A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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serpentin 420 serrure<br />

serpentin,^ vapeur, steam coil.<br />

serpentine, f., (man.) sinuous path or track described<br />

by riders in column of files.<br />

serpette, f., pruning knife; billhook; (pont.) sort of<br />

calking tool.<br />

serpcycr, v. a., v. scrpeger.<br />

serpiller, v. a., to reduce the thickness of a palisade<br />

by cutting off the sides.<br />

serpilildre, f., sarplar, coarse packing cloth.<br />

serrate, m., fastening, securing, tightening, adjusting<br />

(as of a screw); uniting together; tightness<br />

of fit (as a cartridge in its seat); (art.)<br />

tension or strain (of gun metrl); shrinkage;<br />

(frequently) <strong>com</strong>pression; in obturating devices,<br />

the pressure or bearing of the device<br />

against the walls of the gun; (arlif.) crimping<br />

of Bickford fuse, etc.; (mach.) vertical path or<br />

course of a bit (boring machines, et->.); the play<br />

or course or travel of a cutting edge (machine<br />

tools); locking; (sm. a.) longitudinal distance<br />

traveled by the cylinder necessary to close the<br />

breech, measured from the point where the<br />

stop-screw <strong>com</strong>es in contact with the lateral<br />

groove; distance from handle up to handle<br />

down after the bolt has been pushed as far for-<br />

ward as possible without turning;<br />

clefde , wedge key;<br />

de , adjusting, tightening (in many <strong>com</strong>binations);<br />

diametral, (art.) shrinkage;<br />

fosse de , (art.) shrinkage pit;<br />

gras, tight fit (as of nuts, washers, etc.);<br />

naturel relatif, (art.) the difference per unit<br />

of length between the exterior diameter of the<br />

tube and the interior diameter of the adjacent<br />

hoop;<br />

pratique absolu, (art.) the actual expansion<br />

of a hoop necessary to put it in place;<br />

putts de , v. fosse de .<br />

serre, f., ship plank; greenhouse; pressing together;<br />

press;<br />

h la v. en , ;<br />

donner une to , press together;<br />

en housed.<br />

,<br />

serr, p. p., hard, tight, close, fast, <strong>com</strong>pact, close<br />

together, shut up in; (of wood, grain) close<br />

grained; (mach.) (of work, hammer, rolls, etc.)<br />

as close to the final shape as possibJ^L (mil.)<br />

close (of formations, etc.); (man.) (of y gait)<br />

short, well together;<br />

cheval v. s. v. , cheval;<br />

feu , (mil.) close, well-delivered fire;<br />

jouer , v. s. v. jouer;<br />

ligne e, (mil.) dense line;<br />

en masse, (mil.) closed in mass.<br />

serre-cou, m., (hipp.) <strong>com</strong>press used in bleeding a<br />

horse at the neck.<br />

serre-^crous, m., nut setter.<br />

serre-etoupe, m., (mach.) stuffing box.<br />

serre-feu, m., (met.) fire screen.<br />

serre-fil(s), m., (elec.) binding screw; binding post;<br />

(teleg.) connector;<br />

tiVdeux vis, double connector.<br />

serre-file, m., (mil.) file-closer; last soldier of a file<br />

(nav.) sternmost ship of a column or fleet<br />

(whether in line or column);<br />

en , (mil.) in the line of file-f losers;<br />

etre en , (mil.) to be in the line of file-closers;<br />

general, (mil.) general file-closer detailed<br />

under special circumstances to bring up rear;<br />

gives information to- any elements that may<br />

have fallen behind; may be an officer;<br />

rentrer en (s), to go or fall into the line of fileclosers.<br />

serre-frein, m., (mach.) brake tightener or adjuster;<br />

brake setter (of a bicycle); (r. r.) brakeman.<br />

serre-garniture, m., (mach.) gland.<br />

serre-joints, m., clamp, holdfast.<br />

serrement, m., squeezing, pressure; (drill) closing<br />

of intervals; (min.) dam or partition to keep<br />

out water.<br />

serre-nez, m., (hipp.) horse twitch.<br />

serre-papiers, m., paper weight; paper holder or<br />

clip; set of pigeonholes, file for papers.<br />

serrer, v. a., to close, close up, press, press cloee,<br />

tighten, squeeze; to crowd, crowd on, gain on,<br />

push back; to clasp; to lock, lock up, put away<br />

or aside, take in; to pass, go, close to; to tie,<br />

arrange, fasten, wedge in, make secure, screw<br />

down, shrink, crimp; (mach.) to lock; (met.) to<br />

bloom; (man.) to narrow the area over whi r h a<br />

horse is moving (as in volts); (mil.) to close,<br />

close up;<br />

son adversaire, y.<br />

la botte, (fenc.);<br />

a bloc, to set up; to set home; to cause all<br />

parts to bear together properly;<br />

la botte, (fenc.) to thrust home and hard;<br />

(man.) to close in the legs on the horse;<br />

les bottcs, (cav.) to close in boot to boot;<br />

la bride, (man.) to pull on the bridle;<br />

un canon, (nav. art.) to house a gun;<br />

un cheval, (man.) to keep a horse together,<br />

well in hand;<br />

une colonne, (mil.) to make a column close<br />

to a denser formation;<br />

- - le <strong>com</strong>pas, to lift the card off the point<br />

(pivot);<br />

contre, to push, force, back, on or to;<br />

la cote, (nav.) to hug the coast;<br />

la demi-volte, (man.) in a demivolt, to bring<br />

the horse accurately back to his starting point;<br />

& distance, (drill) of the rear rank, etc., to<br />

close up to proper distance;<br />

Vennemi, (mil.) to push, press, the enemy,<br />

press him hard;<br />

reperon, les eperons, (man.) to put<br />

spurs to a horse;<br />

une fascine, (siege) to choke a fascine;<br />

les files, v., les rangs;<br />

lefrein, to put on a brake; to brake;<br />

une garniture, (mach.) to tighten, screw<br />

down, a packing;<br />

les intervalles. (mil.) to close intervals;<br />

un joint, to tighten a joint;<br />

la ligne, (mil.) to close or contract a line of<br />

battle; (nav.) to close up, form a close line;<br />

la mesure, v. la bottr, (fenc.);<br />

un n'xud, (cord.) to tighten, to secure a knot<br />

or lashing;<br />

une place, (siege) to annoy, press upon, a<br />

place, cut off its <strong>com</strong>munications;<br />

de pres, (mil.) to press the enemy hard;<br />

les rangs, (mil.) to close up, to close ranks;<br />

les sangles, to tighten the girths;<br />

le saucisson, (siege) to choke a fascine;<br />

se , (man.) (of the horse) not to take enough<br />

ground;<br />

sur, (mil.) to close upon (the enemy, the<br />

unit in front); (nav.) to close upon;<br />

une tente, (mil.) to furl a tent;<br />

la terre, (nav.) to hug the coast;<br />

sur la tete, (mil.) to close up on the head of a<br />

unit, column, etc.;<br />

une mile, de pres, (siege) to invest a town;<br />

-a vis, to screw, screw down;<br />

la volte, (man.) to narrow a volt.<br />

serre-rais, m., spoke setter.<br />

serre-rayons, m., spoke setter of a bicycle.<br />

serre-tete, m., headband, band.<br />

serre-tube, m., (mach.) apparatus for riveting<br />

lo<strong>com</strong>otive tubes, riveting clauip.<br />

serriere, f., (met.) plug of iron, stopple of a furnace,<br />

serrure, f., lock;<br />

benarde, lock with a solid key, i. e., lock that<br />

may be turned from both sides;<br />

& broche, piped-key lock;<br />

brouiller une , to derange a lock;<br />

de cabinet, latch-, spring-, lock;<br />

cachee, v. encastelie;<br />

b cleffemelle, v. & broche;<br />

& clef male, lock with a trench key;<br />

h <strong>com</strong>binaison(s) , <strong>com</strong>bination lock;<br />

crocheter une , to pick a lock;<br />

crocheteur de , picklock, lock picker;<br />

(it) demi-tour, spring lock, spring catch;<br />

& deux penes, spring stock lock;<br />

& deux tours, lock with a double turn, double<br />

lock;<br />

- & double tour, v. & deux tours;

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