A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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sous-longeron 432 spectre sous-longeron, m., (cons.) under stringer; (pont.) bolster (undpr side rail). sous-main, m., pad, scratch pad. sous-marin, a., submarine; submerged; guerre e, (nav.) submarine warfare; navigation e, submarine navigation; navire , submarine boat. sous-mentonniere, L, (unif.) chin strap. sous-ceuvre, m., v. s. v. ozuvre, in. sous-ofl, m., (mil. slang) "noncom." sous-officier, m., n. c. o.; ( Fr. a., does not include corporal); (nav.) petty officer; chefde piece, n. c. o., chief of piece; comptable, n. c. o. having money or property responsibility; de magasin, n. c. o., storekeeper; de tir, noncommissioned range officer, in charge on range. sous-ordre, m., subordinate: (Zaw) garmshee order; (mil.) subaltern officer; any officer under the orders of another (may be a corps commander); en in a subordinate , capacity; officier , (mil.) subaltern officer, company officer; officiers en general. , (mil.) subordinate officers in sous-pied, m., trowser strap; spur strap; strap; de dragon, (cav. slang) foot soldier. gaiter sous-poutre, f., (cons.) under girder, corbel piece, bolster. sous-T>rclectnre, f., district, functions, term, residence, office, city of residence, of a subprefect. sous-prfcfet, m., subprefect. sous-pression, f., underpressure, pressure from below. sous-secretaire, m., undersecretary, d'Etat, assistant or under secretary of state. sous-seing, m., private document (i. e., not drawn up before a public officer); postal franchise. soussigiiG, p. p., undersigned; je, , I, the undersigned. soussigner, v. a., to sign, undersign. sous-sol, m., subsoil; underground room or apartment; de chemin defer, (r. r.) roadbed. sous-somorer, v. n., (nav.) to sink to the bottom; to founder. sous-tendeur, m., (cons.) tie-rod (metallic truss). sous-tendre, v. a., to subtend. sous-traitant, m., subcontractor. sous-traitfe, m., subcontract. sous-traiter, v. a., to make a subcontract. sous-unit^, f., (mil, etc.) subunit. sous-ventrtere, f., ' (ham.) bellyband, surcingle; saddle girth. sous-verge, m., (art.) of? horse; de derri-ere, (aft.) off wheeler; de devant, (art.) off leader; etre en , (mil. slang) to be second in command; limonier , v. s. v. limonier; de milieu, off swing horse. sous-vfitSrinaire, m., unden etefinarian. soutache, (unif.) embroidery of braid on a uniform. soutacher, v. a., (unif.) to braid. soute, f., (nav.) storeroom, locker, tank; aux cables, cable locker; a cartouches, cartridge locker (rapid-fire guns); ft charbon, coal bunker ; & charbon de cote, side coal bunker; & eau, water-ballast compartment; ft eau et d, charbon, (r. r.) water and coal space of a locomotr, e tender; ft munitions rilling room; & obus, shell room ; & pain, bread locker; a poudre, aux poudres, powder magazine; a projectiles, pro'ectile magazine; aux torpilles, torpedo room; vitree, filling room. soutenement, m., (cons.) support, prop; timbering and walling (of mines, etc.); mur de , retaining wall. soutenlr, v. a., to support, sustain, bear, hold up (a weight, etc.); to stay, prop; to uphold, maintain, keep from falling, keep up (credit, a government, etc.); to sustain (a reputation); to endure, bear, stand, hold out, resist; to back, second, assist; (mil.) to support, resist; un assaut, (mil.) to support an assault; un bdtiment, (com.) to prop up a building; la chasse, (nav.) to maintain a running fight; to follow an enemy closely; un cheval, (man.) to hold up a horse (going downhill); to keep up, assist, bear up, a horse; to keep a horse at his gait; un combat l (mil., nav.) to keep up a fight against superior forces; la guerre, (mil.) to wage war; un pas, (man.) to keep up a gait; un siege, (mil.) to stand a siege, to hold out. soutenu, p. p., (man.) (of gaits) well marked, regular, cadenced. souterrain, a., subterranean, underground; guerre e, v. s. v. guerre; nappe d'eau 1, v. s. v. nappe. souterrain, m., underground room or passage; (r. r.) tunnel; (mil. min.) gallery of a mine; (fort.) bombproof; underground portion of a fort; de caserne, (fort.) casemate barrack; passage , (min.) drift, driftway; putts tunnel , shaft, pit. soutien, m v support: point of support; abutment; (man.) lifting of the foot; (mil.) support: (esp. inf.) the support, i. e., one of the elements of the ligne de combat or ligne de fen: compagnie de -, (mil.) company in support; escadron de , (cav.) supporting squadron. sou tier, m., (nav.) coal trimmer. soutirage, m., (met.) drawing off; (dec.) tapping of electricity. soutirer, v. a., (met.) to draw off; (elec.) to tap. souverain, a., m., sovereign. souverainete, f,, sovereignty. soyer, v. a., to crease, seam (tin plate, etc.). spadelle, f., (met.) sort of stirring spade. spa hi, f., (-Fr. a.) spahi (Algerian cavalry, four regiments; the cadres are one-half French and one-half native up to lieutenant, inclusive). spalme, m., (nav.) paying stuff. spalmer, v. a., (nav.) to pay a ship's bottom; to pitch, bream, careen. spalt, m., (met.) spalt. sparte, m., (cord.) esparto grass. sparterie, f., articles made of esparto grass. spath, m., spar, Iceland spar; fluor, fluorspar; d'lslande, Iceland spar. spatule, f., spatula; any spatula-shaped object, e. g., a handle so shaped ; curette, v. s. v. curette', & etouper, (art.) implement for packing tow around ammunition, specification, f., specification. spScifique, a., specific; chaleur , specific heat ; pesanteur, poids, , specific weight; poids relatif d'un corps, ratio of the specific weight of a body to that of water at 4 C.; population , population per unit of area. spectral, a., spectral; analyse e, spectrum analysis. spectre, m., spectrum; solar spectrum; d 'absorption, absorption spectrum ; continu, continuous spectrum ; de diffraction, diffraction spectrum; discontinu, discontinuous spectrum; d'emission, emission spectrum.; magnetique, magnetic curve; magnetic figure; - prismatique, prismatic spectrum; solaire, solar spectrum;

spectre 433 station spectre, sfdlaire, stellar spectrum. spectrometre, m., (inst.) spectrometer. spectrometrie, f., spectrometry. speculalre, a., specular; fer , specular iron. speiss, m., (met.') speiss. sphere, f., sphere; d'activite, (mil. min.) sphere of effect, action; de broyage, (mil. min.) sphere immediately around the center of disturbance; de commotion, (mil. min.) v. d'activite; de compression, (mil. min.) sphere ot compression; d'eclatement, v. de broyage: d'explosion, (mil. min.) sphere of effect, of action: de friabilite, v. de broyage: de rupture, sphere of rupture; de separation, (mil. min.) surface along which ths disturbance causes separation from the surrounding material; de volee, (art.) spherical muzzle pivot of a muzzle-pivoted gun. sphfiricite', f., sphericity, curvature; de la terre, curvature of the earth. sphfirique, a., spherical. spheroidal, a., spheroidal; etat de Veau, (steam) spheroidal state of water. spheroide, m., spheroid. sph^rometre, m., (inst.) spherometer. spherosidfirite, m., (met.) spherosiderite. spickel, m., (Polytechnique slang) dress sword. spiral, a., spiral; rcssort , spiral spring. spiral, m., spiral, spiral spring; reglant, regulating spring of a watch. spirale, f., spiral line; volution; spiral spring; aller en , to wind; de chauffage, heating coil; en , spirally; enroulement en , volution; spiral winding; enroukr en , to wind spirally; se roulcr en , to roll up or around in a spiral; to roll round. spire, f., helix, screw, single turn of a screw or helix; spiral, spiral curve; (elec.) single turn, coil, of wire; tour de , single turn of a helix. splritueux, a., alcoholic. Spongieux, a., spongy. squelette, m., skeleton; (nav.) frame of a ship. stability, stability, steadiness; durability; (nav.) stiffness of a ship. stablat, m., stable, pen for animals. stable, a., stable, steady, durable, solid; steadfast, permanent, lasting; 'fast, fixed, settled. stalmlation, f., (of horses, etc.) continuous - living in stables. stabuler, v. a., to keep in stables, under shelter (horses, etc.). stadia, f., (inst.) stadia rod, stadia; leveala , stadia survey; lunette & , stadia telescope; a reticule, reticulated stadia. stadimetre, m., (inst.) horizontal stadia rod. stadimctrique, a., of or pertaining to a stadia; lunette stadia , telescope. stadiometre, m., (inst.) stadiometer. stage, m., term, probation; (mil.) course (at a school); tour of probationary duty; (Fr. a.) period of instruction for territorial army; faire un , (mil, etc.) to take a course, a term; to serve a tour of probationary duty (e. g., on the staff). stagiaire, a., under instruction; passing a term; (mil.) serving a probationary tour; m., (mil.) officer taking a probationary tour (e. g., on the staff, for the purpose of learning staff duty); du genie, (Fr. a.) n. c. o. attached to staff of engineers and taking a course before becoming adjoint (will expire by extinction); 3877 17- -28 stagiaire, officier , (mil.) probationary officer (v. supra). stagnation, f., stagnation; du compos, slowness, torpidity, of the compass. stalle, f., stall; partition between stalls in a stable. stand, m., (t. p.) shooting stand, shooting gallery; gallery practice range; rifle range (rare). starie, f., (nav.) time allowed for loading or unloading cargo; jours de , lay days. statieite, f., nonsensitiveness. station, f.. standing, stand, station! stop, stay, stoppage; (nav.) cruising ground, station; (mil.) post, station; (r. r.) railway station; (hipp.) attitude, manner of standing (horse); (sun.) station; abandonnee, (hipp.) manner of standing of a horse left to himself, free attitude (body sup ported on three legs); abri } (t. p.) firing point of a shooting stand; pour V alimentation de Veau, (r. r.) watering station; d'arrivee, (r. r.) point of disembarkation; bruler une , (r. r.) to run past a station without stopping; cam-pee, (hipp.) "stretched-out" attitude (fore and rear bipeds splayed out and apart more than three-fourths of the height); centrale, (elec.) power house; charbonniere. (nav.) coaling station, dump; chef de , (r. r.) station master; cuirasse de , v. s. v. cuirasse; conjuguee, (top.) auxiliary or secondary station trigonometrically connected with its principal (bcth of them together being called conjuguecs)', de la cote, (nav.) home station; de depart, (r. r.) station of embarkation, of departure; de deuxieme ordre, (surv.) secondary station; en , on a station; (mil.) said of troops when in cantonments, etc., or when for any reason they occupy the same place for a considerable time; in garrison; fi I'etranger, (nav.) foreign station; Ure en , (nav.) to be on station; extreme, (r. r.). terminus; faire la mise en , (surv.) to set up an instrument; forcee, (hipp.) forced attitude or manner of all the standing (the body is legs); supported by halte-repas, (Fr. a.) railroad station in which meals are furnished soldiers in transit by the administration militaire; haute, (hypp.) free station, but on four legs (attentive attitude); dejonction (r. r.) railway junction; intermediate, (r. r.) way station; libre, (hipp.) attitude of a horse standing free, free attitude; magasin, v. s. v. magasiv; mettre en , (surv.) to set up an instrument; mise en , (surv.) operation of setting up an instrument; de partage. (mach.) distributing station, power house (wire transmission) ; de passage, v. intermediate; de pilots , (nav.) pilot station; placee, (hipp.) attitude of the horse standing uniformly on all four legs, the fore and hind bipeds being apart three-fourths the height of the horse; point de depart d'etapes, v. gare de rasscmble- ment; de premier ordre, (top.) primary station or triangulation point; quadrupedale, y. forcee; rassemolee. (hipp.) gathered position, i. e., fore and hind bipeds brought under and apart less than three-fourths the height of the horse;

spectre 433 station<br />

spectre, sfdlaire, stellar spectrum.<br />

spectrometre, m., (inst.) spectrometer.<br />

spectrometrie, f., spectrometry.<br />

speculalre, a., specular;<br />

fer , specular iron.<br />

speiss, m., (met.') speiss.<br />

sphere, f., sphere;<br />

d'activite, (mil. min.) sphere of effect, action;<br />

de broyage, (mil. min.) sphere immediately<br />

around the center of disturbance;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>motion, (mil. min.) v. d'activite;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>pression, (mil. min.) sphere ot <strong>com</strong>pression;<br />

d'eclatement, v. de broyage:<br />

d'explosion, (mil. min.) sphere of effect, of<br />

action:<br />

de friabilite, v. de broyage:<br />

de rupture, sphere of rupture;<br />

de separation, (mil. min.) surface along which<br />

ths disturbance causes separation from the<br />

surrounding material;<br />

de volee, (art.) spherical muzzle pivot of a<br />

muzzle-pivoted gun.<br />

sphfiricite', f., sphericity, curvature;<br />

de la terre, curvature of the earth.<br />

sphfirique, a., spherical.<br />

spheroidal, a., spheroidal;<br />

etat de Veau, (steam) spheroidal state of<br />

water.<br />

spheroide, m., spheroid.<br />

sph^rometre, m., (inst.) spherometer.<br />

spherosidfirite, m., (met.) spherosiderite.<br />

spickel, m., (Polytechnique slang) dress sword.<br />

spiral, a., spiral;<br />

rcssort , spiral spring.<br />

spiral, m., spiral, spiral spring;<br />

reglant, regulating spring of a watch.<br />

spirale, f., spiral line; volution; spiral spring;<br />

aller en , to wind;<br />

de chauffage, heating coil;<br />

en , spirally;<br />

enroulement en , volution; spiral winding;<br />

enroukr en , to wind spirally;<br />

se roulcr en , to roll up or around in a spiral;<br />

to roll round.<br />

spire, f., helix, screw, single turn of a screw or<br />

helix; spiral, spiral curve; (elec.) single turn,<br />

coil, of wire;<br />

tour de , single turn of a helix.<br />

splritueux, a., alcoholic.<br />

Spongieux, a., spongy.<br />

squelette, m., skeleton; (nav.) frame of a ship.<br />

stability, stability, steadiness; durability; (nav.)<br />

stiffness of a ship.<br />

stablat, m., stable, pen for animals.<br />

stable, a., stable, steady, durable, solid; steadfast,<br />

permanent, lasting; 'fast, fixed, settled.<br />

stalmlation, f., (of horses, etc.) continuous<br />

-<br />

living<br />

in stables.<br />

stabuler, v. a., to keep in stables, under shelter<br />

(horses, etc.).<br />

stadia, f., (inst.) stadia rod, stadia;<br />

leveala , stadia survey;<br />

lunette & , stadia telescope;<br />

a reticule, reticulated stadia.<br />

stadimetre, m., (inst.) horizontal stadia rod.<br />

stadimctrique, a., of or pertaining to a stadia;<br />

lunette stadia , telescope.<br />

stadiometre, m., (inst.) stadiometer.<br />

stage, m., term, probation; (mil.) course (at a<br />

school); tour of probationary duty; (Fr. a.)<br />

period of instruction for territorial army;<br />

faire un , (mil, etc.) to take a course, a term;<br />

to serve a tour of probationary duty (e. g.,<br />

on the staff).<br />

stagiaire, a., under instruction; passing a term;<br />

(mil.) serving a probationary tour; m., (mil.)<br />

officer taking a probationary tour (e. g., on<br />

the staff, for the purpose of learning staff duty);<br />

du genie, (Fr. a.) n. c. o. attached to staff<br />

of engineers and taking a course before be<strong>com</strong>ing<br />

adjoint (will expire by extinction);<br />

3877 17- -28<br />

stagiaire, officier , (mil.) probationary officer<br />

(v. supra).<br />

stagnation, f., stagnation;<br />

du <strong>com</strong>pos, slowness, torpidity, of the <strong>com</strong>pass.<br />

stalle, f., stall; partition between stalls in a stable.<br />

stand, m., (t. p.) shooting stand, shooting gallery;<br />

gallery practice range; rifle range (rare).<br />

starie, f., (nav.) time allowed for loading or unloading<br />

cargo;<br />

jours de , lay days.<br />

statieite, f., nonsensitiveness.<br />

station, f.. standing, stand, station! stop, stay,<br />

stoppage; (nav.) cruising ground, station; (mil.)<br />

post, station; (r. r.) railway station; (hipp.)<br />

attitude, manner of standing (horse); (sun.)<br />

station;<br />

abandonnee, (hipp.) manner of standing of a<br />

horse left to himself, free attitude (body sup<br />

ported on three legs);<br />

abri } (t. p.) firing point of a shooting stand;<br />

pour V alimentation de Veau, (r. r.) watering<br />

station;<br />

d'arrivee, (r. r.) point of disembarkation;<br />

bruler une , (r. r.) to run past a station without<br />

stopping;<br />

cam-pee, (hipp.) "stretched-out" attitude<br />

(fore and rear bipeds splayed out and apart<br />

more than three-fourths of the height);<br />

centrale, (elec.) power house;<br />

charbonniere. (nav.) coaling station, dump;<br />

chef de , (r. r.) station master;<br />

cuirasse de , v. s. v. cuirasse;<br />

conjuguee, (top.) auxiliary or secondary<br />

station trigonometrically connected with its<br />

principal (bcth of them together being called<br />

conjuguecs)',<br />

de la cote, (nav.) home station;<br />

de depart, (r. r.) station of embarkation, of<br />

departure;<br />

de deuxieme ordre, (surv.) secondary station;<br />

en , on a station; (mil.) said of troops when<br />

in cantonments, etc., or when for any reason<br />

they occupy the same place for a considerable<br />

time; in garrison;<br />

fi I'etranger, (nav.) foreign station;<br />

Ure en , (nav.) to be on station;<br />

extreme, (r. r.). terminus;<br />

faire la mise en , (surv.) to set up an instrument;<br />

forcee, (hipp.) forced attitude or manner of<br />

all the<br />

standing (the body is legs);<br />

supported by<br />

halte-repas, (Fr. a.) railroad station in which<br />

meals are furnished soldiers in transit by the<br />

administration militaire;<br />

haute, (hypp.) free station, but on four legs<br />

(attentive attitude);<br />

dejonction (r. r.) railway junction;<br />

intermediate, (r. r.) way station;<br />

libre, (hipp.) attitude of a horse standing<br />

free, free attitude;<br />

magasin, v. s. v. magasiv;<br />

mettre en , (surv.) to set up an instrument;<br />

mise en , (surv.) operation of setting up an<br />

instrument;<br />

de partage. (mach.) distributing station,<br />

power house (wire transmission) ;<br />

de passage, v. intermediate;<br />

de pilots , (nav.) pilot station;<br />

placee, (hipp.) attitude of the horse standing<br />

uniformly on all four legs, the fore and hind<br />

bipeds being apart three-fourths the height of<br />

the horse;<br />

point de depart d'etapes, v. gare de rasscmble-<br />

ment;<br />

de premier ordre, (top.) primary station or<br />

triangulation point;<br />

quadrupedale, y. forcee;<br />

rassemolee. (hipp.) gathered position, i. e.,<br />

fore and hind bipeds brought under and apart<br />

less than three-fourths the height of the horse;

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