A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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econnaissance 376 rectiflcateur reconnaissance speciale, reconnaissance in the neighborhood of enemy (f,s distinguisxied from generate); reconnaissance with a special object; reconnaissance having for its object the special reconnoiterine: of the terrain, with reference to the march of the troops, of the various positions to be occupied either offensively or defensively, of the position and forces of the enemy. reconnaitre, v. a., to recognize; to recognize a government; to acknowledge, proclaim; to re- ward, recompense, return; to explore, discover, find out; (mil.) to reconnoiter, make reconnaissance; to challenge (patrols, rounds, etc.); un ecueil, (hydr.) to take the beanngs of a reef; faire , to proclaim; fa ire un officicr, (mil.} to proclaim an officer; fa ire ies rondes, (mil.) to challenge the rounds; se , to get one's bearings; un vaisseau, (nav.) to approach ana hail a ship (with a view to learning its nationality, etc.). reconquferir, v. a., to reconquer. reconqufite, f., reconquest. reconstitue, p. p., (mil.) (of troops) reformed, as after an attack. reconstituer, v. a., to reconstitute, reorganize. reconstitution, f., reconstitution, reorganization. reconstruction, f., rebuilding. reconstruire, y. a., to rebuild. record, m., record (sports). recorder, v. a., to tie up again; (cord.) to lay up a rope anew. recoupe, f., waste, clippings, stone chips; rubble; pollard, first bran; second cutting (of clover, hay, etc.). recoupement, m., offset, recess-in a wall or building; (in range finding) intersection; (surv.) resection. recouper, v. a., to recut; (fort.) to trim, to pare; (surv.) to fix by intersection. recoupette, f., sharps, middlings. recoupon, m., v. recoupette. recourber, v. a., to bend around or down. recourir, v. a. n., to run again; to resort, have recourse to; apply to, betake one's self; un cable, (cord.) to underrun a cable, a rope; Ies coulures, to chinse, run over the seams (as of a pontoon boat), or to calk them slightly and expeditiously; faire une manoeuvre, to take a rope to the point to which it should go; (sur) une manoeuvre, v. un cable; un prisonnier, to deliver a prisoner. recours, m., recourse; resort; resource; refuge; help; avoir h, to resort to, to apply to; en cassation, (law) writ of error; en grace, (laiv) petition for pardon, for mitigation of punishment; en revision, (Fr. a.) appeal for retrial or rehearing of a case. recousse, f., (nav.) recapture; droit de , salvage, on recapture; prix de , salvage money upon recapture. reconvert, p. p.. covered, overcast again; recovered; (mas.) not visible (of joints); covered with plaster (as a partition); (elec.) insulated (of wire). recouvrement, m., recovery (of debts, of health, etc.); collection; covering, action of covering; overlap, overlapping, overlapping plate or strip; part of a stone or tile covering a joint; cap (e. g., of a telescope); (harn.) cover (of a Saddlebag), hood of the American cavalry stirnip; (mas.) coat of plaster on a partition; (steam) lap of a slide valve; (sm. a.) lip of a cartridge carrier; b, , by overlapping; d'avarie parttculiere, particular average; recouvrement, bande de , butt strap; (art.) cheek plate, garnish plate; (mach.) flap joint; du chemin, (r. r.) ballasting; du cote de I'admission, (steam) steam lap; du cote de remission, (steam) exhaust lap; en dedans, (steam) inside lap; en dehors, (steam) outside lap; etre h , to lap over, to be lapping over; & revaluation, (steam) inside lap, exhaust lap; - exterieur, v. en dehors; desflancs, (mil.) flanking party; deflasque, (art.) garnish plate; inter ieur, v. en dedans; d, I' introduction, (steam) outside lap, steam lap; negatif, (steam) negative lap; plaque de , garnish, cover, plate; poser d , to lap over; positif, (steam) positive lap; souderti , (met.) to lap-weld; soudureh . (met.) lap-welding; de talus deflasque, (art.) upper garnish plate on cheeks of a traveling carriage; du tiroir, (steam) lap of a slide valve; de tbles, overlap of plating. recouvrer, v. a., to recover, regain; get in, levy, collect; (cord.) to haul in a rope hanging slack in the water (as into a pontoon boat). recouvrir, v. a., to cover, cover anew, cover over, conceal, mask; to wash metals; (adm.) to cover into the Treasury* se to become , cloudy again. recrtplment, m., v. recrepissage. recrepir, v. a., to parget, rough-cast again; to roughcoat again; to replaster. recrepissage, m., pargetting, rough coating again. recroiser, v. a., to cross again; to weave in and out (as in making gabions); (hipp.) to cross again; Ies joints, to break joints. recroqueviller, v. r ., to shrivel (under the influence of heat). rtcrouer, v. a., tore-imprison. recrouir, v. a., (met.) to reheat; (cord.) to ret. recru, a., tired out, worn out, weary; jaded, spent. recru, m., fresh growth, shoots on trunks of trees. recrue, f., (mil.) new levy, recruit, recruits, body of recruits; recruiting; aller en , to go on recruiting service; dresser la , to drill, instruct, recruits; faire des s, to recruit, to enlist men; former la , to set up a-recruit; lever des s, to raise recruits. recrutement, m., (mil.) recruiting, enlisting; de I'armee de mer, (nav.) recruiting for the navy; classe de ? (Fr. a.) young men summoned to draw for military service; service de , (Fr. a.) recruiting service (in charge of the yearly enrollments and dispatch to regiments). recruter, v. a., (mil.) to recruit; des soldats, to beat up recruits, soldiers. recruteur, m., (mil.) recruiter, recruiting officer. rectangle, a., rectangular; m., rectangle; enveloppc, (ball.) rectangle inclosing all the shots; (sm. a.) packet of revolver cartridges; en papier, (Fr. art.) paper wrapping for cartridge bags; de probabilite, (ball.) probable rectangle. rectangulaire, a., rectangular; de champ, (of a beam) set up on edge; & plat, (of a beam) laid flat. rectiflabte, a., susceptible of correction; rectifiable; (inst.) adjustable; limbe , (insl.) adjustable limb. rectiflcateur, m.. (art.) workman who verifies and assures axial direction in gun boring.

ectification 377 redrcssage rectification, f., straightening (as of a road), correction; rectification of a curve; rec ification (of spirits); (inst.) adjustment; (mil.) rectification of an alignment; de route (mil.) measures taken to prevent two columns from meeting when their roads touch. rectifier, v. a., to straighten; to rectify, adjust, correct; to rectify (a curve, spirits); (inst.} to adjust an instrument; (mack.) to grind true; I'alignement, (mil.) to rectify the alignment; le tir, (art.) to correct the range. rectiligne, a., rectilinear, right-lined; d mouvement , (sm. a.) straight pull. recto, m., ri^ht-hand page; first page of a leaflet, odd-numbered page. rec.u, p. p., received; tre 1 to be admitted (to a school after examination); to be admitted (formality, as to the efre French Academy); technique). ie premier, to pass first (as for the Poly- rec.u, m., receipt; au de, on receipt of; sur , after passing receipts. recueil, m., collection. recueillir, v. a., to gather, collect; to harvest; (cord.) to wind string on a spool; un mur, (cons.) to connect a repaired wall with that above (e. g., a face or party wall). recueilloir, m., (cord.) rope maker's top. recuire, v. a., to cook over; (met.) to anneal, let down; to heat before cooling; au bleu, etc., (met.) to heat up to a blue, etc., heat; four, fourneau, d , (met.) annealing furnace; al'huileflambantt, (met.) to blaze off. recuisson, m., (met.) annealing. recuit, m., (met.) annealing; apres temps, (met.) annealing proper; couleur de , (met.) annealing color; au bleu, etc., (met.) annealing by heating to a blue, etc., heat; al'huileflambantc, (met.) blazing off. recul, m., recoil in general; (art., sm. a.) recoil", kick (of a rifle); (nav.) slip of the screw; (elec.) fall of the armature of an arc-light regulator; aller au , (art.) to go "from battery;" angle de , (art.) angle of recoil; - apparent, (nav.) apparent slip of the screw; arrete, (art.) restrained recoil; itre au , (art.) to be"from battery;" de I'helice, (nav.) slip of the screw; libre, (art.) free recoil; mettre au . (art.) to put "from battery;" mise au , (art.) putting "from battery;" negatif, (nav.) negative slip of the screw; palan de , (cord.) relieving tackle; reel, (nav.) true slip of the screw; saws , (art.) nonrecoil; & supprime, (art.) nonrecoil, nonrecoiling; supprimer le , (art.) to take up or check recoil; vent de . wind shifting through west from south-southwest to north-northwest or north, and back again. reculade, f., retreat, retrograde movement, recoiling, falling back, slipping back; backing (of a carriage). reculement, m., backing (of carriages); (harn.) breeching; (cons.) batter of a wall. reculer, v. a. n., to back, carry back, move back; to delay, put back; to go backward; to retire, recede, withdraw, give way; to back (of a carriage, of a horse); to back, rein back, a horse, a team; (mil.) to retire, fall back; (art.) to recoil; (sm. a.) to recoil, kick; faire , to drive, push, back; lesfrontieres, to extend a state, to "expand." reculer, m., (man.) backing, act of backing. reculons, d , adv., backward, the wrong way; aller & , to go backward; marcher d , v. aller d . rcuprateur, m., (art.) recuperator (of a car- . riage); (met.) recuperator; defrein, (art.) recuperator; d'mertie, (mach.) inertia recuperator; d ressort, (art.) spring recuperator. rticurer, v. a., to scour metal, to do bright work. reusable, a., (law) that may be challenged (as a witness). recusation, f. f (law) plea in bar of trial; denial of jurisdiction, of the competency of a witness, of an expert; exception. recuser, v. a., (law) to challenge, take exception to. redacteur, m., person who draws up a paper, a report, proceedings, etc.; editor of a newspaper. redaction, f., preparation of a report, etc.; editing of a newspaper; editorial staff; (mil.) drawing up of an order; (top. drawing) construction of a map from notes; travail de , (top. drawing) construction of a map from notes; indoor work. redan, m., notch; (cons.) skew back; recess in a pilaster or vertical chain (to form a bond with the masonry of the main wall); set-off; (in pi.) corbel steps; (fort.) redan; battened, s, (fort.) indented battery; double , (fort.) double redan, i. e., a redan flanking its own faces; a flancs, v. double ; ligne d s, (fort.) indented line; renforce, (fort.) v. double . reddition, f., submitting an account for audit; (mil.) surrender of a town, of a fortified place. redemption, f., redemption, ransom. redevable, a., m., owing; debtor. redevance, f., rent; dues, sum payable at fixed intervals. redhibitioii, f., (law) action to set aside a contract of sale. rtjdhibitoire, a., (law) redhibitory, setting aside a contract of sale; disease or defect that annuls the cas , (hipp.) sale of a horse (is applied to all domestic animals) ; vice v. cas . , redingotc, f., frock coat; croisee, double-breasted coat; droite, single-breasted coat; de voyage, riding coat. redonner, v. a., to give back; (mil.) to charge, fall on, again. redoublage, m., (nav.) resheathing. redouble, p. p., doubled, redoubled; increased; pas , (mil.) double-quick time, step, march. redoublement, m., increase; (fenc.) two (or more) attacks in quick succession from the same lunge, following a parry without riposte. redoubler, v. a., to double, redouble, increase; to line over again; (fenc.) to make a succession of attacks from the same lunge without rising. redoute, f., (fort.) redoubt; batterie, batterie- , in semipermanent fortification, redoubt in the intervals between the forts of a line; blindee, blockhouse; carree, square redoubt; casematee, casemated bomb-proof redoubt; circulaire, circular redoubt; de compagnie, redoubt (standard) for one company; couverte, v. blindee; en croix, cross redoubt; demi , half redoubt; & machicoulis, redoubt of several stories, the upper projecting beyond the wall .(so as to see and defend the bottom); ligne d demi s, v. s. v. ligne. redressage, m., straightening, as of a bar, etc.

econnaissance 376 rectiflcateur<br />

reconnaissance speciale, reconnaissance in the<br />

neighborhood of enemy (f,s distinguisxied<br />

from generate); reconnaissance with a<br />

special object; reconnaissance having for its<br />

object the special reconnoiterine: of the terrain,<br />

with reference to the march of the troops, of<br />

the various positions to be occupied either<br />

offensively or defensively, of the position and<br />

forces of the enemy.<br />

reconnaitre, v. a., to recognize; to recognize a<br />

government; to acknowledge, proclaim; to re-<br />

ward, re<strong>com</strong>pense, return; to explore, discover,<br />

find out; (mil.) to reconnoiter, make reconnaissance;<br />

to challenge (patrols, rounds, etc.);<br />

un ecueil, (hydr.) to take the beanngs of a<br />

reef;<br />

faire , to proclaim;<br />

fa ire un officicr, (mil.} to proclaim an officer;<br />

fa ire ies rondes, (mil.) to challenge the rounds;<br />

se , to get one's bearings;<br />

un vaisseau, (nav.) to approach ana hail a<br />

ship (with a view to learning its nationality,<br />

etc.).<br />

reconquferir, v. a., to reconquer.<br />

reconqufite, f., reconquest.<br />

reconstitue, p. p., (mil.) (of troops) reformed, as<br />

after an attack.<br />

reconstituer, v. a., to reconstitute, reorganize.<br />

reconstitution, f., reconstitution, reorganization.<br />

reconstruction, f., rebuilding.<br />

reconstruire, y. a., to rebuild.<br />

record, m., record (sports).<br />

recorder, v. a., to tie up again; (cord.) to lay up a<br />

rope anew.<br />

recoupe, f., waste, clippings, stone chips; rubble;<br />

pollard, first bran; second cutting (of clover,<br />

hay, etc.).<br />

recoupement, m., offset, recess-in a wall or building;<br />

(in range finding) intersection; (surv.)<br />

resection.<br />

recouper, v. a., to recut; (fort.) to trim, to pare;<br />

(surv.) to fix by intersection.<br />

recoupette, f., sharps, middlings.<br />

recoupon, m., v. recoupette.<br />

recourber, v. a., to bend around or down.<br />

recourir, v. a. n., to run again; to resort, have recourse<br />

to; apply to, betake one's self;<br />

un cable, (cord.) to underrun a cable, a rope;<br />

Ies coulures, to chinse, run over the seams<br />

(as of a pontoon boat), or to calk them slightly<br />

and expeditiously;<br />

faire une manoeuvre, to take a rope to the<br />

point to which it should go;<br />

(sur) une manoeuvre, v. un cable;<br />

un prisonnier, to deliver a prisoner.<br />

recours, m., recourse; resort; resource; refuge;<br />

help;<br />

avoir h, to resort to, to apply to;<br />

en cassation, (law) writ of error;<br />

en grace, (laiv) petition for pardon, for mitigation<br />

of punishment;<br />

en revision, (Fr. a.) appeal for retrial or rehearing<br />

of a case.<br />

recousse, f., (nav.) recapture;<br />

droit de , salvage, on recapture;<br />

prix de , salvage money upon recapture.<br />

reconvert, p. p.. covered, overcast again; recovered;<br />

(mas.) not visible (of joints); covered<br />

with plaster (as a partition); (elec.) insulated<br />

(of wire).<br />

recouvrement, m., recovery (of debts, of health,<br />

etc.); collection; covering, action of covering;<br />

overlap, overlapping, overlapping plate or<br />

strip; part of a stone or tile covering a joint;<br />

cap (e. g., of a telescope); (harn.) cover (of a<br />

Saddlebag), hood of the American cavalry stirnip;<br />

(mas.) coat of plaster on a partition;<br />

(steam) lap of a slide valve; (sm. a.) lip of a<br />

cartridge carrier;<br />

b, , by overlapping;<br />

d'avarie parttculiere, particular average;<br />

recouvrement, bande de , butt strap; (art.)<br />

cheek plate, garnish plate; (mach.) flap joint;<br />

du chemin, (r. r.) ballasting;<br />

du cote de I'admission, (steam) steam lap;<br />

du cote de remission, (steam) exhaust lap;<br />

en dedans, (steam) inside lap;<br />

en dehors, (steam) outside lap;<br />

etre h , to lap over, to be lapping over;<br />

& revaluation, (steam) inside lap, exhaust<br />

lap;<br />

- exterieur, v. en dehors;<br />

desflancs, (mil.) flanking party;<br />

deflasque, (art.) garnish plate;<br />

inter ieur, v. en dedans;<br />

d, I' introduction, (steam) outside lap, steam<br />

lap;<br />

negatif, (steam) negative lap;<br />

plaque de , garnish, cover, plate;<br />

poser d , to lap over;<br />

positif, (steam) positive lap;<br />

souderti , (met.) to lap-weld;<br />

soudureh . (met.) lap-welding;<br />

de talus deflasque, (art.) upper garnish plate<br />

on cheeks of a traveling carriage;<br />

du tiroir, (steam) lap of a slide valve;<br />

de tbles, overlap of plating.<br />

recouvrer, v. a., to recover, regain; get in, levy,<br />

collect; (cord.) to haul in a rope hanging slack<br />

in the water (as into a pontoon boat).<br />

recouvrir, v. a., to cover, cover anew, cover over,<br />

conceal, mask; to wash metals; (adm.) to cover<br />

into the Treasury*<br />

se to be<strong>com</strong>e , cloudy again.<br />

recrtplment, m., v. recrepissage.<br />

recrepir, v. a., to parget, rough-cast again; to roughcoat<br />

again; to replaster.<br />

recrepissage, m., pargetting, rough coating again.<br />

recroiser, v. a., to cross again; to weave in and<br />

out (as in making gabions); (hipp.) to cross<br />

again;<br />

Ies joints, to break joints.<br />

recroqueviller, v. r ., to shrivel (under the influence<br />

of heat).<br />

rtcrouer, v. a., tore-imprison.<br />

recrouir, v. a., (met.) to reheat; (cord.) to ret.<br />

recru, a., tired out, worn out, weary; jaded, spent.<br />

recru, m., fresh growth, shoots on trunks of trees.<br />

recrue, f., (mil.) new levy, recruit, recruits, body<br />

of recruits; recruiting;<br />

aller en , to go on recruiting service;<br />

dresser la , to drill, instruct, recruits;<br />

faire des s, to recruit, to enlist men;<br />

former la , to set up a-recruit;<br />

lever des s, to raise recruits.<br />

recrutement, m., (mil.) recruiting, enlisting;<br />

de I'armee de mer, (nav.) recruiting for the<br />

navy;<br />

classe de<br />

? (Fr. a.) young men summoned to<br />

draw for military service;<br />

service de , (Fr. a.) recruiting service (in<br />

charge of the yearly enrollments and dispatch<br />

to regiments).<br />

recruter, v. a., (mil.) to recruit;<br />

des soldats, to beat up recruits, soldiers.<br />

recruteur, m., (mil.) recruiter, recruiting officer.<br />

rectangle, a., rectangular; m., rectangle;<br />

enveloppc, (ball.) rectangle inclosing all the<br />

shots; (sm. a.) packet of revolver cartridges;<br />

en papier, (Fr. art.) paper wrapping for cartridge<br />

bags;<br />

de probabilite, (ball.) probable rectangle.<br />

rectangulaire, a., rectangular;<br />

de champ, (of a beam) set up on edge;<br />

& plat, (of a beam) laid flat.<br />

rectiflabte, a., susceptible of correction; rectifiable;<br />

(inst.) adjustable;<br />

limbe , (insl.) adjustable limb.<br />

rectiflcateur, m.. (art.) workman who verifies and<br />

assures axial direction in gun boring.

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