A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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eprise 391 regulation<br />

reprise, en , (man.) <strong>com</strong>mand to close (in riding<br />

school) on such a trooper (i. e., so as to form a<br />

squad);<br />

defroid, return of cold weather (after a mild<br />

spell);<br />

du manage, (man.) each part of a lesson to<br />

horse or to rider (after which a rest is taken);<br />

set of troopers or horsemen practicing or exer-<br />

cising together;<br />

en sous-ceuvre, (mas.) repair of the foundation<br />

of a wall.<br />

repriser, v. a., to mend, patch, clothes.<br />

reproduction, f., reproduction; copy; (mach.)<br />

shaper, guide, copying guide.<br />

reproduire, v. a., to reproduce; (mach., etc.) to<br />

copy.<br />

republique, f., republic.<br />

rtpulsif, a., repulsive, repellant.<br />

repulsion, f., repulsion.<br />

requerant, m., (law.) petitioner, plaintiff.<br />

requerir, v. a., to request, require, claiiaj summon,<br />

demand, call r<br />

upon; .(l iw) to demand, claim;<br />

(mil.) to make requisition.<br />

requeue, f., request, application, demand; (law)<br />

petition.<br />

rtquiper, v., a. 40 reequip, fit out again, rig out<br />

anew. _<br />

requisition, f., requisition, demand, application;<br />

(mil.) requisition; conscription;<br />

de , (mil.) by requisition, got by requisition;<br />

issued, obtained, on requisition;<br />

cheval de v. s. v. , cheval;<br />

mettre en , (mil.) to requisition; to put into<br />

requisition;<br />

ordre de v. , s. v. orAre;<br />

zone de , (mil.) zone or area to furnish supplies,<br />

etc., by requisition.<br />

requisitionnaire, m., (mil.) conscript.<br />

requisitlonner, v. a., (mil.) to levy requisitions<br />

on, etc.<br />

requisitoire, m., (law) public prosecutor's speech,<br />

charge (said also of military courts).<br />

rescif, m., v. recif.<br />

rescinder, v. a., to rescind.<br />

rescision, f., rescinding.<br />

rescription, f . , check, money order.<br />

rtseau, m., net, network; network (of railways,<br />

of roads in general, of the lines of travel of a<br />

steamship <strong>com</strong>pany); (surv.) skeleton of a<br />

survey;<br />

- de chemins defer, (r. r.) railway system, division;<br />

network of railways;<br />

<strong>com</strong>mission de v. s. v. , <strong>com</strong>mission;<br />

de courants, (elec.) net of currents;<br />

electrique, (mil. and in gen.) network of<br />

electric-telegraph lines, system of telegraph<br />

lines;<br />

ferre, v. de chemins defer;<br />

de fil defer, (fort.) wire entanglement;<br />

geodesique, (surv.) continuous network of<br />

triangles (not overlapping);<br />

optique, (mil.) network of military visual<br />

telegraph stations, of visual signal stations;<br />

de I' observation, (mil.) wiring (network of<br />

wires) of a fortified position, for the transmission<br />

of intelligence as to the enemy;<br />

des ordres, (mil.) wiring (i. e., network of<br />

wires) of a fortified position for the transmission<br />

of orders;<br />

x de posies, (mil.) line of posts;<br />

routier, (top.) network of roads; (mil.) all<br />

the roads in the march front;<br />

de surete, (mil.) generic term for outposts,<br />

patrols, and all other agents to secure the<br />

safety of an army;<br />

telegraph igue, telegraph system;<br />

de triangles, triangulaire, trigonometrique,<br />

(surv.) system of triangles, triangulation.<br />

reserve, f., reservation, reserve; resist paste; trees<br />

left standing in a cut; store; (mil.) reserve,<br />

(more esp.) reserve on the battlefield, reserve<br />

of the firing line; (nav.) reserve; (Fr. art.) auxiliary<br />

supply of ammunition and of spare parts<br />

for a mountain battery;, (pont.) one pontoon<br />

wagon and one chariot de pare, q. v.; (law)<br />

protest;<br />

rtserve de I'armee active, (Fr.a.) reserve of the active<br />

army;<br />

de I'armee territorial, (Fr. a.) reserve of the<br />

territorial army;<br />

d'avant-postes, (mil.) outpost reserve;<br />

de bataillon, de brigade, etc., (mil.) battalion,<br />

brigade, etc., reserve;<br />

de batter ie, (German art.) reserve for the<br />

service of the piece and to replace drivers;<br />

bois de , trees left standing in a cut;<br />

cadre de , v. s. v. cadre;<br />

corps de , (mil.) reserve, body of troops in<br />

reserve;<br />

de , in reserve, spare, in store;<br />

en , (mil., etc.) in reserve; (nav.) in ordinary;<br />

garder en , (mil, etc.) to keep, hold, in reserve;<br />

generate, (mil.) the reserve proper of an army<br />

engaged in battle; (siege) a body of men held in<br />

reserve to face emergencies (in order to avoid<br />

drawing on the garrisons of the various sectors);<br />

(more esp.) mobile froops charged with all<br />

operations outside of the place; (Fr. art., siege)<br />

general reser e of guns, intended to increase<br />

the number of guns on the side attacked, and<br />

in particular to equip the batteries de circonstance;<br />

^de guerre, (mil.) material kept in store for<br />

war;<br />

lieutenant, etc., de , ( Fr. a.) a lieutenant, etc.,<br />

of the reserve army;<br />

mettre en , (mil., etc.) to put in reserve;<br />

officier de , (Fr. a.) an officer of the reserve<br />

army;<br />

de recrutement, (mil.) Ersatz reserve;<br />

s de regiment, {mil.) in the attack, battalion<br />

in the second line;<br />

de secteur, (siege) mobile troops of a sector<br />

of defense;<br />

s strategiques, (mil.) in mountain warfare,<br />

troops occupying central positions for action<br />

whenever their presence is beeded;<br />

s tactiques, (mil.) in mountain warfare, the<br />

troops that first engage the enemy until backed<br />

up by the s strategiques.<br />

r&server, v. a., to reserve, keep in store, keep back;<br />

de manceuvre l (mil.) to keep off other duty<br />

so as to take drill;<br />

de service, (mil.) to keep off drill, etc., so as<br />

to perform some other duty.<br />

rCservtste, m., (mil.) reservist, man belonging to<br />

the reserve.<br />

reservoir, m., reservoir, pond, cistern, tank, re-<br />

^<br />

ceiver, holder, well, receptacle;<br />

alimentaire, feed tank;<br />

& air, d'air, air box;<br />

alimentaire, d' alimentation,<br />

hot well;<br />

d'avant-train, limber locker;<br />

de chasse (d'eau), flushing tank;<br />

feed tank;<br />

collecteur h huile, (mach.) oil tank;<br />

h eau. d'eau, water reservoir, tank,<br />

cistern; (r. r.) water tank;<br />

d'eau chaude, (steam) hot well, hot-water<br />

well of a steam engine;<br />

d eau salee, brine tank;<br />

hgaz, gasometer, gas holder;<br />

h graisse, axle box, grease box;<br />

& huile, oil can; oil tank;<br />

intermediate, (steam) receiver of a <strong>com</strong>pound<br />

engine;<br />

de pompe, cistern, well, of a pump;<br />

de ft,<br />

la, vapeur, (steam) steam chamber,<br />

reservoir, dome, space.<br />

residu, m., residue, residuum, settlement, settling;<br />

(art., sm. a.) fouling, residue, in the bore of a<br />

gun;<br />

de la poudre, (powd.) fouling, beads.<br />

rfisiduel, a., residual;<br />

charge le, (elec.) residual charge;<br />

magnetisme , (eZec.)residual magnetism.<br />

resignation, f., (law) resignation (as of rights).<br />

resigner, v. a., to resign; give up.<br />

regulation, f., cancellation, annulment of a contract,<br />

etc. (by agreement of the parties).

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