A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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schako 414 scorie schako, m., (unif.) shako. schapska, m., (mil.) uhlan headdress, lancer's helmet. schelling, m., shilling. schema, schfcme, m., diagram, idea, plan, construction. scheinatiquement, adv., diagrammatically. schiste, m., schist. schisteux, a., schistous. schlague, f., (mil.) flogging (obs.); donner une to , flog; recevoir une , to be flogged. schlamm, m., (met.) slime. schrapnel, m., v. shrapnel. sciablc, a., that may be sawed, fit for sawing. sciage, m., sawing (operation of); bois ae , sawn timber; timber fit for sawing; en bois de feu, (act of) sawing wood into lengths merely; en bois d'ozuvre, (act of) sawing wood to shape; & bras, hand sawing; en grume, timber sawing; de long, rip sawing; mecanique, mechanical sawing; en trovers, sawing against the grain. sclagraphie, f., v. sciographie. sciasse, f., (cord.) stretching rope; rope with several strings or straps attached. sclatCre, f., sun dial. scie, f., saw; web: allemande, frame saw; > alternative, alternating saw; "1 ,. - anglaise, scroll saw; jig saw; jft araser, tenon saw; i- ft arc, bow saw; en archet, v. h arc; ar$on de , saw frame; articulee, jointed or folding saw; articulated saw; bran de , sawdust; & bras, pit saw; & chantourner, sweep saw; compass saw; bow saw; fretsaw; ft charniere, hinge saw; de charpentier, carpenter's saw; ft chassis, frame saw; chdssis de saw , frame; & chaud, metal saw, to cut metal hot; circulate, circular saw; buzz saw; circulaire au tour, bench saw; a contourner, scroll saw; buhl saw; coup de , saw, cut; couteau, ft couteau, fret saw; keyhole . saw; cylindrique, cylinder saw; drum saw; ft debiter, v. de charpentier; debiter a la , to saw up; dent de saw , tooth; ft dents, (specifically) a toothed storfe saw; ft dents en bee de perroquet, gullet saw; briertooth saw; & dents crochues, v. ft dents en bee de perroquet; sans dents, stone saw; & dents fines, fine-toothed saw; ft deux mains, crosscut saw; donner du chemind, une to set a , saw; donner la voie & une , v. donner du chemin fi une ;. ft dos, back saw; ft dossier e, y. ft dos; droite, straight saw; ft echancrer, v. & chantourner; egohine (egolne), priming saw; small handsaw; keyhole saw; d' entree, keyhole saw; fret saw; d, evider, v. ft chantourner; fer de two , men working a ripsaw; sans fin, band saw; belt saw; fine, sash saw; hfroid, metal saw, to cut metal cold; fut de , v. ch&ssis de scie, lame de , saw blade; & lame sans fin, v. ft rubans; de long, long saw, ripsaw; ft main, handsaw; ft manche, pad saw; ft manche d'egohine (d'ego'ine), handsaw; mecanique, power saw, bench saw; ft metaux, hack saw; ft molettes, circular saw; montee, ft monture^ frame saw, buck-saw; monhire de , saw handle; ft mouvement alternatif, v. alternative; ft passe-port, keyhole saw; passe-partout, ; grande , ripsaw; & grosses dents, coarse saw; & grume, timber saw; ft guichet, keyhole saw, compass saw; horizontals, horizontal saw; crosscut saw; apierre, stonecutter's saw; ft pedale, pedal saw; ft placage, veneering saw; ft planchefacheuse, slab saw; pliante, folding saw; ft poignee, handsaw; porte saw , pad; ft refendre, ripsaw, pit saw; N ronde, v. circulaire; ft ruban(s), band saw, belt saw, ribbon saw; de scieur de long, ripsaw, pit saw; ft taillader, v. fine; ft tenon, tenon saw, sash saw; ft tournefondf v. ft chantourner; tournante, ft tourner, compass saw; trait de , kerf of a saw; de travers, crosscut saw; ft tronqonner, felling saw; verticale, straight saw; ventrue, crosscut, felling, saw; voie d'une , set of a saw; ft voleur, keyhole saw. science, f., science; de la guerre, science of war; s militaires, military arts and sciences. scier, v. a. n., to saw, saw off; to reap, cut down; (of boats) to back, back water; to hold water, back oars; avec les avirons, to hold, back, water; bdbord, to back with the port oars; du bridon, (man.) to saw the mouth; to pull on the reins alternately; ft culer, to back water, back astern; to back; contre le fil, to saw against the grain, across the grain; du filet, v. du bridon; de long, to saw (wood) with the grain; to rip; partout, to back all; en travers, v. contre le fil. scierie, f., sawmill; sawing machine; saw, power saw; alternative, reciprocating saw; ft chantourner, sweep saw, scroll saw; ft chariot, sawmill in which the work advances on a cradle; circulaire, circular sawmill; ft cylindres, roller sawmill; en grume, log sawmill; ft tome circulaire, circular sawmill; ft lame sans fin, band saw (mill); mecanique, sawmill; ft mouvement alternatif, v. alternative; ft mouvement continu, continuous-motion saw; ft placage, veneering saw; ft plusieurs lames, gang saw. scieur, mv sawyer, reaper; au dessous, pit man; au dessus, top sawyer; fosse de de long, saw pit; de long, sawyer. sciographie, f., sciagraphy. sciographique, a., sciagraphic. sclot(t)e, f., stonecutter's handsaw, sciure, f., sawdust; de boisj (wood) sawdust; de marbre, marble sawdust. scorbut, m., scurvy. scorie, f., (met.) slag, scoria, dross; crue, slag poor in oxide of iron, tap cinder;

scorie 415 secret scorie douce, slag rich in oxide of iron; defer, iron slag; de forge, hammer slag; pauvre, v. crue; riche, v. douce. scorification, f., (met.) scorification. scorifler, v. a., (met.) to scorify. scrutin, m., ballot, election; - de liste, ballot count. scrutin, m., ballot, election; par assis et leve, voting or election in which the voters rise and remain standing till counted; convert, secret ballot; dccouvert, open ballot; - direct, direct ballot ; indiiiduel, ballot containing but one name; de liste, blanket ballot; secret, secret ballot; urne de , balloting urn; voter au , to cast a secret vote. sculptable, a., that may be sculptured. sculpter, v. a., to carve, sculpture. sculpteur, m., sculptor, carver. sculpture, f., sculpture, carving; (art.) ornamental work on guns (obs.). seance, f., meeting (of committees, boards, etc.); meeting, session (as of a court); lever la , to close the meeting; ouvrir la, , to open the meeting; publique. open session of a court; tenante, before rising; on the spot; de tir, firing, "shoot." seau, m., bucket, pail; bucketful; d'abreuvoir, watering bucket; d'affut, (an.) sponge bucket; en bois, etc., wooden, etc., bucket; hcendres, ash bucket; h charbon, coal scuttle; d'cau, water bucket; d'ecurie, stable bucket; de forge, forge bucket;' agoudron, tar bucket; & qraisse, slush bucket; & incendie, fire bucket; de manoeuvre, v. d'affut; a puiser, well bucket, draw bucket; & suif, slush bucket; en toile, canvas bucket; bucket for watering horses in cars. sgbastine, f., (expl.) sebastine. sebile, f.. (wooden) bowl. sec, a., dry, thin, lean, spare, hard; dried (of fruit, vegetables, etc.); waterless; without springs (as a buffer); (of some metals) brittle; m.,dryness; dry food, manger food (for horses) ; b> , high and dry; dry, drained, exhausted; dry (as a ditch); (gym.) on dry land (of preparatory or preliminary swimming exercises); (nav.) under bare poles; bane , (hydr.) bank uncovered at ebb tide; bois , seasoned wood; cheval qui & lesjambes Ties, clean-limbed horse; courira , (nav.) to scud under bare poles; itreh , (boats) to be high and dry; faire , (weather) to be dry; fosse , fosse & v. s. v. , fosse; fourrage , v. s. v. fourrage; fruit , v. s. v. fruit; muraille depicrres hes, dry wall; nager , to row dry; nager b, to , row ground, to touch the ground with the oars; * orage , rainless storm; & pied , dry shod; pierres hes, v. s. v. pierre; remettre un cheval ft to take a , horse from grass and put him on dry food again; son , coarse bran. secante, f., secant. secateur, m., cutter (sort of shears). secession, f., secession; guerre de la , war of secession (United States, 18611865). sficessioniste, m., secessionist; Confederate (United States, 1861-1865). secnage, m., dryiug (as of powder); "stoving;" seasoning (of wood); sechagefc Vair, air drying; dela vapeur, drying of steam. sechager, v. a., to squilgee and swab dry. seche, f., (hydr.) sand, rock, left dry at low water. sficlifi, pp., (slang) found deficient In examina- urtshed S ' M> A

schako 414 scorie<br />

schako, m., (unif.) shako.<br />

schapska, m., (mil.) uhlan headdress, lancer's<br />

helmet.<br />

schelling, m., shilling.<br />

schema, schfcme, m., diagram, idea, plan, construction.<br />

scheinatiquement, adv., diagrammatically.<br />

schiste, m., schist.<br />

schisteux, a., schistous.<br />

schlague, f., (mil.) flogging (obs.);<br />

donner une to , flog;<br />

recevoir une , to be flogged.<br />

schlamm, m., (met.) slime.<br />

schrapnel, m., v. shrapnel.<br />

sciablc, a., that may be sawed, fit for sawing.<br />

sciage, m., sawing (operation of);<br />

bois ae , sawn timber; timber fit for sawing;<br />

en bois de feu, (act of) sawing wood into<br />

lengths merely;<br />

en bois d'ozuvre, (act of) sawing wood to shape;<br />

& bras, hand sawing;<br />

en grume, timber sawing;<br />

de long, rip sawing;<br />

mecanique, mechanical sawing;<br />

en trovers, sawing against the grain.<br />

sclagraphie, f., v. sciographie.<br />

sciasse, f., (cord.) stretching rope; rope with several<br />

strings or straps attached.<br />

sclatCre, f., sun dial.<br />

scie, f., saw; web:<br />

allemande, frame saw;<br />

><br />

alternative, alternating saw; "1<br />

,.<br />

- anglaise, scroll saw; jig saw;<br />

jft araser, tenon saw;<br />

i- ft arc, bow saw;<br />

en archet, v. h arc;<br />

ar$on de , saw frame;<br />

articulee, jointed or folding saw; articulated<br />

saw;<br />

bran de , sawdust;<br />

& bras, pit saw;<br />

& chantourner, sweep saw; <strong>com</strong>pass saw; bow<br />

saw; fretsaw;<br />

ft charniere, hinge saw;<br />

de charpentier, carpenter's saw;<br />

ft chassis, frame saw;<br />

chdssis de saw , frame;<br />

& chaud, metal saw, to cut metal hot;<br />

circulate, circular saw; buzz saw;<br />

circulaire au tour, bench saw;<br />

a contourner, scroll saw; buhl saw;<br />

coup de , saw, cut;<br />

couteau, ft couteau, fret saw; keyhole<br />

. saw;<br />

cylindrique, cylinder saw; drum saw;<br />

ft debiter, v. de charpentier;<br />

debiter a la , to saw up;<br />

dent de saw , tooth;<br />

ft dents, (specifically) a toothed storfe saw;<br />

ft dents en bee de perroquet, gullet saw; briertooth<br />

saw;<br />

& dents crochues, v. ft dents en bee de perroquet;<br />

sans dents, stone saw;<br />

& dents fines, fine-toothed saw;<br />

ft deux mains, crosscut saw;<br />

donner du chemind, une to set a , saw;<br />

donner la voie & une , v. donner du chemin fi<br />

une ;.<br />

ft dos, back saw;<br />

ft dossier e, y. ft dos;<br />

droite, straight saw;<br />

ft echancrer, v. & chantourner;<br />

egohine (egolne), priming saw; small handsaw;<br />

keyhole saw;<br />

d' entree, keyhole saw; fret saw;<br />

d, evider, v. ft chantourner;<br />

fer de two , men working a ripsaw;<br />

sans fin, band saw; belt saw;<br />

fine, sash saw;<br />

hfroid, metal saw, to cut metal cold;<br />

fut de , v. ch&ssis de scie, lame de , saw blade;<br />

& lame sans fin, v. ft rubans;<br />

de long, long saw, ripsaw;<br />

ft main, handsaw;<br />

ft manche, pad saw;<br />

ft manche d'egohine (d'ego'ine), handsaw;<br />

mecanique, power saw, bench saw;<br />

ft metaux, hack saw;<br />

ft molettes, circular saw;<br />

montee, ft monture^ frame saw, buck-saw;<br />

monhire de , saw handle;<br />

ft mouvement alternatif, v. alternative;<br />

ft passe-port, keyhole saw;<br />

passe-partout,<br />

;<br />

grande , ripsaw;<br />

& grosses dents, coarse saw;<br />

& grume, timber saw;<br />

ft guichet, keyhole saw, <strong>com</strong>pass saw;<br />

horizontals, horizontal saw;<br />

crosscut saw;<br />

apierre, stonecutter's saw;<br />

ft pedale, pedal saw;<br />

ft placage, veneering saw;<br />

ft planchefacheuse, slab saw;<br />

pliante, folding saw;<br />

ft poignee, handsaw;<br />

porte saw , pad;<br />

ft refendre, ripsaw, pit saw; N<br />

ronde, v. circulaire;<br />

ft ruban(s), band saw, belt saw, ribbon saw;<br />

de scieur de long, ripsaw, pit saw;<br />

ft taillader, v. fine;<br />

ft tenon, tenon saw, sash saw;<br />

ft tournefondf v. ft chantourner;<br />

tournante, ft tourner, <strong>com</strong>pass saw;<br />

trait de , kerf of a saw;<br />

de travers, crosscut saw;<br />

ft tronqonner, felling saw;<br />

verticale, straight saw;<br />

ventrue, crosscut, felling, saw;<br />

voie d'une , set of a saw;<br />

ft voleur, keyhole saw.<br />

science, f., science;<br />

de la guerre, science of war;<br />

s militaires, military arts and sciences.<br />

scier, v. a. n., to saw, saw off; to reap, cut down;<br />

(of boats) to back, back water; to hold water,<br />

back oars;<br />

avec les avirons, to hold, back, water;<br />

bdbord, to back with the port oars;<br />

du bridon, (man.) to saw the mouth; to pull<br />

on the reins alternately;<br />

ft culer, to back water, back astern; to back;<br />

contre le fil, to saw against the grain, across<br />

the grain;<br />

du filet, v. du bridon;<br />

de long, to saw (wood) with the grain; to rip;<br />

partout, to back all;<br />

en travers, v. contre le fil.<br />

scierie, f., sawmill; sawing machine; saw, power<br />

saw;<br />

alternative, reciprocating saw;<br />

ft chantourner, sweep saw, scroll saw;<br />

ft chariot, sawmill in which the work advances<br />

on a cradle;<br />

circulaire, circular sawmill;<br />

ft cylindres, roller sawmill;<br />

en grume, log sawmill;<br />

ft tome circulaire, circular sawmill;<br />

ft lame sans fin, band saw (mill);<br />

mecanique, sawmill;<br />

ft mouvement alternatif, v. alternative;<br />

ft mouvement continu, continuous-motion<br />

saw;<br />

ft placage, veneering saw;<br />

ft plusieurs lames, gang saw.<br />

scieur, mv sawyer, reaper;<br />

au dessous, pit man;<br />

au dessus, top sawyer;<br />

fosse de de long, saw pit;<br />

de long, sawyer.<br />

sciographie, f., sciagraphy.<br />

sciographique, a., sciagraphic.<br />

sclot(t)e, f., stonecutter's handsaw,<br />

sciure, f., sawdust;<br />

de boisj (wood) sawdust;<br />

de marbre, marble sawdust.<br />

scorbut, m., scurvy.<br />

scorie, f., (met.) slag, scoria, dross;<br />

crue, slag poor in oxide of iron, tap cinder;

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