A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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sen ti nolle 419 serpcntln<br />

sentinelle, etre en , to be on post, to be on sen-<br />

try duty, to stand sentry;<br />

faire v. etre en , ;<br />

fixe, stationary sentry;<br />

d'honneur, a <strong>com</strong>plimentary sentry, e. g.,<br />

before a general's quarters, etc.;<br />

inter mfdiaire, v. de <strong>com</strong>munication:<br />

lever une , to relieve a sentry ;<br />

mettre en to , put on sentry;<br />

d' observation, look out;<br />

'perdue, advanced outpost, sentry, sentry<br />

posted in a very dangerous situation;<br />

placer une , to post a sentry; .<br />

poser une , v. placer une ;<br />

du poste, v. devant les armes;<br />

relever une , v. lever une ;<br />

simple, single sentinel;<br />

volante, flying sentinel, running sentry.<br />

sentir, v. a., to feel, be sensible of; (man.) to feel a<br />

horse;<br />

la bane, le gouvernail, (nav.) to answer the<br />

helm;<br />

lefond, (nav.) to be almost touching the bottom<br />

(of a ship moored).<br />

sep, m., (nav.) belaying cleat.<br />

seiKirage, m., sorting.<br />

sCparateur, m., separator; separating funnel;<br />

d'eau, separator.<br />

separation, f., separation; partition (as in an ammunition<br />

chest); plate between the sheaves of<br />

a block;<br />

de la batterie, (art.) in ranging, the separation<br />

of the battery into the section-guide, and the<br />

sections non-guides, qq. v.;<br />

entonnoir de , separating funnel.<br />

s6parer, v. a., to separate, sort, sort out, part;<br />

(cord.) to part;<br />

la batterie, (art.) to divide a battery into the<br />

section-guide and the sections non-guides, qq. v.;<br />

les renes, v. s. v. rene;<br />

se , (of a river) to divide; (mil.) (of an army)<br />

to break up.<br />

spe, m., (sm. a.) boring bench.<br />

sepia, f., sepia; sepia drawing.<br />

septentrion, m., north, the Little Bear.<br />

septentrional, a., north, northerly.<br />

septime, f., (fenc.) septime, half-circle parry.<br />

sequestration, f., (law) sequestration; separation<br />

of diseased from healthy animals.<br />

sCquestre, m., (law) sequestration; thing sequestrated;<br />

depository, sequester; (nipp.) sequestrum<br />

(piece ofdead bone remaining in its place) .<br />

sCquestrer, v. a., (law) to sequester; to make an<br />

illegal arrest.<br />

seranlne, f., (expl.) seranine.<br />

serein, a., (of the weather) clear and calm.<br />

sereine, f., (nav.) quarantine, isolation (of a man<br />

with a contagious disease).<br />

serge, f., serge; (art.) cartridge flannel.<br />

sergent, m., (mil.) sergeant ( Fr. a., foot troops);<br />

(tech.) screw frame, clamp, holdfast, cramping<br />

frame;<br />

artificier, master artificer, laboratory sergeant;<br />

brancardier, v. s. v. brancardier;<br />

de crottin, (mil. slang) non<strong>com</strong>missioned<br />

officer of cavalry school at Saumur;<br />

d'encadrement, second sergeant in the last section<br />

of a battalion;<br />

(-)fourrier, (Fr. a.) quartermaster-sergeant<br />

of a <strong>com</strong>pany;<br />

de garde, sergeant of the guard;<br />

garde-magasin, ( Fr. a.) sergeant in charge of<br />

the clothing magazine of the regiment;<br />

d'hiver, (mil. slang) soldier of the first class<br />

(allusion to his woolen stripes, humorously supposed<br />

to keep him warm in winter);<br />

instruct eur, drill sergeant;<br />

maior, sergeant-major (nearest equivalent,<br />

U.S. A., first sergeant);<br />

major-artificier master , artificer;<br />

secretaire, (Fr. a.) sergeant acting as clerk or<br />

secretary;<br />

de section, ( Fr. a.) sergeant responsible for the<br />

instruction, barrack room, arms, and equipment<br />

of his section (cf. line sergeant, U. S. A.);<br />

sergent de semaine, ( Fr. a.) sergeant under the orders<br />

of officier de semaine, assisting him in the<br />

execution and administration of his duties;<br />

tambour, sergeant of field music;<br />

de tir, ( Fr. a.) sergeant who brings up poor<br />

shots and has charge of details;<br />

de ville, policeman.<br />

s6rie, f., series, set, as of signal flags, etc.; (elec.)<br />

series;<br />

en , (elec.) in series;<br />

d'engrenages, (mach.) change gear;<br />

de marche, (Fr. a.) implements for measuring,<br />

weighing, etc., provisions (at issue to<br />

troops); box containing butchery implements,<br />

scales, etc.;<br />

. montage en , v. s. v. montage;<br />

monter en , v. s. v. monter;<br />

de pavilions, set of flags;<br />

regimentaire d'outils de boucher, ( Fr, a.) butcher'<br />

stools;<br />

Z ( Fr. a.) said of or applied to scabbards for<br />

which no bayonets are issued, belonging to infirmiers<br />

neutralized by Geneva convention.<br />

serfeux, a., serious, grave, important.<br />

serimfctre, m., serimeter, instrument for testing<br />

silk thread.<br />

seringue, f., syringe, squirt;<br />

pour a graisser, huile, lubricating syringe;<br />

a main, hand fire engine;<br />

d suif, tallow syringe.<br />

seringuer, v. a., to syringe; to rake a ship fore and<br />

aft.<br />

serment, m., oath;<br />

avoir en justice, to have been sworn by a<br />

court;<br />

declarer sur lafoi du to , swear;<br />

deferer le &, to administer an oath to; to swear<br />

a person;<br />

d' entree en charge, oath of office;<br />

faire de, to swear to (a thing, a fact);<br />

faire unfaux , to <strong>com</strong>mit perjury;<br />

faire preter &, to put on oath;<br />

fausser son to break one's , oath;<br />

de fidelite, oath of allegiance;<br />

formule d'un form of an , oath;<br />

prestation de , taking an oath, swearing;<br />

preter , to take oath, an oath; to be sworn;<br />

, v.<br />

romprjtson<br />

fausser son ;<br />

serpe/^ billhook, pruning hook; (mach.) worm.<br />

serpeger, v. a., (man.) to take a horse over a sinuous<br />

track or path.<br />

serpent, m., serpent, snake; (mil. slang) leather<br />

belt used as a purse; (Polytechnique slang) one<br />

of the first fifteen on the list after entrance<br />

examination.<br />

serpente, m., silver paper, tissue paper; f., (cord.)<br />

snaking line;<br />

papier (de) , tissue paper.<br />

serpenteau, m., young serpent; (artif.) serpent,<br />

squib; iron hoop hung round with grenades<br />

armed with spikes, for the defense of a breach<br />

(obs.); (cord.) snaking line;<br />

brochete, (artif.) swarmer; small rocket driven<br />

on a spindle;<br />

d etoile, (artif.) serpent with star <strong>com</strong>position<br />

over the powder;<br />

incendiaire, (artif.) squib or serpent fired from<br />

a musket to set buildings on fire (obs.);<br />

d pirouette, (artif.) serpent fullof <strong>com</strong>position,<br />

with holes at each end and on each side to give<br />

whirling motion.<br />

serpenter, v. a., to meander, wind (river, road);<br />

(man.) to take a horse over a sinuous path or<br />

track; (cord.) to snake a rope;<br />

deux cordages, (cord.) to snake two ropes to-<br />

'<br />

gether;<br />

faire un cheval, (man.) to cause a horse to<br />

describe a sinuous track.<br />

serpentin, a., serpentine; m., (met., mach., etc.)<br />

worm, coil;<br />

avoir la langue e, (hipp.) to have a pendulous<br />

and restless tongue;<br />

fusant, (art.) time train of a fuse;<br />

rafralchisseur , refrigerating coil; worm condenser;

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