A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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sainte-foarbe 410 sal ut<br />

sainte-barbe, jour de la , artillerymen's festival<br />

(v. s. v.fete).<br />

saisi, m., (law) debtor distrained upon;<br />

tiers , third person distrained upon.<br />

saisi, p. p., (law) seized of; charged with.<br />

saisie, f., (law) seizure, distraint; (nav.) capture or<br />

seizure of a neutral vessel;<br />

arret, (law) garnishee; seizure by creditor of<br />

goods of debtor in hands of third person;<br />

brandon, (law) siezure of crops and fruits;<br />

execution, (law) seizure of furniture; execution,<br />

distraint;<br />

gagerie, (law) distraint;<br />

revendication, (law) seizure under prior claim.<br />

saisine, f., (law) seizin; (nav.) gripe.<br />

saisir, v. a., to* seize, capture, catch, lay hold of,<br />

. take hold of; to grip; to put in the possession of,<br />

to submit (a document); (tow) to seize; (cord.) to<br />

lash, secure; to seize; to fasten with a seizing;<br />

to nip;<br />

ensemble, (cord.) to lash all up together;<br />

un tribunal de, (law) to lay a case before a<br />

court.<br />

saisi sable, a., (law) subject to levy or seizure.<br />

saisissant, m., (law) seizing or levying person.<br />

saisissement, m., (law) seizure; (fenc.) seizure<br />

of the adversary's blade;<br />

defroid, chilL<br />

saison,f., season.<br />

salad e, f., salad; (Mpp.) mess of wine and of bread<br />

for a horse;<br />

regiment de - (mil) regiment of men taken<br />

,<br />

from different regiments; (hence) poor regiment;<br />

troupes d'e , (mil.) poor troops.<br />

salaire, m., pay, wages, salary, hire, reward.<br />

salalsoji, f., salting (of meat, etc.); salt provisions<br />

(in pi. usually).<br />

salant, a., salt;<br />

marais , salt marsh;<br />

puils salt well.<br />

,<br />

salaried p. p., m., paid, salaried; salaried person.<br />

salarier, v. a., to pay, fee, hire.<br />

sale, a., dirty; (nav.) foul (ship's bottom); foul (of a<br />

coast).<br />

sale, m., salt pork.<br />

saler, v. a., to salt (meat, etc.);<br />

un navire, to salt a ship;<br />

et secher au soleil, to jerk (meat).<br />

saliere, f., saltcellar; (hipp.) hollow (over the eye).<br />

salin, a., saline; m., salt marsh; potash (crude, obtained<br />

by evaporation).<br />

saline, f., salt fish; salt works, pan, pit.<br />

salinom&tre, m., salinometer.<br />

salir, v. a., to soil, make dirty.<br />

salite,f.,(expZ.)salite.<br />

salle, f., hall, room (large); ward of a hospital;<br />

d'armes, fencing hall; (sm. a.) armory;<br />

d'artifice(s), (artif.) fireworks laboratory;<br />

d'attcnte, waiting room;<br />

d'audience, audience hall;<br />

de bains, bathroom;<br />

de billiard, billiard room;<br />

de chauffe, (steam) fire room;'<br />

aux <strong>com</strong>positions, (powd.) mixing house,<br />

mixing room or shop;<br />

des consignes, in military hospitals, prisoners'<br />

ward;<br />

des convalescents, convalescent ward;<br />

de correction, (mil.) v. de disciplinede<br />

depot, lockup;<br />

de disinfection, disinfection ward of a veterinary<br />

hospital;<br />

de discipline, (mil.) guardroom (for prisoners),<br />

confinement in the guardhouse;<br />

d'ecole, schoolroom;<br />

d'e.preuve, (sm. a.) room in which gun barrels<br />

are loaded for proof;<br />

d'escrime, fencing hall;<br />

&re de , (mil.) to be on guard at the palace;.<br />

salle de gabarits, (nav.) mold loft;<br />

des gardes, guardroom of a palace;<br />

d'hippiatrique, room containing models,<br />

skeletons, used in teaching hippology ;<br />

*<br />

d'lionneur, (Fr. a.) kind of regimental hall,<br />

containing patriotic busts, etc., lists of officers<br />

and men killed in action, and used for meetings<br />

of officers and for various regimental councils,<br />

etc.;<br />

d'Jidpilal, ward of a hospital;<br />

d'humidite, (powd.) damping room for testing<br />

powder barrels;<br />

.... jours de de police, (mil.) (so many) days<br />

in the guardhouse;<br />

de lecture, (Fr. a.) men's reading room;<br />

des malades, v. d'hdpita.1;<br />

de manoeuvre, (mil.) drill hall;<br />

*& manger, mess room;<br />

de musique, band practice room;<br />

de police, (mil.) prisoners' room, guardroom,<br />

confinement in the guardhouse;<br />

prevot de , (/me.) under fencing teacher;<br />

des, du, rapport(s), (mil.) orderly room;<br />

de reception, v. d'audience;<br />

de recelle, (sm. a.) room for receipt and examination<br />

of arms and <strong>com</strong>ponent parts;<br />

de revision, (sm. a.) room for examining gun<br />

barrels after proof;<br />

du tronc, throne room;<br />

de visile, reception room (of a military hos-<br />

pital).<br />

salon, m., drawing room, parlor; gallery, exposition;<br />

(nav.) saloon;<br />

des courses, betting stand.<br />

salpe'trage, m., formation of saltpeter in artificial<br />

beds.<br />

salpet ration, f., efflorescence on buildings.<br />

salpe'tre, m., saltpeter, niter, potassium nitrate;<br />

(by extension, poetical) gunpowder;<br />

, brut, crude, <strong>com</strong>mercial saltpeter;<br />

du Chili, Chile saltpeter;<br />

de conversion, saltpeter made from sodium<br />

nitrate;<br />

- de deux (trois, etc.) cuiles, potassium nitrate<br />

refined by second (third, etc.) boiling;<br />

de deux eaux, v. de deux cuites;<br />

de houssage, potassium nitrate obtained by<br />

efflorescence;<br />

nzturel, crude, natural, saltpeter;<br />

raffine, refined potassium nitrate;<br />

de rqche, saltpeter after the fourth boiling;<br />

terre'ux, efflorescence on damp walls.<br />

salptrer, v. a., to cover (a walk, etc.) with a mixture<br />

of saltpeter and earth; to bring out saltpeter.<br />

salpfctrifcre, f., niter works.<br />

saltier, v. n. a., to bow to; to take off one's hat to;<br />

to greet; to greet by letter; (mil., nav.) to salute,<br />

(of persons and of guns); to fire a salute,<br />

to exchange salutes; (of colors) to droop; to<br />

cheer;<br />

du canon, (mil.) to fire a salute with guns;<br />

de . . . . coups de canons, (mil.) to salute with<br />

(so many) guns;<br />

du drapeau, (mil.) to droop the colors;<br />

de Vepee, (mil.) to salute with the sword;<br />

de la mam, (mil.) to salute with the hand;<br />

la mer salue la terre, the ship fires the first salute<br />

when making a port;<br />

de la mousquctcrie, to salute with musketry;<br />

avec le, du, pavilion, to dip the flag;<br />

par un vivat, to cheer;<br />

de la voix, v. -<br />

par un vivat.<br />

salure, f., degree of saltness (of the ocean, etc.).<br />

salut, m., safety, salvation, welfare; greeting, bow;<br />

salute; (mil. nav.) salute (person and guns);<br />

des armes. (mil.) military salute; (fenc.) salute<br />

with the foils;<br />

du canon, (mil., nav.) salute with guns;<br />

de canolft canot, (nav.) boat salute;<br />

contre , (mil.) return salute;<br />

donner un , (mil., nav.) to fire a salute;<br />

au drapeau, (mil.) salute of the colors;<br />

du drapeau, (mil.) salute by the colors;

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