A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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obinet 400 romaine<br />

robinet de decharge, delivery cock;<br />

de detente, expansion cock;<br />

distributee ; regulator cock, districting cock;<br />

, de distribution, v. distributeur;<br />

d eau, water cock;<br />

d'eau, gauge cock;<br />

'<br />

h gau salee, brine cock; '".'.".<br />

d'echappemenl, exhaust cock;<br />

de I'ecume. scum cock;<br />

d''entree de vapeur, steam regulator;<br />

cquilibre, balanced cock;<br />

d'epreuve, gauge cock;<br />

d'essai, gauge cock, try cock;<br />

d'essai de pompe, pet cock;<br />

s etages. gauge cocks (one above the other at<br />

different levels of water);<br />

d'evacuafion, exhaust cock;<br />

d' extinction desfeux, steam cock for putting<br />

out fires;<br />

d' extraction, blow-off cock;<br />

d'extraclion par lefonri, bottom blow-off cock;<br />

d' extraction d la surface, brine cock, scum<br />

cock, surface blow-off cock;<br />

dfeu, fire plug;<br />

ftotteur, float gauge;<br />

de godet, tallow cock;<br />

de graissige, d graisse, graisseur,<br />

f<br />

grease cock tallow cock, lubricating cock;<br />

?<br />

d huile, oil cock;<br />

d incendie, f;re plug;<br />

d'incendie, steam lire cock;<br />

indicaleur, gauge cock, indicator cock;<br />

d'injection, injection cock;<br />

d'injection d, la cole, bilge injection cock;<br />

d'injection par melange, jet injection cock;<br />

d'introduction, steam cock;<br />

jauge, gauge cock;<br />

jauge de niveau d'eau, water-gauge cock;<br />

-jauge superieur, top gauge cock;<br />

de manometre, gauge; steam-gauge cock;<br />

de mise en train, starting cock;<br />

moderateur, regulator tap; throttle; ball cock;<br />

de niveau de I' eau, gauge cock;<br />

noix de , plug of a cock;<br />

d n canaux (eaux, faces, fins, orifices, ouvertures,<br />

tubulurcs, voies), w-way cock;<br />

-<br />

ordinaire, stopcock;<br />

papillon, winged tap; butterfly cock;<br />

paraglace, ice cock;<br />

poignee de , handle of a cock;<br />

de prise de vapeur, steam cock;<br />

de prise d'eau d la mcr, sea cock;<br />

de purge, drain cock, air cock, clearing cock;<br />

pet cock oi a pump;<br />

purgeur, drain cock;<br />

purgeur de cylindrc, cylinder drain cock;<br />

rechauffeur, heating cock;<br />

de regard, gauge cock;<br />

de remplissage, tiling cock (as, art., of a<br />

recoil cylinder);<br />

reparateur, relief cock;<br />

de retcnue, stopcock;<br />

d rotation, rotary cock;<br />

de sel, sediment cock;<br />

souffteur, blast cock;<br />

d soupape, valve faucet, disk plug valve;<br />

de surete, safety cock, shut-off cock, stopcock,<br />

safety water plug or faucet; test cock;<br />

valve, gate valve;<br />

d valve, rotating valve;<br />

vanne, gate valve; sluice-gate, plug, cock,<br />

faucet; feed-valve or cock;<br />

d vapeur, steam cock;<br />

d vapeur extincteur, steam fire-extinguishing<br />

cock;<br />

verificateur, pet cock;<br />

de vidange, blow-oil cock, drain cock, blowdown<br />

cock;<br />

de vidange de Veau, water-outlet cock;<br />

d vis, screw faucet.<br />

robinetterie, f., cocks and valves.<br />

robre, m., oak, <strong>English</strong> oak.<br />

roburlte, f., (cxpl.) roburite.<br />

roc, m., rock, mass of rock;<br />

de , rocky.<br />

rocallle, f., rockwork.<br />

rocailleux, a., flinty, stony.<br />

rocantin, m., v. roquentin.<br />

roche, f., rock, rocks, mass of rock; hardest stone<br />

of a quarry; calcareous, semi<strong>com</strong>pact stone,<br />

containing shell prints; lump (of coal); crrde<br />

borax; (in pi.) overburnt or vitrified bricks;<br />

(met.) horse;<br />

bane de , (hydr.) reef;<br />

couverted la maree, (hydr.) half-tide rock;<br />

dfeu, (artif.) Valenciennes <strong>com</strong>position, i.restone;<br />

d fleur d'eau, (hydr.) rock on a level v/ith<br />

water;<br />

fond de , (hydr.) rocky bottom;<br />

noyee, (hydr.) sunken rock;<br />

qui decouvre d mi-marec, (hydr.) half-lido<br />

rock;<br />

a,<br />

sel, rock salt;<br />

d soudcr, soldering stone;<br />

sous I'eau, (hydr.) sunken rock.<br />

rocher, m., high, steep, rock; (hydr.) rock (above<br />

water), small islet;<br />

bane de , (hydr.) reef;<br />

qui veille, (hydr.) rock above water.<br />

rocher, v. a., to sprinkle with borax.<br />

rochet, m., (mach.) rack, ratchet, ratchet wheel;<br />

ratch;<br />

d'cncliquetage, ratchet wheel;<br />

rayure d , v. s. v. rayure;<br />

roue d , ratchet wheel, click.<br />

rochette, f., (artif.) war rocket (obs.).<br />

rocheux, a., rocky.<br />

roclioir, v. a., solder box.<br />

rodage, m., grinding;<br />

d I'emeri, grinding of a lens (with emery).<br />

roder, v. a., to grind, to rub together; to polish (as<br />

bird shot);<br />

d I'emeri, to grind with emery.<br />

rOder, v. n., to work smoothly (of a machine, a<br />

mechanism); to have play;<br />

sur son ancre, (nav.) to veer at anchor;<br />

sur un pivot, to turn on a pivot.<br />

rodet, m., horizontal mill wheel.<br />

rodoir, m., polisher; grinder;<br />

d I'emeri, emery stick.<br />

rogatoire, a., <strong>com</strong>mission , (law) requisition<br />

by one judge on another.<br />

rogne, f., scab, mange, inveterate itch; mildew on<br />

wood.<br />

rogne-pied, m., (farr.) farrier's butteris, rasp.<br />

rogner, v. a., to pare, scrape, trim; to cut off;<br />

le pied d'un cheval, (farr.) to pare a hoof.<br />

rogneux, a., scabby, mangy, itchy.<br />

rognon, m., kidney; kidney stone; (harn.) cantle<br />

(of a saddle);<br />

bande de , (horn) cantle plate;<br />

blcssure aux s, (hipp.) navel gall;<br />

s defer noyes dans I'asphalte, (cons.) iron con-<br />

crete;<br />

mine en s, (met.) kidney ore.<br />

rognure, f., shred, clipping, paring.<br />

roi, m., king.<br />

r61e, m., sheet (of writing, on both sides); list,<br />

catalogue; (mil.) roll, rolls, roster, muster roll<br />

(obs. in France; controle nominatif is used in-<br />

stead); (law) calendar (of cases to be tried);<br />

(mach.) roller; (nav.) bill;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>bat, (nav.) quarter bill;<br />

d'equipage, (nav.) list, muster roll, of the<br />

ship's <strong>com</strong>pany;<br />

d'incendie, (nav.) fire-station bill;<br />

porter sur le , (mil.) to put or carry on the<br />

rolls;<br />

de poste, (nav.) station bill;<br />

de quart, (nav.) watch bill;<br />

des soldats. (mil.) muster roll;<br />

d tour de , m<br />

turn; (mil.) by roster (of duty).<br />

run millet, m., v. rombaillet.<br />

romain, a.. Roman; (mil.) infantryman (rare).<br />

romaine, f., steelyard; lever (of a weighbridge);<br />

sliding-weight testing machine; rope-testing<br />

machine; roman (lettering for maps);<br />

droite, upright roman (for villages on maps);

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