui, fire from a rest; des armes d feu, the whole art of pointing and firing guns, etc., accurately; des armes portatives, small-arm fire; assurer le , to make sure of one's aim (as of a firing party); avoir le juste, to shoot straight; d balles, ball practice; en belle, (nav.) fire over the beam; horizontal fire; d, en, blanc, fire with blank cartridges; a brasfrancs, offhand practice or firing; de campagne, field firing; capitaine de v. s. , v. capitaine; d capsuled balle, (sm. a.) gallery practice; carnet de v. s. , v. carnet; carnet de de bataillon, v. s. v. carnet; d cartouches d balles, case-shot firing; en chambre, de chambree. gallery practice; champ de , v. s. v. champ; chasse au , shooting (sport); en chasse, (nav.) fire ahead, bow fire; en chasse directe, (nav.) fire straight ahead; d la ciblc, target practice; tir collcctif, collective fire, group firing troops); (body of de combat, actual practice against an enemy; practice under conditions of active service, i e at unknown distances; de combat collectif, practice; (inf.) collective service de combat individuel, (inf.) individual service practice (to teach use of cover, of natural rests); de concours, match, competition, firing; competition practice; continu, self-cocking fire of a revolver; couche, (inf.) practice or fire lying down; d couler bas, (nav.) fire, shot, between wind and water; coup par coup, fire, shot by shot; single-shot fire (said of a repeating arm, as distinguished from magazine fire); distance de , distance from the target to the muzzle; d distance connues, known distance firing; d distances inconnucs, practice at unknown distances; d'ecole, v. (individuel) d' instruction; -d'ensemble, (inf.) collective firing; d' etude, test or experimental firing; d'examen, firing or practice to test the efficiency of the men; d'exercice, practice firing; instruction firing; firing practice; target practice in general; exercices de - , firing drill; d 'experience , experimental practice; feuillet de , v. s. v.feuillet; d genoux, fire kneeling; de guerre, practice under service conditions; individuel, (t. p.) individual target practice; individuel d' application, (t. p.) individual skirmish target practice; (individuel) d' instruction, (t. p.) individual practice at known distances (includes tir preparatoire and tir d' instruction); insigne de v. s. , v. insigne; intermittent, fire as a single loader of a repeating rifle; single-action fire of a revolver ; jusqu'a la destruction, v. d outrance; dejustesse; v.s.v.justesse; d longue portee, long-range fire; muct, (t. p.) snapping in aiming practice; officier de , v. s. v. officier ; d outrance, fire to the limit of resistance, to test ultimate strength; perdu, random shot; de perfectionnement, (t. p.) extra practice with surplus cartridges; en plein bois, (nav.) shot fired into the hull; de polygone, practice on range; d poudrc, blank practice; de precision, practice to determine the precision of an arm; preparatoire, (t. p.) preliminary practice; rapide, rapid fire; reduit, gallery practice; registre de , v. s. v. registre; de reglage, (t. p.) sighting-shot practice at unknown distances; reglement de , firing regulations; d repetition, magazine fire ; en retraite, (nav?) fire astern; en retraite directe, (nav.) fire straight astern; saison du , target-practice season ; de, par, salve, volley fire, firing; seance de , v. s. v. seance; scrgent de , v. s. v. sergent; de stand, range as distinguished from service practice; sur, fire at (a given target) ; fire from (a rest, a platform, etc.); tube d , subcaliber tube; d visee hnrizontale, special case of individual fire which is taken on objects on level with muzzle of rifle;

tir 453 tir<br />

tir reel, fire under service conditions as to range,<br />

charge, etc. (e. g., said of ballistic firing as<br />

<strong>com</strong>pared with. d distance fictive)',<br />

re.glage du v. s.<br />

y. reglage;<br />

de reglage, ranging practice;<br />

regie, v. s. v. regie;<br />

reglement de , firing regulations, manual ;<br />

regler le , v. s. v. re.gl.er;<br />

regler le d lafourchette, v. s. v. regler;<br />

relever le to fire , higher, give more elevation;<br />

rcpere, practice corrected by reference to observed<br />

points; corrected practice;<br />

reperer le , v. s. v. reperer;<br />

report du on a , change of target, the application<br />

to the new ranging of the data obtained<br />

for the first target;<br />

reporter le on a , change of target, to apply to<br />

the new ranging the data obtained for the first<br />

target;<br />

de resistance, firing test, to determine<br />

strength;<br />

& revers, oblique reverse fire;<br />

d ricochet, ricochet fire;<br />

en rouage, enfilade, flank, fire (against material<br />

objects);<br />

roulant, smoothbore mortar fire, using small<br />

charges, so that shell may roll over crest (obs.);<br />

de rupture, armor-piercing fire;<br />

de, par, salve, salvo;<br />

de siege, siege practice;<br />

simule, artillery-fire game;<br />

surbaisse, downward fire;<br />

d surcharge, overcharge firing test; test with<br />

overcharge;<br />

table de , ballistic table, range table;<br />

tendu, any fire, giving a flat trajectory;<br />

d toute volee, fire with maximum charge and<br />

at maximum elevation, used in proof only;<br />

firing at random;<br />

transport du the , range being known to a<br />

given target, the transfer of the data to a different<br />

target; change from percussion to time fire;<br />

transporter le to transfer from , one. target to<br />

another; to change from percussion to time<br />

practice;<br />

tube d subcaliber , tube;<br />

vertical, vertical fire;<br />

aux vitesses initiales, practice to determine<br />

muzzle, velocity.<br />

II. Small arms, target practice and miscellaneous:<br />

acceleri, quick firing;<br />

de , rifle rest;<br />

d'affut, fire from a rest or stand;<br />

ajuste, well-aimed fire or practice;<br />

d''amorce, primer fire, to test cartridge cases;<br />

d'application, (t. p.) skirmish practice;<br />

appui de , firing rest;<br />

sur appui, fire from a rest;<br />

des armes d feu, the whole art of pointing<br />

and firing guns, etc., accurately;<br />

des armes portatives, small-arm fire;<br />

assurer le , to make sure of one's aim (as of<br />

a firing party);<br />

avoir le juste, to shoot straight;<br />

d balles, ball practice;<br />

en belle, (nav.) fire over the beam; horizontal<br />

fire;<br />

d, en, blanc, fire with blank cartridges;<br />

a brasfrancs, offhand practice or firing;<br />

de campagne, field firing;<br />

capitaine de v. s. , v. capitaine;<br />

d capsuled balle, (sm. a.) gallery practice;<br />

carnet de v. s. , v. carnet;<br />

carnet de de bataillon, v. s. v. carnet;<br />

d cartouches d balles, case-shot firing;<br />

en chambre, de chambree. gallery practice;<br />

champ de , v. s. v. champ;<br />

chasse au , shooting (sport);<br />

en chasse, (nav.) fire ahead, bow fire;<br />

en chasse directe, (nav.) fire straight ahead;<br />

d la ciblc, target practice;<br />

tir collcctif, collective fire, group firing<br />

troops);<br />

(body of<br />

de <strong>com</strong>bat, actual practice against an enemy;<br />

practice under conditions of active service, i e<br />

at unknown distances;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>bat collectif,<br />

practice;<br />

(inf.) collective service<br />

de <strong>com</strong>bat individuel, (inf.) individual service<br />

practice (to teach use of cover, of natural rests);<br />

de concours, match, <strong>com</strong>petition, firing; <strong>com</strong>petition<br />

practice;<br />

continu, self-cocking fire of a revolver;<br />

couche, (inf.) practice or fire lying down;<br />

d couler bas, (nav.) fire, shot, between wind<br />

and water;<br />

coup par coup, fire, shot by shot; single-shot<br />

fire (said of a repeating arm, as distinguished<br />

from magazine fire);<br />

distance de , distance from the target to the<br />

muzzle;<br />

d distance connues, known distance firing;<br />

d distances inconnucs, practice at unknown<br />

distances;<br />

d'ecole, v. (individuel) d' instruction;<br />

-d'ensemble, (inf.) collective firing;<br />

d' etude, test or experimental firing;<br />

d'examen, firing or practice to test the efficiency<br />

of the men;<br />

d'exercice, practice firing; instruction firing;<br />

firing practice; target practice in general;<br />

exercices de -<br />

, firing drill;<br />

d 'experience , experimental practice;<br />

feuillet de , v. s. v.feuillet;<br />

d genoux, fire kneeling;<br />

de guerre, practice under service conditions;<br />

individuel, (t. p.) individual target practice;<br />

individuel d' application, (t. p.) individual<br />

skirmish target practice;<br />

(individuel) d' instruction, (t. p.) individual<br />

practice at known distances (includes tir preparatoire<br />

and tir d' instruction);<br />

insigne de v. s. , v.<br />

insigne;<br />

intermittent, fire as a single loader of a repeating<br />

rifle; single-action fire of a revolver ;<br />

jusqu'a la destruction, v. d outrance;<br />

dejustesse; v.s.v.justesse;<br />

d longue portee, long-range fire;<br />

muct, (t. p.) snapping in aiming practice;<br />

officier de , v. s. v. officier ;<br />

d outrance, fire to the limit of resistance, to<br />

test ultimate strength;<br />

perdu, random shot;<br />

de perfectionnement, (t. p.) extra practice with<br />

surplus cartridges;<br />

en plein bois, (nav.) shot fired into the hull;<br />

de polygone, practice on range;<br />

d poudrc, blank practice;<br />

de precision, practice to determine the precision<br />

of an arm;<br />

preparatoire, (t. p.) preliminary practice;<br />

rapide, rapid fire;<br />

reduit, gallery practice;<br />

registre de , v. s. v. registre;<br />

de reglage, (t. p.) sighting-shot practice at unknown<br />

distances;<br />

reglement de , firing regulations;<br />

d repetition, magazine fire ;<br />

en retraite, (nav?) fire astern;<br />

en retraite directe, (nav.) fire straight astern;<br />

saison du , target-practice season ;<br />

de, par, salve, volley fire, firing;<br />

seance de ,<br />

v. s. v. seance;<br />

scrgent de , v. s. v. sergent;<br />

de stand, range as distinguished from service<br />

practice;<br />

sur, fire at (a given target) ; fire from (a rest,<br />

a platform, etc.);<br />

tube d , subcaliber tube;<br />

d visee hnrizontale, special case of individual<br />

fire which is taken on objects on level with<br />

muzzle of rifle;

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