A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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esilier 392 ressort resilier, v. a., to cancel, annul, a contract (by agreement of the parties). resine, f. , resin, rosin; blanche, white resin; . commune, coarse resin; copal , gum copal; elastique, caoutchouc; jaune, yellow resin; liquide, soft resin; solide, hard resin; de tcrebenthine, common black resin; de terre, mineral resin. rtsiner, v. a., to tap a pine for resin; to cover with resin. resineux, a., resinous. resistance, f., resistance, strength, strength of materials; opposition, contumacy; endurance; (elec.) resistance; (man.) opposition (of the horse) ; de I'air, (ball.) resistance of the atmosphere; apparente, (elec.) apparent resistance; bobine de , (elec.) resistance coil; boite de , (elec.) resistance box; & chaud. (of metals) resistance hot; au cisiiuement, shearing strength; de compensation, compensating resistance; & la compression, strength of compression; des cordes, strength of cordage; critique, critical resistance; & I'ecrasement, crushing strength; essentielle, v. inteneure; hi' extension, tensile strength; exterieure, (elec.) external resistance; & la flexion, bending strength; & froid (of metals) resistance cold ; de frottement , frictional resistance; au glissement, sliding friction; inteneure, (elec.) internal resistance; d'isolement, (elec.) insulation resistance; des machines, internal resistances of machines; magnetique, (elec.} magnetic resistance; des materiaux, strength of materials; des pieces chargees debout, resistance to buck- ling; au roulement, rolling friction; d, s scparees, (art.) of v/ire guns, said when different parts take up the different kinds of strains (tangential and longitudinal); solide de la moindre solid of , least resistance; a la tension, tensile strength; & la torsion, torsional strength; de tout un circuit, (elec.) total resistance; a la traction, tensile strength; vive elastique, resistance within the elastic limit; vive ti la, de, rupture, limit of resistance to rupture; breaking stress. register, v. n., to resist, offer resistance, withstand, oppose; to abide, bear, endure; to stand, hold out; (tech., to support, to take (as a stress) ; (mil.) to resist; (man.) of the horse, to refuse obedience; capable de , proof against. resolution, f., 'resolution, solution; (law) cancellation (as of a contract) by superior authority. resonnance, f., resonance; (sm. a.) rattling of a ramrod, of a gun, in the manual of arms. rfisonnateur, m., resonator. rgsonnement, m., resounding; clank (of spurs, saber , etc.), reverberation. rtsonner, v. n., to resound, clank (spurs, saber), clang. resoudre, v. a., to resolve, settle, solve, decide, determine; to reduce, dissolve; (law) to cancel (a contract). respirateur, m., respirator; anglais, (mil. min.) respirator worn on going into a foul mine. rcspoiisabilite, f., responsibility; dcgager la , to free from responsibility; engager la , to make responsible for. re,sponsable, a., responsible, liable, accountable, ressac, m.,surf. ressangler, v. a., to regirth, to tighten the girth. ressaut, m., projection, lug, jog, shoulder; break or change of level (as of an interior crost); change of direction; (art., sm. a.) junction slope; (mil. min.) abrupt change of le 1 cl in a change of gallery; (surv.) change of level in chaining up (or down) hill; d'une facade, projection of the facade of a building; faire , to project, to stand out of a line or range; de la ppignee, (sm. a.) pistol grip; de projectile, (art.) shoulder cf a projectile; de terrain, (top.) abrupt fall of the ground. ressauter, v. a. n., to leap, jump over, to leap back, jump back (as over a ditch); to project, stand ot of a line or range. resseller, v. a., to saddle again. ressemelage, m., new soling. ressemeler, v. a., to new sole. resserrement, m., tightening; (mil.) closing up; de I' argent, tightness of money; renforcement par , v. s. v. renforcement. resserrer, v. a., to tie, tie again, fasten, bind up; to tighten; to confine, restrain,, confine mere closely, keep in close confinement; to contract, compress, crowd; (mil.) to invest (a town), pen up (a garrison); to close up (ranks); son argent, to hoard one's money; 8 , to grow colder. resstf, m., v. rccif. resservir, v. n., (mil.) to serve again. ressort, m., elasticity, springiness; (fig.) force, energy, activity, incentive; (law and, in gen.) jurisdiction, sphere, function; (tech.) spring. I. Artillery, small arms, etc.; II. Springs in general. I. Artillery, small arms, etc.: d'armement, (art.) cocking spring; restraining spring of a fuse; arret, d'arret, (sm. a.) spring stop; arretoir, (sm. a.) spring stop; cut-off; d' attache, (sm. a.) spring catch; d'auget, (sm. a.) carrier spring; de baguette, (sm. a.) ramrod spring; de batterie, (sm. a.) sear spring; de barrette, (sm. a.) hand spring (of a revolver); (de) Belleville, (art.) Belleville spring, spring disk; en bois, v. de garniture; de bouche, (sm. a.) band spring; d boudin, (r.f. art.) lock spring; d brassardelle , (sm. a.) upper band soring; de capucine, (sm. a.) lower band spring; de detente, (r. f. art.) mainspring; (sm. a.) trigger spring; distributeur. (sm. a.) spring clip hook; d' embouchoir , (sm. a.) upper band spring; defermenture, (sm. a.) breech-closing spring; gachetle, (sm. a.) spring sear; de gachette, (sm. a.) sear spring; de garniture, (sm. a.) band spring; grand , (sm. a.) mainspring; de grenadiere, (sm. a.) lower band spring, v. grenadiere; de la hausse, (sm. a.) rear-sight spring: de lancement, (torp.) discharging spring (of a torpedo tube); de mise defeu, (art.) firing spring (turret); de noix, (sm. a.) mainspring of a gunlock-, de percussion, (art.) percussion of spring; petit , (sm. a.) sear spring; dpince(s), (art.) clip spring; spring catch;

essort 393 rttahlir ressort plat, (r. f. art.) spring buffer or buffer spring; de poussoir, (sm. a.) push-button spring; de rappel (en batter fe), (art.) return spring; counter-recoil spring; de reculj (sm . a., etc. ) recoil spring; de surete, (art.) safety spring (ol a fuse); tire-feu, (F. m.art.) spring on some (old) 1 breech-loading guns, forming part of the safety de , ice of the breech closure. II. Springs in general. ft (s), fitted with a spring (or springs); acierd , (met.) spring steel; antagoniste, antagonistic spring; en arc, bow spring; - atmospherigue, air buffer, air cushion; d'attelage, (r. r.) draw spring; balanced, , spring balance; bander un , to bend, set. a spring; boite ft (s), spring box: (r. r.) buffer box; boudin ft , spring buffer; ft boudin, spiral spring; ft boudin & droite et & gauche, right- and lefthand spiral spring; ft branches multiples, zigzag spring; ft branches plates, flat-branched spring; bride de , spring shackle; ft C, C spring; candoled , spring latch; en caoutchouc, india-rubber spring; charged *, spring-weight; de choc, (r. r. ) buffer spring; de choc afeuilles, (r. r.) plate buffer spring; . de chocb, spirale, (r. r.) spiral buffer spring; ficlavette, key spring; ft caches, notched spring; compos & , spring di iders; s compensateurs, restoring springs; de compression, compressor spring; de connexion, connecting spring; (elec.) contact spring; conique, coiled or conical spring; ft coupelle, plate or disk spring; coussinti spring cushion; croc, crochet, de , spring hook; detendre un , to ease, let go, relax, a spring; de derivation, (elec.) insulated spring; double, double-branched spring; figure-ofeight spring; ft double lame, double-branched spring; clliptique, elliptic spring; d'enclanchement, spring catch ; ftrier de , v. bride de ; faire , to spring, to fly back; to spring back; feuille de , spring plate; tifeuilles, plate spring; tifeuilles etagees, carriage spring; dc flexion, flexion spring; --frein, spring brake; frotteur, friction spring (as for making electrical contacts); grand -, mainspring; ft gr iffe, spring catch; 'ft helice, helical spring; d'indicateur, (steam) indicator spring; lame de , plate of a spring; ft lame(s), plate spring; ft lame simple, single plate spring; ft lames ft deux brae, double-armed plate spring; ft lames etagees, zigzag spring; carriage spring; ft lames multiples, v. ft lames etagees; logement de , spring hole; seat, socket, of a spring; loqueth , spring latch; du manometre, (steam) gauge spring; de marteau, spring of a hammer; monte , spring hook or cramp; de montre, v. ft, en, boudin; moteur, actuating spring; dpince(s), V spring; de piston, (mach.) piston spring: packing spring; plat, flat spring, plate spring; ressort ft pompe, spiral spring; de rappel, antagonistic spring; de reception, (elec. ) recei er spring; de segment de piston, (mach.) piston ringspiral, spiral spring, hairspring; ft, en, spirale, v. ft boudin; de soupage, val^e spring; de soupape de surete, safety-val-e spring; de suspension, suspension spring (of a railroad car or of a carriage); half-elliptic spring; de suspension ft spirale, volute spring; de tambour, (r. r.) buffer spring; tampon, spring buffer; de tampon, v. de tambour; tamvon de chocft , (r. r., etc.) spring buffer; tige ft , spring rod ; tige de , spring pin ; de tiroir, (mach.) slide-valve spring; de torsion, torsion spring; tourne en hrlice, conical swing; ft, de, traction, draft spring, traction spring, tug spring; de traction & spirale, volute drawspringtraverse du , spring bar; enV,V spring; verrouh , spring bolt; vibrant, oscillating spring; de voiturc, carriage spring; (en) volute, volute spring. ressortir, v. n., to go out again; (law) to be under the jurisdiction of. ressoudir, v. a., (met.) toreweld; toresolder. ressoudure, f., (met.) rewelding, resoldering . ressource, f., resource, means; de I'arriere, (mil.) supplies pushed forward by the service des etapes: s de I'avant, (nil.) resources, supplies, etc., obtained locally; stitistiques, classified, tabulated, resources (e.g., of a country). ressuase, m., sweating (as of a wall); soaking (of bread); (met.) liquation, eliquation. ressuer, v. a. n., to sweat arain ; to sweat (of walls, etc.); to soak (of bread); (met.) to separate by liquation; to shingle; to reheat; faire , (met.) to eliquate, to separate by liquation; to shingle. ressuyage, m., drying, airing. ressuyer, v. a., to dry; to air; to bring about the e aporatioa of moisture; la poudre, (powd.) to dry, to air, powder before granulation. restauratlon, f., restoration; restoration of a dynasty. restaurer, to restore, to repair; to restore a dynasty. reste, merest, residue, remainder; (in pi.) mortal remains. tester, v. n., to remain; to be left, stay, continue; (nav.) to keep, stand, bear; ft I'ancre, (nav.) to remain at anchor; de I'arriere, (nav.) to bring up the rear; en arriere, to lag behind, to stay behind, to be left behind, to fall behind, hang back ; derriere la main, (man.) (of the horse) to be slow, to be continually slackening the gait; en ft, to go no farther; to stop at, discontinue, leave off; sous le feu, (mil.) to remain exposed to t.ie enemy's fire; ft long pic, (nav.) to ride short; dans la main, (man.) (of the horse) to remain under the control of the bit; en panne, (nav.) to remain ho"e to. restituer, v. a., to return, restore; (law) to restore to one's original status. restitution, f., restitution, restoration; (law) restoration to one's original status, rehabilitation; (surv.) determination of a point by the intersection of lines of perspective. rtJsultante, f., resultant. resumer, v. a., to recapitulate, to sum up. rStablir, v. a., to reestablish, repair thoroughly, restore; to reinstate; les affaires, la bataille, le combat, (mil.) to regain the upper hand;

essort 393 rttahlir<br />

ressort plat, (r. f. art.) spring buffer or buffer<br />

spring;<br />

de poussoir, (sm. a.) push-button spring;<br />

de rappel (en batter fe), (art.) return spring;<br />

counter-recoil spring;<br />

de reculj (sm . a., etc. ) recoil spring;<br />

de surete, (art.) safety spring (ol a fuse);<br />

tire-feu, (F. m.art.) spring on some (old)<br />

1<br />

breech-loading guns, forming part of the safety<br />

de , ice of the breech closure.<br />

II. Springs in general.<br />

ft (s), fitted with a spring (or springs);<br />

acierd , (met.) spring steel;<br />

antagoniste, antagonistic spring;<br />

en arc, bow spring;<br />

-<br />

atmospherigue, air buffer, air cushion;<br />

d'attelage, (r. r.) draw spring;<br />

balanced, , spring balance;<br />

bander un , to bend, set. a spring;<br />

boite ft (s), spring box: (r. r.) buffer box;<br />

boudin ft , spring buffer;<br />

ft boudin, spiral spring;<br />

ft boudin & droite et & gauche, right- and lefthand<br />

spiral spring;<br />

ft branches multiples, zigzag spring;<br />

ft branches plates, flat-branched spring;<br />

bride de , spring shackle;<br />

ft C, C spring;<br />

candoled , spring latch;<br />

en caoutchouc, india-rubber spring;<br />

charged *, spring-weight;<br />

de choc, (r. r. ) buffer spring;<br />

de choc afeuilles, (r. r.) plate buffer spring; .<br />

de chocb, spirale, (r. r.) spiral buffer spring;<br />

ficlavette, key spring;<br />

ft caches, notched spring;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pos & , spring di iders;<br />

s <strong>com</strong>pensateurs, restoring springs;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>pression, <strong>com</strong>pressor spring;<br />

de connexion, connecting spring; (elec.) contact<br />

spring;<br />

conique, coiled or conical spring;<br />

ft coupelle, plate or disk spring;<br />

coussinti spring cushion;<br />

croc, crochet, de , spring hook;<br />

detendre un , to ease, let go, relax, a spring;<br />

de derivation, (elec.) insulated spring;<br />

double, double-branched spring; figure-ofeight<br />

spring;<br />

ft double lame, double-branched spring;<br />

clliptique, elliptic spring;<br />

d'enclanchement, spring catch ;<br />

ftrier de , v. bride de ;<br />

faire , to spring, to fly back; to spring back;<br />

feuille de , spring plate;<br />

tifeuilles, plate spring;<br />

tifeuilles etagees, carriage spring;<br />

dc flexion, flexion spring;<br />

--frein, spring brake;<br />

frotteur, friction spring (as for making electrical<br />

contacts);<br />

grand -, mainspring;<br />

ft gr iffe, spring catch;<br />

'ft helice, helical spring;<br />

d'indicateur, (steam) indicator spring;<br />

lame de , plate of a spring;<br />

ft lame(s), plate spring;<br />

ft lame simple, single plate spring;<br />

ft lames ft deux brae, double-armed plate<br />

spring;<br />

ft lames etagees, zigzag spring; carriage spring;<br />

ft lames multiples, v. ft lames etagees;<br />

logement de , spring hole; seat, socket, of a<br />

spring;<br />

loqueth , spring latch;<br />

du manometre, (steam) gauge spring;<br />

de marteau, spring of a hammer;<br />

monte , spring hook or cramp;<br />

de montre, v. ft, en, boudin;<br />

moteur, actuating spring;<br />

dpince(s), V spring;<br />

de piston, (mach.) piston spring: packing<br />

spring;<br />

plat, flat spring, plate spring;<br />

ressort ft pompe, spiral spring;<br />

de rappel, antagonistic spring;<br />

de reception, (elec. ) recei er spring;<br />

de segment de piston, (mach.) piston ringspiral,<br />

spiral spring, hairspring;<br />

ft, en, spirale, v. ft boudin;<br />

de soupage, val^e spring;<br />

de soupape de surete, safety-val-e spring;<br />

de suspension, suspension spring (of a railroad<br />

car or of a carriage); half-elliptic spring;<br />

de suspension ft spirale, volute spring;<br />

de tambour, (r. r.) buffer spring;<br />

tampon, spring buffer;<br />

de tampon, v. de tambour;<br />

tamvon de chocft , (r. r., etc.) spring buffer;<br />

tige ft<br />

, spring rod ;<br />

tige de , spring pin ;<br />

de tiroir, (mach.) slide-valve spring;<br />

de torsion, torsion spring;<br />

tourne en hrlice, conical swing;<br />

ft, de, traction, draft spring, traction spring,<br />

tug spring;<br />

de traction & spirale, volute drawspringtraverse<br />

du , spring bar;<br />

enV,V spring;<br />

verrouh , spring bolt;<br />

vibrant, oscillating spring;<br />

de voiturc, carriage spring;<br />

(en) volute, volute spring.<br />

ressortir, v. n., to go out again; (law) to be under<br />

the jurisdiction of.<br />

ressoudir, v. a., (met.) toreweld; toresolder.<br />

ressoudure, f., (met.) rewelding, resoldering .<br />

ressource, f., resource, means;<br />

de I'arriere, (mil.) supplies pushed forward<br />

by the service des etapes:<br />

s de I'avant, (nil.) resources, supplies, etc.,<br />

obtained locally;<br />

stitistiques, classified, tabulated, resources<br />

(e.g., of a country).<br />

ressuase, m., sweating (as of a wall); soaking (of<br />

bread); (met.) liquation, eliquation.<br />

ressuer, v. a. n., to sweat arain ; to sweat (of walls,<br />

etc.); to soak (of bread); (met.) to separate by<br />

liquation; to shingle; to reheat;<br />

faire , (met.) to eliquate, to separate by liquation;<br />

to shingle.<br />

ressuyage, m., drying, airing.<br />

ressuyer, v. a., to dry; to air; to bring about the<br />

e aporatioa of moisture;<br />

la poudre, (powd.) to dry, to air, powder before<br />

granulation.<br />

restauratlon, f., restoration; restoration of a<br />

dynasty.<br />

restaurer, to restore, to repair; to restore a dynasty.<br />

reste, merest, residue, remainder; (in pi.) mortal<br />

remains.<br />

tester, v. n., to remain; to be left, stay, continue;<br />

(nav.) to keep, stand, bear;<br />

ft I'ancre, (nav.) to remain at anchor;<br />

de I'arriere, (nav.) to bring up the rear;<br />

en arriere, to lag behind, to stay behind, to<br />

be left behind, to fall behind, hang back ;<br />

derriere la main, (man.) (of the horse) to be<br />

slow, to be continually slackening the gait;<br />

en ft, to go no farther; to stop at, discontinue,<br />

leave off;<br />

sous le feu, (mil.) to remain exposed to t.ie<br />

enemy's fire;<br />

ft long pic, (nav.) to ride short;<br />

dans la main, (man.) (of the horse) to remain<br />

under the control of the bit;<br />

en panne, (nav.) to remain ho"e to.<br />

restituer, v. a., to return, restore; (law) to restore<br />

to one's original status.<br />

restitution, f., restitution, restoration; (law)<br />

restoration to one's original status, rehabilitation;<br />

(surv.) determination of a point by the<br />

intersection of lines of perspective.<br />

rtJsultante, f., resultant.<br />

resumer, v. a., to recapitulate, to sum up.<br />

rStablir, v. a., to reestablish, repair thoroughly, restore;<br />

to reinstate;<br />

les affaires, la bataille, le <strong>com</strong>bat, (mil.)<br />

to regain the upper hand;

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