A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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suspect 438 table suspect, lieu, pays, (de contagion), place, country, thought to be infected. suspendre, v. a., to hang, hang up, sling; to suspend, stay, stop, arrest, discontinue, intermit (as hostilities) ; to delay, put off; to suspend from office; un cheval, to sling a horse; le compete, to swing a compass in gimbals. suspendu, p. p., suspended; swung; (of a vehicle) on springs, having springs; suspended (from duty, from office); pont , suspension bridge. suspenseur, a., suspensory; m., sling; cable , supporting cable (of a suspension bridge). suspension, f., suspension, hanging, swinging; discontinuance, interruption, cessation; suspension (from duty, office); (in balloons) the set or system of suspending cords; anneau de v. s. v. anneau; d'armes, (mil.) suspension of arms, of hostilities; truce, armistice; bifilaire, bifilar suspension; & la Cardan, Cardan's, cardanic, suspension; chalne de , suspension chain; des chevaux, (hipp.) swinging of horses in case ofcertain diseases or fractures; contrcfilaire, counter-filar suspension ; d'emploi, (Fr. a.) suspension from duty (as on account of passage to non-activite); de grade, (Fr. a.) suspension from grade (chefs de musique, who have no assimilated rank as officers); d'hostilites, v. d'armes; mort par - t death by hanging; point de , point of suspension; systeme h , (art.) lunette-and-pintle system of limbering up; temps de , (man.) time or moment after the execution of the parts of a movement; unif'laire, unifilar suspension. suspensoire, f.. (pont.) suspension rod (as of a suspension bridge); (med.) suspensory, suspensory bandage. sus-pied, m., v. sur pied. suzerain, a., m., suzerain. suzerainetfe, f., suzerainty. svelte, a., slender, light, slim, graceful, easy. switch, m., (r. r.) switch. sycomore, m., sycamore tree and wood; faux , pride of India. syfcnite, f., syenite. symfetrie, f., symmetry. symetrique, m., symmetric. sympiezometre, m.. sympiesometer. synchrone, a., synchronous. synchronique, a., synchronic. synchroniser, v. a., to synchronize. synchronlsme, m., synchronism. syndic, m., syndic; magistrate; assignee; (des gens de mcr), in France, seaman or discharged petty officer having police duties with reference to the maritime domain, fisheries, etc., and local representative in all matters relating to the inscription maritime. T, any T-shaped device, any T-shaped part of a mechanism; toggle; T square; T iron; (siege) T-shaped trench (in front of the circular place of arms); (fort.) T-shaped place of arms; (mil. min.) double nrine, T-shaped mine; (mach.) crosshead; d' assemblage, T-shaped assembling or con- necting piece; axe en (& deux leviers opposes), (mach.) cross axle; essieu en , (mach.) cross axle; feren , T iron; ferti double , H iron; guides du , (mach.) crosshead guides; mine en , (mil. min.) T mine; du piston, (mach.^ piston crosshead; T. syndical, a., chambre c, trades committee; chambrs e ouvriere, trades-union committee. syndicat, m., office, duties, of a syndic; trades committee. syndlquer, v. a., to form a syndicate. synovial, a., synovial. synoviale, f., (hipp.) synovial membrane; tendineuse, synovial sheath. synovie, f., synovia. synovlte, f., (hipp.) synovitis. syrtes, f. pi., (hydr.) shifting sands. systeme, m., system, project, scheme, plan; in any material or mechanical arrangement, the ensemble of the essential or characteristic parts; angulaire, (fort. ) v. tenaille; d'artillerie, (art.) comprehensive term for everything connected with the arm, especially of a material character; awervi (mach.) system controlled by a servo motor; bastionne, (fort.) bastioned system; & bielle et cadre, (mach.) slit-bar motion; de bielles combinees, (mach.) connecting-rod system; en boucle, (elec.) loop system; de carriere, v. s. v. carriere; de changement de marche, (mach.) reversing gear; concentrique, (fort.) system of fortification in which the works are situated in lines, all the fortifications of the national territory being considered; concutant, (art.) in a double-action fuse, the arrangement that sets off the time system; concutant-percutant, v. s. v. concutant; de contremines, (fort.) system of countermines; & deux fils, (elec.) two-wire system; de fortification, fortification system; fusant, (art.) time train proper of a doubleaction fuse; de lumiereh arc, (elec.) arc system; moderne, (fort.) modern polygonal system; de passage, v. s. v. passage; percutant, v. s. v. percutant; de pointaje en direction (hauteur), (art.) training (elevating) gear; polygonal, (fort.) v. moderne; rayonnant, (fort.) system of fortification in which the works radiate from the capital, along probable lines of invasion, to frontier; de roues, system of wheels; en serie, (elec.) series system; de soupapes, (mach.) set of valves; tenaille, (fort.) tenaille system: & transmission directe (indirecte), (elec.) direct- (indirect-) distribution system; & trois fils, (elec.) three-wire system; & vide, vacuum system. syzygle, f., syzygy; maree de , spring tide. T, poutre en , en double , v. s. v. poutre; renverse, (mach.) cross-tail; de tige de piston, (mach.) piston-rod crosshead; du tiroir, (mach.) slide-valve crosshead. tabac, m., tobacco; les s, government sale of tobacco. tabatiere, f., tobacco box; fusil & , v. s. v. fusil. table, f., table; plate; slab; face of an anvil, of a hammer; (in the arts) worktable; table (of logarithms, etc.); index register; (top.) rock with a flat top; table (of a mountain); (hipp.) dental table; (cons.) flange of an I, of a channel, beam; surface or floor of a truss; table, rectangular area in relief,, etc., on a wall; panel surrounded by a border of plaster; bed of concrete supporting construction in compressible soils; (nav.) signal book; (mil.) officers' mess; wd.) bed. bedstone (of the mill); (mach.) (e. g., oi a planer);

table 439 tache table d'appardl, worktable; aux armements, (s. c. art.) implement shelf; d'attente, plate or slab for an inscription; de battene, -battiere, molding trough; en beton, concrete bed (for construction in compressible soils) ; brisee, folding table; de charge, (artif.) drift board; chiffrante, cipher table, board, or disk; de construction, any sheet, plan, etc., containing full details for constructing a mechanism,, machine; working plan, working drawing (e. g., small arms); (Fr. a.) tables of specifications for the construction of material; de correspondance, (Fr. art.) table showing variations in the elements of loading for the same piece, using different projectiles; & coulisses, v. Itrallonges; de cylindre, (mack.) cylinder face; de defilement, (art.) range table for indirect fire (fixes points from which a hidden target may best be reached by indirect fire); dentaire,(hipp.) dental table; '-ddessiner, drawing table or board; & double entree, double-entry table; deerire, writing table; b, egruger, (artif.) mixing table; mealing tray; d'enclume,ta.ce of an anvil; etre & la meme , to mess together; ^-evier, tank . table; faire rase, to obliterate, begin all over again; en fante, cast-iron face plate; bforer, (mach.) traveling table (of a boring machine); hfourrer, (cord.) serving board; de foyer, hearth plate; dead plate; de friction, (mach.) slide face; de glaciers, glacier table; d'harmonie, sounding board; des hausses, (art.) table of elevations, drift, and of other elements; d manger, dining table; de manipulation, (elec.) switch board; keyboard; d'un marteau, hammer face; des matieres, table of contents; d'un moulindpoudre, (powd.) bedder, nether millstone; & ouvrage, work bench; pliante, v. brisee; de pointage, ( Fr. art.) bed of the lower carriage ofthe 120=" C.; porte-projectile, (mach.) projectile table in band-seating machinery; pratique de tir, (ball.) a ballistic table (so called because it gives only data indispensable for actual execution of fire); d r allonges, extension table; rapportee de cylindre, (mach.) false face of a cylinder; & rebord, v. & tgruger; & rouler, trundle plank: saillante, (cons.) panel projecting from its frame; & secher, drying tray; de tir, (art.) range table; de tir graphique, (art.) graphical range table; de tir numcrique, (art.) table giving numerical arguments and functions; de tir plongeant, (art.) range table for curved fire; de tiroir, (mach.) valve face, slide face; tournante, (min.) slime table; 4 tourner, (mach.) rest of a boring machine; de visee, (nav.) sort of range table for firing, a torpedo from a ship. tableau, m., blackboard, announcement board; picture, painting; description, catalogue, list, table, tabulated statement, schedule; diagram; (cons.) reveal; d'assemblage, index map; d'avancement, (mil.) promotion roll or list; de concordance des charges, (art.) table giving the charges of different powders necessary to produce a given muzzle velocity; de connexion, (elec.) secondary switch board; de defilement, v. table de defilement; de distribution, (elec.) switch board; it double entree, double-entry table; figuratif de tir, (ball.) plotted diagram of practice; (-)indicateur, (art.) in a seacoast battery, board containing or showing data useful in target practice; de marche, (mil.) tabulated statement of a day's march (giving elements of column, time when each is to start in order to reach initial point, destination, etc., Fr. a.); de marche des trains, (r. r.) time-table; de recensement, v. s. v. recensement; de recherches pour le tir plongeant, (art.) a table giving for known ranges and angles of fall the muzzle velocity, the remaining horizontal velocity, and probable error in height; secondaire, (elec.) secondary switch board; de service, (mil.) duty roster; (r. r.) timetable; du service journalier. (mil.) schedule or roster of daily duties; de service de tranchee, (siege) roster of trench duty; de tir, (art.) range table. tablette, f., tablet; shelf; (in pi.) writing tablets, notebook; long rib (e. g.,in Schultzgun); (inst.) plane table; (nav.) armor shelf; (fort.) coping; (med.) tablet; d'appui, (cons.) window-, door-, sill; en bahut, (cons.) coping stone; de cheminee, (cons.) mantelpiece; & coulisse, leaf of a table; defenetre, (cons.) window sill; d'un mur, coping of a wall; de platine, (sm. a.) lock plate; d'une poutre, d'unc solive, (cons.) beam end (resting on a wall). tablier, m., apron; apron of a carriage; small canvas bag for nails, spikes, etc.; (pont.) floor of a suspension bridge; frame and planking of one bay of a frame bridge; roadway of a pontoon bridge; (art.) floor of a platform; platform of a twowheel truck; & , aproned; & bavette, cook's apron (high apron); charpente de , road framing of a suspension bridge; plate-forme & continu, & s superposes, v. s. v. plate-forme; de pont, floor, flooring, of a bridge; de pont flottant, brow of a floating bridge; de pont-levis, platform, movable part, of a drawbridge; de sapeur, (mil.) sapper's apron; de siege, (fort.) flooring of a siege platform. tabors, m., (mil.) ring, circle, of baggage, for defense against cavalry. tabouret, m., stool; (man.) riding stool (sort of stool susceptible of motions similar to those produced by a lK>rse in motion); flectrique, isolant,(elec.) insulating stand. tac, m., (hipp.) rot (eruptive phlegmasia); (fenc.) touch. tache, f.. spot, stain; (art.) tin spot in gun metal; d'etain, tin (art.) spot in bronze guns; dans I'ml. (hipp.) haw(s). tache, f., task, job; piecework; & la , by the job; to , work by the job, by the piece;

suspect 438 table<br />

suspect, lieu, pays, (de contagion), place,<br />

country, thought to be infected.<br />

suspendre, v. a., to hang, hang up, sling; to suspend,<br />

stay, stop, arrest, discontinue, intermit<br />

(as hostilities) ; to delay, put off; to suspend<br />

from office;<br />

un cheval, to sling a horse;<br />

le <strong>com</strong>pete, to swing a <strong>com</strong>pass in gimbals.<br />

suspendu, p. p., suspended; swung; (of a vehicle)<br />

on springs, having springs; suspended (from<br />

duty, from office);<br />

pont , suspension bridge.<br />

suspenseur, a., suspensory; m., sling;<br />

cable , supporting cable (of a suspension<br />

bridge).<br />

suspension, f., suspension, hanging, swinging;<br />

discontinuance, interruption, cessation; suspension<br />

(from duty, office); (in balloons) the<br />

set or system of suspending cords;<br />

anneau de v. s. v. anneau;<br />

d'armes, (mil.) suspension of arms, of hostilities;<br />

truce, armistice;<br />

bifilaire, bifilar suspension;<br />

& la Cardan, Cardan's, cardanic, suspension;<br />

chalne de , suspension chain;<br />

des chevaux, (hipp.) swinging of horses in<br />

case ofcertain diseases or fractures;<br />

contrcfilaire, counter-filar suspension ;<br />

d'emploi, (Fr. a.) suspension from duty (as<br />

on account of passage to non-activite);<br />

de grade, (Fr. a.) suspension from grade<br />

(chefs de musique, who have no assimilated<br />

rank as officers);<br />

d'hostilites, v. d'armes;<br />

mort par<br />

-<br />

t death by hanging;<br />

point de , point of suspension;<br />

systeme h , (art.) lunette-and-pintle system of<br />

limbering up;<br />

temps de , (man.) time or moment after the<br />

execution of the parts of a movement;<br />

unif'laire, unifilar suspension.<br />

suspensoire, f.. (pont.) suspension rod (as of a<br />

suspension bridge); (med.) suspensory, suspensory<br />

bandage.<br />

sus-pied, m., v. sur pied.<br />

suzerain, a., m., suzerain.<br />

suzerainetfe, f., suzerainty.<br />

svelte, a., slender, light, slim, graceful, easy.<br />

switch, m., (r. r.) switch.<br />

sy<strong>com</strong>ore, m., sycamore tree and wood;<br />

faux , pride of India.<br />

syfcnite, f., syenite.<br />

symfetrie, f., symmetry.<br />

symetrique, m., symmetric.<br />

sympiezometre, m.. sympiesometer.<br />

synchrone, a., synchronous.<br />

synchronique, a., synchronic.<br />

synchroniser, v. a., to synchronize.<br />

synchronlsme, m., synchronism.<br />

syndic, m., syndic; magistrate; assignee;<br />

(des gens de mcr), in France, seaman or discharged<br />

petty officer having police duties with<br />

reference to the maritime domain, fisheries,<br />

etc., and local representative in all matters relating<br />

to the inscription maritime.<br />

T, any T-shaped device, any T-shaped part of a<br />

mechanism; toggle; T square; T iron; (siege)<br />

T-shaped trench (in front of the circular place<br />

of arms); (fort.) T-shaped place of arms; (mil.<br />

min.) double nrine, T-shaped mine; (mach.)<br />

crosshead;<br />

d' assemblage, T-shaped assembling or con-<br />

necting piece;<br />

axe en (& deux leviers opposes), (mach.)<br />

cross axle;<br />

essieu en , (mach.) cross axle;<br />

feren , T iron;<br />

ferti double , H iron;<br />

guides du , (mach.) crosshead guides;<br />

mine en , (mil. min.) T mine;<br />

du piston, (mach.^ piston crosshead;<br />

T.<br />

syndical, a., chambre c, trades <strong>com</strong>mittee;<br />

chambrs e ouvriere, trades-union <strong>com</strong>mittee.<br />

syndicat, m., office, duties, of a syndic; trades<br />

<strong>com</strong>mittee.<br />

syndlquer, v. a., to form a syndicate.<br />

synovial, a., synovial.<br />

synoviale, f., (hipp.) synovial membrane;<br />

tendineuse, synovial sheath.<br />

synovie, f., synovia.<br />

synovlte, f., (hipp.) synovitis.<br />

syrtes, f. pi., (hydr.) shifting sands.<br />

systeme, m., system, project, scheme, plan; in<br />

any material or mechanical arrangement, the<br />

ensemble of the essential or characteristic parts;<br />

angulaire, (fort. ) v. tenaille;<br />

d'artillerie, (art.) <strong>com</strong>prehensive term for<br />

everything connected with the arm, especially<br />

of a material character;<br />

awervi (mach.) system controlled by a servo<br />

motor;<br />

bastionne, (fort.) bastioned system;<br />

& bielle et cadre, (mach.) slit-bar motion;<br />

de bielles <strong>com</strong>binees, (mach.) connecting-rod<br />

system;<br />

en boucle, (elec.) loop system;<br />

de carriere, v. s. v. carriere;<br />

de changement de marche, (mach.) reversing<br />

gear;<br />

concentrique, (fort.) system of fortification in<br />

which the works are situated in lines, all the<br />

fortifications of the national territory being<br />

considered;<br />

concutant, (art.) in a double-action fuse, the<br />

arrangement that sets off the time system;<br />

concutant-percutant, v. s. v. concutant;<br />

de contremines, (fort.) system of countermines;<br />

& deux fils, (elec.) two-wire system;<br />

de fortification, fortification system;<br />

fusant, (art.) time train proper of a doubleaction<br />

fuse;<br />

de lumiereh arc, (elec.) arc system;<br />

moderne, (fort.) modern polygonal system;<br />

de passage, v. s. v. passage;<br />

percutant, v. s. v. percutant;<br />

de pointaje en direction (hauteur), (art.) training<br />

(elevating) gear;<br />

polygonal, (fort.) v. moderne;<br />

rayonnant, (fort.) system of fortification in<br />

which the works radiate from the capital,<br />

along probable lines of invasion, to frontier;<br />

de roues, system of wheels;<br />

en serie, (elec.) series system;<br />

de soupapes, (mach.) set of valves;<br />

tenaille, (fort.) tenaille system:<br />

& transmission directe (indirecte), (elec.)<br />

direct- (indirect-) distribution system;<br />

& trois fils, (elec.) three-wire system;<br />

& vide, vacuum system.<br />

syzygle, f., syzygy;<br />

maree de , spring tide.<br />

T, poutre en , en double , v. s. v. poutre;<br />

renverse, (mach.) cross-tail;<br />

de tige de piston, (mach.) piston-rod crosshead;<br />

du tiroir, (mach.) slide-valve crosshead.<br />

tabac, m., tobacco;<br />

les s, government sale of tobacco.<br />

tabatiere, f., tobacco box;<br />

fusil & , v. s. v. fusil.<br />

table, f., table; plate; slab; face of an anvil, of a<br />

hammer; (in the arts) worktable; table (of<br />

logarithms, etc.); index register; (top.) rock<br />

with a flat top; table (of a mountain); (hipp.)<br />

dental table; (cons.) flange of an I, of a channel,<br />

beam; surface or floor of a truss; table, rectangular<br />

area in relief,, etc., on a wall; panel<br />

surrounded by a border of plaster; bed of concrete<br />

supporting construction in <strong>com</strong>pressible<br />

soils; (nav.) signal book; (mil.) officers' mess;<br />

wd.) bed. bedstone (of the mill); (mach.)<br />

(e. g., oi a planer);

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