A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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mine 407 sableux<br />

ruine, f., fall or destruction of a building; ruins;<br />

nun, overthrow, destruction; (hipp.) breaking<br />

down of a horse;<br />

battre en , (art.) to batter down;<br />

en , ruinous, in ruins; ^<br />

tomber en , to be<strong>com</strong>e ruinous, fall to decay,<br />

go to waste, etc.<br />

ruing, p. p.. useless, spoiled, broken down, ruined,<br />

downfallen;<br />

louche e, (man.) spoiled mouth;<br />

chemin , destroyed, broken up, road;<br />

cheval , (hipp.) spoiled, broken-down horse;<br />

jarnbes es, (hipp.) sprung legs.<br />

miner, v. a. r., to ruin, destroy, spoil, lay waste,<br />

overthrow; to baffle, subvert; to decay, fall to<br />

decay; (art.) to batter; (hipp.) to break down,<br />

spoil, a horse; (carp.) to groove.<br />

rulneux, a., ruinous, decayed, in decay; ready,<br />

threatening, to fall; falling to ruin, to decay.<br />

ruimire, f., (carp.) groove, housing (of a beam).<br />

ruisseau, m., stream, brook, rivulet, rill, gutter,<br />

kennel.<br />

rulsson, m., small channel to drain a swamp.<br />

rumb, m., r(h)umb;<br />

de vent, point of the <strong>com</strong>pass.<br />

rupture,!., rupture, breaking, breaking off, bursting,<br />

destruction, fracture; rupture; breaking off<br />

(of relations); annulment (of a contract, etc.);<br />

(raed.)hernia; (elec.) break (of a current); (mach.)<br />

breakdown of machinery; (mil.) breaking from<br />

line into column; reduction of the front of a<br />

column; (expl.) destruction, demolition, by explosives;<br />

boulet de , (art.) armor-piercing projectile;<br />

charge de , (tech.) breaking load; (art.) a breaking<br />

charge used in incendiary projectiles (to<br />

keep the enemy from getting hold of them);<br />

S, any S shaped cramping iron or plate, spare<br />

couple, S-shaped link;<br />

en , S-shaped, sigmoid;<br />

de la gourmette, (harn.) curb hook.<br />

sabatte, f., anchor shoe;<br />

patin, sole for heel of sheers.<br />

sabaye, f., boat rope, painter, mooring rope, stern<br />

rope.<br />

sable, m., sand, gravel, ballast: (nav.) glass, hourglass;<br />

arene, sand formed in situ by the spontaneous<br />

de<strong>com</strong>position of rock;<br />

argileux, clayey sand;<br />

asphaltique, bituminous sand;<br />

bain de , (cham.) sand bath;<br />

bane de , (hydr.) sand bank;<br />

battu, binding sand;<br />

botte d, , (cons.) sand box (used in striking<br />

centers);<br />

s boulants, quicksand;<br />

bouillant, quicksand;<br />

carriere de , sand pit;<br />

de carrier e, quarry sand;<br />

de cave, v. terrain;<br />

de , sandy;<br />

doux, silver sand;<br />

d'etuve, etuve, (fond.) burned sand;<br />

femelle, v. m&le;<br />

defer, (artif.) iron filings used in fireworks;<br />

fin, fine, sharp sand (no grain larger than<br />

1mm in diameter); (fond.) facing sand;<br />

fin de moulage, (fond.) facing sand;<br />

fond de , sandy bottom;<br />

defondeur, v. de<br />

forme de , bed of sand;<br />

fossile, fossil sand (sand transported by<br />

water);<br />

defouille, fouille, pit sand;<br />

8.<br />

rupture double, (expl.) destruction of a rail by explosives<br />

on both sides:<br />

double en couple, (expl.) destruction of a rail<br />

by explosives so placed as to form a torquedcs<br />

galcries (mil. rain.) destruction of gallerie;<br />

de mouvement, (mil.) breaking from one formation<br />

to another;<br />

obus de , (art.) armor-piercing shell;<br />

d'une porte, breaking in of a door;<br />

par quatre, (mil) breaking into column of<br />

fours;<br />

rayon de , v. s. v. rayon,"<br />

rayon de bonne , v. s. v. rayon;<br />

rayon de limite, v. s. v. rayon;<br />

des routes, (mil.) destruction of roads;<br />

simple, (expl.) destruction of a rail by explosives<br />

placed on one side only;<br />

solide de bonne , v. s. v. solide;<br />

solide de limite, v. s. v. solide;<br />

strategique, (mil.) separation of forces of an<br />

army into two distinct oodies; breaking of ene-<br />

my's center;<br />

par subdivisions, (mil.) break into column of<br />

subdivisions.<br />

ruse, f., stratagem, ruse, artifice, art;<br />

de guerre, (mil.) stratagem.<br />

rusticitfe, m., primitiveness; (of machines, gun<br />

carriages, etc.) simplicity (with a connotation<br />

of rudeness of design).<br />

rustine, f., (met.) back plate of a forge hearth;<br />

back of a blast furnace.<br />

rustiquage, f., (mas.) rustic work (both of stone<br />

and of plaster).<br />

rustique, a., rustic; primitive, simple (e. g., of<br />

machines, etc.); twisted (of the grain of wood);<br />

(mas.) rustic;<br />

bois , wood of twisted or curling grain:<br />

genre,*ouvrage , (mas.) rustic work.<br />

rustique, m., mason's hammer point.<br />

rustiquer, v. a., (mas.) to rusticate; to cover<br />

(a wall) with a rustic coat of plaster; to hatch<br />

or nig the surface of a stone.<br />

rutilaiit, a., (chem., expl.) rutilant.<br />

sable gras, (fond.) dry sand;<br />

gravier, coarse, angular sand;<br />

grille, (fond.) dried or roasted sand;<br />

gros, coarse sand (diameter of grains 2"*m or<br />

3mm);<br />

lit de , sand bed;<br />

maigre, (fond.) green sand;<br />

male, dark-colored sand (so called to distinguish<br />

it from femelle, lighter-colored<br />

sand in the same bed);<br />

manger du , (nav.) to cheat the glass, turn it<br />

over too soon;<br />

de mer, sea sand;<br />

mer de , sand flood;<br />

de mine, pit sand;<br />

mobile, v. s mouvant;<br />

de moulage, (fond.) molding sand;<br />

& mouler, & monies, v. de moulage;<br />

(s) mouvant(s), shifting sand(s);<br />

a noyaux, (fond.) core sand;<br />

recuit, v. d'etuve;<br />

de riviere, river sand;<br />

de sablonniere, pit sand;<br />

sack , (siege) sandbag;<br />

sec, (fond.) dry sand; parting sand;<br />

& souder, (met.) welding sand;<br />

terrain, de terre, pit sand;<br />

vasard, muddy sand;<br />

vert, v. maigre.<br />

sable, p. p., sanded; graveled;<br />

allee e, graveled walk;<br />

fontaine e, sand filter.<br />

sabler, v. a., to sand, gravel, cover with sand or<br />

gravel; to sandbag,<br />

sable rie, f., (fond.) workshop for perparing sand<br />

molds.<br />

sableur, m., (fond.) sand molder.<br />

sableux, a., sandy.

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