A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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egiement 382 rein<br />

reglement de manoeuvres, v. - d'exercices (also<br />

simply realemenl);<br />

-s de police, police regulations; - du port, port regulations; - de soupape, (mach.) adjustment of a valve<br />

. (e. g., ., safety - du tir, (art.) regulation of fire.<br />

reglementaire, a., of or pertaining to the regulations;<br />

"regulation."<br />

reglementation, f., process of reducing to rule,<br />

or regulations.<br />

rggler, v. a., to rule, rule lines; to regulate, order,<br />

put in order, settle, wind up, adjust, determine,<br />

decide; - un chronometre. to rate a chronometer;<br />

- un <strong>com</strong>pos, to adjust the <strong>com</strong>pass;<br />

- un <strong>com</strong>pte, to settle a bill; - une fusee, (art.) to cut, or set, or adjust a<br />

fuse; - une montre, to regulate a watch; to set a<br />

watch by; - une riviere, to give a river a constant regime;<br />

- le(s) quart(s), (nav.) to set the watch(es);<br />

- le service, (mil.) to regulate (i. e., make rules<br />

for) any series of duties; - le tir, (art.) to get the range, i. e., to take all<br />

the steps necessary to put the center of impact<br />

on the target; - le lir ii la fourchette, (art.) to get the range<br />

by means of the " fork;" - les liroirs, (mach.) to adjust slide valves;<br />

- au zero, to set an instrument at zero.<br />

rglet, m., carpenter's rule; (art.) small fillet at<br />

the muzzle of a gun (obs.); - double, winding sticks.<br />

reglette, f. , reglet; small rule, ruler; (art.) graduated<br />

rule for correcting, aiming laterally; deflection<br />

slide or scale; - d'altitude. (Fr. art.) altitude scale (for determining<br />

the distance of a ship from the known<br />

altitude of the station, and from the measured<br />

micrometric distance of the water line from<br />

the horizon); - de conversion, (art.) rule or scale for converting<br />

turns of the elevating screw into degrees;<br />

-- - correctcur, h correcleur, (Fr. art.) scale<br />

for correcting the distance given by a range<br />

finder (seacoast practice); - de correspondance, (Fr. arl.) scale, rule giving<br />

the points at which a fuse should be punched<br />

for given elevations (and vice versa);<br />

--curseur (art.) the graduated slide of a direction<br />

scale; - de direction, (Fr. art.) scale or rule for observing<br />

deflections in seacoast practice;<br />

- d'un jet de coulee, (fond.) metal filling the<br />

runner; - de lecture, (Fr. art.) general name for the<br />

-s d'altitude and- de mature;<br />

- de mature, (Fr. art.) scale for obtaining the<br />

distance of a ship from the measured micrometric<br />

height of its masts; - porte-fiole, (art.) level-arm of a gunner's<br />

quadrant; - de reperage, (art.) direction bar or rule;<br />

- de repere, (Fr. art.) strip or bar of wood used<br />

in laying guns for direction.<br />

regloir, m., ruler, burnisher.<br />

reglure, f., drawing or ruling of lines; distance<br />

between two ruled lines.<br />

regnant, a., ruling; reigning; prevailing; predominating;<br />

prevalent;<br />

vent-<br />

, prevailing wind.<br />

regne, m., reign; predominance; kingdom (e. g.,<br />

animal, vegetable).<br />

rfgner, v. n., to rule, reign, govern; to prevail;<br />

to reach, run along, extend (over).<br />

rfigiiicole, m., (law.) native; (by extension) naturalized.<br />

regonflement, m., swelling or rising of waters regorger, v. n., to overflow, run over, flow back;<br />

to abound.<br />

regrattage, m. , scraping (as of a wall).<br />

regratter, v. a. to , scrape, rub down.<br />

regrossir, v. a., to make thicker, thicken.<br />

reguinder, v. a., to hoist again.<br />

rgularisation, f., putting in order, regular order;<br />

rfegularisation,<br />

by<br />

some obstruction; refilling of a balloon.<br />

regonfler, v. a. n., to swell, rise, overflow (of<br />

rivers, etc.); to refill a balloon.<br />

regorgement, m., overflow, overflowing; flowing<br />

back (as through a drain); superfluity.<br />

f.. putting in order, regular order;<br />

setting right; regularization (of accounts, etc.);<br />

written confirmation (of an oral order, etc.)<br />

(mil. adm.) formal approval of mileage and other<br />

travel accounts .<br />

rtgulariser, v. a. to<br />

t put in order, regular order,<br />

regulate, set right; to confirm an oral order;<br />

(mil. adm.) to approve mileage, etc., accounts.<br />

rfegulateur, m., regulator; (mach.) regulator,<br />

governor, pressure regulator; conical windlass;<br />

(elec.) regulator; - & action directe, (eke.) direct-acting regulator;<br />

gravity regulator; - & action pneumatique, pneumatic governor;<br />

- & ailettes, momentum wheel governor;<br />

- ft air, air vessel; - alimentaire,- d'alimentation, (mach.) feed<br />

regulator; - & boules , (steam.) ball governor;<br />

- conique, conical pendulum; - de courant, (elec.) current regulator;<br />

- d declic, (elec.) clutch regulator;<br />

- en derivation, (elec.) shunt regulator;<br />

- de descente, safety apparatus of a hoist;<br />

- differentiel, (elec.) differential regulator, regulator<br />

with differential coils; - excentrique, eccentric governor;<br />

-- d force centrifuge, Watt's governor; pendulum<br />

governor; - d, friction, friction governor; - & gaz. gas governor; - & injection, injection-valve cock;<br />

- d'immersion, (torp.) immersion or depth<br />

regulator; - & jalousie, (steam) regulator valve (for admission<br />

of steam); - & main, hand governor; - monophote, (elec.) monophotal arc-light<br />

regulator; v - polyphote, (elec.) polyphotal arc-light regulator;<br />

- ft potentiel courant, (elec.) current-potential<br />

regulator; - de pression, (torp.) v. .- d'immersion;<br />

- de resistance, (elec.) any regulating resistance;<br />

- d ressorts, (mach.) spring regulator;<br />

- en serie, (elec.) series regulator;<br />

- de tension, (elec.) potential regulator;<br />

- de tirage, draft regulator.<br />

rggulateur, a., regulating;<br />

force-rice, regulating force.<br />

rtgule, m., (met.) regulus, matt.<br />

rtgulier, a., regular, exact, in order; m., (mil.,<br />

in pi.) regulars, regular soldiers.<br />

rehabilitation, f., rehabilitation; recovery of civil<br />

rights.<br />

rthabiliter, v. a. r., to reinstate; to recover civil<br />

rights.<br />

rehaussement, m., raising, raising higher; touching<br />

up (a drawing).<br />

rehausser, v. a., to raise, raise higher; to touch up<br />

(a drawing).<br />

rein, m., kidney; (in pi.) loins, back; (of animals,<br />

esp. of the horse) lower part of the back, loins<br />

(either singular or plural); (cons.) rein, side of<br />

an arch, spandrel; (strictly) joint making an<br />

angle of 30 degrees with the horizon;<br />

avoir du- to be , strong in the back;<br />

- bxs, (hipp.) loins not on same horizontal<br />

with croup; - du chien, (sm. a.) neck of the hammer (obs.);<br />

d- court, (hipp.) short-coupled;<br />

-(s) double(s), (hipp.) double loins;<br />

effort de- - . . (hipp.) strain of the loins;<br />

- long, (hipp.) long-coupled; -led;<br />

mal attache, (hipp.) loins<br />

much below the<br />


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