A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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serrure 421 service<br />

serrure encastelee, mortise lock;<br />

entaillee, v. encastelee;<br />

entree de scutcheon of a , lock;<br />

ft fourreau, v. encastelee;<br />

ft houssette, v. (ft) demi-tour;<br />

ft mortaise, v. encastelee;<br />

ft palastre, rim lock;<br />

pendante, padlock;<br />

ft pene dormant, stock lock;<br />

ft ressort, spring loci:;<br />

secrete, <strong>com</strong>bination lock; rim lock;<br />

ft secret, v. secrete;<br />

de surete, safety lock;<br />

trefiliere, v. ft broche;<br />

ft un seul pene, bolt lock.<br />

serrurerie, f., locksmith work, business, art, etc.;<br />

(cons.) ironwork of a building;<br />

grosse .<br />

, (cons.) ironwork (of a building).<br />

sermrier, m., locksmith;<br />

f,n bdtiments, person who furnishes or is occupied<br />

with construction-iron work;<br />

charron, mechanic who does the ironwork of<br />

vehicles;<br />

mecanicien, engine builder.<br />

sertir, v. a., to set, seat; to put into a seat (as, art.,<br />

a rifling band); (sm. a.) to crimp a cartridge<br />

case;<br />

bague ft<br />

, (mach.) crimping-, seating-, band or<br />

collar;<br />

machine ft<br />

, v. s. v. machine.<br />

sertissage, m., setting, seating; (sm. a.) crimping<br />

(of a cartridge case about a projectile).<br />

sertissement, m., v. sertissage.<br />

sertisseur, m., (sm. c.) crimping tool.<br />

sertissure, f., seating; (sm. a.) crimping.<br />

servant, m., (art.) cannoneer, gunner (R. A.);<br />

de manivelle de la vis ae pointage, handle of<br />

the elevating screw;<br />

pelpton des 8, v. s. v. peloton.;<br />

pointeur , v. s. v. pointeur;<br />

pourvoyeur v. s. v. , pourvoyeur.<br />

servante, f., drag staff; (art.) pole prop; prop (for<br />

lid of limber chest); (powd.) scraper or a cylinder<br />

incorporating powder mill.<br />

servl, p. p., served, etc.; (art.) ready for action (as<br />

a turret, etc.);<br />

feu bien , (mil.) well-sustained fire.<br />

service, f., service, duty, office; (mil.) service (i. e.,<br />

the army); military duty or work in general;<br />

special military duty or work; any duty or<br />

class of duties; department, arm, etc., in charge<br />

of, or performing, a special or specified duty;<br />

department as distinguished from corps de<br />

troupe.<br />

(Unless otherwise indicated, the following<br />

expressions are military:)<br />

abandonner le to , leave, give up, the service;<br />

ac.tif active senice, senice with the colors;<br />

en activite de on the , active list; in full active<br />

><br />

service;<br />

s administratifs (de I'armee}, administrative<br />

sen ices (correspond to the so-called staff departments,<br />

U. S. A.);<br />

- d 'administration, administrative service;<br />

s de I'administration de I'armee, (Fr. a.) the<br />

administration of the artillery, engineers, intendance,<br />

powders and saltpeters, and medical<br />

departments, respectively;<br />

des affaires indigenes, (Fr. a.) administration<br />

of the military territory in Algiers;<br />

ambulancier, hospital sen ice in the field;<br />

arme, en armes, sen ice under arms;<br />

des armees en campagne, field service in<br />

general;<br />

-armement en , v. s. v. armement;<br />

de Varmement, all duties, etc., relating to the<br />

armament;<br />

ft I'arriere, service at the rear;<br />

de I'arriere, in widest extension, the transport<br />

forward of ammunition, supplies, and<br />

men; rearward, of the sick and wounded; includes<br />

the guarding and care of lines of <strong>com</strong>munication,<br />

the care of sick and wounded in<br />

transit, and of material and men going for-<br />

ward: (Fr. mil. teleg.) the telegraph service<br />

connecting the army with the base of operations;<br />

( Fr. a. med.) medical service on the lines<br />

of <strong>com</strong>munication.<br />

service de I'arriere de la zone des armees, v. de<br />

I'arriere (general definition);<br />

d'arriere-garde, rear-guard duty or service;<br />

de I'artillerie, artillery ser ice duties, in the<br />

most general sense (similarly of other arms or<br />

corps, as du genie);<br />

au , in the sendee;<br />

* auxiliaires, (Fr. a.) (state of war only) <strong>com</strong>prehensi<br />

e term for railroad, military telegraph,<br />

pay and post, etaves, and any other<br />

ser ices that may be performed by men not<br />

armed (non<strong>com</strong>batants) ;<br />

ft I'avant, service at the front;<br />

de I'avant, the supply ser ice, etc., carried<br />

on by the army itself from the local resources;<br />

( Fr. a. med.) medical ser ice at the front, with<br />

the troops engaged;<br />

d'avant-poste, des avant-postes, outpost<br />

duty;<br />

avoir du , to have seen ser- ice;<br />

avoir ens de , to have served (so many)<br />

years;<br />

le bien du , the good of the service;<br />

ft bord, (nav.) sea service (U. S. N.); service<br />

afloat;<br />

de (la) bouchedfeu, (art.) standing-gun drill;<br />

de campagne, field ser ice ;<br />

du campement, generic term for everything<br />

relating to camping;<br />

de cantonnement, generic term for everything<br />

relating to cantonments;<br />

central, (Fr. a.) generic term for all operations,<br />

etc., that are taken cognizance of by the<br />

minister of war or his direct subordinates;<br />

centraliser le , to centralize the ser ace, to<br />

concentrate all responsibility, direction, etc.;<br />

charge de , (art.) normal, service, charge;<br />

des chemins defer, ( Fr. a.) branch of the<br />

de I'arriere. railway senice between the army<br />

and home in time of war;<br />

<strong>com</strong>mander le , to make details for regular<br />

routine duties r<br />

<strong>com</strong>mander pour le , to detail (for such and<br />

such a duty) ;<br />

au <strong>com</strong>merce, (nav.) merchant sen ice;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>munication, <strong>com</strong>munication service;<br />

conge absolu de , conge de liberation de ,<br />

discharge from the service;<br />

controle de , duty roster;<br />

du contrdle (de I'administration de l'armee) f<br />

( Fr. a.) v. s. v. controle;<br />

du corps d'armee, (Fr. a.) the services (departments)<br />

forming the link, as regards supply,<br />

between the tete d'etapes de route and the<br />

corps;<br />

de correspondance, transmission service (as<br />

from the front to the rear);<br />

de la correspondance, <strong>com</strong>munication service<br />

(between the various bodies of troops engaged<br />

in the same operation);<br />

de corvee, fatigue duty, extra (fatigue) dutyj<br />

courant, daily service, ordinary routine<br />

service; current senice;<br />

en courant, in service, forming part of the<br />

system;<br />

de couchage, v. s. v. couchage;<br />

de courte duree, "short" service;<br />

des cultes, (Fr. a.) department of public<br />

worship in the army;<br />

de , on duty;<br />

de decouverte, name applied to the special<br />

function of the exploration cavalry, of dis-<br />

covering enemy, keeping in contact with him,<br />

etc.;<br />

de defense, (siege) defense of a place (fortified<br />

place or fort only);<br />

degagement de , discharge from the service;

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