A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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service 422 service service de deuxieme ligne, ( Fr. mil. teleg.} telegraph service connecting the headquarters of various armies with the main headquarters, and all the armies with home; de deuxieme tour, duty of the second class; directeur de v. s. , v. directeur; head of any department or duty ; de direction, v. d'administration; direction de v. s. v. , direction; divin, (in gen.) divine service; sous les drapeaux, service with the colors, in active army; duree d-e ; period, length, of service; des ecunes, stable duty; entrer au to enter the , service; d'estafette, messenger, courier, duty; des etapes, v. s. v.etape; etat de -, certificate of sen-ice; de I'Etat, (in gen.) service of the state; (nav.) service in the war navy; d', de I', etat-major, staff service (in Fr. a., not to be confounded with etat-major general); dl'etranger, foreign service; etre au to , serve; etre de to be on , duty; etre en activite de to be on the active , list; etre appele au to be called into , service; etre de aupres de, to be on duty with, to attend upon, one; eventuel, subsistence duty in the field; d' execution, v. de gestion; exempt du excused from , duty; d' exploitation, (r. r.) operation of a railway; d' exploration, the exploration service of independent cavalry ; ' expulsion du , dismissal; expulsion infamante du , drumming out, dishonorable discharge; (& l')exterieur, service or duty beyond the enceinte, beyond the line of sentinels; foreign service; faire le de, to perform the duties of a given position; faire son , to do one's duty, one's tour of duty; to finish one's time of service, to serve out one's time; faire son temps de , finir son , v: faire son temps de ; des forges, (Fr. a.) steel-, gun-, inspection duty; deforteresse, fortress duty or service; desfourrages, forage (supply) service; de garde, guard duty; de garnison, garrison service, whether open or fortified town; routine garrison duty; de la gendarmerie aux armies, ( Fr. a.) provost service; s generaux de I'armee, ( Fr. a.) term describing certain staff and administrative departments having relations with the whole army, as the general staff, the contrdle and administra- tion, etc.; geographique de I'armee, (Fr. a.) a department of the French staff charged with astronomical, geodetical, topographical, and car tographic duties; de gestion, v. s. v. gestion; de I'habillement, (Fr. a.) army clothing department; du harnachement d.e la cavalerie, (Fr. a.) harness supply department; d'honneur, honorary service; (e. g., aupres d'un roi, d'un empereur); Jiors de , unserviceable, unfit for service; out of service; retired from the service; des hdpitaux militaires, hospital staff; impropre au , unfit for duty or service; inhabilite au , unfitness for the service; / del'intfndance, v. intendance; intcrieur, interior economy; (Fr. a.) branch of the administration centrale having certain duties with respect to its material and personnel, to archives, etc.; d I'interieur, service in a fort or place inside of a line of sentinels; home service; service des interpretes, v. interprete; dejour, daily duty; de la justice militaire, law service of the army (judge-advocate's department, U. S. A.); lettre de v. s. v. , lettre; - licenciement de ? discharge from the service; des lits militaires, y. de couchage and entreprise des lits militaires; de marche, march, transportation, service; de la marine, naval, sea, service; maritime, v. de la marine; marque de , v. s. v. marque; medical, medical service; de mer, v. de la marine; de mcssagerie, (in gen.) transport, freight, etc., service; mettre hors de , to wear put; militaire, military service or duty; militaire de la marine, naval service (proper); obligation du , obligation to serve; obligatoire, compulsory service; opaque, (mil. sig.) field or military visual signaling; de I'ordinaire, mess duty; d'ordonnance, orderly duty; ordre de , v. s. v. ordre; d' ordre, v. s. v. ordre; de pansage, stable duty; s particuliers.de I'armee, (Fr. a.) term descriptive of staff and other departments relating to particular arms or departments or branches of the army, as military schools, chaplains, Algerian affairs, interpreters, remount, etc.; permanent, subsistence duty pertaining to permanent camps and garrison towns; du personnel, department in charge of personal affairs ("appointment, commission, and personal" division, A. G. O., U. S. A.); de(s) place(s), garrison and fortification service; routine garrison duty; de planton, orderly duty; de police, police duty; du port, (nav.) harbor duty; des poudres et salpetres, ( Fr. a.) the department or duties of the poudres et salpetres, v. s. v. poudre; de premiere ligne, ( Fr. mil. teleg.) telegraph service connecting the main headquarters of the army with headquarters of corps or other designated points; (Fr. a. med.) advanced medical service; medical service with troops (includes regimental service, dressing stations, field hospitals); du premier tour, duty of the first class; prendre le to , go on duty; to take over duty; prevdtal, dc la prevote, provost duty; propre au fit for , service; -du quartier-general , headquarters service or duty; quitter le , to leave the service; raison de , service reasons; de reconnaissance, reconnaissance duty; du recrutement, recruiting service; regimentaire, (med., Fr. a.) regimental medical service; first attendance, on halts, during marches and combats, (mil. in gen.) regimental service; religicux, v. divin; remettre le , to turn over a duty, service, guard, etc.; de la re.monte, remount service; des renseignements, intelligence department;' (more esp.) corps cavalry exploration service; de reparation, department of repairs; de reserve, (Fr. a.) service having in view the maintenance in peace of supplies of all kinds in view of mobilization, and keeping forts fully supplied with material for sieges; se retire? du , to withdraw from, leave, the service; de ronde, patrol duty; rounds;

service 423 siege service de sante, medical department, medical corps, medical service; de sante de I'arriere, (Fr. a. med.) medical service on the lines of communication; de sante de I'avant, (Fr. a. med.) medical service at the front, i. e., with the troops engaged; de sante en campagne, (Fr. a. med.) medical field service (includes de I'arriere and de I'avant)', de securite en marche, all measures taken to insure safety on the march (advance guard, flankers, etc.); de securite en station, all measures taken to insure safety during halts; outpost service ; de semaine, garrison duty taken by the week; v. s. v. semaine; des signaleurs, des signaux, signal service, signaling; de la solde, pay department; soumis au militaire, liable to military service; de surcte, security service (includes protection of columns on the march, outposts, and reconnaissances) ; de surele en marche (en station), v. de securite en marche (station); de siirete de premiere lijne, duties of informa- tion and of protection as carried on by the corps cavalry; des subsistances militaires, subsistence department; tableau de , duty roster; destelegraphes, (in gen.) telegraph service; de la telegraphic militaire, military telegraph service; telegrapJiique de la premiere ligne, (Fr. a.) telegraph duty in the zone of operations of the - tele'grapJiique de la seconde ligne, (Fr. a.) telegraph duty in the rear of the army and connecting the army with home; telegraphique de la troisieme ligne, (Fr. a.) telegraph duty in forts, arsenals, etc., at home; temps de , period of service; tenue de service uniform or , dress; de tir, target practice, target-practice duty; topographique, topographic, surveying, duty; tour de , tour (of duty); de tranchee, trench duty; des transports, (Fr. a.) transport service; de la tresorerie et des pastes, (Fr. a.) pay and postal service in the field; velerinaire, (Fr. a.) veterinary service; des vivrcs, subsistence department ; volontaire d'un an, one-year volunteer service. servir, v. a. n., to serve, be in the service of; to serve the state, be in the administration; (tech.) to work (as a stream, a mill); (mil, nav.) to serve; to be in the service; to perform one's duty; (hipp.) to serve (a mare); h, to be used for; une batterie, (art.) to serve a battery; & bord, (nav.) to serve afloat; un canon, (art.) to serve or work a gun; 7- dons (I'artillerie, etc.), to be, serve in (the ar- tillery, etc.); de, to serve for or instead; une pompe, to work a pump; sous, (mil.) to serve under (so-and-so); sur mer, (nav.) to serve afloat. servitude, f., servitude; (law) easement, servitude; (mil.) open ground around an explosive magazine (in which no building may be put up); bateau de , (nav.) harbor-service boat; s de lafrontiere, (Fr. a.) zones along the frontiers in which no ground may be cleared or roads built without the special permission of the commission mixte des travaux publics; s militaires , militaires. (fort.) zones around a fortification in which all building is forbidden, or is allowed only under certain conditions; navire de , (nav.) harbor-service vessel. servo-moteur, m., (mach.) servomotor. sesamoJde, a. m., (hipp.) sesamoid, sesamoid bone; grand sesamoid , bone; petit small sesamoid bone. , sfiton, m., (hipp.) seton, rowcll; aiguille b, , seton needle; anglais, rowel; anime, tape smeared with irritant; & meche, seton needle and tape or other thread; to, rouelle, rowel; simple, seton with unsmeared tape. seuil, m., sill, ground sill; sole, threshold; gate; entrance; doorstep; (fort.) interior cdj.;e or crest of an embrasure; (lop.) ridge closing a valley; d'ecluse, sill, ground sill of a sluice; de ponl-levis, (fort.) counterscarp beam for drawbridge. seuillet, m., (nav.) lower port sill, sfeve, f., sap; pith. severe, a., severe, stern, harsh, rigid (as of discipline); austere; strict (as a blockade); close (as an investment). sevfirite, f., severity, strictness, etc. sextant, m. , sextant; arc of 60; & botte, small box sextant; grand , sextant proper; de poche, pocket sextant. sextuplette, f., sextuplet, six-seat bicycle. seye, f., (art.) axletree bolt, bolster bolt; & I'ecrou, screw bolt. shako, m., v. schako; shrapnel, m., (art.) shrapnel; & chimbre anterieure, front-burster shrapnel; & c\ambre centrale, central-burster shrapnel; a chambre postericure, rear-burster shrapnel; pcrcutant, (art.) shrapnel used as a percussion shell, i.e., fuse unset. siccatif, a., siccative, dr}~ing. siccite, f.,dryness; evaporer d, , to evaporate to dryness. side rite, m., siderite. sidrotechnie, f ., v. siderurgie. sidSrurgie, f., (met.) metallurgy of iron. / siecle, m., century; age, period, world, siege, m.,seat; see of a bishop; box (coachman's seat); (law) bench; (mil.) siege; (mach.) valve seat; (harn.) seat of a saddle; (farr.) flat part of the upper surface of the English shoe; accetere, (mil.) hastv, rapid, siege (an irregular siege, batteries erected at once, no approaches); affut de , (art.) siege carriage; d'afful, (art.) axletree seat; armee de , (mil.) siege corps or army; arlillerie de , (art.) siege artillery; d'assaut, (mil.) sudden attack (no trenches opened); ballerie de , siege battery; bouchehfeu de , (art.) siege gun; brusque, (mil.) siege without approaches; canon de , (art.) siege gun; de clapet, (mach.) valve seat; corps de , (mil.) besieging army, siege corps or army; ~s couvrir un , (mil.) to cover a siege; de , (mil.) besieging; echelle de , (mil.) scaling ladder; equipage de , (art.) siege train (v. s. v. equipage); d'essieu, (art.) axle seat; etat de , v. s. v. etat; faire le, un, , (mil.) to besiege, carry on a siege; faux , (harn.) straining, straining leather, cross webbing; facing of cloth and leather on the arch of a pack saddle;

service 422 service<br />

service de deuxieme ligne, ( Fr. mil. teleg.} telegraph<br />

service connecting the headquarters of various<br />

armies with the main headquarters, and all<br />

the armies with home;<br />

de deuxieme tour, duty of the second class;<br />

directeur de v. s. , v. directeur; head of any<br />

department or duty ;<br />

de direction, v. d'administration;<br />

direction de v. s. v. , direction;<br />

divin, (in gen.) divine service;<br />

sous les drapeaux, service with the colors,<br />

in active army;<br />

duree d-e<br />

; period, length, of service;<br />

des ecunes, stable duty;<br />

entrer au to enter the , service;<br />

d'estafette, messenger, courier, duty;<br />

des etapes, v. s. v.etape;<br />

etat de -, certificate of sen-ice;<br />

de I'Etat, (in gen.) service of the state; (nav.)<br />

service in the war navy;<br />

d', de I', etat-major, staff service (in Fr. a.,<br />

not to be confounded with etat-major general);<br />

dl'etranger, foreign service;<br />

etre au to , serve;<br />

etre de to be on , duty;<br />

etre en activite de to be on the active , list;<br />

etre appele au to be called into , service;<br />

etre de aupres de, to be on duty with, to<br />

attend upon, one;<br />

eventuel, subsistence duty in the field;<br />

d' execution, v. de gestion;<br />

exempt du excused from , duty;<br />

d' exploitation, (r. r.) operation of a railway;<br />

d' exploration, the exploration service of independent<br />

cavalry ;<br />

'<br />

expulsion du<br />

, dismissal;<br />

expulsion infamante du , drumming out, dishonorable<br />

discharge;<br />

(& l')exterieur, service or duty beyond the<br />

enceinte, beyond the line of sentinels; foreign<br />

service;<br />

faire le de, to perform the duties of a given<br />

position;<br />

faire son , to do one's duty, one's tour of<br />

duty;<br />

to finish one's time of<br />

service, to serve out one's time;<br />

faire son temps de ,<br />

finir son , v: faire son temps de ;<br />

des forges, (Fr. a.) steel-, gun-, inspection<br />

duty;<br />

deforteresse, fortress duty or service;<br />

desfourrages, forage (supply) service;<br />

de garde, guard duty;<br />

de garnison, garrison service, whether open<br />

or fortified town; routine garrison duty;<br />

de la gendarmerie aux armies, ( Fr. a.) provost<br />

service;<br />

s generaux de I'armee, ( Fr. a.) term describing<br />

certain staff and administrative departments<br />

having relations with the whole army, as<br />

the general staff, the contrdle and administra-<br />

tion, etc.;<br />

geographique de I'armee, (Fr. a.) a department<br />

of the <strong>French</strong> staff charged with astronomical,<br />

geodetical, topographical, and car tographic<br />

duties;<br />

de gestion, v. s. v. gestion;<br />

de I'habillement, (Fr. a.) army clothing<br />

department;<br />

du harnachement d.e la cavalerie, (Fr. a.)<br />

harness supply department;<br />

d'honneur, honorary service; (e. g., aupres<br />

d'un roi, d'un empereur);<br />

Jiors de , unserviceable, unfit for service; out<br />

of service; retired from the service;<br />

des hdpitaux militaires, hospital staff;<br />

impropre au , unfit for duty or service;<br />

inhabilite au , unfitness for the service; /<br />

del'intfndance, v. intendance;<br />

intcrieur, interior economy; (Fr. a.) branch<br />

of the administration centrale having certain<br />

duties with respect to its material and personnel,<br />

to archives, etc.;<br />

d I'interieur, service in a fort or place inside<br />

of a line of sentinels; home service;<br />

service des interpretes, v. interprete;<br />

dejour, daily duty;<br />

de la justice militaire, law service of the army<br />

(judge-advocate's department, U. S. A.);<br />

lettre de v. s. v. , lettre;<br />

-<br />

licenciement de ? discharge from the service;<br />

des lits militaires, y. de couchage and<br />

entreprise des lits militaires;<br />

de marche, march, transportation, service;<br />

de la marine, naval, sea, service;<br />

maritime, v. de la marine;<br />

marque de , v. s. v. marque;<br />

medical, medical service;<br />

de mer, v. de la marine;<br />

de mcssagerie, (in gen.) transport, freight,<br />

etc., service;<br />

mettre hors de , to wear put;<br />

militaire, military service or duty;<br />

militaire de la marine, naval service (proper);<br />

obligation du , obligation to serve;<br />

obligatoire, <strong>com</strong>pulsory service;<br />

opaque, (mil. sig.) field or military visual<br />

signaling;<br />

de I'ordinaire, mess duty;<br />

d'ordonnance, orderly duty;<br />

ordre de , v. s. v. ordre;<br />

d' ordre, v. s. v. ordre;<br />

de pansage, stable duty;<br />

s particuliers.de I'armee, (Fr. a.) term descriptive<br />

of staff and other departments relating<br />

to particular arms or departments or<br />

branches of the army, as military schools,<br />

chaplains, Algerian affairs, interpreters, remount,<br />

etc.;<br />

permanent, subsistence duty pertaining to<br />

permanent camps and garrison towns;<br />

du personnel, department in charge of personal<br />

affairs ("appointment, <strong>com</strong>mission, and<br />

personal" division, A. G. O., U. S. A.);<br />

de(s) place(s), garrison and fortification service;<br />

routine garrison duty;<br />

de planton, orderly duty;<br />

de police, police duty;<br />

du port, (nav.) harbor duty;<br />

des poudres et salpetres, ( Fr. a.) the department<br />

or duties of the poudres et salpetres,<br />

v. s. v. poudre;<br />

de premiere ligne, ( Fr. mil. teleg.) telegraph<br />

service connecting the main headquarters of<br />

the army with headquarters of corps or other<br />

designated points; (Fr. a. med.) advanced<br />

medical service; medical service with troops<br />

(includes regimental service, dressing stations,<br />

field hospitals);<br />

du premier tour, duty of the first class;<br />

prendre le to , go on duty; to take over duty;<br />

prevdtal, dc la prevote, provost duty;<br />

propre au fit for , service;<br />

-du quartier-general , headquarters service or<br />

duty;<br />

quitter le , to leave the service;<br />

raison de , service reasons;<br />

de reconnaissance, reconnaissance duty;<br />

du recrutement, recruiting service;<br />

regimentaire, (med., Fr. a.) regimental medical<br />

service; first attendance, on halts, during<br />

marches and <strong>com</strong>bats, (mil. in gen.) regimental<br />

service;<br />

religicux, v. divin;<br />

remettre le , to turn over a duty, service,<br />

guard, etc.;<br />

de la re.monte, remount service;<br />

des renseignements, intelligence department;'<br />

(more esp.) corps cavalry exploration service;<br />

de reparation, department of repairs;<br />

de reserve, (Fr. a.) service having in view<br />

the maintenance in peace of supplies of all<br />

kinds in view of mobilization, and keeping<br />

forts fully supplied with material for sieges;<br />

se retire? du , to withdraw from, leave, the<br />

service;<br />

de ronde, patrol duty; rounds;

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