A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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oulage 405 route<br />

roulage, par le , by land transportation: -<br />

petit r-, carrier;<br />

rcrqette de , v. ccrcle de ;<br />

voiture de , transfer, baggage, express, wagon.<br />

roulaiit, a., rolling, easy, (of roacls) easy running,<br />

(of vehicles) easy for teams;<br />

nrmce e, (slang) chain gang; (mil.) stragglers;<br />

iovlcf , (art.) shot without its sabot (of spherical<br />

shot, obs.);<br />

c'irm in , road easy for carriages;<br />

feu , (77? il.) rolling f.re, running fro;<br />

fonds , funds for current expenses;<br />

materiel , (r. r.) rolling scock.<br />

roule, m., log (for sawing into planks, etc.).<br />

roy!6, a., shaky (of wood).<br />

rouleau, m., roll, roller; cylinder; log (for sawing<br />

up. etc.); road roller; sheave, drum; (mach.)<br />

roll, cylinder, friction roller; (art.) roller (in<br />

mechanical maneuvers); roller of a top carriage;<br />

(siege) sap roller; (cord.) coil; (TWOS.) course, ring,'<br />

of vqussoirs in a thick arch;<br />

alimentaire, (mach.) feed roller;<br />

de bandes, (mcd.) field dressing;<br />

cimpresscur, (mach., etc.) press roll; road<br />

roller;<br />

de culasse, (art.) breech roller;<br />

dclivreur, (mach.) delivery roll or roller;<br />

& depiquer, thrashing roll;<br />

de dilatation, (cons.) expansion rollers;<br />

ccraseur, road roller;<br />

ctireur, (mach.) drawing roller;<br />

grand , (art.) long r"oller;<br />

guide, (mach.) roller, guide roller, belt guide;<br />

de manoeuvre, (art.) roller;<br />

petit , (art.) short roller;<br />

de prcssion, (mach.) press roll;<br />

de secours, (med.) roll containing articles of<br />

first aid to asphyxiated, drowned, etc., persons;<br />

-<br />

-support, (mach.) supporting roller (of a cable<br />

transmission);<br />

tendeur, (mach.) tension roller;<br />

dc tension, (mach.) tightening pulley, tension<br />

roller;<br />

h vapeur, steam roller.<br />

roulement, m., roll, rolling; ease of rolling (bicycle,<br />

etc.); circulation of money; rotation of office;<br />

(mus.) roll of a drum, ruffle; (mil.) alternation<br />

of duty by roster; transfer (as of troops from<br />

one point to another); (met.) working season,<br />

continuance of blast;<br />

des effets, (adm.) movement or shifting of<br />

stores in magazines, so that longest in shall be<br />

used first;<br />

faire ttn , to roll;<br />

fonds de , funds f9r current expenses;<br />

de fonds, rapid circulation of money ;<br />

du hautfourneau, (met.) working season of a<br />

furnace.<br />

rouler, v. a. n., to roll ; to wind, roll, up; to "wheel"<br />

(bicycle); to tumble; to turn, run, on wheels;<br />

to roll (of sounds); to rotate in the performance<br />

of a duty; (mil.) to be on the roster; to take<br />

duty, service, by roster; (009.) to roll;<br />

& cheval. (man.) to wobble in the saddle, to<br />

have absolutely no scat at all;<br />

ensemble, (mil.) to take duty by turns on<br />

the same roster (said of officers of the same<br />

grade);<br />

cntre eux, v. ensemble;<br />

faire , to trundle;<br />

panne sur panne, (nav.) to roll gunwale<br />

under;<br />

sur une roue, to wheel.<br />

roulette, f., roller, runner, caster, truck; friction<br />

roller; small wooden wheel; cycloid; (art.)<br />

chassis wheel; truck wheel;<br />

arriere, (art.) rear-truck wheel;<br />

avant, (art. ) front-truck wheel;<br />

de chassis, (art.) truck wheel;<br />

de friction, (mach., etc.) friction roller.<br />

rouleur, m., cask roller; workman who wheels a<br />

barrow; (nav.) ship that rolls heavily;<br />

rouleur, mlthode par *, (siege) in the flying<br />

sap, method in which the gabions are put down<br />

successively, advancing them beyond those<br />

already down;<br />

ouvricr , traveling journeyman.<br />

roulier, m., wagoner, carter.<br />

roulis, a., bois , shaky wood.<br />

roulls, m., (nav.) rolling of a ship;<br />

coup de , heavy lurch.<br />

roulon, m., round, rundle, rung, of a wagon<br />

stable rack, etc.<br />

roulure, f. t (of wood) shake.<br />

roussin, m., (hipp.) stocky, more or less undersized<br />

stallion, of <strong>com</strong>mon breed.<br />

rouster, v. a., (cord.) to woold.<br />

rousture, f., (cord.) woolding.<br />

rousturer, v. a., (cord.) to woold.<br />

route, f., road through a forest; road, route, track<br />

path, way; direction; (nav.) course; (mil)<br />

route, order for a manh, march;<br />

apparcnte, (nav.) steered course*<br />

barrer une , to stop a road;<br />

barrer la & quelqu'un, to stop, check (as<br />

troops, etc.);<br />

a barrier e, turnpike;<br />

battue, beaten road, path;<br />

bombec, convex, barreled, road ,<br />

en caillou, metaled road, broken-stone road-<br />

& carrosser, carriarc road;<br />

chaussec, high road;<br />

chaussee de , roadt ed;<br />

circulation sur une , traffic on a road'<br />

clolure de , road fence;<br />

clou de , v. s. v. clou;<br />

<strong>com</strong>binee, (nav.) <strong>com</strong>pound covr.se;<br />

au <strong>com</strong>pos, (nav.) <strong>com</strong>pass course;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pas de -, (nav.) steering <strong>com</strong>pass*<br />

construction des s, road making;<br />

construire une , to make a road;<br />

corri*}ee, (nav.) trre course;<br />

corrigee de la derive, (nav.) course corrected<br />

for leeway;<br />

corriqee dc la deviation, (nav.) course corrected<br />

for deviation;<br />

creuse, hollow road;<br />

degradee, broken road ;<br />

departemenlale , country road; (in France)<br />

road kept np by a dcpartement and having a<br />

number in the departemcnl onl^;<br />

deterioration d'une , wear and tear of a road;<br />

deterioration par arrachement d'une , tear of<br />

direction des s, line of draft;<br />

donner la , (nav.) to set the course;<br />

par eau, water journey;<br />

empicrr/'e, stone-ballasted road;<br />

en on the , way, road, march;<br />

encaissfc, road with his:h banks;<br />

encaissemcnt de , base, bed, of a road;<br />

enfpncee, road full of chucks;<br />

estimee (nav.) dead-reckonirg;<br />

d'etapes. v. s. v. etape:<br />

faire , (nav.) to sail, navigate;<br />

faire a, (nav.) to stand for:<br />

faire la<br />

, to cover the distance between two<br />

points;<br />

faire fausse to take , a wrong road, a wronsr<br />

way; to lose one's way; (rav.) to take the wrong<br />

course;<br />

faire h pied, to foot it;<br />

faliguee, heavy road;<br />

defer, railway;<br />

ferree, metaled road; broken-stone road;<br />

fcuille de v. s. , v.feuille;<br />

fiflanc de colcau, hillside road;<br />

frais de , travel expenses or allowance;<br />

grand', grande, , high road;<br />

imperiale, national road;<br />

^<br />

indemnite. de v. s. v. indemnite;<br />

inegak, rough, rugged, road;<br />

ingenieur de -s, road engineer;<br />

> dans rinterieur, (mil.) march from one point<br />

to another at home;<br />

itineraire de , (mil.) road report;<br />

kilomelree, road with kilometers marked off;

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