A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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argonncrie 20 anne arconnerie, f., business or art of saddle-framing; generic term for all objects related to same; atelier d' , shop where saddletrees are made (Fr. a., at Saumur). arcure, f., (art.) defect in cast guns, swell or rising in exterior surface; buckling, bending, or warping, as of a gun heated to receive a tube. ardent, a., burning; high-spirited, of high mettle; verre , burning-glass. ardillon, m., tongue of a buckle. ardoise, f., slate; roofing-slate. are, m., are, French unit of area=100 square meters. arage, m., land-surveying. arcsne, f., sand, gravel; arena; cockpit. arfeographie, f., areography. arte, f., edge, sharp edge (not a cutting edge), angle; (top.) crest, ridge; (fort.) salient angle of intersection of two faces; (sm. a.) ridge or rib on a sword-blade, on a bayonet; (art. and sm. a.) edge of the lands; (unif.) ridge on breast of cuirass; (hipp.) rat-tail, grapas, mangy tumors on a horse's legs; t-vive, vive , sharp edge (e. g., square edge of a screw head not countersunk, etc.); & vives s, sharp-edged. arStier, m., ridge; (cons.) any salient of a roof, due to intersection of faces; hip-rafter (of a roof). arganeau, m., ringbolt; anchor ring. argent, m., (met.) silver; detonant, (expl.) detonating silver (obs.); fulminant, (expl.) fulminate of silver. argenter, v. a., to silver, to overlay with silver, argile, m.jClay; refractaire, fire-clay. anrileux, a., clayey. ai ?ilo-siliceux, a., argilo-siliceous. arigot, m., a familiar term for fifes, flutes, llageolets. arithmographie, f., arithmography. arithmomfctre, m., counting machine; comptometer; computing machine. arniand, m., (hipp.) horse-drench; mash. armateur, m., shipowner; owner of a privateer; privateer. armature, f., fitting, brace, strengthening piece, mounting; frame, truss; Y of a telescope; (elec.) sheathing, armoring (of a cable); armature (of a magnet, of a dynamo); (fort.) armor-plating (rare); (sm. a.) holder (as for a quick loader); enfer,shoe of a pile; iron facing (as for a skid, to roll guns on); de pont, truss-frame of a bridge; poser une h une poutre, to truss a timber; simple, (cons.) simple truss-frame, kingpost truss; des soupapes, (mach.) valve-gear. anno, f., arm, weapon; arm of the service; (in pi.) fencing, campaign; (figuratively) efforts made by force of arms, war, fight, troops. I. General terms and classes of arms; II. Small arms (fire); III. Manual of arms; IV. Miscellaneous. I. General terms and classes of arms. d'abordage, (nav.) boarding weapon; blanche, side arm (sword, bayonet, lance); a canon lisse, smooth bore; & canon raye, rifle; se chargeant par la bouche, muzzle-loader; se chargeant par la culasse, breechloader; de chasse, sporting weapon, shotgun; de choc, striking, crushing, weapon (mace); contondante, v. de choc; courtoise, tilting, blunted weapon; arm of parade; s dardelles, darts, javelins, etc.; defensive, any defensive weapon; d'escrime, fencing weapon, foil; d'estoc, thrusting weapon; d'estoc et de taille, cut-and-thrust weapon; arme tifeu, firearm; it feu portative, hand firearm; de guerre, military weapon; d'hast, arm fitted with a shaft (lance); hautes s, v. d'hast; d'honneur, presentation weapon given in France as a reward for gallantry, after 1793, and before the institution of the Legion of Honor; de jet, ballistic, projectile weapon; & lame, generic term for sword; -de luxe, private weapon (generally highly ornamented), as opposed to arme de guerre; de main, any hand arm (exclusive of fire- - arms); offensive, any weapon of offense; d, outrance, deadly weapon (in tilting); de parade, arm of parade, v. courtoise; & percussion, any percussion firearm, (esp.) the now obsolete (mil.) hammer-gun; de petit calibre, the modern small-caliber rifle; petite, side arm; pneumatique, air-gun; de pointe, thrusting weapon; portative ; hand arm; de precision, arm of precision (modern firearms); pyrobalistique, pedantic term for firearm; rayee, rifle; & rotation, generic term for Hotchkiss revolving cannon and its similars; sous-marine aggressive, any automobile torpedo; sous-marine defensive, torpedo, groundmine, mine; de taille, cutting weapon; & tir rapide, any r. f. firearm; de trait, missile weapon; tranchante, cutting weapon; transform^, converted arm (from one model to another). II. Small arms (fire): d aiguille, needle gun; d'arqon, holster pistol, horse pistol; automotrice, Maxim automatic gun; d barillet, rifle with revolving cylindrical breech (Spitalsky, Werndl); & bloc, rifle of the falling-block system (Peabody); hbroche, arm firing a cartouche d broche, q. v.; & canon mobile, sporting gun, shotgun; & chargement multiple, magazine rifle; & chargement rapide, rapid loader, quick loader; & chargement successif, single-loader ; magazine rifle that may be used as a singleloader; & charni&re, to, clapet, rifle with hinged breechblock (original Springfield); ddeux coups, double-barreled shotgun; d six coups, six-shooter (revolver); d, un coup, & un seul coup, (mil.) single-loader; (sporting) single-barreled shotgun; d, culasse glissante, rifle with a sliding breechblock; d culasse mobile, an arm with movable breechblock; to, culasse mobile par glissement, arm with sliding breechblock; a culasse mobile par rotation, arm with rotating breechblock; & culasse tombante, arm with falling block ( Peabody , Martini-Henry) ; & culasse tournante, arm with rotating breechblock; d, extracteur, arm having or fitted with an extractor; & fermeture rectiligne, straight-pull rifle (Mannlicher); ttfeu portative, small arm proper (fire); & feu de vitesse et d repetition, the modern magazine rifle; A longue portee, long-range rifle;

arme 21 arinc arme & magasin, magazine rifle; - & magasin fixe, rifle with fixed magazine; - & magasin stparable, rifle with detachable magazine; - it mouvement rectiligne, straight-pull rifle (Mannlicher); - b, pene, arm with hinged breechblock (original Springfield); & percussion, the old hammer type of gun; any percussion arm; - de petit calibre, the modern small-caliber rifle; - & platine, hammer arm, small arm in which rotary motion of hammer is converted into translation of the firing-pin, or is applied directly to the cartridge or charge (includes the obsolete percussion-cap system); - sans platine, lockless arm (the modern military rifle); - polygonale, Whitworth rifle (twisted hexagonal prisms); - portative to, feu, small-arm proper (fire); h re-petition, repeating rifle; s de reserve, ( Fr. a.) rifles kept in store for the reserve of the army; - revolver, arm in which repetition is effected by a revolving cylinder; b, rotation longitudinale, arm in which the axis of rotation of the breechblock is parallel to the axis of the barrel; - & rotation retrograde, arm in which the breechblock rotates to the rear (Remington); , - b, rotation transversale, arm in which the breechblock rotates at right angles to the barrel; -s de service courant, (Fr. a.) arms in hands of active army; - simple, single-loader; - & systeme complexe, any rifle not falling into any one of the distinct classes of rifles; - & tabatiere, arm in which axis of breechblock is on the side and parallel to axis of barrel; - de theorie, (Fr. a.) rifle issued (4 to a company) for training young soldiers in mounting and dismounting; " hack" rifle (always marked X, and never fired); - d " tige, tige" rifle, having a pin (tige) at the bottom of the bore in the axis of the barrel; & tir rapide, repeating rifle; - -& tiroir, arm in which breechblock slides up and down at right angles to barrel (Treuille de Beaulieu); - & verrou, bolt gun (usual type of modern armies). III. Manual of arms: e, (in commands) "arms!" appreter I'-, to make ready, to come to a ready; attaquer I'- . to seize the piece briskly in the execution of the manual; I'-- au bras, (position of) support arms; V- sous le bras gauche, arms under the left arm (funerals); V- & la bretelle, rifle slung; I'- sur Vepaule droite, (position of) shoulder arms; faisceau d'-s, stack; haut I'- , (position of) advance carbine; also command for same; - haute, piece at a ready (obs.); maniement d'-s, de I' manual of , arms; -- au pied, (position of) order arms; port d'-, port des -s, (position of) the carry; porter I'- , les-s, to carry arms; presenter V-, les -- s, to present arms; - & volonte, pieces at will (route step). IV. Miscellaneous: replacer I'-- , to recover arms; repose sur I'-, (position of) order arms; reposer I'--- , to order arms; appeler sous les -- s, to turn out under arms; (in gen.) to call to arms; arme, assaut d' s, assault at arms, fencing match; aux s! to arms; (mil.) turn out the guard! (also) beat of drums to call guards, piquets, and posts under arms; les s basses, rifles carried low (of troops entering or leaving a trench); ti, cheval, (mil.) mounted arm; cheval d' , charger; coffre d' s, arm chest; compagnon d' , brother officer; companion in arms; contrdleur d' s, ( Fr. a.) v. s. v. contrdleur; deposer les s, to lay down one's arms, surrender; & s egales, on equal terms; en s, under arms; faire des (les) s, to fence; faire ses premieres s, to make one's first campaign, to see real service for the first time; fait d' s, brilliant deed of arms; huissier d' s, sergeant-at-arms; les s sontjournalieres, one can not win all the time (proverb); les s d, la main, armed; maitre d' s, fencing master; mettre bas les s, to lay down one's arms, to surrender; se mettre sous les s, to get under arms, to turn out under arms; pas d' s, passage of arms; passer I' & gauche, (mil. slang} to die; passer par les s, to be shot (military execution); faire passer par les s, to execute by shooting (military execution); & pied, dismounted arm of the service; place d' s, stronghold; drill ground, parade ground; alarm post; place of assembly in a can- tonment; (fort.) place of arms; port d' s, shooting license; license to bear arms; porter les s, to bear arms; to make war; poser les s, to lay down one's arms, surrender, make peace; prendre les s, to take up arms, go to war; prendre les s contre, to levy war against; rendre les s, to surrender, give up one's arms; salle d' s, armory; fencing school; avoir tant d'annees de salle d' s, to have taken fencing lessons for so many years; savante, scientifique, speciale, technical, scientific arm of the service; sous les s, under arms; sortir en s, to turn out under arms; suspension a' -s, armistice, suspension of arms, of hostilities; tirer les s, to fence; tireur d' s, fencer. arme, a., fitted with, fitted out, equipped; (art.) supplied with its equipments, etc. (as a turret); fused (of a shell); (sm. a.) cocked; h r , (sm. a.) full-cocked, at the full cock; automatique, (sm. a.) automatic cocking of modern rifles; cran de I' , (sm. a.) full-cock notch, cocking notch; en guerre, armed; fitted out for active service (as a ship); & main e, by force of arms, by open force; de toutes pieces, completely armed. armee, f., army; active, the active army, as distinguished from the reserve and the territorial army; en bataille, army drawn up in array, for attack or defense; & cheval, the cavalry preceding advance of the regular field army (modern tactics); coloniale, (in France) marine infantry and artillery; colonial troops in general; corps d' , army corps (strategic unit); entrer dans I' , to go into the army, enter the service; ttre & I' to be in the , army, with the army; de I' main , body (as distinguished from gros the advance guard);

arme 21 arinc<br />

arme & magasin, magazine rifle; - & magasin fixe, rifle with fixed magazine;<br />

- & magasin stparable, rifle with detachable<br />

magazine; - it mouvement rectiligne, straight-pull rifle<br />

(Mannlicher); - b, pene, arm with hinged breechblock (original<br />

Springfield);<br />

& percussion, the old hammer type of gun;<br />

any percussion arm; - de petit calibre, the modern small-caliber<br />

rifle; - & platine, hammer arm, small arm in<br />

which rotary motion of hammer is converted<br />

into translation of the firing-pin, or<br />

is applied directly to the cartridge or charge<br />

(includes the obsolete percussion-cap system);<br />

- sans platine, lockless arm (the modern<br />

military rifle); - polygonale, Whitworth rifle (twisted hexagonal<br />

prisms); - portative to, feu, small-arm proper (fire);<br />

h re-petition, repeating rifle;<br />

s de reserve, ( Fr. a.) rifles kept in store for the<br />

reserve of the army; - revolver, arm in which repetition is effected<br />

by a revolving cylinder;<br />

b, rotation longitudinale, arm in which the<br />

axis of rotation of the breechblock is parallel<br />

to the axis of the barrel; - & rotation retrograde, arm in which the<br />

breechblock rotates to the rear (Remington);<br />

, - b, rotation transversale, arm in which the<br />

breechblock rotates at right angles to the<br />

barrel;<br />

-s de service courant, (Fr. a.) arms in hands<br />

of active army; - simple, single-loader; - & systeme <strong>com</strong>plexe, any rifle not falling<br />

into any one of the distinct classes of rifles;<br />

- & tabatiere, arm in which axis of breechblock<br />

is on the side and parallel to axis of<br />

barrel; - de theorie, (Fr. a.) rifle issued (4 to a <strong>com</strong>pany)<br />

for training young soldiers in mounting<br />

and dismounting; " hack" rifle (always marked<br />

X, and never fired); - d "<br />

tige, tige" rifle, having a pin (tige) at the<br />

bottom of the bore in the axis of the barrel;<br />

& tir rapide, repeating rifle;<br />

- -& tiroir, arm in which breechblock slides<br />

up and down at right angles to barrel (Treuille<br />

de Beaulieu); - & verrou, bolt gun (usual type of modern<br />

armies).<br />

III. Manual of arms:<br />

e, (in <strong>com</strong>mands) "arms!"<br />

appreter I'-, to make ready, to <strong>com</strong>e to a<br />

ready;<br />

attaquer I'-<br />

. to seize the piece briskly in the<br />

execution of the manual;<br />

I'-- au bras, (position of) support arms;<br />

V- sous le bras gauche, arms under the left<br />

arm (funerals);<br />

V- & la bretelle, rifle slung;<br />

I'- sur Vepaule droite, (position of) shoulder<br />

arms;<br />

faisceau d'-s, stack;<br />

haut I'-<br />

, (position of) advance carbine; also<br />

<strong>com</strong>mand for same; - haute, piece at a ready (obs.);<br />

maniement d'-s, de I' manual of , arms;<br />

-- au pied, (position of) order arms;<br />

port d'-, port des -s, (position of) the<br />

carry;<br />

porter I'-<br />

, les-s, to carry arms;<br />

presenter V-, les -- s, to present arms;<br />

- & volonte, pieces at will (route step).<br />

IV. Miscellaneous:<br />

replacer I'-- , to recover arms;<br />

repose sur I'-, (position of) order arms;<br />

reposer I'--- , to order arms;<br />

appeler sous les -- s, to turn out under arms;<br />

(in gen.) to call to arms;<br />

arme, assaut d' s, assault at arms, fencing<br />

match;<br />

aux s! to arms; (mil.) turn out the guard!<br />

(also) beat of drums to call guards, piquets, and<br />

posts under arms;<br />

les s basses, rifles carried low (of troops entering<br />

or leaving a trench);<br />

ti, cheval, (mil.) mounted arm;<br />

cheval d' , charger;<br />

coffre d' s, arm chest;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pagnon d' , brother officer; <strong>com</strong>panion<br />

in arms;<br />

contrdleur d' s, ( Fr. a.) v. s. v. contrdleur;<br />

deposer les s, to lay down one's arms, surrender;<br />

& s egales, on equal terms;<br />

en s, under arms;<br />

faire des (les) s, to fence;<br />

faire ses premieres s, to make one's first<br />

campaign, to see real service for the first<br />

time;<br />

fait d' s, brilliant deed of arms;<br />

huissier d' s, sergeant-at-arms;<br />

les s sontjournalieres, one can not win all the<br />

time (proverb);<br />

les s d, la main, armed;<br />

maitre d' s, fencing master;<br />

mettre bas les s, to lay down one's arms, to<br />

surrender;<br />

se mettre sous les s, to get under arms, to turn<br />

out under arms;<br />

pas d' s, passage of arms;<br />

passer I' & gauche, (mil. slang} to die;<br />

passer par les s, to be shot (military execution);<br />

faire passer par les s, to execute by shooting<br />

(military execution);<br />

& pied, dismounted arm of the service;<br />

place d' s, stronghold; drill ground, parade<br />

ground; alarm post; place of assembly in a can-<br />

tonment; (fort.) place of arms;<br />

port d' s, shooting license; license to bear<br />

arms;<br />

porter les s, to bear arms; to make war;<br />

poser les s, to lay down one's arms, surrender,<br />

make peace;<br />

prendre les s, to take up arms, go to war;<br />

prendre les s contre, to levy war against;<br />

rendre les s, to surrender, give up one's<br />

arms;<br />

salle d' s, armory; fencing school;<br />

avoir tant d'annees de salle d' s, to have taken<br />

fencing lessons for so many years;<br />

savante, scientifique, speciale,<br />

technical, scientific arm of the service;<br />

sous les s, under arms;<br />

sortir en s, to turn out under arms;<br />

suspension a' -s, armistice, suspension of<br />

arms, of hostilities;<br />

tirer les s, to fence;<br />

tireur d' s, fencer.<br />

arme, a., fitted with, fitted out, equipped;<br />

(art.) supplied with its equipments, etc.<br />

(as a turret); fused (of a shell); (sm. a.)<br />

cocked;<br />

h r , (sm. a.) full-cocked, at the full cock;<br />

automatique, (sm. a.) automatic cocking<br />

of modern rifles;<br />

cran de I' , (sm. a.) full-cock notch, cocking<br />

notch;<br />

en guerre, armed; fitted out for active service<br />

(as a ship);<br />

& main e, by force of arms, by open force;<br />

de toutes pieces, <strong>com</strong>pletely armed.<br />

armee, f., army;<br />

active, the active army, as distinguished<br />

from the reserve and the territorial army;<br />

en bataille, army drawn up in array, for<br />

attack or defense;<br />

& cheval, the cavalry preceding advance of<br />

the regular field army (modern tactics);<br />

coloniale, (in France) marine infantry and<br />

artillery; colonial troops in general;<br />

corps d' , army corps (strategic unit);<br />

entrer dans I' , to go into the army, enter the<br />

service;<br />

ttre & I' to be in the , army, with the army;<br />

de I' main , body (as distinguished from<br />

gros<br />

the advance guard);

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