A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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taranche 443 teigne<br />

taranche, f., lever for the turning scre\v of a press.<br />

tarare, m., winnowing machine.<br />

taraud, m., tap, screw tap; boxing machine;<br />

- <strong>com</strong>pensateur, <strong>com</strong>pensating tap, expanding<br />

tap; - conique, taper tan; - equarrissoir, square tap-rimer;<br />

- ft expansion, v.<strong>com</strong>pensateur;<br />

manche de-, wrench, tap wrenoh;<br />

--mire, master tap.<br />

taraudage, m., tapping.<br />

taraude, p. p., tapped;<br />

boulon-, screw bolt.<br />

- tit la filiere, to cut screws with a die;<br />

- & la volee, to cut screws by hand.<br />

tarauder, v. a., to tap; (less strictly) to cut screws;<br />

taraudeur, m., workman who taps; tapper.<br />

taraudeuse, f., (mach.) screw-cutting engine or<br />

machine.<br />

tard, a., late.<br />

tas droit. straight row of paving stones in the<br />

middle of the road;<br />

defoin, haystack;<br />

mettre en , to pile, heap up;<br />

ft soyer, creasing tool;<br />

sur le , (cons.) on the work (said of stones<br />

that are dressed, pieces assembled, etc., at or<br />

near the point where they are to be used).<br />

tasseau, m., bracket,<br />

small block, cleat, torsel;<br />

ledge; batten (as in a packing case); binding<br />

strip; holdfast; clamp; hand anvil; (mach.)<br />

tappet;<br />

de clapet, (mach.) valve guard;<br />

de cuir, leather cup;<br />

de direclrice, (art.) oracket or support for the<br />

directrice of a chassis (truck wagon);<br />

de I'excentrique, (mach.) eccentric tappet;<br />

longitudinal, rib;<br />

de marche-pied, (art.) footboard bracket;<br />

de volee, (art.) muzzle bracket or support<br />

(truck wagon).<br />

tassement, m., settling (of embankments, buildings,<br />

pillars, etc.); amount allowed by excess<br />

of height for settling; (sm. a.) settlement, settling,<br />

of powder in a cartridge case.<br />

tasser, v. a., to pile up, heap up; to ram, beat,<br />

down (earth); (fond.) to ram up; (sm. a.) to<br />

shake down, settle, powder in a cartridge case;<br />

to cause to settle;<br />

a railway car;<br />

cheval sans , horse without blemish;<br />

- dure, (hipp.) osseous blemish (e. g., curb,<br />

spavin); - molle, (hipp.) generic term for elastic, noninflammatory<br />

tumors near the articulations;<br />

- osseuse, v.- dure.<br />

tart, p. p., blemished;<br />

cheval-, blemished horse.<br />

tarer, v. a., to damage, injure; to tarej to <strong>com</strong>pare<br />

with a weight taken as standard of <strong>com</strong>parison;<br />

to calibrate.<br />

taret, m., teredo, teredo navalis.<br />

targette, f., sliding-bolt, fastener; sash bolt, window<br />

fastening; - a ressort. spring bolt; - de surete, (sm. a.) safety device.<br />

taricre, f., auger; wimble, borer; - anglaise, screw auger; screw earth auger;<br />

- & arcade, (mil. mm.) an earth scoop strengthened<br />

by a curved band (arcade) joining the<br />

edges of the scoop;<br />

bout de-, auger bit; - & clapet, sludger; - creuse, twisted auger; - & cuiller, shell auger;<br />

cuiller de-, shell of an auger; - h elargir, (mil. mm.) enlarging auger or earth<br />

borer; - & goujon, dowel borer, hollow auger;<br />

grande-(de forage), (mil. mm.) name of Colonel<br />

Bussiere's earth auger; - en helice, gimlet; - djantiere, felly auger;<br />

meche de-, y. bout de ; - de mine, mine auger; - pontee, v.- a arcade; - & spirale, v. - en helice;<br />

de-, tige shank of an auger; - torse, twisted auger; (mil. mm.) earth borer;<br />

- tubulaire, tubular earth auger;<br />

verge de-, v. faire ,<br />

se , to settle (of buildings, embankments,<br />

etc.).<br />

tater, v. a., to feel; to try, sound;<br />

cheval qui<br />

tige de-<br />

; - & vis, screw auger.<br />

tartf, m., tariff; charges; table of prices, price list.<br />

tarifer, v. a., to fix the tariff, the fares.<br />

tarir, v. a. n., to dry up, drain, exhaust; to be exhausted,<br />

drained; to go, run, dry.<br />

tarissable, a., that dries up.<br />

tarissement, m., draining, drying up, state of<br />

being exhausted.<br />

tarpan, m., (hipp.) wild horse of the steppes of<br />

Mongolia.<br />

tarse, m., (hipp.) the tarsal bones.<br />

tartre, m., (chem.) tartar; (steam) boiler incrustation,<br />

scale; - de(s) chaudiere(s), (steam) boiler scale.<br />

tartrlfuge, m., (steam) scale preventer.<br />

tas, m., heap, pile; small, hand, anvil; polishing<br />

block; swage block; holding-up hammer, dolly;<br />

straight row of paving stones in the middle of<br />

the road; (cons.) building ground; building<br />

under construction;<br />

tate le pave, v. s. v. cheval:<br />

son cheval, (man.) to try one's horse;<br />

I'ennemi. (mil.) to feel the enemy;<br />

lefond, (nav.) to touch bottom;<br />

le pave, (fig.) to examine the ground;<br />

le terrain, (man.) of a horse, to step hesitatingly.<br />

tatonnement, m., groping about, attempt,<br />

"feeler"; trial and error.<br />

tatouage, m., tattooing.<br />

tatouer, v. a., to tattoo.<br />

taud, m., taude, f., (nav.) rain awning.<br />

tauder, v. a., (nav.) to spread a rain awning.<br />

taugour, m., short lever for various purposes.<br />

taupo, f., (hipp.) poll evil;<br />

de rempart, (mil. slang.) engineer soldier.<br />

taupin, m., student of higher mathematics: candidate<br />

for the Polvtechnique; (mil. slang) officer<br />

or soldier of engineers;<br />

cane, second-year student of higher mathematics;<br />

cube, third-year student of higher mathematics,<br />

taurocolle, f., very strong glue made from tendons,<br />

cartilage, etc.<br />

tautochrone, a., tautochronous;<br />

(courbe) tautochrone.<br />

,<br />

tautochronisme, m., tautochronism.<br />

taux, m., rate, rate of discount, of interest; assessment;<br />

selling price; fixed price for sale of stores,<br />

rate of interest, etc.; (in strength of materials)<br />

load;<br />

de charge, load per unit of section or area<br />

(strength of materials);<br />

de securite, (in strength of materials) safe<br />

load per unit of area.<br />

taxation, f., valuation, estimate; (in pi.) fees.<br />

taxe, f., tax, taxing, rate, price;<br />

militaire, (Fr. a.) tax or duty paid by men<br />

exempt from service in the active army;<br />

de port, (nav.) harbor dues, duties.<br />

taxer, v. a., to rate, fix the price of; to charge, to<br />

tax.<br />

tayon, m., a tree left standing after the third cut.<br />

tchako, m., v. schaTco.<br />

te, m., v. s. v. T.<br />

technique, a., technical, scientific;<br />

projet , project for a railway, canal, etc.<br />

technologic, f., technology.<br />

teck, m., teak, teak wood.'<br />

tegole, f., (cons.) tegnla (sort of roofing tile).<br />

teigne, f., (hipp.) thrush.

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