A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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tir 452 tir<br />

tir de baiter ie. battery target practice;<br />

boite pour le fictif. ( Fr. art.) case of iron filings<br />

used in the fictif, q. v.;<br />

de bombar'dement, shelling;<br />

fa boitesfa ballc, shrapnel fire;<br />

en bombe, v. fafeux verticaux;<br />

des bouches fa feu, artillery fire;<br />

a boulet, fire with solid shot;<br />

fa boulet rouge, firing red-hot shot (obs.);<br />

en breche, breaching fire;<br />

de bricole, firing at one portion of a work, and<br />

under a small angle, so as to glance and hit<br />

some part out of reach of direct fire (obs.);<br />

brisant, practice or fire with high-explosive<br />

shells;<br />

bulletin de v. s. v. , bulletin;<br />

de but en blanc, (ball.') point-blank firing;<br />

contre but mobile, practice at a moving target;<br />

contre but immobile, practice at a fixed target;<br />

sur but visible (invisible'), practice at visible<br />

(invisible) target;<br />

circulaire de , direction-aiming circle in cupo-<br />

las;<br />

convergent, converging fire;<br />

courbe, curviligne, curved fire;<br />

de demolition, (siege) plunging fire on all<br />

masonry to be loosened when the breach can<br />

not be made directly;<br />

fa demonter, fire the object of which is to dismount<br />

hostile pieces (said esp. of siege);<br />

deplacement du , shifting of the aim or practice<br />

to a new target;<br />

deplaccr le , to shift the aim or practice to a<br />

new target;<br />

au-dessous de Vhorizon, plunging fire;<br />

direct, direct fire;<br />

en direction, fire as respects direction;<br />

fa distance fictive, (of experimental firing, as<br />

at armor plates, etc.) fire at reduced distances<br />

(using reduced charges, so that the initial shall<br />

equal the remaining velocity under service<br />

charge and service ranges);<br />

& dos, normal reverse fire;<br />

d', en, echarpe, oblique fire (from the front);<br />

echelonne, fire with <strong>com</strong>bined elevations;<br />

ecole de , target practice; school of practice;<br />

target season; period of instruction in firing;<br />

d'efficacite, fire against the enemy after the<br />

range has been found;<br />

d'elevation, v. eleve;<br />

eleve, filing at an object above the plane of<br />

piece; firing down at an object (rare);<br />

fa embrasure, fire through an embrasure;<br />

d 1<br />

enfilade, enfilade fire;<br />

d'ensemble, ranging practice; trial shots to<br />

determine position of target in zone of dispersion<br />

corresponding to angle of elevation used;<br />

d'epreuves, proof firing in general;<br />

d'essai, ranging practice, trial shots; experimental<br />

filing;<br />

fafaible charge, practice with reduced charges;<br />

tifeux verticaux, vertical fire;<br />

fichant, downward fire, giving an angle of<br />

fall greater than 4.<br />

-ficlif, ( Fr. art.) dummy firing (i. e., firing of<br />

cases filled with filings from guns in service,<br />

using full service charges, for the purpose of<br />

testing brakes and the strength of carriages and<br />

of platform; method followed when the range<br />

is limited);<br />

flanc de , v. s. v. fltmc;<br />

de flanquement, flanking fire;<br />

fa forcement, fire in which the projectile is<br />

forced to the grooves;<br />

fa lafourcheite, bracket firing to get the range,<br />

ranging;<br />

fusant, time-fuse practice; rocket practice;<br />

ir fusant dc pleinfouet, time-fuse direct fire;<br />

fusant plongeant, time-fuse plunging fire;<br />

de groupc, group target practice;<br />

de guerre, practice with full service charges;<br />

en hauteur, fire as respects elevation;<br />

incline, shot fired under horizon;<br />

indirect, indirect fire;<br />

d'inspection, special practice (in Russia)<br />

ordered by general officers to test capabilities<br />

of c. o. of batteries or of groups of batteries;<br />

lent, slow fire (one round per minute);<br />

ligne de , (ball.) line of fire;<br />

en ligne droite, fire under a small angle with<br />

full charge;<br />

masque, practice at an invisible or unseen<br />

target;<br />

de matage, firing bronze gun with overcharges<br />

before final boring, so as to obtain<br />

permanent enlargement of powder chamber<br />

(obs.);<br />

' '<br />

fa la mer, seacoast practice;<br />

& mitraille, case-shot fire; in general, any<br />

fragmentation " fire ;<br />

montant, fire at a target above the plane of<br />

the piece;<br />

en mouvemcnt, fire Avhile the turret is rotating;<br />

negatif, fire under an angle of depression;<br />

au niveau, practice with, quadrant elevation;<br />

de nuit, night firing, night practice;<br />

oblique, oblique firing; practice producing an<br />

.<br />

oblique impact;<br />

fa obus, shell practice, shell fire;<br />

fa obus fa ballcs, shrapnel fire;<br />

optique, practice in which aiming is done by<br />

optical means;<br />

ordinaire, normal rate of fire (two to three<br />

rounds per minute);<br />

origine du , (ball.) origin of fire (muzzle of the<br />

piece);<br />

percutant, practice with percussion shell;<br />

percutant plongeant, plunging percussion fire;<br />

plan de , (ball.) plane of fire;<br />

planchette de , v. s. v. planchette;<br />

de pleinfouet, direct fire with full charges;<br />

de pleinfouet direct, direct fire against visible<br />

targets (full charge, flat trajectory);<br />

de plein fouct indirect, practice against invisible<br />

targets (reduced charges, trajectory more<br />

or less curved; Brialmont);<br />

- sur plate-forme, fire from a platform;<br />

plongeant, plunging fire; mortar fire;<br />

plongeant fusant, time-shell plunging fire;<br />

fa pointage indirect, indirect fire;<br />

par le pointage interieur, fire or practice by<br />

indirect aiming;<br />

de polygone, proving-ground fire; range as<br />

distinguished from service practice; (fig.) accurate<br />

fire;<br />

positif, fire under angles of elevation;<br />

aux pressions, practice to determine pressures;<br />

progressif, practice consisting in covering<br />

systematically, by progressive zones, the belt<br />

situated between the observed inferior limit<br />

(short shot) and the superior observed or estimated<br />

limit (time shell in sets of six shots,<br />

varying by one turn of elevating-screw handle);<br />

dcs projectiles, target practice in general;<br />

rapidc, rapid fire (10 to 12 rounds per minute);<br />

fa rapide, rapid fire, quick firing;<br />

rasant, grazing fire; fire parallel to surface of<br />

ground (angle of fall less than 3 or 4);<br />

de recette, de reception, acceptance firing<br />

test:<br />

reduit. practice with reduced charges; subcaliber<br />


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