A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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arme 22 arret armee metropolitaine, "home" army, as opposed to colonial troops; de mer, sea forces, i. e., the navy proper, and the various marine troops, as infantry, artillery, etc.; (sometimes) fleet, navy; d' 'observation, army of observation, to watch a point from which danger is threatened (e. g., to watch a relieving army in a siege, a frontier in case of probable intervention of a third party, etc.); d' occupation, army of occupation; d- 'operations, army of operations, i. e., whose first business is to fight; permanente, standing army; armer en course, (nav.) to equip, fit out, for privateering; une dynamo, (elec.) to wind a dynamo; unfrein, (art., etc.) to set a brake; unefusee, (art.) to arm a fuse; sur la gdchette, (sm. a.) to move the bolt, etc., violently forward, so as to cause the head of the sear to be struck; en guerre, (nav.) to commission (a ship) for war; un obus, (art.) to fit or insert a fuse in a shell; une prise, (nav.) to man a prize. armistice, m., armistice, truce; denoncer un , to close an armistice, to de secours, relieving army (to raise a siege, relieve a besieged fortress, or succor another army); de siege, besieging army; besieging forces proper, siege corps; de terre, land forces (as distinguished from naval); territoriale, (France) territorial army, consisting of men that have served ten years in the active army and its reserve. annemcnt, m., armament, arming (fort, ship, army, etc.); equipping, equipment; fitting out (commercial as well as military); arms; warlike preparations; (in pi., art.) equipments; (art.) arming (of a fuse); d'une batterie, arming, supplying a battery with guns; de combat, (art. , fort.) guns of an intrenched camp (Brialmont); complementaire, (art., fort.) in a permanent work, guns added to, complementary of, de - surete, q. v.; des corps de troupe, (Fr. a.) the supplying of arms, etc., to troops (done by the artillery); cuirasse, (art.) a generic term for guns in armored emplacements; de defense, (art., fort.) the armament of a permanent work, comprising de surete, complementaire, qq. v., and the general reserve of guns; the (increased) armament of an attacked sector of defense (Brialmont); d' interdiction, (art., fort.) in a fort d'arret, q. v., the guns covering the roads closed or commanded by the fort; de mobilisation, (art., fort.) the armament of permanent works of the first order, installed in place, and intended to offset open assault and to assure the defense until the zone of attack is known; normal (art. , fort.) the armament necessary to repel an open assault (Brialmont); officier d' end it; general, general armistice, affecting all the armies engaged; particulier, truce affecting only a part , (mil.) v. officier; d'une place de guerre, (art., fort.) the armament of a fortified position, consisting of de defense, batteries mobiks, q. v., and spare guns; de reserve, (Fr. a.) arms, etc., for men who are to join on mobilization, for the reserve; du service courant, (Fr. a.) arms, etc., for the active army ; en service, arms, etc., in the hands of troops; de surete, (art., fort.) the armament of a permanent work, destined to prevent a surprise or an open assault. anner, v. a. r., to arm; to furnish with arms; to make preparations for war; to take up arms; to fit with, to equip with; to build up; to fit out (commercial as well as military); to fit out a vessel (trade or war); to steel (a tool); (art.) to mount guns in a battery, in a fort; to arm (a fuse); (nav.) to put a ship in commission; to man (a boat); (sm. a.) to cock a piece: (hipp.) to take the bit in the teeth, to bend down the head until cheeks of bridle rest on chest; les avirons, (boats) to ship the oars; un bdtiment, (nav.) to put a ship in commission; une batterie, (art.) to mount guns in a battery, to furnish a battery with guns; un cabestan, to man a capstan; un c&ble, to sheathe, armor, a cable; to wind a cable with wire; of the field of operations. armoire, f., cupboard, press; h glace, & poils, (mil. slang) soldier's knapsack. armoire-etagfere, f., clothes-press. armoiries, f. pi., coat-of-arms. armon, m., (art.) hound (or side-rail); futchel (limber); side-rail (caisson); queue d' s, fork. armure, f., armor; (elec.) pole piece (of a dynamo), armature of a magnet; (nav.) armor (of a vessel); du genie, (mil.) armor worn by two leading sappers in the full sap (abandoned in 1878). armurier, m., armorer; (Fr. a.) employ^ of the artillery who repairs, etc., arms in the regiment (called chef ; there are two classes, ranking next after adjudant). aronde, f., (old name for hirondelle, swallow); reue d' , (carp.) dovetail; en, queue d' , dovetailed. arpent, m., old (and varying) unit of area. arpentage, m., (surv.) land-surveying (to determine areas). arpenter, v. a., (surv.) to survey (land, for area). arpenteur, m., land surveyor; chaine d' , (inst.) surveyor's chain; iquerre d' , (inst.) surveyor's square (for angles of 45, 90). arque, p. p., bent. (esp. hipp.) bent or curved (of a horse's legs). arquebusier, m., (sm. a.) gunsmith, gunmaker. arquer, v. a. and n., to arch, curve, camber; to be or become bent, curved, crooked, etc. arrache-cartouclie, m., (sm. a.) extractor. arrache-clou, m., nail-drawer. arrache-culot, m., (art.) cartridge-head extractor, used in canon ti balles. arrachement, m., polling, wrenching; (art.) stripping (of a rifling-band); (met.) break, tearing, or rupture (in a fracture, especially of fibrous metal); metallic threads noticeable in metal that has been broken with considerable violence. arrache-pieux, m., pile-drawing engine; verin , withdrawing-screw; levier , withdrawing-lever. arracher, v. a., to tear off, out, apart; to rend, wrench; (art., sm. a.) to strip (of jacket on bullet, on lead-covered shells, of rifling-band, etc.). arraisonner, v. a., (nav.) to force a (commercial) vessel to answer questions, to question a vessel. arraser, v. a., v. araser. arrtrages, m. pi., arrearage. arrestation, f., arrest, confinement; custody. arret, m., stop; (mil.) check, in a column on the march, of a wagon in a train; (mach., tech.) part of a machine or mechanism intended to stop or limit the action or play of some other parts; (hence) stop, catch, lug, rib, etc.; (mil., etc.) judgment, decision; (man.) stopping or halting (of a horse in motion, by its rider); (in pi., mil), arrest (of officers, disciplinary punishment); d' , (mach., art., etc.) stop, keep (in many relations;

arret 23 arroser arrt, aux s, (mil.} in, under, arrest; de barillet, (sm. a.) cylinder stop; de brelage, (art.) lashing stop; butoir, (P.m. art.) V -shaped lug on traversing head of sight; camper aux s, (mil.) to clap into arrest; de cartouche, (sm. a.) cartridge stop; de chaine, chain-nipper, chain-stop; des coffresti munitions, (art.) keep-plate; crochet d' , (mach., etc.) stop; de la culasse mobile, (sm. a.) bolt-stop; de defense, safe-conduct; demi , (man.) slowing or reduction of horse's speed by action of hand on reins; s forces, (mil.) close arrest: de fonctionnemcnt, (art., sm. a.) failure of a mechanism to work; jamming; fort d' , (fort.) barrier fort; "stop" fort (also known by its French name); s de fortcrcsse, (mil.) arrest carrying with it confinement to a fortress; gagner Us s de, (mil.) to be put in arrest by; garder les s, (mil.) to stay in arrest, to observe one's arrest; lever Us s, (mil.) to release from arrest; de la main, (man.) stopping of a horse by action of hand on reins; de manoeuvre, (r. /. art.) drill-stop, drillhook; mettre aux s, (mil.) to put in arrest; piece d' , (mach., etc.) lock, locking piece; plaque d' , stop-, keep-plate; point d' , stopping-, sticking-place; de prise, (nav. int. law) temporary forbidding of commercial vessels in a port to leave their anchorages (by way of reprisal or punishment); se rendre aux s, (mil.) to consider one's self in arrest; de repetition, (sm. a.) cut-off, magazine cutoff; (in the Loewe loader) lid-closing device allowing but one cartridge in the piece at a time; s de rigueur, (mil.) close arrest; robinet d' , stop-cock; rompre Us s, (mil.) to commit a breach of arrest,to break one's arrest; rondelle d' , (mach.) nut or screw of a safetyvalve lever; rude sur V-^-, (man.) hard-mouthed; s simples, (mil.) open arrest (with limits of post, U. S. A.); de surete, safety stop (machine guns, etc.); temps d' , stoppage, delay; (mil.) halt (as, in the marche d'approche, etc.); des trains, (r. r.) stop of a train. arrfctage, m., stop (i. e., device for stopping). arrete, m., (mil.) cry of a sentry at interior gate of a town to sentry at exterior, to prevent carriages from coming through until way is clear; Id bos, (mil.) cry of sentry at exterior of a gate, to prevent anyone from coming out. arrtte', m., decision, formal decision, by a court, assembly, administrative authority, etc.; de compte, (adm.) statement of account; operation of drawing up a statement of account. arrtte-gaz, m., (art.) (literal translation of) gascheck. arrtter, v. a., n., to stop, hold; fasten, fix; arrest; apprehend; to bring to a close; to come to a stop; to throw out of gear, to be thrown out of gear; to post (a ledger); to close an account, a return; et rendre, (man.) to raise and lower the wrist (in backing). arrfitoir, m., stop, catch, nib, lug; keep-plate, stop-plate; (sm. a.) catch, catch-lever; packetcatch; de ba'ionnette, (sm. a.) bayonet-stop; de chargeur, (sm. a.) magazine catch, packet catch; de coffre, (art.) stay, keep-plate; de culasse mobile, (sm. a.) bolt-stop; decylindre, (sm. a.) bolt-stop, cylinder stop; d'ecouvillon, (art.) sponge-stop or -catch; arrttoir de levier de pointage, (art.) trail-hand-spike stop or catch; de madrier, (pont.) chess-stop (hi a chesswagon); de poutrelle, (pont.) back-stop (of a ponton wagon); vis , (sm. a., art., etc.) stop-screw. arrifcre, adv., back, in rear; m., (mil.) the rear (of an army); (nav.) stern (of a vessel, boat); en , backward; . aller en , (mil, fam.) to go to the "rear" ; coup d' , back stroke; service, services, de V , (mil.) a comprehensive term of wide application, including all operations and duties (supply, transportation of sick and wounded, etc.), of whatever nature, between an army or armies, the "front" generally, and the national territory (base), arriere, a., behindhand, in arrears, unexecuted; m., (adm.) expenses not met or paid for in the fiscal year to which they belong. arrifcre-bec, m., (pont.) stern, after-peak, of a ponton boat (all that part of the stern the bottom of which curves upward); a downstream cutwater, starling. arrifcre-bord, m., rear edge. arrifcre-coup, m., (surv.) back-sight. arrifcre-garde, f., (mil.) rear guard; faire I' to do or , be the rear guard; gros de I' main , body of the rear guard; pointe d' , point of the rear guard; extreme pointe d' , extreme point of the rear guard; tete de I' , head of the rear guard. arriSre-main, f., (hipp.) hind quarters of a horse (everything behind the rider). arrifere-molaire, f., (hipp.) back molar tooth. arrifcre-plan, m., background. arriere-rang, m., (mil.) rear rank. arriere-saison, f., the end of fall and beginning of winter. arriSre-train, m., (art.) hind carriage, i. e., the gun and carriage, as opposed to the limber; rear portion, after-body, of any four-wheeled carriage; (hipp.) hind quarters of ahorse (everything behind the rider) ; (of a bicycle) rear wheel and related parts. arrimage, m.. packing, stowing; (art.) packing of ammunition in chests; (mil.) the careful packing, according to regulations, of the knapsack, of the various articles carried by the trooper on his saddle; the operation of hitching the car and accessories to the balloon. arrinier, v. a., to stow, to pack carefully (ammunition, knapsack, etc. ) ; to attach a car and accessories to a balloon; to pack a train (mountain battery on mules); un ballon, to attach the car, etc., to a balloon. arrimeur, m., packer; balloon-packer (i. e., helps in the inflation, etc., of a balloon). arrive, p. p., par lesrangs, (mil.) risen from the ranks. arrivee, f., arrival; (steam, etc.) admission pipe; rive d' , (pont.) the farther bank in building or dismantling a ponton bridge. arrondi, a., rounded; m., swell or rounded part of anything, rounded surface (as, art., between lands and grooves, etc.); en dos d'dne, barreled (of a road). arrondir, v. a., to round, round off; un cheval, (man.) to break a horse. arroiidissement, m., rounding: (fort.) rounding of the counterscarp in front of a salient; rounding of a reentrant angle; (mil.) district, military district (not territorial, variable in area); d'artillerie, du genie, de I'intendance, d'inspeclion generale, artillery, engineer, intendance, q. v., inspection districts, respectively. arrosage, m., irrigation; sprinkling; (powd.) moistening of gunpowder in manufacture. arroser, v. a., to sprinkle; soak; moisten; irrigate;

arret 23 arroser<br />

arrt, aux s, (mil.} in, under, arrest;<br />

de barillet, (sm. a.) cylinder stop;<br />

de brelage, (art.) lashing stop;<br />

butoir, (P.m. art.) V -shaped lug on traversing<br />

head of sight;<br />

camper aux s, (mil.) to clap<br />

into arrest;<br />

de cartouche, (sm. a.) cartridge stop;<br />

de chaine, chain-nipper, chain-stop;<br />

des coffresti munitions, (art.) keep-plate;<br />

crochet d' , (mach., etc.) stop;<br />

de la culasse mobile, (sm. a.) bolt-stop;<br />

de defense, safe-conduct;<br />

demi , (man.) slowing or reduction of horse's<br />

speed by action of hand on reins;<br />

s forces, (mil.) close arrest:<br />

de fonctionnemcnt, (art., sm. a.) failure of a<br />

mechanism to work; jamming;<br />

fort d' , (fort.) barrier fort; "stop" fort (also<br />

known by its <strong>French</strong> name);<br />

s de fortcrcsse, (mil.) arrest carrying with it<br />

confinement to a fortress;<br />

gagner Us s de, (mil.) to be put in arrest by;<br />

garder les s, (mil.) to stay in arrest, to observe<br />

one's arrest;<br />

lever Us s, (mil.) to release from arrest;<br />

de la main, (man.) stopping of a horse by<br />

action of hand on reins;<br />

de manoeuvre, (r. /. art.) drill-stop, drillhook;<br />

mettre aux s, (mil.) to put in arrest;<br />

piece d' , (mach., etc.) lock, locking piece;<br />

plaque d' , stop-, keep-plate;<br />

point d' , stopping-, sticking-place;<br />

de prise, (nav. int. law) temporary forbidding<br />

of <strong>com</strong>mercial vessels in a port to leave<br />

their anchorages (by way of reprisal or punishment);<br />

se rendre aux s, (mil.) to consider one's<br />

self in arrest;<br />

de repetition, (sm. a.) cut-off, magazine cutoff;<br />

(in the Loewe loader) lid-closing device<br />

allowing but one cartridge in the piece at a<br />

time;<br />

s de rigueur, (mil.) close arrest;<br />

robinet d' , stop-cock;<br />

rompre Us s, (mil.) to <strong>com</strong>mit a breach of<br />

arrest,to break one's arrest;<br />

rondelle d' , (mach.) nut or screw of a safetyvalve<br />

lever;<br />

rude sur V-^-, (man.) hard-mouthed;<br />

s simples, (mil.) open arrest (with limits of<br />

post, U. S. A.);<br />

de surete, safety stop (machine guns, etc.);<br />

temps d' , stoppage, delay; (mil.) halt (as, in<br />

the marche d'approche, etc.);<br />

des trains, (r. r.) stop of a train.<br />

arrfctage, m., stop (i. e., device for stopping).<br />

arrete, m., (mil.) cry of a sentry at interior gate<br />

of a town to sentry at exterior, to prevent<br />

carriages from <strong>com</strong>ing through until way is<br />

clear;<br />

Id bos, (mil.) cry of sentry at exterior of a<br />

gate, to prevent anyone from <strong>com</strong>ing out.<br />

arrtte', m., decision, formal decision, by a court,<br />

assembly, administrative authority, etc.;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>pte, (adm.) statement of account;<br />

operation of drawing up a statement of account.<br />

arrtte-gaz, m., (art.) (literal translation of) gascheck.<br />

arrtter, v. a., n., to stop, hold; fasten, fix; arrest;<br />

apprehend; to bring to a close; to <strong>com</strong>e to a<br />

stop; to throw out of gear, to be thrown out of<br />

gear; to post (a ledger); to close an account, a<br />

return;<br />

et rendre, (man.) to raise and lower the wrist<br />

(in backing).<br />

arrfitoir, m., stop, catch, nib, lug; keep-plate,<br />

stop-plate; (sm. a.) catch, catch-lever; packetcatch;<br />

de ba'ionnette, (sm. a.) bayonet-stop;<br />

de chargeur, (sm. a.) magazine catch, packet<br />

catch;<br />

de coffre, (art.) stay, keep-plate;<br />

de culasse mobile, (sm. a.) bolt-stop;<br />

decylindre, (sm. a.) bolt-stop, cylinder stop;<br />

d'ecouvillon, (art.) sponge-stop or -catch;<br />

arrttoir de levier de pointage, (art.) trail-hand-spike<br />

stop or catch;<br />

de madrier, (pont.) chess-stop (hi a chesswagon);<br />

de poutrelle, (pont.) back-stop (of a ponton<br />

wagon);<br />

vis , (sm. a., art., etc.) stop-screw.<br />

arrifcre, adv., back, in rear; m., (mil.) the rear<br />

(of an army); (nav.) stern (of a vessel, boat);<br />

en , backward; .<br />

aller en , (mil, fam.) to go to the "rear" ;<br />

coup d' , back stroke;<br />

service, services, de V , (mil.) a <strong>com</strong>prehensive<br />

term of wide application, including all<br />

operations and duties (supply, transportation<br />

of sick and wounded, etc.), of whatever nature,<br />

between an army or armies, the "front"<br />

generally, and the national territory (base),<br />

arriere, a., behindhand, in arrears, unexecuted;<br />

m., (adm.) expenses not met or paid for in the<br />

fiscal year to which they belong.<br />

arrifcre-bec, m., (pont.) stern, after-peak, of a ponton<br />

boat (all that part of the stern the bottom<br />

of which curves upward); a downstream cutwater,<br />

starling.<br />

arrifcre-bord, m., rear edge.<br />

arrifcre-coup, m., (surv.) back-sight.<br />

arrifcre-garde, f., (mil.) rear guard;<br />

faire I' to do or , be the rear guard;<br />

gros de I' main , body of the rear guard;<br />

pointe d' , point of the rear guard;<br />

extreme pointe d' , extreme point of the rear<br />

guard;<br />

tete de I'<br />

, head of the rear guard.<br />

arriSre-main, f., (hipp.) hind quarters of a horse<br />

(everything behind the rider).<br />

arrifere-molaire, f., (hipp.) back molar tooth.<br />

arrifcre-plan, m., background.<br />

arriere-rang, m., (mil.) rear rank.<br />

arriere-saison, f., the end of fall and beginning of<br />

winter.<br />

arriSre-train, m., (art.) hind carriage, i. e., the<br />

gun and carriage, as opposed to the limber;<br />

rear portion, after-body, of any four-wheeled<br />

carriage; (hipp.) hind quarters of ahorse (everything<br />

behind the rider) ; (of a bicycle) rear wheel<br />

and related parts.<br />

arrimage, m.. packing, stowing; (art.) packing<br />

of ammunition in chests; (mil.) the careful<br />

packing, according to regulations, of the knapsack,<br />

of the various articles carried by the<br />

trooper on his saddle; the operation of hitching<br />

the car and accessories to the balloon.<br />

arrinier, v. a., to stow, to pack carefully (ammunition,<br />

knapsack, etc. ) ; to attach a car and accessories<br />

to a balloon; to pack a train (mountain<br />

battery on mules);<br />

un ballon, to attach the car, etc., to a balloon.<br />

arrimeur, m., packer; balloon-packer (i. e., helps<br />

in the inflation, etc., of a balloon).<br />

arrive, p. p., par lesrangs, (mil.) risen from the<br />

ranks.<br />

arrivee, f., arrival; (steam, etc.) admission pipe;<br />

rive d' , (pont.) the farther bank in building<br />

or dismantling a ponton bridge.<br />

arrondi, a., rounded; m., swell or rounded part of<br />

anything, rounded surface (as, art., between<br />

lands and grooves, etc.);<br />

en dos d'dne, barreled (of a road).<br />

arrondir, v. a., to round, round off;<br />

un cheval, (man.) to break a horse.<br />

arroiidissement, m., rounding: (fort.) rounding<br />

of the counterscarp in front of a salient; rounding<br />

of a reentrant angle; (mil.) district, military<br />

district (not territorial, variable in<br />

area);<br />

d'artillerie, du genie, de I'intendance,<br />

d'inspeclion generale, artillery, engineer,<br />

intendance, q. v., inspection districts, respectively.<br />

arrosage, m., irrigation; sprinkling; (powd.) moistening<br />

of gunpowder in manufacture.<br />

arroser, v. a., to sprinkle; soak; moisten; irrigate;

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