A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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subsistance 435 support<br />

subsistance, mettre en , (mil.') to assign a man<br />

to a unit not his own, for pay and subsistence;<br />

s militaires, (mil.) food, forage, illuminating<br />

and heating, supplies, etc.;<br />

mise en , (mil.) assignment of a man to a unit<br />

not his own, for pay and subsistence.<br />

subsistant, m., (mil.') man temporarily subsisted<br />

and paid in a unit not his own (said of militaire<br />

isole).<br />

subsister, v. a., to subsist;<br />

faire une armee, (mil.) to subsist an army.<br />

substance, f., substance; matter;<br />

isolante, (elec.) insulating material;<br />

s rebelles, (met.) refractory ores.<br />

substituer, v. a., to substitute.<br />

substitut, m., substitute; deputy.<br />

substitution, f., substitution; (esp. Fr. a.) the<br />

substitution of one sort of forage for another.<br />

substruction, f., substruction; underpinning;<br />

foundation.<br />

subvention, f., relief; subsidy; grant; supply, aid.<br />

subventionner, v. a. /to subsidize; to make a grant,<br />

a subsidy.<br />

subversion, f., subversion, ruin, overthrow.<br />

subverter, v. a., to overthrow, ruin, subvert.<br />

suc<strong>com</strong>ber, v. n., to fail, yield, succumb, be<br />

worsted; to sink beneath; to be overthrown.<br />

succursale, f., branch establishment.<br />

sucre, m. , sugar;<br />

casser du & deux sous le mitre cube, (mil.<br />

slang) to be in punishment <strong>com</strong>panies, breaking<br />

stone.<br />

sud, a., south, southerly; m., the south; south<br />

wind;<br />

magnetique, magnetic south;<br />

vrai, true south.<br />

sudiste, m., Confederate, 1861-1865.<br />

sud-ouest, a., southwest; m., the southwest;<br />

southwest wind, southwester; southwester<br />

(head gear).<br />

suee, f., (hipp.) sweating, sweat.<br />

suer, v. a., to sweat; to perspire;<br />

blanc, (hipp.) to sweat foam; to sweat foamy;<br />

to foam;<br />

lefer, (met.) to weld <strong>com</strong>pletely.<br />

sueur, f., sweat,<br />

suie, f.,soot;<br />

de bois, wood soot.<br />

suM, m., tallow; suet; tallow (art.)i disk; (nav.) mixture<br />

of soap, tallow, brimstone, etc., for paying<br />

a ship's bottom;<br />

boite d tallow , box;<br />

bouilloireh tallow , kettle;<br />

coupe d , v. godetb ;<br />

cuir en v. s. v. , cuir;<br />

donner un , to grease;<br />

godetb, tallow , cup; grease cup;<br />

goutte de round-head , screw, button-head<br />

screw;<br />

mettre en to , tallow;<br />

mineral, a variety of talc.<br />

suiffer, v. a., to tallow; (nav.) to pay with suif,<br />

q. v.<br />

suiutement, m., oozing, running, exudation (running,<br />

leaking, of seams, boilers, etc.); (expl.)<br />

exudation, leakage, of acids;<br />

de la fourchette, (hipp.) thrush, running<br />

thrush.<br />

suinter, v. n., to leak, filter, drip through; to run<br />

out, ooze; (expl.) to exude, leak (as acids).<br />

suite, f., retinue, train; sequel, continuance, succession,<br />

series, set, consequence;<br />

& la , (mil.) supernumerary;<br />

& la de I'armee, (mil.) of a general officer, in<br />

excess of the statutory number;<br />

d la d'un regiment, (mil.) of an officer, attached<br />

to a regiment as supernumerary of his grade;<br />

Stre mis a la , (mil.) to be discharged with a<br />

pension;<br />

officier d la v. s. v. , officier.<br />

suivage, m., tallowing.<br />

suivant, m., follower in a flight of pigeons.<br />

suiver, v. a., v. sniffer.<br />

suivre, v. a., to follow, pursue, go after;<br />

un cours, to take a course of study (in a college,<br />

etc.);<br />

la piste, (man.) to go close to the wall of a<br />

riding hall;<br />

le poing de la bride, (man.) to obey the hand<br />

readily.<br />

suiet, a., subject to, amenable, liable; prone, given<br />

to, addicted to.<br />

sujet, m., subject, topic, matter; subject (of a<br />

king);<br />

Ion , steady, well-behaved man.<br />

sujetion, f., subjection; inconvenience;<br />

pierre de , v. s. v. pierre.<br />

suifatisation, f., impregnation, injection, with<br />

sulphate of copper.<br />

sulfatiser, v. a., to inject, impregnate, with sulphate<br />

of copper.<br />

sulfoglycfcrique, a., (chem., expl.) glycerolsulphuric.<br />

sulfoiiitrique, a., (chem., expl.) sulphonitric.<br />

sulfurite, (expl.) sulphurite.<br />

sultan, m., sultan.<br />

sultane, f., sultana.<br />

super, v. a. n., (of a pump) to suck up the packing;<br />

(of tubes, etc.) to be stopped, plugged, up.<br />

superflcie, f., superficies; surface, area;<br />

& la , superficially;<br />

de , superficial, in area.<br />

superfln, a., superfine; (of a file) dead smooth.<br />

superieur, a., superior; upper (of rivers, of countries,<br />

e. g., the upper Rhine, etc.);<br />

cour e , higher court; supreme court;<br />

officier , (mil.) field officer; \<br />

tribunal , v. cour e.<br />

superposer, v. a., to superpose.<br />

f., superposition, superposition; (sm. a.) overlapping<br />

and welding the edges of a skelp.<br />

superstruction, f., (cons.) construction above<br />

ground.<br />

superstructure, f., superstructure; superstructure<br />

of a bridge; (r. r.) superstructure (ballast and<br />

rails, track and supports).<br />

suppteance, f., substitution; functions of a substitute.<br />

suppleant, a., m., deputy, substitute, assistant.<br />

suppleer, v. a. n., to supply, make good; to furnish,<br />

fill up, supply the place of, do duty for,<br />

serve instead.<br />

supplement, m., supplement, addition; additional<br />

pay; gratuity, bounty; allowance;<br />

en , extra, additional;<br />

officier en , (mil.) supernumerary officer;<br />

de solde, extra pay or allowance.<br />

supptementaire, a., supplementary, additional,<br />

extra, supernumerary.<br />

supplice, m., punishment, corporal punishment;<br />

le dernier , capital punishment.<br />

supplicier, v. a., to execute, inflict capital punishment<br />

on.<br />

support, m., support, prop, stay, rest, pillar,<br />

column, standard, stanchion, strut, bearing,<br />

block, holder, projecting frame, stand, rack;<br />

fulcrum, stand; (fig.) assistance, help, protection;<br />

(art.) headstock; mount (rapid-firing gun);<br />

(pont.) beam supporting balks, etc.; (mach.)<br />

plumber block; overhanging arm; bracket;<br />

(elec.) incandescent-lamp socket;<br />

d' alimentation, (r.f. art.) feed box;<br />

d'arbre porte-fraise, (mach.) overhanging arm<br />

(as of a milling machine);<br />

arriere. (art.) rear support (of a star gauge);<br />

avant (d T), (art.) front or T rest (of a star<br />

-d bawnnette, (elec.) bayonet-joint socket (for<br />

an incandescent lamp);<br />

de balancier, crossnead bracket (of a steam<br />

windlass);<br />

de bicyclette, bicycle stand;<br />

de chargement, (art.) breech support (<strong>French</strong><br />

95mm) for fire under great angles;<br />

d d'jriot, (mach.) slide, slide rest (of a lathe);

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