A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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etour 395 retraiichement<br />

retour de mine, (mil. min.) change of direction at<br />

the intersection of two mine galleries;<br />

oblique, (siege, mil. min.) oblique change of<br />

direction;<br />

offensif, (mil.) counter attack, return stroke;<br />

attempt to recover a position from which just<br />

driven; renewed attack (by the offensive);<br />

du piston, (mach.) back stroke, return<br />

stroke, of a piston;<br />

poulie de , leading block, quarter block;<br />

prendrcti, , (cord.) to take a turn;<br />

prendre un , (cord.) to take a round turn;<br />

rapide, (mach.) quick return motion, quick<br />

return;<br />

route de , homeward route;<br />

de sape, (siege) change of direction in the sap;<br />

de sape double en sape double, (siege) double<br />

sap return from a double sap;<br />

de sape double en sape simple, (siege) single<br />

sap return from a double sap;<br />

de sape simple en sape double, (siege) double<br />

sap return from a single sap;<br />

de sape simple en sape simple, (siege) single<br />

sap return from a single sap;<br />

tenird , (cord.) to hold on with a round turn;<br />

en tete, (siege) change of direction of same<br />

gallery;<br />

au type, v. en arriere;<br />

vivrcs de , unexpended provisions;<br />

voyage de , return voyage.<br />

retracer, v. a., to retrace.<br />

retrait, a., bois , wood warped in seasoning.<br />

retrait, m., repurchase; withdrawal; shrinkage;<br />

(fond.) shrinkage, contraction, of cast metal on<br />

cooling; (fort.) v. retirade;<br />

d, double . (fond.) with allowance for double<br />

shrinkage (said of a model, itself intended to<br />

furnish a second model);<br />

d'emploi, (mil.) suspension, removal from an<br />

office or duty (punishment);<br />

etre en , sur, to be back from, not in the same<br />

surface with;<br />

de la mer, (gradual) withdrawal of the sea;<br />

mettre en d'emploi, (mil.) to deprive of one's<br />

office or place;<br />

de mouture, shorts.<br />

retraite, f., retreat, withdrawal, retiring, superannuation;<br />

place of retreat; (<strong>com</strong>mercially) renewing,<br />

counterdraft; draft on the last indorser<br />

of a protested note; (tech., met.) contraction,<br />

shrinkage; (cons.) offset, Setback; (harn.) sort<br />

of leading rein; (fenc.) retire; (farr.) part of nail<br />

left in the hoof; (cord.) free end (of a gin, wind-<br />

lass, or capstan rope, etc.); tackle fall; (art.)<br />

recoil; (mil.) retreat (before the enemy) ; retreat<br />

(in garrison), call for retreat; pension, retired<br />

pay; retired status , (strictly, Fr. a.) status of a<br />

soldier definitively struck from the rolls of the<br />

army with a retiring allowance; retired list;<br />

(foft.) berm.<br />

(Except where otherwise indicated, the following<br />

expressions are military:)<br />

avoir sa , to be on pension;<br />

battre en , to retreat, to draw off;<br />

se battre en , to make a running fight;<br />

battre la , to beat retreat ;<br />

caisse de , superannuation fund;<br />

controle nominatif des personnes mises to, la ,<br />

retired list;<br />

coup de canon de , retreat gun, evening gun;<br />

coupcr la , to cut off the retreat;<br />

de , retiring;<br />

demander sa to , apply for the retired list;<br />

directe, direct retreat upon object to be covered;<br />

donner & (in gen.) to shelter, harbor;<br />

donner sa & to superannuate, pension off;<br />

des eaux, (in gen.) subsidence of water;<br />

retraite, en , in retreat; call to retreat; on the<br />

retired list ; retired; to the rear (as, e. g., guns<br />

behind an intrenched line); (of teams) pulling<br />

back, so as to pull back (in steep descents);<br />

(cows.) setback;<br />

tint nominatif des personnes mises & la , v.<br />

contrdle nominatif des personnes mises ii la ;<br />

etre en -~ , (cons., etc.) to be set or sit back, to<br />

retreat;<br />

etre en les uns sur Us autres, (con., etc.) to be<br />

set back one from the other;<br />

etre misfila , to be put on the retired list;<br />

faire , (cons.) to sit or be back, retreat;<br />

faire une , to make a retreat; (in gen.) to live<br />

in retirement for a time;<br />

laterale, retreat in a direction perpendicular<br />

to the direction of the object to be covered;<br />

lieu de , (in gen.) place of retreat, hiding place;<br />

mettre & la , to pension off, to put on the retired<br />

list, to retire;<br />

mise h la , retiring;<br />

mise & la d 'office (pour les <strong>com</strong>missionnes) , ( Fr.<br />

a.) <strong>com</strong>pulsory retirement of <strong>com</strong>missionnes;<br />

obtenir si , to get one's pension, to get on the<br />

retired list;<br />

officier en , officer on the retired list;<br />

operer une , to effect a retreat;<br />

palan de , (cord.) training tackle;<br />

pzrallele (mil.) retreat parallel to the base;<br />

pension de , retiring pension or allowance;<br />

sans pension de , unpensioned, without an<br />

allowance, wholly retired (U. S. A.);<br />

perpendiculaire, retreat perpendicular to the<br />

base;<br />

piece de , (nav., art.) stern chaser;<br />

placer en , to cause men and teams to hold<br />

back wagons on steep descents;<br />

prendre sa , to go on the pensioned list; to<br />

retire upon a pension; to go, or be put, on the<br />

retired list;<br />

quitter sa to <strong>com</strong>e out of , retirement;<br />

sans v. sans , pension de ;<br />

sonner la to sound , retreat, the retreat;<br />

strategique, the retreat of a defeated army<br />

after the battle;<br />

tactique, withdrawal of a body of troops defeated<br />

in an assault;<br />

tiree, (nav.) evening-gun fire ports).<br />

(in military<br />

retraite, a., (mil.) retired, on the retired list, pensioned;<br />

m., person on the retired list; (strictly,<br />

Fr. a.) person who has a pension de retraite;<br />

non , unpensioned, without an allowance<br />

(but still not in service; wholly retired, U.S.A.)<br />

officier retired officer.<br />

,<br />

retraiter, v. a., (mil.) to retire.<br />

retranchement, m., curtailment, abridging;<br />

recess; (fort.) retrenchment, intrenchment.<br />

(The following terms relate to fortifications:)<br />

de campagne, field intrenchment;<br />

de champ de bataille, field intrenchment, shelter<br />

trench;<br />

expeditif, rapid intrenchment (constructed<br />

by working parties on both sides, and hence the<br />

same on both sides);<br />

d'infanterie, infantry parapet or intrenchment<br />

(in front of main line of works) ;<br />

interieur, interior retrenchment (sort of keep<br />

or cavalier) ;<br />

ligne de s, line of intrenchments;<br />

ordinaire, intrenchment of the usual type;<br />

progressif, progressive intrenchment (i. e.,.<br />

one that may be strengthened, from a mere<br />

shelter trench to the dimensions of the rapid<br />

intrenchment);<br />

rapide, rapid intrenchment (a deliberate intrenchment);

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