A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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societe 426 soleil societe de tir, rifle, shooting, club. socle, m., footing, base, bottom, pedestal, plinth, blocking, stand; foot, footing, of a wall;foundation of an engine or machine; (mil. min.) bracing or pedestal used in tamping ; (artif.) block on which rockets, etc., are driven; (art.) pedestal (of soone mounts); bati, foundation or pier (as for a stream engine, etc.). see ur,f., sister; hospitalise, sister on army nursing duty. soic, f., silk; hog's bristle, any bristle; tang (of a tool, sword blade, etc.); (ppO toe crack; (mach.) journal pin; bourre de v. s. v. bourre; , de manivelle, (much.) crank pin,, connectingrod journal; de la poignee, (sm. a.) tang of a hilt. soif, f., thirst. goir, m., evening, night (mil, r. r., from 12 o'clock noon to 12 o'clock midnight). sol, m. , soil; ground; surface of the ground; ground plot; sole, bottom (as of a gallery, tunnel, etc.); compressible, compressible soil; creuser le to break , ground; engerbe, v. d'une traverse; relier au , (elec.) to ground, earth, make a ground connection; d'une traverse, (ion. ) in earthwork, the surface on which a traverse is to rise. solaire, a., of the sun, solar; cadran sun dial. , solandre, f..(hipp.) solanders, salanders (generally in plural). solariser, v. a., (phot.) to expose to the sun. solbatu, a., (hipp.) surbated, foot-foundered; rendre , to surbate. solbature, f . , (hipp.) foot-founder; surbating; closh. soldat, m., (mil.) soldier (when used alone, frequently equivalent to infantry private); (in gen.) any member of the military profession; (in pi.) the men; a. , soldierlike; d'artillerie f artilleryman; de cavalene, cavalryman; du centre, v. centrier; & cheval, trooper, mounted soldier; conducteur, (Fr. a.) driver of (the regimental de , soldierlike; enfant, young, inexperienced soldier; faux , falsely mustered soldier; defortune, soldier of fortune; h gages, mercenary; du geme, engineer soldier; d'infanterie, infantryman; jeune , (Fr. a.) recruit (so called until he gets through his recruit drill); from an administra- tive point, member of the last class called into service, exclusive of volunteer enlistments; de (la) marine, v. s. v. marine; musicien, bandsman; ordonnance, soldier servant, "striker" (U. S. A.); d'ordonnance, orderly; tipied, foot soldier; de planton, orderly in waiting; de plomb, tin soldier; 2)orteur d'outils. (Fr. a.) soldier skilled in the use of certain tools (so called from his carrying them in the field); pourvoyeur, man who passes ammunition from the caissons, etc.; de premiere classe, (Fr. a.) private of the first class (title won by good conduct and efficiency); de rencontre, untrained soldier, any man picked up and put into the ranks without regard to fitness; secretaire, clerk; simple , private; tender, (Fr. inf.) soldier detailed to Io9k after an officer (dismounted) in the field (carries food and various other articles, looks after the officer if wounded, etc.); du train, train soldier; du train d'artillerie, train soldier; irieux , old soldier. soldatesque, a., soldierlike; f., soldiery, (esp.) undisciplined, unbridled soldiery. solde, f., (mil.) pay of an officer, noncommissioned officer, or private; currently limited to officers' (commercially) settlement. (The following terms are military:) h la de, in the pay of; d'absence, half pay; leave and (Fr. a.) captivity pay, one-half of the de presence; ( et) accessoires de , (pay and) allowances; d'activite, active-duty pay; avoir d, sa , to have in one's pay; de captivile, v. d'absence; de conge, leave pay; dcmi , half pay; ft, en, demi , on half pay; de disponVnlile, (Fr. a.) waiting-orders pay (generals and assimiles), entiere, full pay; entrer en , to begin to draw pay; entree en , v. s. v. entree; etat de , pay roll; de guerre, war pay; de marche, travel pay, travel allowance; de non-activite, (Fr. a.) unemployed pay (three-fifths for lieutenants and below, onehalf for all others, if the officer is unemployed through no fault of his own; two-fifths for all grades, if the officer is unemployed through his own fault); de paix, ordinary pay; _ de permission, v. de conge; prendre&sa -. , to take into one's pay; de presence, full duty pay, full pay; de reforme, pay of the status of reforme, reduced pay (two-thirds of the minimum retired pay in the case of officers retired for physical disability, one-half in the case of officers retired for disciplinary reasons); de re serve, (Fr. a.) pay of generals and of assimiles who have passed into the cadre de reserve; de relraite. retired pay; de route, allowance on a march. solder, v. a., to pay, settle, liquidate; (mil.) to pay troops; (hence, in gen.) to keep, retain, in pay. sole, f., sole, sill, sleeper; ground plate; bottom of a flat boat; (hipp.) sole (of hoof); (met., etc.) furnace bottom, hearth; dead plate; bed, sole, of a reverberatory furnace; (art.) plate at the lower part of some top carriages of the French marine artillery, serving to keep cheeks together (obs.); d'affut, (art.) transom of a gun carriage; de bateau, flat bottom of a boat; battue, (hipp.) v. solbature; de bigue, step for the heel of a small shears; bruUe, (farr.) burned sole (shoe put on too hot) ; charnue, (hipp.) fleshy, sensitive, sole of a horse's foot; chauffee, (farr.) overheated sole (the hot shoe held on too long); cornee, (hipp.) horny sole; d''embrasure, (fort.) sole or bed of an embrasure; de foyer, dead plate, coking plate of a furnace mobile d'affut, (F. m. art.) movable transom; de sabord, (fort., nav.) port sill; de sabot, (hipp.) sole of a horse's foot; de taquel, step of a kevel. soleil, m., sun; (artif.) fireworks having jets or rocket as radii of a circle; comme le , with the sun; contre le , against the sun; (ti) conlre du , against the sun; couchant, sunset; couchcr du , sunset; coup de , sunstroke; entre deux s, between suns; d'eau, (artif.) water wheel for fireworks; fixe, (artif.) fixed sun; grand , midday ; au grand ,*n the blaze of the sun;

soleil 427 sonde soleil levant, sunrise; lever du , sunrise; marche de , sunway; as the sun goes; montant, (artif.) tourbillon, (two rockets composing a cross); dans le sens du v. comme le , ; tournant, (artif.) sun revolving vertically. solf'noide, m., (elec.) solenoid: electro-magnftique, electro-magnetic helix, solenoid; practical solenoid; ferme, closed solenoid. solidaire, a., integral, in one piece with anything, forming one rigid piece with; (law) jointly and separably answerable; de, integral, rigid with, forming one rigid piece with. solidarity f., (law) joint responsibility. solide, a., solid, stout, secure; sound, firm, strong; massive, stable, consistent, hard; m., solid, solid body, cubical contents; ^ angle solid , angle; d'une batterie, (fort.) cubical contents of earthwork in parapet; de bonne rupture, (expl.) v. ellipso'ide de bonne rupture; creuser jusqu'au to , dig down to solid ground ; de 'revolution, solid of revolution; derupturelimite,v.ellipsotde derupturehmite; terrain , solid ground (as for foundations). solidifier, v. a. r., to solidify, to become hard; to make or render solid, acquire solidity, solidite, f., solidity, density; soundness, stability; compactness; massiveness; strength; stoutness; steadfastness. solin, m., (cons.) distance, space, between joists; mortar filling of the space between joists; (in a tiled roof) the joint or covering of plaster or cement along the intersection of the roof and a vertical wall; joint filled with mortar; tonde de , flashing strip (under a solin in mortar). solipedc, a., m., soliped, solid-ungulate. * m., calculation of the number of beams that may be cut out of a log; (cons.) timberwork of a house. solive, f., (cons.) joist; armee, trussed joist; boiteuse, tail joist; croisee, cross joist; d'enchevetrure, trimmer joist; poser des s, to joist. soliveau, m., (cows.) flooring joist, boarding joist, small joist. solivure, f., (cons.) all the joists of a building. sofflcitation, f., solicitation. sollieiter, v. a., to solicit, petition; un cheval, (man.) to urge, animate, a horse. solliciteur, m., petitioner. soluble, a., soluble. solubilite,f., solubility. solution, f., solution; dissolution; resolution; discharge; de continuite, breach of continuity. solvability f., solvency. solvable, a., solvent. somache, a., v. saumache. sombre, a., dark, gloomy; (weather) overcast, cloudy; faire , to be cloudy, dark, overcast, etc. sombrer, v. n., (nav.) to sink, to founder. sommail, m., (hydr.) bank, shoal (in a channel). sommaire, m., summary, compendium; abstract, abridgment, contents. sommaire, a., summary, concise, short; (law) summary; without trial: condamnation sur procedure , (law) summary conviction. sommation, f., summons, process, challenge; reading of the riot act; (mil.) summons (to surrender); faire les trois s, to read the riot act. somme, f., sum, amount; burden, load (of a horse, mule); (hydr.) bar at the mouth of a port or of a river; bete de , pack animal, beast of burden; cheval de , pack horse; haute , contingent money, large sum paid out by a shipowner; pays , (hydr.) shoal, shallow. so-.miieil, m., sleep. sommer, v. a., to summon (as a position, to surrender); to call upon; to challenge, charge; to sum, add up; une place, (mil.) to summon a besieged town, etc., to surrender; quelqu'un de sa parole, to call upon one to keep his promise. sommet, m., summit; vertex (of an angle, cone, etc.); top (as of a dam, etc.); ridge; height; apex; (fig.) pinnacle, zenith, meridian, crown; de la trajectoire, (ball.) highest point of a trajectory, summit, vertex; de la triangulation, (surv.) triangulation vertex. sommier, m., register, ledger; sumpter-, pack-, horse or mule; mattress; piece of wood supporting a heavy mass; springpiece of a bridge; support for long beams; beam of a balance; lower crossbar of an iron gate or grating; double hoop at the end of a barrel or cask; (cons.) breastsummer; end stone of a platband; springer, springing st.ne of an arch; (fort., nav.) iron backing or part of compound armor; (nav.) upper sill of a port; (mach.) bed of a machine (boiler, etc.); des barreaux, v. de grille; de crin, hair mattress ; cul de , (cons.) skewback; elastiquc, spring mattress; de grille, fire-1 ar support; de lit, mattress; de pont, stringer of a bridge; de porte, wooden architrave of a door. sommiere, f., (harn.) packing rope, packing strap, packing cord; (top.) open space, glade, in a wood. sommite, f., summit, top, (extremity) end; head; les s, highest grades, authorities; les s du commandement, (mil.) the highest authorities in the army. son, m., bran; sound; discordant, rattling noise, rattling (in machines); mouille, bran mash (for horses). sondage, m., boring (of earth, as for foundations, etc.); (nav.) sounding; (med.) probing (of wounds) ; chinois, h la corde, boring by rope (boring tool raised by a rope); d la grande sonde, (nav.) sounding with deepsea lead; outil de , boring tool; & tige rigide, boring with a string of tools. sonde, f., borer, earth auger, boring tool; (med.) probe; (nav.) lead, sounding lead, sounding fine; soundings; sand or gravel sticking to the lead; (art.) vent probe; (surv.) numeral exdon of the distance of a point below a allerd la , (nav.) to go by the lead; barre de , sounding rod; s d'une carte, soundings marked on a chart; chercher la , to make soundings; crier la , (nav.) to call the depth; & crochet, (art.) vent searcher; etre sur la , (nav.) to be on soundings; grand plomb de , grande , (nav.) deep-sea lead; to heave the lead; jeter la , (nav.) lance de , sounding rod; ligne de , (nav.) lead line; & main, (nav.) hand lead; navigeur la & la main, v. oiler h la ; & nonius, (art.) shellgauge (thickness of base); plomb de , (nav.) lead;

soleil 427 sonde<br />

soleil levant, sunrise;<br />

lever du , sunrise;<br />

marche de , sunway; as the sun goes;<br />

montant, (artif.) tourbillon, (two rockets<br />

<strong>com</strong>posing a cross);<br />

dans le sens du v. <strong>com</strong>me le<br />

,<br />

;<br />

tournant, (artif.) sun revolving vertically.<br />

solf'noide, m., (elec.) solenoid:<br />

electro-magnftique, electro-magnetic helix,<br />

solenoid; practical solenoid;<br />

ferme, closed solenoid.<br />

solidaire, a., integral, in one piece with anything,<br />

forming one rigid piece with; (law) jointly and<br />

separably answerable;<br />

de, integral, rigid with, forming one rigid<br />

piece with.<br />

solidarity f., (law) joint responsibility.<br />

solide, a., solid, stout, secure; sound, firm, strong;<br />

massive, stable, consistent, hard; m., solid,<br />

solid body, cubical contents; ^<br />

angle solid , angle;<br />

d'une batterie, (fort.) cubical contents of<br />

earthwork in parapet;<br />

de bonne rupture, (expl.) v. ellipso'ide de bonne<br />

rupture;<br />

creuser jusqu'au to , dig down to solid ground ;<br />

de 'revolution, solid of revolution;<br />

derupturelimite,v.ellipsotde derupturehmite;<br />

terrain , solid ground (as for foundations).<br />

solidifier, v. a. r., to solidify, to be<strong>com</strong>e hard; to<br />

make or render solid, acquire solidity,<br />

solidite, f., solidity, density; soundness, stability;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pactness; massiveness; strength; stoutness;<br />

steadfastness.<br />

solin, m., (cons.) distance, space, between joists;<br />

mortar filling of the space between joists; (in<br />

a tiled roof) the joint or covering of plaster or<br />

cement along the intersection of the roof and a<br />

vertical wall; joint filled with mortar;<br />

tonde de , flashing strip (under a solin in<br />

mortar).<br />

solipedc, a., m., soliped, solid-ungulate.<br />

* m., calculation of the number of beams<br />

that may be cut out of a log; (cons.) timberwork<br />

of a house.<br />

solive, f., (cons.) joist;<br />

armee, trussed joist;<br />

boiteuse, tail joist;<br />

croisee, cross joist;<br />

d'enchevetrure, trimmer joist;<br />

poser des s, to joist.<br />

soliveau, m., (cows.) flooring joist, boarding joist,<br />

small joist.<br />

solivure, f., (cons.) all the joists of a building.<br />

sofflcitation, f., solicitation.<br />

sollieiter, v. a., to solicit, petition;<br />

un cheval, (man.) to urge, animate, a horse.<br />

solliciteur, m., petitioner.<br />

soluble, a., soluble.<br />

solubilite,f., solubility.<br />

solution, f., solution; dissolution; resolution; discharge;<br />

de continuite, breach of continuity.<br />

solvability f., solvency.<br />

solvable, a., solvent.<br />

somache, a., v. saumache.<br />

sombre, a., dark, gloomy; (weather) overcast,<br />

cloudy;<br />

faire , to be cloudy, dark, overcast, etc.<br />

sombrer, v. n., (nav.) to sink, to founder.<br />

sommail, m., (hydr.) bank, shoal (in a channel).<br />

sommaire, m., summary, <strong>com</strong>pendium; abstract,<br />

abridgment, contents.<br />

sommaire, a., summary, concise, short; (law)<br />

summary; without trial:<br />

condamnation sur procedure , (law) summary<br />

conviction.<br />

sommation, f., summons, process, challenge;<br />

reading of the riot act; (mil.) summons (to<br />

surrender);<br />

faire les trois s, to read the riot act.<br />

somme, f., sum, amount; burden, load (of a horse,<br />

mule); (hydr.) bar at the mouth of a port or of<br />

a river;<br />

bete de , pack animal, beast of burden;<br />

cheval de , pack horse;<br />

haute , contingent money, large sum paid out<br />

by a shipowner;<br />

pays , (hydr.) shoal, shallow.<br />

so-.miieil, m., sleep.<br />

sommer, v. a., to summon (as a position, to surrender);<br />

to call upon; to challenge, charge; to<br />

sum, add up;<br />

une place, (mil.) to summon a besieged town,<br />

etc., to surrender;<br />

quelqu'un de sa parole, to call upon one to<br />

keep his promise.<br />

sommet, m., summit; vertex (of an angle, cone,<br />

etc.); top (as of a dam, etc.); ridge; height;<br />

apex; (fig.) pinnacle, zenith, meridian, crown;<br />

de la trajectoire, (ball.) highest point of a<br />

trajectory, summit, vertex;<br />

de la triangulation, (surv.) triangulation<br />

vertex.<br />

sommier, m., register, ledger; sumpter-, pack-,<br />

horse or mule; mattress; piece of wood supporting<br />

a heavy mass; springpiece of a bridge; support<br />

for long beams; beam of a balance; lower<br />

crossbar of an iron gate or grating; double hoop<br />

at the end of a barrel or cask; (cons.) breastsummer;<br />

end stone of a platband; springer,<br />

springing st.ne of an arch; (fort., nav.) iron<br />

backing or part of <strong>com</strong>pound armor; (nav.)<br />

upper sill of a port; (mach.) bed of a machine<br />

(boiler, etc.);<br />

des barreaux, v. de grille;<br />

de crin, hair mattress ;<br />

cul de , (cons.) skewback;<br />

elastiquc, spring mattress;<br />

de grille, fire-1 ar support;<br />

de lit, mattress;<br />

de pont, stringer of a bridge;<br />

de porte, wooden architrave of a door.<br />

sommiere, f., (harn.) packing rope, packing strap,<br />

packing cord; (top.) open space, glade, in a<br />

wood.<br />

sommite, f., summit, top, (extremity) end; head;<br />

les s, highest grades, authorities;<br />

les s du <strong>com</strong>mandement, (mil.) the highest<br />

authorities in the army.<br />

son, m., bran; sound;<br />

discordant, rattling noise, rattling (in machines);<br />

mouille, bran mash (for horses).<br />

sondage, m., boring (of earth, as for foundations,<br />

etc.); (nav.) sounding; (med.) probing (of<br />

wounds) ;<br />

chinois,<br />

h la corde, boring by rope (boring<br />

tool raised by a rope);<br />

d la grande sonde, (nav.) sounding with deepsea<br />

lead;<br />

outil de , boring tool;<br />

& tige rigide, boring with a string of tools.<br />

sonde, f., borer, earth auger, boring tool; (med.)<br />

probe; (nav.) lead, sounding lead, sounding<br />

fine; soundings; sand or gravel sticking to the<br />

lead; (art.) vent probe; (surv.) numeral exdon<br />

of the distance of a point below a<br />

allerd la , (nav.) to go by the lead;<br />

barre de , sounding rod;<br />

s d'une carte, soundings marked on a chart;<br />

chercher la , to make soundings;<br />

crier la , (nav.) to call the depth;<br />

& crochet, (art.) vent searcher;<br />

etre sur la , (nav.) to be on soundings;<br />

grand plomb de , grande , (nav.) deep-sea<br />

lead;<br />

to heave the lead;<br />

jeter la , (nav.)<br />

lance de , sounding rod;<br />

ligne de , (nav.) lead line;<br />

& main, (nav.) hand lead;<br />

navigeur la & la main,<br />

v. oiler h la ;<br />

& nonius, (art.) shellgauge (thickness of base);<br />

plomb de , (nav.) lead;

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