A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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sonde 428 soudabilit$ sonde de pompe, sounding rod of a pump; de rebut, (art.) vent probe (the passage of which, in examining vents, insures the condemnation of the vent bushing); & tariere, earth borer, auger; tete de , brace head; de Thompson, (nav.) Thompson's patent lead; verge de , sounding rod; & vernier, v. a nonius. sender, v. a., to examine by boring, to make borings (as the ground, for foundations); to examine, search (as a beam, etc., to see if it is sound); (nav.) to sound, heave the lead; (med.) to probe; un bois, (mil.) to' explore a wood; Ics pbmpes, (nav.) to sound the pumps; le sol, le terrain, to make borings (for foundations, etc.). sondciir, m., workman who makes borings; well-borer; (nav.) leadsman; sounding apparatus. sonnant, a., sounding, ringing; especes cs, gold and silver money, hard cash; h rheure e, on the stroke of ; horloge, montre, e, striking clock, watch. -sonnC, p. p., struck; deux, etc., heures es, on the stroke of 2, etc. sonner, v. a. n., to sound; to strike (of a clock), to ring, wind, beat; (mil.) to sound (a call); le boute-selle, (mil.) to sound "to horse," "boots and saddles;" la charge, etc., (mil.) to sound the charge; h cheval, (mil.) to sound "to horse; " la cloche, (nav.) to strike bells; au clarion, (mil.) to make a trumpet signal; le quart, (nav.) to strike the bell at the close of a watch. sonnerie, f., striking train of a clock; electric bell; (mil.) call, signal (made on the trumpet or bugle); d'alarme, alarm, call, bell; des bons de tabac. (mil. slang) trumpet call for men confined in barracks; & carillon, electric bell; extension call bell; continue, v. d carillon; & deux battements, double-stroke bell; electrique, electric bell; buzzer; des maladroits, (cav. slang) call for infantry drill; rcpetiteu'se, v. electrique; htrembleur, trembleuse, v. electrique; & un battement, & un seul coup, singlestroke bell. sonnette, f., bell, hand bell: pile driver, piledriving engine, ringing engine; monkey, ram, for testing axles; (expl.) sort of shaker (in the preparation of composition, priming, etc.); arlificielle, y. ddcclic; declic de , trigger, catch of a pile driver; h declic, pawl pile driver; mouton de , monkey; & poudre, gunpowder pile driver; & tiraude, ringing engine, common pile driver; & vapeur, steam pile driver. - sonneur, m., (telcg.) sounder. some, f., (met.) adherent slag, dross. sort, m., chance, lot, condition, destiny, fate; des armes, fate of arrnS; de la guerre, luck of war, chances of war; tirage au , (mil.) drawing (a number, as in a conscription or for military service); tirer au , (mil.) to draw (a number, as in a conscription or for military service) ; tomber au , (mil.) to draw a number for service; to be drawn for service. sortie, f., departure, going out, coming out; outlet, exit, egress, issue, mouth; export, exportation; graduation from school; issue of stores from magazine or depot; (mil.) sortie; (steam) eduction; (fort.) postern; sortie passage; (nav.) departure of a snip from a port, roads, etc.; sortie annuelle, (mil.) annual loss of horses; billet de , (nav.) dock pass; classemcnt de final , standing (in schools); a li . de, on departing from, on leaving, etc.; droits de , (nav.) outward dues; exterieure, (mil.) sortie made while the besiegers are at some distance; fausse , (mil.) feint sortie; grande , (mil.) sortie in force; interieure, (mil.) sortie made when the enemy is at close quarters; en masse, (mil.) general sortie; d'ordre, (adm.) paper issue, transfer from one account to another in the same service; petite , (mil.) small sortie, intended to carry out some particular and limited obje t; pieces de , (adm.) all papers accompanying an issue of stores, etc. (e. g., invoice); porter en , (adm.) to drop from one's papers; rang de , graduation, final standing; , reelle, issue, etc., of material itself; tuyau de , delivery, eduction, pipe. sortir, v. a. n., to go, come, out; to depart, sally forth; to get, carry, lead, take out; to project; to leave, come out of; to deviate, swerve from; to be a graduate of; (mil.) to turn out (of a guard); to be paraded; to be taken out (of a flag); to come out (individually in dressing a line); (art.) to lead out; (nav.) to put to sea; en armes, (mil.) to get under arms; to turn out under arms; le deuxieme, v. le premier, le deuxieme; de I'eau, to rise on the horizon; de la garde, (mil.) to have been the guard; de rherbe, to take (a horse) from grass; de son lit, (of a river) to overflow its bed; le premier, le deuxieme, etc., to pass 1, 2, etc. (in a school); de prison, to be set at liberty: de la question, to miss the point, to swerve from the point; des rangs, (mil.) to step rise or come from the ranks; out of ranks; to d'une regie, to ignore a rule; de la sellc, (man.) to show daylight (under the seat); de la voie, (r. r.) to run off the track. sosie-mannequin, m., (mil. slaw) bolster ranged so as to look like a man in bed. sou, m., five centimes, five-centime piece: de poche, (Fr. a.) v. centime de . soubarbe, f., v. sous-barbe. ar- soubassement, m., (cons.) foundation structure, foundation; base, basement; patten of a column; au dome, (steam) base of a steam chest. souberme, freshet. m., freshet; torrent swollen by a soubise, m., (unif.) dolman or tunic. braiding on the back of a soubrcsaut, m., start, jolt, shock, jerk; (hipp.) lift or second expiration of a broken-winded horse. soubrcsauter, v. n., to start, jolt, etc. souclie, f., stump, stock, stem; stub (of a check. etc., book); water pipe of a basin, (fan.) end of a horseshoe nail left in the hoof; (cons.) part of a chimney above the roof; & , fitted with, or having, a stub; cahier b, , blank book with a stub; de chandelle, candle (gas) burner; d* cheminee, part of a chimney above the roof; d'enclume, anvil stock; lime h , stub book, check book; registreb , v. s. v. registre; talon de , line of separation between stubs and checks, etc.; stub, counterfoil. soucherie, f., woodwork, framing, of a (power) hammer. souchet, m., rag stone, quarry rubbish. souchon, m., (met.) short, thick, bar of iron. soudabilite, f., (met.) weldability.

soudable 429 soulagr soud able, a., (met.) weldable. soudage, m., (met.) welding; soldering; brazing. soudant, a., (met.) welding; blanc , welding heat. soudard, soudart, m., familiar and contemptuous name for an old soldier (connotation of bad habits and coarseness). soude, f., (chem.) soda; boratee, borax; caustique, caustic soda; nitrate de , nitratce, Chile saltpeter. Sbud6, a., (of the grain of wood) well knit; (met.) welded; & bout, (met.) jump-welded; & chaude portee, (met.) lap-welded; cheval bien , v. s. v. cheval; a joints superposes, (met.) lap-welded; & rccouvrement, (met.) lap-welded. souder, v. a., (met.) to spider; to braze; to weld; barred, , soldering iron; & bout, to jump-weld; a chaud, to weld; & chaude portcc, to lap-weld; & chaude suante, to weld; au cuivre, to braze, to solder, with copper; to hard solder; h I'etain, to tin solder; to soft solder; fer & , soldering iron; & joints superposes, to lap-weld; poudred , welding powder; a recouvrement, to lap-weld; sable & , welding sand; & soudure forte (tendre), to hard (soft) solder. soudoir, m., soldering iron or bit, copper bit; a, en, marteau, soldering hammer; pointu, pointed copper bit. soudoyer, v. a., to pay, l*eep in pay, hire (generally with the idea of treachery). soudure, f., (met.) solder, (sometimes) soft solder; welding; shutting, shutting up; soldering, brazing; suture; soldering seam; welding seam; soldered joint; (mas.) thick plaster; d' argent, silver solder; autogenc, autogenous, natural, soldering; burning on; boutd, bout, jump-, butt-, welding; de cuivre, hard solder; brazing copper; electriquc, electric welding; d'ctain, soft solder; fil de , brazing wire; fondante, soft solder; forte, hard solder; (operation of) hard soldering; grasse, a solder in whi^h tin predominates; & huit, etc., solder of eight, etc.; de laiton, brass solder; maigre, a solder weak in tin; non-autogene , soldering proper (i. e., use of a solder to form a junction); au quart, solder with a fourth of copper; de(s) plombier(s), solder of two parts lead to one of tin; d recouvrement, lap-welding; sans , weldless; tendre, soft solder; (operation of) soft soldering; au tiers, solder with a third of copper. soufflage, m., (met., etc.), blowing, blast; glass blowfflg; (nav.) sheathing, furring, added to a ship to increase its stability; en piancties, (steam) cylinder jacket. soufflant, a., blowing; m., wind-jammer (U. S. A.); (mil. slang) bugler; cylindre machine , blowing cylinder; e, v. s. v. machine. soufflante, f., (mach.) blowing engine, machine. souffle, m., blast, blasting, puff; breath, wind, breath of air, concussion of air (as in a mine); (art.) blast of a gun; (hipp.) wind; dufourneau, (mil. min.) smoke due to saucisson in gallery of a mine; d'une mine, (mil. min.) blowing out of a mine, when not sufficiently loaded; souffle de vent, breath of wind. souffler, v. n., to blow (wind, etc.); to blow, breathe, pant (of ahorse, man, etc.) ; to blow out, extinguish; to inflate, swell out; (powd.) to rise in dust; (min.) to blow out (without doing work expected); (nav.) to put on a sheathing (v. soufflage); un canon, (art.) to scale a gun; une depeche, to fail to deliver a dispatch; une marche, (mil.) to steal a march; au poll, v. s. v. poll; le verre, to blow glass. soufflerie, f., (mach., met., etc.) blowing machine; bellows, blowing engine, air blast; complete assortment of bellows in a forge; fan; hydraulique, water blast; d piston cylindrique, blowing cylinder, cylinder blowing engine. soufflet, m., blowing machine; (pair of) bellows; fan, fanner; any pie e or part folding or acting like a bellows; buffet, slap in the face; de Sot's, wooden bellows; d bras, hand bellows; dcaisse, chest bellows; d, chainette, chain blower; ft charntere, v. de bois; de cheminee, ordinary fire bellows; clou de , ta^k; c'jUndrique, blowing cylinder, cylinder blowing engine; "';' & deux vents, double bellows; & double ame, effet, vent, v. & deux vents; de forge, forge bellows; & palettes, v. & chainette; piece de blast , piece, blast pipe; & piston, piston Mower; h poudre de pyrethre, bellows for insect powder; -' pyramidal, v. de *.- I- bois; simple, single bellows. souffleur, m., blower; (macJi.) blast, blower; (hipp.) roarer, roaring horse; (mas.) workman in charge of the transportation and setting of stones; cheval , roaring horse; de verre, glass blower. soufflurc, f., (met.) blowhole, blister, honeycomb, flaw; de fonte, blowhole in a casting, bubble, air- ' hole. souflrir, v. a., to suffer; to resist (as, mil, a siege); un assaut, (mil.) to resist an assault; I'eperon, (man.) to be indifferent to the spur. soufragc, m., treating with sulphur. soufre, m., sulphur; en batons, v. en canons; brut, crude sulphur, obtained in the first pro-;: ess of purification; en canon(s), roll sulphur; fleur de , flowers of sulphur; enfleurs, v. fleur de ; de mine, native sulphur; naturel, natural sulphur; rouge, realgar; sublime, v. fteur de ; . vegetal, lycppodium powder; merge, virgin sulphur; vif, v. naturel. usof rer, v. a., to sulphur, to dip in brimstone. soufriere, f., sulphur mine, pit. souiilard, m., sinkhole in a stone, sink stone; (cons. ) strut brace; de pont, ice guard, ice fender. soulager. v. a., to lighten; to relieve; to alleviate, to assist; to lift; avec un levier, to pry; un canon, (art.) to lift a gun from its bed; un navire, (nav.) to throw part of the cargo overboard (in a storm); un ptancher, une poutre, etc., to lessen the load of a floor, a b?am, etc.; se sur unejambe, to stand first on one, then on the other leg (of a tired horse).

soudable 429 soulagr<br />

soud able, a., (met.) weldable.<br />

soudage, m., (met.) welding; soldering; brazing.<br />

soudant, a., (met.) welding;<br />

blanc , welding heat.<br />

soudard, soudart, m., familiar and contemptuous<br />

name for an old soldier (connotation of bad<br />

habits and coarseness).<br />

soude, f., (chem.) soda;<br />

boratee, borax;<br />

caustique, caustic soda;<br />

nitrate de , nitratce, Chile saltpeter.<br />

Sbud6, a., (of the grain of wood) well knit; (met.)<br />

welded;<br />

& bout, (met.) jump-welded;<br />

& chaude portee, (met.) lap-welded;<br />

cheval bien , v. s. v. cheval;<br />

a joints superposes, (met.) lap-welded;<br />

& rccouvrement, (met.) lap-welded.<br />

souder, v. a., (met.) to<br />

spider;<br />

to braze; to weld;<br />

barred, , soldering iron;<br />

& bout, to jump-weld;<br />

a chaud, to weld;<br />

& chaude portcc, to lap-weld;<br />

& chaude suante, to weld;<br />

au cuivre, to braze, to solder, with copper; to<br />

hard solder;<br />

h I'etain, to tin solder; to soft solder;<br />

fer & , soldering iron;<br />

& joints superposes, to lap-weld;<br />

poudred , welding powder;<br />

a recouvrement, to lap-weld;<br />

sable & , welding sand;<br />

& soudure forte (tendre), to hard (soft) solder.<br />

soudoir, m., soldering iron or bit, copper bit;<br />

a, en, marteau, soldering hammer;<br />

pointu, pointed copper bit.<br />

soudoyer, v. a., to pay, l*eep in pay, hire (generally<br />

with the idea of treachery).<br />

soudure, f., (met.) solder, (sometimes) soft solder;<br />

welding; shutting, shutting up; soldering, brazing;<br />

suture; soldering seam; welding seam; soldered<br />

joint; (mas.) thick plaster;<br />

d' argent, silver solder;<br />

autogenc, autogenous, natural, soldering;<br />

burning on;<br />

boutd, bout, jump-, butt-, welding;<br />

de cuivre, hard solder; brazing copper;<br />

electriquc, electric welding;<br />

d'ctain, soft solder;<br />

fil de , brazing wire;<br />

fondante, soft solder;<br />

forte, hard solder; (operation of) hard soldering;<br />

grasse, a solder in whi^h tin predominates;<br />

& huit, etc., solder of eight, etc.;<br />

de laiton, brass solder;<br />

maigre, a solder weak in tin;<br />

non-autogene , soldering proper (i. e., use of a<br />

solder to form a junction);<br />

au quart, solder with a fourth of copper;<br />

de(s) plombier(s), solder of two parts lead to<br />

one of tin;<br />

d recouvrement, lap-welding;<br />

sans , weldless;<br />

tendre, soft solder; (operation of) soft soldering;<br />

au tiers, solder with a third of copper.<br />

soufflage, m., (met., etc.), blowing, blast; glass<br />

blowfflg; (nav.) sheathing, furring, added to a<br />

ship to increase its stability;<br />

en piancties, (steam) cylinder jacket.<br />

soufflant, a., blowing; m.,<br />

wind-jammer (U. S. A.);<br />

(mil. slang) bugler;<br />

cylindre<br />

machine<br />

, blowing cylinder;<br />

e, v. s. v. machine.<br />

soufflante, f., (mach.) blowing engine, machine.<br />

souffle, m., blast, blasting, puff; breath, wind,<br />

breath of air, concussion of air (as in a mine);<br />

(art.) blast of a gun; (hipp.) wind;<br />

dufourneau, (mil. min.) smoke due to saucisson<br />

in gallery of a mine;<br />

d'une mine, (mil. min.) blowing out of a<br />

mine, when not sufficiently loaded;<br />

souffle de vent, breath of wind.<br />

souffler, v. n., to blow (wind, etc.); to blow,<br />

breathe, pant (of ahorse, man, etc.) ; to blow out,<br />

extinguish; to inflate, swell out; (powd.) to rise<br />

in dust; (min.) to blow out (without doing work<br />

expected); (nav.) to put on a sheathing (v.<br />

soufflage);<br />

un canon, (art.) to scale a gun;<br />

une depeche, to fail to deliver a dispatch;<br />

une marche, (mil.) to steal a march;<br />

au poll, v. s. v. poll;<br />

le verre, to blow glass.<br />

soufflerie, f., (mach., met., etc.) blowing machine;<br />

bellows, blowing engine, air blast; <strong>com</strong>plete assortment<br />

of bellows in a forge; fan;<br />

hydraulique, water blast;<br />

d piston cylindrique, blowing cylinder, cylinder<br />

blowing engine.<br />

soufflet, m., blowing machine; (pair of) bellows;<br />

fan, fanner; any pie e or part folding or acting<br />

like a bellows; buffet, slap in the face;<br />

de Sot's, wooden bellows;<br />

d bras, hand bellows;<br />

dcaisse, chest bellows;<br />

d, chainette, chain blower;<br />

ft charntere, v. de bois;<br />

de cheminee, ordinary fire bellows;<br />

clou de , ta^k;<br />

c'jUndrique, blowing cylinder, cylinder blowing<br />

engine; "';'<br />

& deux vents, double bellows;<br />

& double ame, effet, vent, v. & deux vents;<br />

de forge, forge bellows;<br />

& palettes, v. & chainette;<br />

piece de blast , piece, blast pipe;<br />

& piston, piston Mower;<br />

h poudre de pyrethre, bellows for insect powder;<br />

-'<br />

pyramidal, v. de *.- I-<br />

bois;<br />

simple, single bellows.<br />

souffleur, m., blower; (macJi.) blast, blower;<br />

(hipp.) roarer, roaring horse; (mas.) workman<br />

in charge of the transportation and setting of<br />

stones;<br />

cheval , roaring horse;<br />

de verre, glass blower.<br />

soufflurc, f., (met.) blowhole, blister, honey<strong>com</strong>b,<br />

flaw;<br />

de fonte, blowhole in a casting, bubble, air-<br />

'<br />

hole.<br />

souflrir, v. a., to suffer; to resist (as, mil, a siege);<br />

un assaut, (mil.) to resist an assault;<br />

I'eperon, (man.) to be indifferent to the spur.<br />

soufragc, m., treating with sulphur.<br />

soufre, m., sulphur;<br />

en batons, v. en canons;<br />

brut, crude sulphur, obtained in the first<br />

pro-;: ess of purification;<br />

en canon(s), roll sulphur;<br />

fleur de , flowers of sulphur;<br />

enfleurs, v. fleur de ;<br />

de mine, native sulphur;<br />

naturel, natural sulphur;<br />

rouge, realgar;<br />

sublime, v. fteur de ; .<br />

vegetal, lycppodium powder;<br />

merge, virgin sulphur;<br />

vif, v. naturel.<br />

usof rer, v. a., to sulphur, to dip in brimstone.<br />

soufriere, f., sulphur mine, pit.<br />

souiilard, m., sinkhole in a stone, sink stone; (cons. )<br />

strut brace;<br />

de pont, ice guard, ice fender.<br />

soulager. v. a., to lighten; to relieve; to alleviate,<br />

to assist; to lift;<br />

avec un levier, to pry;<br />

un canon, (art.) to lift a gun from its bed;<br />

un navire, (nav.) to throw part of the cargo<br />

overboard (in a storm);<br />

un ptancher, une poutre, etc., to lessen the load<br />

of a floor, a b?am, etc.;<br />

se sur unejambe, to stand first on one, then on<br />

the other leg (of a tired horse).

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